642 research outputs found

    Regional and temporal variability of melts during a Cordilleran magma pulse: Age and chemical evolution of the Jurassic arc, eastern Mojave Desert, California

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    Intrusive rock sequences in the central and eastern Mojave Desert segment of the Jurassic Cordilleran arc of the western United States record regional and temporal variations in magmas generated during the second prominent pulse of Mesozoic continental arc magmatism. U/Pb zircon ages provide temporal control for describing variations in rock and zircon geochemistry that reflect differences in magma source components. These source signatures are discernible through mixing and fractionation processes associated with magma ascent and emplacement. The oldest well-dated Jurassic rocks defining initiation of the Jurassic pulse are a 183 Ma monzodiorite and a 181 Ma ignimbrite. Early to Middle Jurassic intrusive rocks comprising the main stage of magmatism include two high-K calc-alkalic groups: to the north, the deformed 183–172 Ma Fort Irwin sequence and contemporaneous rocks in the Granite and Clipper Mountains, and to the south, the 167–164 Ma Bullion sequence. A Late Jurassic suite of shoshonitic, alkali-calcic intrusive rocks, the Bristol Mountains sequence, ranges in age from 164 to 161 Ma and was emplaced as the pulse began to wane. Whole-rock and zircon trace-element geochemistry defines a compositionally coherent Jurassic arc with regional and secular variations in melt compositions. The arc evolved through the magma pulse by progressively greater input of old cratonic crust and lithospheric mantle into the arc magma system, synchronous with progressive regional crustal thickening

    Welding 3D Printed Structures for Composite Sacrificial Tooling

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    3D printed parts offer the ability to generate dimensioned, complex objects with minimal machining touch time and skill, but they are typically very weak and limited in size. Strong and light composite parts require tooling to be created for the fabric to lay on while the resin is curing, but tooling can be quite expensive during the prototyping phase or for low part quantity runs. This study examined the techniques required to weld smaller 3D printed parts together to form large 3D printed tools that could be used as a sacrificial tool for a composite part. In this method, the 3D printed structure would remain inside the part and provide support and dimensional reference during the composite curing process. Friction, hot extrusion, and hot contact welding methods were examined using lap shear joints in both tensile and flexural test methods to determine effective joinery style and overlap lengths to achieve normal 3D printed properties. The results of this study demonstrate how multiple 3D printers could be used to create cost-effective rapid prototyping and low part quantity runs for composite structures by welding smaller 3D printed structures into a larger single 3D printed part

    Overview of the LADEE Ultraviolet-visible Spectrometer: Design, Performance and Planned Operations

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    The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) is an orbital lunar science mission currently under development to address the goals of the 2003 National Research Council decadal survey, the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Roadmap, and the "Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon" (SCEM) report, and has been recommended for execution by the 2011 Planetary Missions Decadal Survey. The mission s focus is to study the pristine state of the lunar atmosphere and dust environment prior to possible lunar exploration activities by countries, including the United States, China, India, and Japan, among others. Activity on the lunar surface has the potential of altering the tenuous lunar atmosphere, but changing the type and concentration of gases in the atmosphere. Before these activities occur it is important to make measurements of the current lunar atmosphere in its unmodified state. LADEE will determine the composition of the lunar atmosphere and investigate the processes that control its distribution and variability, including sources, sinks, and surface interactions. It will monitor variations in known gases, such as sodium, potassium, argon and helium, and will search for other, as-yet-undetected gases of both lunar and extra-lunar origin. LADEE will also determine whether dust is present in the lunar exosphere, and reveal the processes that contribute to its sources and variability. Launch is planned for August, 2013

    Dust Processing and Grain Growth in Protoplanetary Disks in the Taurus-Auriga Star-Forming Region

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    Mid-infrared spectra of 65 T Tauri stars (TTS) taken with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on board the Spitzer Space Telescope are modeled using dust at two temperatures to probe the radial variation in dust composition in the uppermost layers of protoplanetary disks. Most spectra indicating crystalline silicates require Mg-rich minerals and silica, but a few suggest otherwise. Spectra indicating abundant enstatite at higher temperatures also require crystalline silicates at temperatures lower than those required for spectra showing high abundance of other crystalline silicates. A few spectra show 10 micron complexes of very small equivalent width. They are fit well using abundant crystalline silicates but very few large grains, inconsistent with the expectation that low peak-to-continuum ratio of the 10 micron complex always indicates grain growth. Most spectra in our sample are fit well without using the opacities of large crystalline silicate grains. If large grains grow by agglomeration of submicron grains of all dust types, the amorphous silicate components of these aggregates must typically be more abundant than the crystalline silicate components. Crystalline silicate abundances correlate positively with other such abundances, suggesting that crystalline silicates are processed directly from amorphous silicates and that neither forsterite, enstatite, nor silica are intermediate steps when producing either of the other two. Disks with more dust settling typically have greater crystalline abundances. Large-grain abundance is somewhat correlated with greater settling of disks. The lack of strong correlation is interpreted to mean that settling of large grains is sensitive to individual disk properties. Lower-mass stars have higher abundances of large grains in their inner regions.Comment: 84 pages, 27 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal on 7 November, 200

    Collisional Processing of Comet and Asteroid Surfaces: Velocity Effects on Absorption Spectra

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    A new paradigm has emerged where 3.9 Gyr ago, a violent reshuffling reshaped the placement of small bodies in the solar system (the Nice model). Surface properties of these objects may have been affected by collisions caused by this event, and by collisions with other small bodies since their emplacement. These impacts affect the spectrographic observations of these bodies today. Shock effects (e.g., planar dislocations) manifest in minerals allowing astronomers to better understand geophysical impact processing that has occurred on small bodies. At the Experimental Impact Laboratory at NASA Johnson Space Center, we have impacted forsterite and enstatite across a range of velocities. We find that the amount of spectral variation, absorption wavelength, and full width half maximum of the absorbance peaks vary non-linearly with the velocity of the impact. We also find that the spectral variation increases with decreasing crystal size (single solid rock versus granular). Future analyses include quantification of the spectral changes with different impactor densities, temperature, and additional impact velocities. Results on diopside, fayalite, and magnesite can be found in Lederer et al., this meeting

    Collisional Histories of Comets and Trojan Asteroids: Diopside, Magnesite, and Fayalite Impact Studies

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    Comets and asteroids have weathered dynamic histories, as evidenced by their rough surfaces. The Nice model describes a violent reshuffling of small bodies during the Late Heavy Bombardment, with collisions acting to grind these planetesimals away. This creates an additional source of impact material that can re-work the surfaces of the larger bodies over the lifetime of the solar system. Here, we investigate the possibility that signatures due to impacts (e.g. from micrometeoroids or meteoroids) could be detected in their spectra, and how that can be explained by the physical manifestation of shock in the crystalline structure of minerals. All impact experiments were conducted in the Johnson Space Center Experimental Impact Laboratory using the vertical gun. Impact speeds ranged from approx.2.0 km/s to approx.2.8 km/s. All experiments were conducted at room temperature. Minerals found in comets and asteroids were chosen as targets, including diopside (MgCaSi2O6, monoclinic pyroxene), magnesite (MgCO3, carbonate), and fayalite (FeSiO4, olivine). Impacted samples were analyzed using a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) and a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Absorbance features in the 8-13 m spectral region demonstrate relative amplitude changes as well as wavelength shifts. Corresponding TEM images exhibit planar shock dislocations in the crystalline structure, attributed to deformation at high strain and low temperatures. Elongating or shortening the axes of the crystalline structure of forsterite (Mg2SiO4, olivine) using a discrete dipole approximation model (Lindsay et al., submitted) yields changes in spectral features similar to those observed in our impacted laboratory minerals

    Collisional Processing of Comet Surfaces: Impact Experiments into Olivine

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    A new paradigm has emerged where 3.9 Ga ago, a violent reshuffling reshaped the placement of small bodies in the solar system (the Nice model). Surface properties of these objects may have been affected by collisions caused by this event, and by collisions with other small bodies since their emplacement. In addition, objects in the Kuiper Belt are believed to undergo extensive collisional processing while in the Kuiper Belt. Physical manifestations of shock effects (e.g., planar dislocations) in minerals typically found in comets will be correlated with spectral changes (e.g. reddening, loss and shift of peaks, new signatures) to allow astronomers to better understand geophysical impact processing that has occurred on small bodies. Targets will include solid and granular olivine (forsterite), impacted over a range of impact speeds with the Experimental Impact Laboratory at NASA JSC. Analyses include quantification of the dependence of the spectral changes with respect to impact speed, texture of the target, and temperature

    LADEE UVS Observations of Solar Occulation by Exospheric Dust above the Lunar Limb

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    The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) is a lunar orbiter launched in September 2012 that investigates the composition and temporal variation of the tenuous lunar exosphere and dust environment. The primary goals of the mission are to characterize the pristine gas and dust exosphere prior to future lunar exploration activities, which may alter the lunar environment. To address this goal, the LADEE instrument suite includes an Ultraviolet/ Visible Spectrometer (UVS), which searches for dust, Na, K, and trace gases such as OH, H2O, Si, Al, Mg, Ca, Ti, Fe, as well as other previously undetected species. UVS has two sets of optics: a limb-viewing telescope, and a solar viewing telescope. The solar viewer is equipped with a diffuser (see Figure 1a) that allows UVS to stare directly at the solar disk as the Sun starts to set (or rise from) behind the lunar limb. Solar viewer measurements generally have very high signal to noise (SNR>500) for 20-30 ms integration times. The 1-degree solar viewer field of view subtends a diameter of ~8 km at a distance of 400-450 k

    Dust Morphology and Composition in FU Orionis Systems

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    FU Orionis stars are a small group of pre–main-sequence stars known for large-amplitude optical variability. These objects also exhibit multiwavelength phenomena suggestive of active accretion from a circumstellar disk. We present high spatial resolution mid-IR imaging and spectroscopy, submillimeter photometry, and 3–4 μm photometry of four FU Ori–class objects, RNO 1B and C, Z CMa, and Par 21, and one object classified as a pre–FU Ori star, V380 Ori. We resolve multiple IR sources and extended emission in the RNO 1B/C system, and we discuss in detail their association with disk activity and the source of the Infrared Astronomical Satellite far-IR and radio maser emission in this field. We derive dust temperatures and masses for all sources and discuss how dust composition and morphology is related to the evolutionary stage of these objects
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