30 research outputs found

    Is one nutritional benchmark appropriate? Delemma in nutritional assessment & growth monitoring of children under five years of age in Fiji

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    The same criteria for assessing nutritional status of children, including internationally recommended anthropométrie reference data and standard cut-off values, are commonly applied across different ethnic groups and to meet several programme objectives. The situation in Fiji is used to illustrate some issues that arise from this. Fiji has t\vo major ethnic groups with very different physiques, Fijians and Indians. \Vtien using the same weight-forage criteria to assess children of both ethnic groups, the results always show a much higher prevalence of underweight among Indian than among Fijian children. Yet, it is Fijian children who have a higher infant mortality rate due to infections and diarrhoeal diseases and have a higher hospital admission rate due to malnutrition. Work pressures in clinics militate against using different criteria for growth monitoring and meeting clinic reporting requirements. Tlie implications are discussed. The "best" criteria here will differ across programme objectives but must also take account of the work setting