764 research outputs found

    Speculations on nature and extent of Archean basement in Labrador as indicated by SR, ND and PB isotopic systematics of proterozoic intrusives

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    The Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic compositions of mid to late Proterozoic (approximately 1.6 to 1.1 Ga) massif-type anorthosites and mafic intrusives in the eastern Canadian shield are correlated with geographic location. Complexes in the Grenville province have positive epsilon sub Nd values and initial Sr-87/Sr-86 (I sub Sr) generally less than 0.703, suggesting derivation from depleted mantle. In Labrador, similar complexes close to or northwest of a line roughly corresponding to the Grenville Front have negative epsilon sub Nd values and I sub Sr 0.703. This contrast was intrepreted as reflecting either enriched mantle under the Nain Province, or contamination of the Nain intrusives with older crustal components. Lead isotopic compositions, however, favor the latter. The possibility of using these Proterozoic intrusives as tracers to characterize the nature and extent of older basement types in Labrador is discussed

    Particle transport in evolving protoplanetary disks: Implications for results from Stardust

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    Samples returned from comet 81P/Wild 2 by Stardust confirm that substantial quantities of crystalline silicates were incorporated into the comet at formation. We investigate the constraints that this observation places upon protoplanetary disk physics, assuming that outward transport of particles processed at high temperatures occurs via advection and turbulent diffusion in an evolving disk. We also look for constraints on particle formation locations. Our results are based upon 1D disk models that evolve with time under the action of viscosity and photoevaporation, and track solid transport using an ensemble of individual particle trajectories. We find that two classes of disk model are consistent with the Stardust findings. One class features a high particle diffusivity (a Schmidt number Sc < 1), which suffices to diffuse particles up to 20 microns in size outward against the mean gas flow. For Sc > 1, such models are unlikely to be viable, and significant outward transport requires that the particles of interest settle into a midplane layer that experiences an outward gas flow. In either class of models, the mass of inner disk material that reaches the outer disk is a strong function of the disk's initial compactness. Hence, models of grain transport within steady-state disks underestimate the efficiency of outward transport. Neither model results in sustained outward transport of very large particles exceeding a mm in size. We show that the transport efficiency generally falls off rapidly with time. Hence, high-temperature material must be rapidly incorporated into icy bodies to avoid fallback, and significant radial transport may only occur during the initial phase of rapid disk evolution. It may also vary substantially between disks depending upon their initial mass distributions. We discuss implications for Spitzer observations of crystalline silicates in T Tauri disks.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Lithofacies Control in Detrital Zircon Provenance Studies: Insights from the Cretaceous Methow Basin, Southern Canadian Cordillera

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    High-frequency sampling for detrital zircon analysis can provide a detailed record of fine-scale basin evolution by revealing the temporal and spatial variability of detrital zircon ages within clastic sedimentary successions. This investigation employed detailed sampling of two sedimentary successions in the Methow/Methow-Tyaughton basin of the southern Canadian Cordillera to characterize the heterogeneity of detrital zircon signatures within single lithofacies and assess the applicability of detrital zircon analysis in distinguishing fine-scale provenance changes not apparent in lithologic analysis of the strata. The Methow/Methow-Tyaughton basin contains two distinct stratigraphic sequences of middle Albian to Santonian clastic sedimentary rocks: submarine-fan deposits of the Harts Pass Formation/Jackass Mountain Group and fluvial deposits of the Winthrop Formation. Although both stratigraphic sequences displayed consistent ranges in detrital zircon ages on a broad scale, detailed sampling within each succession revealed heterogeneity in the detrital zircon age distributions that was systematic and predictable in the turbidite succession but unpredictable in the fluvial succession. These results suggest that a high-density sampling approach permits interpretation of fine-scale changes within a lithologically uniform turbiditic sedimentary succession, but heterogeneity within fluvial systems may be too large and unpredictable to permit accurate fine-scale characterization of the evolution of source regions. The robust composite detrital zircon age signature developed for these two successions permits comparison of the Methow/Methow-Tyaughton basin age signature with known plutonic source-rock ages from major plutonic belts throughout the Cretaceous North American margin. The Methow/Methow-Tyaughton basin detrital zircon age signature matches best with source regions in the southern Canadian Cordillera, requiring that the basin developed in close proximity to the southern Canadian Cordillera and providing evidence against large-scale dextral translation of the Methow terrane

    Does the Great Valley Group Contain Jurassic Strata? Reevaluation of the Age and Early Evolution of a Classic Forearc Basin

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    The presence of Cretaceous detrital zircon in Upper Jurassic strata of the Great Valley Group may require revision of the lower Great Valley Group chronostratigraphy, with significant implications for the Late Jurassic–Cretaceous evolution of the continental margin. Samples (n = 7) collected from 100 km along strike in the purported Tithonian strata of the Great Valley Group contain 20 Cretaceous detrital zircon grains, based on sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe age determinations. These results suggest that Great Valley Group deposition was largely Cretaceous, creating a discrepancy between biostratigraphy based on Buchia zones and chronostratigraphy based on radiometric age dates. These results extend the duration of the Great Valley Group basal unconformity, providing temporal separation between Great Valley forearc deposition and creation of the Coast Range Ophiolite. If Great Valley forearc deposition began in Cretaceous time, then sediment bypassed the developing forearc in the Late Jurassic, or the Franciscan subduction system did not fully develop until Cretaceous time. In addition to these constraints on the timing of deposition, pre-Mesozoic detrital zircon age signatures indicate that the Great Valley Group was linked to North America from its inception

    Infrared spectra of WC10 planetary nebulae nuclei

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    The 5.2 to 8.0 micron spectra are presented for two planetary nebulae nuclei Hen1044 (He2-113) and CPD-56 8032. The unidentified infrared (UIR) emission bands at 6.2 microns, 6.9 microns, 7.7 microns are present in the spectra of Hen1044 and in CPD-56 8032, and the 8.6 micron band is present in the long wavelength shoulder of the 7.7 micron band in the spectrum of CPD-56 8032. The 8 to 13 micron spectra of these two stars by Aitken et. al. clearly show the presence of the 8.6 micron band in He2-113 while weakly resolving this feature in the spectra of CPD-56 8032. In their spectra the 11.3 micron band is also clearly detected in both objects. The 6.2 micron and 7.7 micron bands are characteristic of the infrared active C-C stretching modes in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); the 3.3 micron, 8.6 micron, and 11.3 micron bands are respectively assigned to the in-plane stretching mode, the in-plane bending mode, and the out-of-plane bending mode of the aromatic CH bond. The weak 6.9 micron emission feature is attributed to the UIR spectrum by Bregman et. al. The IRAS LRS spectra of He2-113 (IRAS 14562-5406) and CPD-56 8032 (IRAS 17047-5650) are presented. Cohen et. al. identify the broad plateau from 11.3 to 13.0 microns in the spectrum of He2-113 with increased hydrogenation of PAHs. This broad plateau is not seen in the LRS spectrum of CPD-56 8032. Also, He2-113 has greater infrared excess emission in the 17-22 micron region than does CPD-56 8032

    Leveraging Detrital Zircon Geochemistry to Study Deep Arc Processes: REE-Rich Magmas Mobilized by Jurassic Rifting of the Sierra Nevada Arc

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    Anomalous trace element compositions of Middle to Late Jurassic detrital zircon separated from Sierra Nevada forearc and intra-arc strata reveal processes of differentiation occurring within the deep arc lithosphere. REE-Sc-Nb-Ti-Hf-U-Th covariations define three populations of atypically REE-rich grains that we interpret as crystallizing from (1) differentiates produced by olivine+clinopyroxene+plagioclase+garnet±ilmenite fractionation; (2) mixing between mafic arc magmas and partial melts of Proterozoic Mojave province crust; and (3) compositionally transient, low Gd/Yb magmas generated by hornblende resorption during decompression. We interpret a fourth population of Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous zircons having REE contents similar to “typical” arc zircon but with atypically high Gd/Yb ratios as having crystallized from partial melts of recycled arc crust and from deep-arc differentiates that evolved down-temperature through hornblende saturation. We hypothesize that latest Jurassic extension ripped open the arc, facilitating upward migration and eruption of geochemically anomalous zircon-bearing magmas. The anomalous compositions relative to “typical” arc zircon imply that these zircons and their host magmas rarely reach the upper arc crust, where eruption and/or erosion would release their zircon cargo to the clastic system. Focusing on the trace element compositions of zircons of syn-extensional age represents a productive new strategy for learning about deep magmatic reservoirs and early differentiation pathways within the thick lithosphere of continental margin arcs

    Exozodiacal Dust Workshop

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    The purpose of the workshop was to understand what effect circumstellar dust clouds will have on NASA's proposed Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) mission's ability to search for terrestrial-sized planets orbiting stars in the solar neighborhood. The workshop participants reviewed the properties of TPF, summarized what is known about the local zodiacal cloud and about exozodiacal clouds, and determined what additional knowledge must be obtained to help design TPF for maximum effectiveness within its cost constraint. Recommendations were made for ways to obtain that additional knowledge, at minimum cost. The workshop brought together approximately 70 scientists, from four different countries. The active participants included astronomers involved in the study of the local zodiacal cloud, in the formation of stars and planetary systems, and in the technologies and techniques of ground- and space-based infrared interferometry. During the course of the meeting, 15 invited talks and 20 contributed poster papers were presented, and there were four working sessions. This is a collection of the invited talks, contributed poster papers, and summaries of the working sessions

    A Detailed Record of Shallow Hydrothermal Fluid Flow in the Sierra Nevada Magmatic Arc from Low-δ18O Skarn Garnets

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    Garnet from skarns exposed at Empire Mountain, Sierra Nevada (California, United States) batholith, have variable δ18O values including the lowest known δ18O values of skarn garnet (–4.0‰) in North America. Such values indicate that surface-derived meteoric water was a significant component of the fluid budget of the skarn-forming hydrothermal system, which developed in response to shallow emplacement (∼3.3 km) of the 109 Ma quartz diorite of Empire Mountain. Values of δ18O, measured in situ across single garnet crystals by secondary ion mass spectrometry, vary considerably (up to 7‰) and sometimes abruptly, indicating variable mixing of meteoric, magmatic, and metamorphic water. Brecciation in the skarns and alteration of the Empire Mountain pluton suggests that fracture-enhanced permeability was a critical control on the depth to which surface waters penetrated to form skarns and later alter the pluton. Compared to other Sierran systems, much greater volumes of skarn rock suggest an exceptionally vigorous hydrothermal system that saw unusually high levels of decarbonation reaction progress, likely a consequence of the magma intruding relatively cold wallrocks inboard of the main locus of magmatism in the Sierran arc at that time

    Regional and temporal variability of melts during a Cordilleran magma pulse: Age and chemical evolution of the Jurassic arc, eastern Mojave Desert, California

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    Intrusive rock sequences in the central and eastern Mojave Desert segment of the Jurassic Cordilleran arc of the western United States record regional and temporal variations in magmas generated during the second prominent pulse of Mesozoic continental arc magmatism. U/Pb zircon ages provide temporal control for describing variations in rock and zircon geochemistry that reflect differences in magma source components. These source signatures are discernible through mixing and fractionation processes associated with magma ascent and emplacement. The oldest well-dated Jurassic rocks defining initiation of the Jurassic pulse are a 183 Ma monzodiorite and a 181 Ma ignimbrite. Early to Middle Jurassic intrusive rocks comprising the main stage of magmatism include two high-K calc-alkalic groups: to the north, the deformed 183–172 Ma Fort Irwin sequence and contemporaneous rocks in the Granite and Clipper Mountains, and to the south, the 167–164 Ma Bullion sequence. A Late Jurassic suite of shoshonitic, alkali-calcic intrusive rocks, the Bristol Mountains sequence, ranges in age from 164 to 161 Ma and was emplaced as the pulse began to wane. Whole-rock and zircon trace-element geochemistry defines a compositionally coherent Jurassic arc with regional and secular variations in melt compositions. The arc evolved through the magma pulse by progressively greater input of old cratonic crust and lithospheric mantle into the arc magma system, synchronous with progressive regional crustal thickening