850 research outputs found

    Development of new intercalated cathode materials for use in sodium batteries

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    Potassium thiochromite, sodium thiochromite, and Ti 0.5V 0.5S 2 prepared and used in cycling studies. In addition, some electrochemical studies with polymer electrolyte (PEO-NaSCN) cells were also attempted

    When is Containment Decidable for Probabilistic Automata?

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    The containment problem for quantitative automata is the natural quantitative generalisation of the classical language inclusion problem for Boolean automata. We study it for probabilistic automata, where it is known to be undecidable in general. We restrict our study to the class of probabilistic automata with bounded ambiguity. There, we show decidability (subject to Schanuel's conjecture) when one of the automata is assumed to be unambiguous while the other one is allowed to be finitely ambiguous. Furthermore, we show that this is close to the most general decidable fragment of this problem by proving that it is already undecidable if one of the automata is allowed to be linearly ambiguous

    Оцінка дії бальзаму "Трускавецький" в складі стандартного бальнеотерапевтичного комплексу на нейро-гормональну регуляцію у дітей шкільного віку

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    Бальзам "Трускавецкий", включенный в состав стандартного бальнеотерапевтического комплекса (СБТК) курорта Трускавец, у детей без иммунодефицита реверсирует ваготонический эффект СБТК в симпатотонический и снижает уровень кортизола, не влияя существенно на повышенный уровень альдостерона. У детей с иммунодефицитом симпатотонический и кортизолингибиторный эффекты бальзама проявляются менее отчетливо.Balm "Truskavets'kyi", included in structure of standard balneotherapeutic complex (SB&C) of a spa Truskavets', at children without immunodeficiency reverces vagotonic effect of SBTC in sympathotonic also reduces a cortisol level, not influencing essentially on the increased aldosteron level. At children with immunodeficiency sympathotonic and cortisolinhibiting effects of balm are shown less clearly

    Impact of Crural Relaxing Incisions, Collis Gastroplasty, and Non–Cross-linked Human Dermal Mesh Crural Reinforcement on Early Hiatal Hernia Recurrence Rates

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    BackgroundHernia recurrence is the leading form of failure after antireflux surgery and may be secondary to unrecognized tension on the crural repair or from a foreshortened esophagus. Mesh reinforcement has proven beneficial for repair of hernias at other sites, but the use of mesh at the hiatus remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of hiatal hernia repair with human dermal mesh reinforcement of the crural closure in combination with tension reduction techniques when necessary.Study DesignWe retrospectively reviewed the records of all patients who had hiatal hernia repair using AlloMax Surgical Graft (Davol), a human dermal biologic mesh. Objective follow-up was with videoesophagram and/or upper endoscopy at 3 months postoperatively and annually.ResultsThere were 82 patients with a median age of 63 years. The majority of operations (85%) were laparoscopic primary repairs of a paraesophageal hernia with a fundoplication. The crura were closed primarily in all patients and reinforced with an AlloMax Surgical Graft. A crural relaxing incision was used in 12% and a Collis gastroplasty in 28% of patients. There was no mesh-related morbidity and no mortality. Median objective follow-up was 5 months, but 15 patients had follow-up at 1 or more years. A recurrent hernia was found in 3 patients (4%).ConclusionsTension-reducing techniques in combination with human biologic mesh crural reinforcement provide excellent early results with no mesh-related complications. Long-term follow-up will define the role of these techniques and this biologic mesh for hiatal hernia repair

    The influence of time attitudes on alcohol-related attitudes, behaviors and subjective life expectancy in early adolescence: A longitudinal examination using mover-stayer latent transition analysis

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    The goal of the present study is to examine the stability of time attitudes profiles across a one-year period as well as the association between time attitudes profiles and several variables. These variables include attitudes towards alcohol, context of alcohol use, consumption of a full drink, and subjective life expectancy. We assessed the reliability and validity of time attitudes scores at baseline (mean age 12.5 years) and Wave 2 (mean age 13.5 years), the viability of time attitudes profiles at both time points, and the degree of stability in profile membership in Wave 2. A total of four latent profiles were identified (Positives, Ambivalents, Negatives, and Negative-Futures). Positives had higher scores on positive time attitude, Ambivalents did not report strong attitudes towards any of the time periods, Negatives had higher scores on negative time attitudes, and Negative-Futures were similar to Negatives, but tended to higher scores on both positive and negative time attitude for the future. Results showed that participants staying in the same time attitude profile across the first year of high school ranged from 33% to 50%. Transition to more negative profiles explained the instability, and those transitions were associated with less favorable outcomes. Having a Positive profile was associated with safer attitudes towards alcohol, lower reported uses of alcohol, and higher self-reported probability of surviving to at least the age of 35

    Застосування стресового тесту при проведенні трансвагінальної ультрасонографії у вагітних в I та II триместрах вагітності

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    В статье представлены результаты применения физиологического стрессового теста – смены положения беременной женщины с горизонтального в вертикальное в ходе выполнения трансвагинальной ультрасонографии. Изучены параметры шейки матки и представлены границы их изменений.The article presents the results of applying of a physiological stress-test (the change of a pregnant woman the position from a gorizontal to vertical) during transvaginal ultrasonography. The parameters of cervix uteri and the measures of their changes are performed

    Energy End-Use : Industry

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    The industrial sector accounts for about 30% of the global final energy use and accounts for about 115 EJ of final energy use in 2005. 1Cement, iron and steel, chemicals, pulp and paper and aluminum are key energy intensive materials that account for more than half the global industrial use. There is a shift in the primary materials production with developing countries accounting for the majority of the production capacity. China and India have high growth rates in the production of energy intensive materials like cement, fertilizers and steel (12–20%/yr). In different economies materials demand is seen to grow initially with income and then stabilize. For instance in industrialized countries consumption of steel seems to saturate at about 500 kg/capita and 400–500 kg/capita for cement. The aggregate energy intensities in the industrial sectors in different countries have shown steady declines – due to an improvement in energy efficiency and a change in the structure of the industrial output. As an example for the EU-27 the final energy use by industry has remained almost constant (13.4 EJ) at 1990 levels. Structural changes in the economies explain 30% of the reduction in energy intensity with the remaining due to energy efficiency improvements. In different industrial sectors adopting the best achievable technology can result in a saving of 10–30% below the current average. An analysis of cost cutting measures for motors and steam systems in 2005 indicates energy savings potentials of 2.2 EJ for motors and 3.3 EJ for steam. The payback period for these measures range from less than 9 months to 4 years. A systematic analysis of materials and energy flows indicates significant potential for process integration, heat pumps and cogeneration for example savings of 30% are seen in kraft, sulfite, dairy, chocolate, ammonia, and vinyl chloride. An exergy analysis (second law of thermodynamics) reveals that the overall global industry efficiency is only 30%. It is clear that there are major energy efficiency improvements possible through research and development (R&D) in next generation processes. A comparison of energy management policies in different countries and a summary of country experiences, program impacts for Brazil, China, India, South Africa shows the features of successful policies. Energy management International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards are likely to be effective in facilitating industrial end use efficiency. The effective use of demand side management can be facilitated by combination of mandated measures and market strategies. A frozen efficiency scenario is constructed for industry in 2030. This implies a demand of final energy of 225 EJ in 2030. This involves an increase of the industrial energy output (in terms of Manufacturing Value Added (MVA)) by 95% over its 2005 value. Due to normal efficiency improvements the Business as Usual scenario results in a final energy demand of 175 EJ. The savings possibilities in motors and steam systems, process improvements, pinch, heat pumping and cogeneration have been computed for the existing industrial stock and for the new industries. An energy efficient scenario for 2030 has been constructed with a 95% increase in the industrial output with only a 17% increase in the final energy demand (total final energy demand for industry (135 EJ)). The total direct and indirect carbon dioxide emissions from the industry sector in 2005 is about 9.9 GtCO 2 . Assuming a constant carbon intensity of energy use, the business as usual scenario results in carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions increasing to 17.8 GtCO 2 annually in 2030. In the energy efficient scenario this reduces to 11.6 GtCO 2 . Renewables account for 9% of the final energy of industry (10 EJ in 2005). If an aggressive renewables strategy resulting in an increase in renewable energy supply to 23% in 2030 is targeted (23 EJ), it is possible to have a scenario of constant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the industrial sector (at 2005 levels) with a 95% increase in the industrial output. Several interventions will be required to achieve the energy efficient or constant GHG emission scenario. For the existing industry measures include developing capacity for systems assessment for motors, steam systems and pinch analysis, sharing and documentation of best practices, benchmarks and roadmaps for different industry segments, access to low interest finance etc. A new energy management standard has been developed by ISO for energy management in companies. Its adoption will enable industries to systematically monitor and track energy efficiency improvements. In order to level the playing field for energy efficiency a paradigm shift is required with the focus on energy services not on energy supply per se. This requires a re-orientation of energy supply, distribution companies and energy equipment manufacturing companies. Planning for next generation processes and systems needs the development of long term research agenda and strategic collaborations between industry, academic and research institutions and governments

    Liquid State Anomalies for the Stell-Hemmer Core-Softened Potential

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    We study the Stell-Hemmer potential using both analytic (exact 1d1d and approximate 2d2d) solutions and numerical 2d2d simulations. We observe in the liquid phase an anomalous decrease in specific volume and isothermal compressibility upon heating, and an anomalous increase in the diffusion coefficient with pressure. We relate the anomalies to the existence of two different local structures in the liquid phase. Our results are consistent with the possibility of a low temperature/high pressure liquid-liquid phase transition.Comment: 4 pages in one gzipped ps file including 11 figures; One RevTex and 11 gzipped eps figure