1,617 research outputs found

    LiBeB: High and low energy cosmic ray production and comparison with neutrino induced nucleosynthesis in SNII

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    We present new calculations of LiBeB production by accelerated particles with various compositions and energy spectra ranging from low energies to relativistic energies, and various ambient medium metallicities (Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot). The observed, essentially constant, Be/Fe ratio as a function of Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot can be best understood if the metallicity of the accelerated particles (high energy or low energy) does not vary much with Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot. This could be achieved if the particles are accelerated directly from the ejecta of Type II supernovae (SNII) and not from the interstellar medium. Using the observed Be/Fe and the fact that most of the Fe at low Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot is from SNII, we derive the energy content in accelerated particles per SNII (a few times 1050^{50} erg). We show that additional 11^{11}B production by neutrinos is consistent with the available data, allowing a neutrino yield from SNII less than or equal to the nominal published yields. We further show that the observed 6^6Li at low Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot suggests that the accelerated particles responsible for the LiBeB at such Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot are confined to low energies and have a relatively high He/O abundance.Comment: 9 pages with 4 emdedded figures, uuencoded, compressed, tared, style files included. In press Nuclei In the Cosmos, Nuclear Physics, Conference Proceeding

    Different Values Common Goal

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    The military promotion system tends to value highly and to promote those individuals who are competent operators. You [military officers] are thus products of a system that rewards you for becoming skilled in organizing for combat, for readily subordinating your own will to that of a superior, and for being able to obtain the loyalty and dedicated service of your own subordinates. Your training is focused on learning how to apply force against an enemy\u27s weak point, on analyzing problems from a conservative, some would say a worst case, perspective in order to ensure that you always have enough to do the job

    Nuclear Aspects of Nucleosynthesis in Massive Stars

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    Preliminary results of a new set of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis calculations for massive stars are presented. These results were obtained with an extended reaction network up to Bi. The discussion focuses on the importance of nuclear rates in pre- and post-explosive nucleosynthesis. The need for further experiments to study specific reactions and nuclear properties (optical alpha+nucleus potentials) is emphasized.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; invited talk, to appear in the Proceedings of the Int. Conf. "Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century", May 2000, Bologna, Ital

    Nucleosynthesis in massive stars revisited

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    We have performed the first calculations to follow the evolution of all stable nuclei and their radioactive progenitors in a finely-zoned stellar model computed from the onset of central hydrogen burning through explosion as a Type II supernova. Calculations were done for 15, 20, and 25 solar masses Pop I stars using the most recently available set of experimental and theoretical nuclear data, revised opacity tables, and taking into account mass loss due to stellar winds. Here results are presented for one 15 solar masses model.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; needs espcrc1.sty; talk at "Nuclei in the Cosmos 2000", Aarhus, Denmark, June 2000; will appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Carbon Ignition in Type Ia Supernovae: An Analytic Model

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    The observable properties of a Type Ia supernova are sensitive to how the nuclear runaway ignites in a Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf - at a single point at its center, off-center, or at multiple points and times. We present a simple analytic model for the runaway based upon a combination of stellar mixing-length theory and recent advances in understanding Rayleigh-Benard convection. The convective flow just prior to runaway is likely to have a strong dipolar component, though higher multipoles may contribute appreciably at the very high Rayleigh number (1025^{25}) appropriate to the white dwarf core. A likely outcome is multi-point ignition with an exponentially increasing number of ignition points during the few tenths of a second that it takes the runaway to develop. The first sparks ignite approximately 150 - 200 km off center, followed by ignition at smaller radii. Rotation may be important to break the dipole asymmetry of the ignition and give a healthy explosion.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figures, submitted to ApJ, corrected typo in first author's nam

    The Production of Ti44 and Co60 in Supernova

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    The production of the radioactive isotopes 44^{44}Ti and 60^{60}Co in all types of supernovae is examined and compared to observational constraints including Galactic Îł\gamma--ray surveys, measurements of the diffuse 511 keV radiation, Îł\gamma--ray observations of Cas A, the late time light curve of SN 1987A, and isotopic anomalies found in silicon carbide grains in meteorites. The (revised) line flux from 44^{44}Ti decay in the Cas A supernova remnant reported by COMPTEL on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory is near the upper bound expected from our models. The necessary concurrent ejection of 56^{56}Ni would also imply that Cas A was a brighter supernova than previously thought unless extinction in the intervening matter was very large. Thus, if confirmed, the reported amount of 44^{44}Ti in Cas A provides very interesting constraints on both the supernova environment and its mechanism. The abundances of 44^{44}Ti and 60^{60}Co ejected by Type II supernovae are such that gamma-radiation from 44^{44}Ti decay SN 1987A could be detected by a future generation of gamma-ray telescopes and that the decay of 60^{60}Co might provide an interesting contribution to the late time light curve of SN 1987A and other Type II supernovae. To produce the solar 44^{44}Ca abundance and satisfy all the observational constraints, nature may prefer at least the occasional explosion of sub-Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs as Type Ia supernovae. Depending on the escape fraction of positrons due to 56^{56}Co made in all kinds of Type Ia supernovae, a significant fraction of the steady state diffuse 511 keV emission may arise from the annihilation of positrons produced during the decay of 44^{44}Ti to 44^{44}Ca. The Ca and Ti isotopic anomalies in pre-solar grains confirm the production of 44^{44}Ti in supernovae and thatComment: 27 pages including 7 figures. uuencoded, compressed, postscript. in press Ap

    Integrated Nucleosynthesis in Neutrino Driven Winds

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    Although they are but a small fraction of the mass ejected in core-collapse supernovae, neutrino-driven winds (NDWs) from nascent proto-neutron stars (PNSs) have the potential to contribute significantly to supernova nucleosynthesis. In previous works, the NDW has been implicated as a possible source of r-process and light p-process isotopes. In this paper we present time-dependent hydrodynamic calculations of nucleosynthesis in the NDW which include accurate weak interaction physics coupled to a full nuclear reaction network. Using two published models of PNS neutrino luminosities, we predict the contribution of the NDW to the integrated nucleosynthetic yield of the entire supernova. For the neutrino luminosity histories considered, no true r-process occurs in the most basic scenario. The wind driven from an older 1.4M⊙1.4 M_\odot model for a PNS is moderately neutron-rich at late times however, and produces 87^{87}Rb, 88^{88}Sr, 89^{89}Y, and 90^{90}Zr in near solar proportions relative to oxygen. The wind from a more recently studied 1.27M⊙1.27 M_\odot PNS is proton-rich throughout its entire evolution and does not contribute significantly to the abundance of any element. It thus seems very unlikely that the simplest model of the NDW can produce the r-process. At most, it contributes to the production of the N = 50 closed shell elements and some light p-nuclei. In doing so, it may have left a distinctive signature on the abundances in metal poor stars, but the results are sensitive to both uncertain models for the explosion and the masses of the neutron stars involved.Comment: 18 Pages, 14 Figures, Astrophysical Journal (Submitted 4/16/10

    An INTEGRAL/IBIS view of Young Galactic SNRs through the 44Ti gamma-ray lines

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    We present preliminary results of INTEGRAL/IBIS observations on Cas A, Tycho and Vela Junior Supernova remnants in the line emission of 44Ti. This radioactive nucleus is thought to be exclusively produced in supernovae during the first stages of the explosion. It has a lifetime of about 87 y and is then the best indicator of young SNRs, as exemplified by the detection of 44Ti in the youngest known Galactic SNR Cas A with GRO/COMPTEL and latter with BeppoSAX. In this paper, we will focus on this SNR for which we confirm the detection of 44Ti and point out the importance to know the nature of the hard X-ray continuum, the Tycho SNR, for which no indication of 44Ti was ever reported, and Vela Junior, for which the claimed detection of 44Ti with COMPTEL is still controversial. The INTEGRAL/IBIS observations bring new constraints on the nature of these SNRs and on the nucleosynthesis which took place during the explosions.Comment: Accepted for publication in New Astronomy Reviews ("Astronomy with Radioactivites V" conference, Clemson Univ., Sept. 2005). 6 pages, 2 figure
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