546 research outputs found

    Effect of Feedback on Selected Teaching Behaviors of Agricultural Teacher Educators.

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    This study was conducted to determine the impact of student feedback upon the teaching behavior of agricultural teacher educators. An experimental pretest posttest control group design was used for the study. Ninety-seven agricultural teacher educators were surveyed and 62 (63.9%) agricultural teacher educators and their students participated on both the initial and final assessment. A modification of the Tuckman Teacher Feedback Form (TTFF) was used to measure the agricultural teacher educators\u27 self-perceptions and their students\u27 perceptions. The TTFF measures four dimensions of teaching behavior: creativity, dynamism, organized demeanor, and warmth and acceptance. The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and the Spearman rho coefficient of correlation were used to test the hypotheses. Data on selected demographic variables of the agricultural teacher educators and their students were reported. It was found that feedback to the agricultural teacher educators did not significantly change their self-perceptions from the initial to the final assessment and no significant differences existed among three academic ranks (assistant professor, associate professor, and professor). Students\u27 perceptions did not significantly change from the initial to the final assessment for the agricultural teacher educators who received feedback and no significant differences existed between the agricultural teacher educators who received feedback and the agricultural teacher educators who did not receive feedback. No significant relationship was found between research productivity and the agricultural teacher educators\u27 self-perceptions of their teaching behavior. No significant relationship was found between research productivity and the students\u27 perceptions of the agricultural teacher educators\u27 teaching behavior. Significant differences were found between the levels of student demographic variables on their perceptions of the agricultural teacher educators\u27 teaching behavior. The demographic variables were: sex (male and female), grade level classification (undergraduate and graduate), curriculum (major-minor and non-major-minor), and type of course (required and elective). A significant interaction between rank and time (initial and final assessments) was found. It was found that associate professors and professors significantly changed their self-perceptions on the dimension of creativity between the initial and final assessments and assistant professors significantly changed their perceptions on the dimensions of organized demeanor and warmth and acceptance

    Effects of Timber Harvesting and Plantation Development on Cavity-nesting Birds in New Brunswick

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    We studied the abundance of cavity-nesting birds in forestry-related habitats in a region of Acadian forest in New Brunswick. We examined five reference stands of natural forest, a chronosequence of conifer plantations up to 19 years old (the oldest in the study area), two selectively harvested stands, and a 30-year-old naturally regenerated clear-cut. The species richness and abundance of cavity-nesting birds were higher in reference forest (average 10.0 species per stand; 5.3 territories per 10 ha) than in plantations (2.3/stand; 1.0/10 ha), selectively harvested stands (7.0/stand; 3.8/10 ha), or the naturally regenerated clear-cut (5.0/stand; 2.5/10 ha). A cluster analysis segregated the “community” of cavity-nesting birds of natural forest from those of other treatments. Of the various harvested stands and plantations, five with a relatively large number of residual snags clustered similarly in the cluster analysis, while those with no or very few snags also clustered together. We used arrays of nest boxes (12 per stand) to examine whether the availability of cavities was limiting the use of habitats otherwise suitable for foraging by cavity-dependent species. Nest-box use for nesting and roosting was much higher in the seven plantations examined (average 4.0/10 ha for nesting and 2.9/10 ha for roosting) than in three reference stands (each 0.3/10 ha), suggesting that the plantations were deficient in this critical-habitat element. Our results suggest that certain mitigations, such as leaving residual snags and living cavity-trees, would help maintain populations of some cavity-dependent birds in clear-cuts and plantations. However, some cavity-dependent species might not be accommodated by these mitigations and are potentially at risk in intensively managed areas, unless landscape-scale management plans ensure the survival of sufficient areas of older mixed-wood forest

    Student fears of oral presentations and public speaking in higher education: A qualitative survey

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    Oral presentations and public speaking are an important aspect of the student experience in the United Kingdom higher education. Many modules (self-contained units normally within a programme of study) use presentations as a form of assessment and require students to verbally engage in small and large group settings to enhance learning. Previous research evidence has indicated that many students experience fear in public speaking. The aims of this qualitative survey were two-fold. First, it sought to gather further insight into the fears experienced and strategies used by students who fear public speaking, including oral presentations. The second objective was to determine whether their fear affected their experience of higher education. A qualitative survey comprising four open-ended questions was completed by 46 undergraduate and postgraduate students with a fear of public speaking from the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol. All participants were attending one of the Stand Up and Be Heard (SUBH) UWE library-based workshops for fear of public speaking. Thematic analysis was used to identify the following six themes, namely: fear of being judged, physical symptoms, uncertainty about the topic, negative effect on university experience, practice and preparation, and more practical support needed. The results of this survey identify the specific fears students have in public speaking and provide evidence of the overall negative effect on their higher education experience. This survey provides further evidence that higher education institutions should acknowledge public speaking fear among some students and provide more support in oral presentation assessments

    Interventions in entrepreneurial learning: Blended learning and ICT capacity

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    The effective use of information and communications technologies (ICT) can benefit most small businesses. This article examines the design, development and delivery of a pilot blended learning program for entrepreneurial learning that targets the use of ICT by tradespeople. The study involves a case study of tradespeople in Australia who participated in a program designed to build their capacity to identify, use and evaluate ICT to enhance their business practices. The program combined traditional instructional approaches (through face-to-face and online sessions for delivering basic ICT concepts to participants) with learner-centred approaches (through a combination of student mentor visits and practical exercises to identify applications that were context-specific for each participant's business). A blended learning assessment framework is employed throughout the article to inform and evaluate various aspects of the program. Project participants rated the face-to-face sessions, student mentor visits and practical exercises as very effective. However, some participants could not free up the time from their employment to participate in all of the face-to-face classes. From a theoretical perspective, an amended blended learning assessment framework for the delivery of ICT programs to entrepreneurs is presented and potential lessons for the delivery of ICT concepts to entrepreneurs in the trades and similar vocations are proposed

    Globular Clusters and X-ray Point Sources in Centaurus A (NGC 5128)

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    We detect 353 X-ray point sources, mostly low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), in four Chandra observations of Centaurus A (NGC 5128), the nearest giant early-type galaxy, and correlate this point source population with the largest available ensemble of confirmed and likely globular clusters associated with this galaxy. Of the X-ray sources, 31 are coincident with 30 globular clusters that are confirmed members of the galaxy by radial velocity measurement (2 X-ray sources match one globular cluster within our search radius), while 1 X-ray source coincides with a globular cluster resolved by HST images. Another 36 X-ray point sources match probable, but spectroscopically unconfirmed, globular cluster candidates. The color distribution of globular clusters and cluster candidates in Cen A is bimodal, and the probability that a red, metal rich GC candidate contains an LMXB is at least 1.7 times that of a blue, metal poor one. If we consider only spectroscopically confirmed GCs, this ratio increases to ~3. We find that LMXBs appear preferentially in more luminous (massive) GCs. These two effects are independent, and the latter is likely a consequence of enhanced dynamical encounter rates in more massive clusters which have on average denser cores. The X-ray luminosity functions of the LMXBs found in GCs and of those that are unmatched with GCs reveal similar underlying populations, though there is some indication that fewer X-ray faint LMXBs are found in globular clusters than X-ray bright ones. Our results agree with previous observations of the connection of GCs and LMXBs in early-type galaxies and extend previous work on Centaurus A.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    A Transient Sub-Eddington Black Hole X-ray Binary Candidate in the Dust Lanes of Centaurus A

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    We report the discovery of a bright X-ray transient, CXOU J132527.6-430023, in the nearby early-type galaxy NGC 5128. The source was first detected over the course of five Chandra observations in 2007, reaching an unabsorbed outburst luminosity of 1-2*10^38 erg/s in the 0.5-7.0 keV band before returning to quiescence. Such luminosities are possible for both stellar-mass black hole and neutron star X-ray binary transients. Here, we attempt to characterize the nature of the compact object. No counterpart has been detected in the optical or radio sky, but the proximity of the source to the dust lanes allows for the possibility of an obscured companion. The brightness of the source after a >100 fold increase in X-ray flux makes it either the first confirmed transient non-ULX black hole system in outburst to be subject to detailed spectral modeling outside the Local Group, or a bright (>10^38 erg/s) transient neutron star X-ray binary, which are very rare. Such a large increase in flux would appear to lend weight to the view that this is a black hole transient. X-ray spectral fitting of an absorbed power law yielded unphysical photon indices, while the parameters of the best-fit absorbed disc blackbody model are typical of an accreting ~10 Msol black hole in the thermally dominant state.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A global analysis of management capacity and ecological outcomes in terrestrial protected areas

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    Protecting important sites is a key strategy for halting the loss of biodiversity. However, our understanding of the relationship between management inputs and biodiversity outcomes in protected areas (PAs) remains weak. Here, we examine biodiversity outcomes using species population trends in PAs derived from the Living Planet Database in relation to management data derived from the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) database for 217 population time-series from 73 PAs. We found a positive relationship between our METT-based scores for Capacity and Resources and changes in vertebrate abundance, consistent with the hypothesis that PAs require adequate resourcing to halt biodiversity loss. Additionally, PA age was negatively correlated with trends for the mammal subsets and PA size negatively correlated with population trends in the global subset. Our study highlights the paucity of appropriate data for rigorous testing of the role of management in maintaining species populations across multiple sites, and describes ways to improve our understanding of PA performance

    Microscopic origin of the optical processes in blue sapphire

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    Engaging End-users to Inform the Development of the Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas

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    We report results from an end-user engagement process, convened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which informed the development of the Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas. Key Biodiversity Areas are sites contributing significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity. We used a mixed methods approach involving interviews and an online questionnaire with end-users to determine their needs and concerns in relation to the Key Biodiversity Area approach. We found a remarkable level of convergence in end-user opinion on 12 important topics. Four topics resulted in a divergence in end-user opinion requiring further dialogue and consideration, including: (i) the value of a global standard compared to various national approaches; (ii) the prioritisation of Key Biodiversity Areas over other areas; (iii) whether Key Biodiversity Area data should be made freely available; and (iv) whether or not development activities should be permitted in Key Biodiversity Areas. Our results informed the development of the Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas and a new governance structure, the Key Biodiversity Area Consultative Forum, which provides a mechanism for ongoing dialogue with end-users. We conclude by sharing five good practice recommendations for future end-user engagement processes
