204 research outputs found

    Signals that control embryonic Schwann cell development and myelination

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    The generation of mature Schwann cells from their cells of origin, neural crest cells, proceeds through two transitional steps first neural crest cells are specified to form Schwann cell precursors, which then mature into immature Schwann cells. These then generate the myelinating and non-myelinating Schwann cells found in mature nerves. Each of these steps has been well characterised phenotypically in terms of antigenic profile, survival mechanisms and morphological changes. First of all, using adapted survival assays I found that there is a range of factors that supports the survival of crest-derived glial precursor populations that generate satellite cells and Schwann cells but not of crest cells themselves. I found also that satellite cells develop earlier than Schwann cells in a number of characteristics including survival mechanisms and antigenic profile. I then examined the role of the Notch signalling pathway in the Schwann cell lineage using different in vitro and in vivo studies. I found that only Schwann cell precursor maturation is regulated by Notch signalling during early Schwann cell development. Notch signalling is also important in regulating cell division in immature Schwann cells and it acts as a negative regulator of myelination. During normal development, Notch signalling is attenuated, by a mechanism likely to involve the transcription factor Krox-20, to allow myelination to occur. Finally, in collaboration with Professors W.F. Blakemore and R.J. Franklin (University of Cambridge), I made a comparative analysis of the transplant characteristics of Schwann cell precursors and Schwann cells in two animal models of Multiple Sclerosis. We found that Schwann cell precursors outperform Schwann cells in myelination potential, survival and migratory properties in these animal models

    c-Jun reprograms Schwann cells of injured nerves to generate a repair cell essential for regeneration.

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    The radical response of peripheral nerves to injury (Wallerian degeneration) is the cornerstone of nerve repair. We show that activation of the transcription factor c-Jun in Schwann cells is a global regulator of Wallerian degeneration. c-Jun governs major aspects of the injury response, determines the expression of trophic factors, adhesion molecules, the formation of regeneration tracks and myelin clearance and controls the distinctive regenerative potential of peripheral nerves. A key function of c-Jun is the activation of a repair program in Schwann cells and the creation of a cell specialized to support regeneration. We show that absence of c-Jun results in the formation of a dysfunctional repair cell, striking failure of functional recovery, and neuronal death. We conclude that a single glial transcription factor is essential for restoration of damaged nerves, acting to control the transdifferentiation of myelin and Remak Schwann cells to dedicated repair cells in damaged tissue

    Application of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in an in vivo model of peripheral nerve damage

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    [EN] Background: Neuropathic pain is one of the most difficult to treat chronic pain syndromes. It has significant effects on patients’ quality of life and substantially adds to the burden of direct and indirect medical costs. There is a critical need to improve therapies for peripheral nerve regeneration. The aim of this study is to address this issue by performing a detailed analysis of the therapeutic benefits of two treatment options: adipose tissue derived-mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) and ASC-conditioned medium (CM). Methods: To this end, we used an in vivo rat sciatic nerve damage model to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in the myelinating capacity of ASCs and CM. Furthermore, effect of TNF and CM on Schwann cells (SCs) was evaluated. For our in vivo model, biomaterial surgical implants containing TNF were used to induce peripheral neuropathy in rats. Damaged nerves were also treated with either ASCs or CM and molecular methods were used to collect evidence of nerve regeneration. Post-operatively, rats were subjected to walking track analysis and their sciatic functional index was evaluated. Morphological data was gathered through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of sciatic nerves harvested from the experimental rats. We also evaluated the effect of TNF on Schwann cells (SCs) in vitro. Genes and their correspondent proteins associated with nerve regeneration were analyzed by qPCR, western blot, and confocal microscopy. Results: Our data suggests that both ASCs and CM are potentially beneficial treatments for promoting myelination and axonal regeneration. After TNF-induced nerve damage we observed an upregulation of c-Jun along with a downregulation of Krox-20 myelin-associated transcription factor. However, when CM was added to TNF-treated nerves the opposite effect occurred and also resulted in increased expression of myelin-related genes and their corresponding proteins. Conclusion: Findings from our in vivo model showed that both ASCs and CM aided the regeneration of axonal myelin sheaths and the remodeling of peripheral nerve morphologySIThis study was supported by the Fundación Leonesa ProNeurociencias. The AW’s Lab was supported by AEI/FEDER, EU (RTI2018-097503-B-I00) and the European Community’s H2020 Framework Program ERC Consolidator Grant (865157- MYERIBO

    M2 muscarinic receptor activation regulates schwann cell differentiation and myelin organization

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    Glial cells express acetylcholine receptors. In particular, rat Schwann cells express different muscarinic receptor subtypes, the most abundant of which is the M2 subtype. M2 receptor activation causes a reversible arrest of the cell cycle. This negative effect on Schwann cell proliferation suggests that these cells may possibly progress into a differentiating program. In this study we analyzed the in vitro modulation, by the M2 agonist arecaidine, of transcription factors and specific signaling pathways involved in Schwann cell differentiation. The arecaidineinduced M2 receptor activation significantly upregulates transcription factors involved in the promyelinating phase (e.g., Sox10 and Krox20) and downregulates proteins involved in the maintenance of the undifferentiated state (e.g., c-jun, Notch-1, and Jagged-1). Furthermore, arecaidine stimulation significantly increases the expression of myelin proteins, which is accompanied by evident changes in cell morphology, as indicated by electron icroscopy analysis, and by substantial cellular re-distribution of actin and cell adhesion molecules. Moreover, ultrastructural and morphometric analyses on sciatic nerves of M2/M4 knockout mice show numerous degenerating axons and clear alterations in myelin organization compared with wildtype mice. Therefore, our data demonstrate that acetylcholine mediates axon-glia cross talk, favoring Schwann cell progression into a differentiated myelinating phenotype and contributing to compact myelin organization

    c-Jun is a negative regulator of myelination

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    Schwann cell myelination depends on Krox-20/Egr2 and other promyelin transcription factors that are activated by axonal signals and control the generation of myelin-forming cells. Myelin-forming cells remain remarkably plastic and can revert to the immature phenotype, a process which is seen in injured nerves and demyelinating neuropathies. We report that c-Jun is an important regulator of this plasticity. At physiological levels, c-Jun inhibits myelin gene activation by Krox-20 or cyclic adenosine monophosphate. c-Jun also drives myelinating cells back to the immature state in transected nerves in vivo. Enforced c-Jun expression inhibits myelination in cocultures. Furthermore, c-Jun and Krox-20 show a cross-antagonistic functional relationship. c-Jun therefore negatively regulates the myelinating Schwann cell phenotype, representing a signal that functionally stands in opposition to the promyelin transcription factors. Negative regulation of myelination is likely to have significant implications for three areas of Schwann cell biology: the molecular analysis of plasticity, demyelinating pathologies, and the response of peripheral nerves to injury

    A Central Role for the ERK-Signaling Pathway in Controlling Schwann Cell Plasticity and Peripheral Nerve Regeneration In Vivo

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    SummaryFollowing damage to peripheral nerves, a remarkable process of clearance and regeneration takes place. Axons downstream of the injury degenerate, while the nerve is remodeled to direct axonal regrowth. Schwann cells are important for this regenerative process. “Sensing” damaged axons, they dedifferentiate to a progenitor-like state, in which they aid nerve regeneration. Here, we demonstrate that activation of an inducible Raf-kinase transgene in myelinated Schwann cells is sufficient to control this plasticity by inducing severe demyelination in the absence of axonal damage, with the period of demyelination/ataxia determined by the duration of Raf activation. Remarkably, activation of Raf-kinase also induces much of the inflammatory response important for nerve repair, including breakdown of the blood-nerve barrier and the influx of inflammatory cells. This reversible in vivo model identifies a central role for ERK signaling in Schwann cells in orchestrating nerve repair and is a powerful system for studying peripheral neuropathies and cancer

    Fatty liver and fibrosis in glycine N-methyltransferase knockout mice is prevented by nicotinamide

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    Deletion of glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT) in mice, the main gene involved in liver S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) catabolism, leads to the hepatic accumulation of this molecule and the development of fatty liver and fibrosis. To demonstrate that the excess of hepatic SAMe is the main agent contributing to liver disease in GNMT-KO mice, we treated 1.5-month old GNMT-KO mice for 6 weeks with nicotinamide (NAM), a substrate of the enzyme NAM N-methyltransferase. NAM administration markedly reduced hepatic SAMe content, prevented DNA-hypermethylation and normalized the expression of critical genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation, cell proliferation, and apoptosis. More important, NAM treatment prevented the development of fatty liver and fibrosis in GNMT-KO mice. Because GNMT expression is down-regulated in patients with cirrhosis and there are subjects with GNMT mutations who have spontaneous liver disease, the clinical implication of the present findings is obvious at least with respect to these latter individuals. Especially since NAM has been used for many years to treat a broad spectrum of diseases including pellagra and diabetes without significant side effects, it should be considered in subjects with GNMT mutations.ConclusionsThese results indicate that the anomalous accumulation of SAMe in GNMT-KO mice can be corrected by NAM treatment leading to the normalization of the expression of many genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation, cell proliferation and apoptosis, and to the reversion of the appearance of the pathologic phenotype

    S-adenosylmethionine Levels Regulate the Schwann Cell DNA Methylome

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    SummaryAxonal myelination is essential for rapid saltatory impulse conduction in the nervous system, and malformation or destruction of myelin sheaths leads to motor and sensory disabilities. DNA methylation is an essential epigenetic modification during mammalian development, yet its role in myelination remains obscure. Here, using high-resolution methylome maps, we show that DNA methylation could play a key gene regulatory role in peripheral nerve myelination and that S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), the principal methyl donor in cytosine methylation, regulates the methylome dynamics during this process. Our studies also point to a possible role of SAMe in establishing the aberrant DNA methylation patterns in a mouse model of diabetic neuropathy, implicating SAMe in the pathogenesis of this disease. These critical observations establish a link between SAMe and DNA methylation status in a defined biological system, providing a mechanism that could direct methylation changes during cellular differentiation and in diverse pathological situations

    Neuregulin 1 Type III/ErbB Signaling Is Crucial for Schwann Cell Colonization of Sympathetic Axons

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    Analysis of Schwann cell (SC) development has been hampered by the lack of growing axons in many commonly used in vitro assays. As a consequence, the molecular signals and cellular dynamics of SC development along peripheral axons are still only poorly understood. Here we use a superior cervical ganglion (SCG) explant assay, in which axons elongate after treatment with nerve growth factor (NGF). Migration as well as proliferation and apoptosis of endogenous SCG-derived SCs along sympathetic axons were studied in these cultures using pharmacological interference and time-lapse imaging. Inhibition of ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases leads to reduced SC proliferation, increased apoptosis and thereby severely interfered with SC migration to distal axonal sections and colonization of axons. Furthermore we demonstrate that SC colonization of axons is also strongly impaired in a specific null mutant of an ErbB receptor ligand, Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) type III. Taken together, using a novel SC development assay, we demonstrate that NRG1 type III serves as a critical axonal signal for glial ErbB receptors that drives SC development along sympathetic axons

    Ablation of Dicer from murine Schwann cells increases their proliferation while blocking myelination

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    The myelin sheaths that surround the thick axons of the peripheral nervous system are produced by the highly specialized Schwann cells. Differentiation of Schwann cells and myelination occur in discrete steps. Each of these requires coordinated expression of specific proteins in a precise sequence, yet the regulatory mechanisms controlling protein expression during these events are incompletely understood. Here we report that Schwann cell-specific ablation of the enzyme Dicer1, which is required for the production of small non-coding regulatory microRNAs, fully arrests Schwann cell differentiation, resulting in early postnatal lethality. Dicer(-/-) Schwann cells had lost their ability to myelinate, yet were still capable of sorting axons. Both cell death and, paradoxically, proliferation of immature Schwann cells was markedly enhanced, suggesting that their terminal differentiation is triggered by growth-arresting regulatory microRNAs. Using microRNA microarrays, we identified 16 microRNAs that are upregulated upon myelination and whose expression is controlled by Dicer in Schwann cells. This set of microRNAs appears to drive Schwann cell differentiation and myelination of peripheral nerves, thereby fulfilling a crucial function for survival of the organism