736 research outputs found

    Neurodevelopmental outcomes in paediatric immune-mediated and autoimmune epileptic encephalopathy

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    Recognition of paediatric autoimmune/immune-mediated encephalitis and epileptic encephalopathy (e.g. NMDAR-Ab encephalitis) has rapidly increased over the last ten years. While we are succeeding in the diagnosis and identification and even early treatment of these encephalitidies, with studies describing >80% are making a “good” recovery, we are now recognising that a “good” medical outcome does not cover the cognitive, social and behavioural sequelae that can occur, particularly in paediatric patients. Basic measures of medical outcome, for example the modified Rankin Scale (MRS) or the Paediatric Cerebral Performance Category (PCPC), offer the advantage of being quick to use, but do not reveal the more complex difficulties that can impact the future of affected children. This article reviews the current literature on neurodevelopmental outcomes in children affected with autoimmune and immune-mediated encephalitis/epileptic encephalopathy and provides guidance on post-onset surveillance aimed at identifying those most likely to experience ongoing long-term difficulties

    Establishing a Developmentally Appropriate fMRI Paradigm Relevant to Presurgical Mapping of Memory in Children

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is an established eloquent cortex mapping technique that is now an integral part of the pre-operative work-up in candidates for epilepsy surgery. Emerging evidence in adults with epilepsy suggests that material-specific fMRI paradigms can predict postoperative memory outcomes, however these paradigms are not suitable for children. In pediatric age, the use of memory fMRI paradigms designed for adults is complicated by the effect of developmental stages in cognitive maturation, the impairment experienced by some people with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and the normal representation of memory function during development, which may differ from adults. We present a memory fMRI paradigm designed to activate mesial temporal lobe structures that is brief, independent of reading ability, and therefore a novel candidate for use in children. Data from 33 adults and 19 children (all healthy controls) show that the paradigm captures the expected leftward asymmetry of mesial temporal activation in adults. A more symmetrical pattern was observed in children, consistent with the progressive emergence of hemispheric specialisation across childhood. These data have important implications for the interpretation of presurgical memory fMRI in the pediatric setting. They also highlight the need to carefully consider the impact of cognitive development on fMRI tools used in clinical practice

    Brain activation during memory encoding in type 2 diabetes mellitus:a discordant twin pair study

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus increases the risk of dementia and neuronal dysfunction may occur years before perceptible cognitive decline. We aimed to study the impact of type 2 diabetes on brain activation during memory encoding in middle-aged people, controlling for age, sex, genes, and early-shared environment. Twenty-two twin pairs discordant for type 2 diabetes mellitus (mean age 60.9 years) without neurological disease were recruited from the Australian Twin Registry (ATR) and underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a memory encoding task, cognitive tests, and structural MRI. Type 2 diabetes was associated with significantly reduced activation in left hemisphere temporoparietal regions including angular gyrus, supramarginal gyrus, and middle temporal gyrus and significantly increased activation in bilateral posteriorly distributed regions. These findings were present in the absence of within-pair differences in standard cognitive test scores, brain volumes, or vascular lesion load. Differences in activation were more pronounced among monozygotic (MZ) pairs, with MZ individuals with diabetes also displaying greater frontal activation. These results provide evidence for preclinical memory-related neuronal dysfunction in type 2 diabetes. They support the search for modifiable later-life environmental factors or epigenetic mechanisms linking type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline

    Blood pressure, aortic stiffness, hemodynamics and cognition in twin pairs discordant for type 2 diabetes

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment and dementia with poorly understood underlying mechanisms. Objective: We examined the role of blood pressure (BP), aortic stiffness, and hemodynamics in this association. Methods: Cross-sectional sample of late middle-aged twins discordant for T2D from the Australian Twin Registry. Measurements included neuropsychological battery and brain MRI including arterial spin labelling (ASL) to measure cerebral perfusion. Mobil-o-Graph devices were used to non-invasively obtain 24-hour BP, aortic stiffness, and hemodynamic measures. Using mixed modelling, we studied associations of T2D with cognition, MRI measures, BP, aortic stiffness, and hemodynamics. Results: There were 23 twin pairs with mean age 63.7 (SD = 6.1) years. T2D (β=-0.45, p < 0.001) and age (β=-0.05, p = 0.022) were independently associated with poorer attention but not with memory or perceptual speed. T2D was associated with reduced nocturnal central systolic BP dipping (β=-3.79, p = 0.027), but not with BP, aortic stiffness, cerebral perfusion, or other hemodynamic measures. There was a statistically significant interaction between T2D and central systolic BP dipping in predicting attention scores (both p < 0.05 for the interaction term) whereby there was a positive association between BP dipping and attention scores in those with T2D, but not in those without T2D. Conclusion: We found an association between T2D and reduced nocturnal central systolic dipping, but not with any other measures of BP, stiffness or hemodynamic measures. Further study of the role of nocturnal central BP dipping in the association between T2D and cognitive impairment may help identify potential mechanisms

    Altered cortical thickness following prenatal sodium valproate exposure

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    Prenatal exposure to sodium valproate (VPA) is associated with neurodevelopmental impairments. Cortical thickness was measured in 16 children exposed prenatally to VPA and 16 controls. We found increased left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG; BA45) and left pericalcarine sulcus (BA18) thickness, an association between VPA dose and right IFG thickness, and a close relationship between verbal skills and left IFG thickness. A significant interaction between group and hemispheric IFG thickness showed absence of the normal asymmetry in the IFG region of VPA-exposed children. These data provide preliminary insights into the putative neural basis of difficulties experienced by some VPA-exposed children

    Structural-covariance networks identify topology-based cortical-thickness changes in children with persistent executive function impairments after traumatic brain injury

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    Paediatric traumatic brain injury (pTBI) results in inconsistent changes to regional morphometry of the brain across studies. Structural-covariance networks represent the degree to which the morphology (typically cortical-thickness) of cortical-regions co-varies with other regions, driven by both biological and developmental factors. Understanding how heterogeneous regional changes may influence wider cortical network organization may more appropriately capture prognostic information in terms of long term outcome following a pTBI. The current study aimed to investigate the relationships between cortical organisation as measured by structural-covariance, and long-term cognitive impairment following pTBI. T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) from n = 83 pTBI patients and 33 typically developing controls underwent 3D-tissue segmentation using Freesurfer to estimate cortical-thickness across 68 cortical ROIs. Structural-covariance between regions was estimated using Pearson's correlations between cortical-thickness measures across 68 regions-of-interest (ROIs), generating a group-level 68 Ă— 68 adjacency matrix for patients and controls. We grouped a subset of patients who underwent executive function testing at 2-years post-injury using a neuropsychological impairment (NPI) rule, defining impaired- and non-impaired subgroups. Despite finding no significant reductions in regional cortical-thickness between the control and pTBI groups, we found specific reductions in graph-level strength of the structural covariance graph only between controls and the pTBI group with executive function (EF) impairment. Node-level differences in strength for this group were primarily found in frontal regions. We also investigated whether the top n nodes in terms of effect-size of cortical-thickness reductions were nodes that had significantly greater strength in the typically developing brain than n randomly selected regions. We found that acute cortical-thickness reductions post-pTBI are loaded onto regions typically high in structural covariance. This association was found in those patients with persistent EF impairment at 2-years post-injury, but not in those for whom these abilities were spared. This study posits that the topography of post-injury cortical-thickness reductions in regions that are central to the typical structural-covariance topology of the brain, can explain which patients have poor EF at follow-up

    A Neuropsychological Profile for Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum?: Cognitive, Academic, Executive, Social, and Behavioral Functioning in School-Age Children

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    Objectives: Agenesis of the corpus callosum (AgCC), characterized by developmental absence of the corpus callosum, is one of the most common congenital brain malformations. To date, there are limited data on the neuropsychological consequences of AgCC and factors that modulate different outcomes, especially in children. This study aimed to describe general intellectual, academic, executive, social and behavioral functioning in a cohort of school-aged children presenting for clinical services to a hospital and diagnosed with AgCC. The influences of age, social risk and neurological factors were examined. Methods: Twenty-eight school-aged children (8 to 17 years) diagnosed with AgCC completed tests of general intelligence (IQ) and academic functioning. Executive, social and behavioral functioning in daily life, and social risk, were estimated from parent and teacher rated questionnaires. MRI findings reviewed by a pediatric neurologist confirmed diagnosis and identified brain characteristics. Clinical details including the presence of epilepsy and diagnosed genetic condition were obtained from medical records. Results: In our cohort, ~50% of children experienced general intellectual, academic, executive, social and/or behavioral difficulties and ~20% were functioning at a level comparable to typically developing children. Social risk was important for understanding variability in neuropsychological outcomes. Brain anomalies and complete AgCC were associated with lower mathematics performance and poorer executive functioning. Conclusions: This is the first comprehensive report of general intellectual, academic, executive social and behavioral consequences of AgCC in school-aged children. The findings have important clinical implications, suggesting that support to families and targeted intervention could promote positive neuropsychological functioning in children with AgCC who come to clinical attention

    Quantitative MRI brain in congenital adrenal hyperplasia: in vivo assessment of the cognitive and structural impact of steroid hormones

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    Abstract Context Brain white matter hyper-intensities are seen on routine clinical imaging in 46% of adults with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). The extent and functional relevance of these abnormalities have not been studied using quantitative MRI analysis. Objective To examine white matter microstructure, neural volumes and CNS metabolites in CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) and to determine whether identified abnormalities are associated with cognition, glucocorticoid and androgen exposure. Design, setting and participants A cross-sectional study at a tertiary hospital including 19 females (18-50 years) with 21OHD and 19 age-matched healthy females. Main outcome measure Recruits underwent cognitive assessment and brain imaging including; diffusion weighted imaging of white matter, T1-weighted volumetry and magnetic resonance spectroscopy for neural metabolites. We evaluated white matter microstructure using tract-based spatial statistics. We compared cognitive scores, neural volumes and metabolites between groups and relationships between glucocorticoid exposure, MRI and neurologic outcomes. Results Patients with 21OHD had widespread reductions in white matter structural integrity, reduced volumes of right hippocampus, bilateral thalami, cerebellum and brainstem, and reduced mesial temporal lobe total choline content. Working memory, processing speed, and digit span and matrix reasoning scores were reduced in patients with 21OHD, despite similar education and intelligence to controls. 21OHD individuals exposed to higher glucocorticoid doses had greater abnormalities in white matter microstructure and cognitive performance. Conclusion For the first time we demonstrate that 21OHD and current glucocorticoid replacement regimens have a profound impact on brain morphology and function. If reversible, these CNS markers represent a potential target for treatment

    Examining cognition and brain networks using magnetoencephalography in paediatric autoimmune encephalitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis: a preliminary study

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    Paediatric autoimmune encephalitis, including acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, are inflammatory brain diseases presenting with cognitive deficits, psychiatric symptoms, seizures, MRI and EEG abnormalities. Despite improvements in disease recognition and early immunotherapy, long-term outcomes in paediatric autoimmune encephalitis remain poor. Our aim was to understand functional connectivity changes that could be associated with negative developmental outcomes across different types of paediatric autoimmune encephalitis using magnetoencephalography. Participants were children diagnosed with paediatric autoimmune encephalitis at least 18 months before testing and typically developing children. All completed magnetoencephalography recording at rest, T 1 MRI scans and neuropsychology testing. Brain connectivity (specifically in delta and theta) was estimated with amplitude envelope correlation, and network efficiency was measured using graph measures (global efficiency, local efficiency and modularity). Twelve children with paediatric autoimmune encephalitis (11.2 ± 3.5 years, interquartile range 9 years; 5M:7F) and 12 typically developing controls (10.6 ± 3.2 years, interquartile range 7 years; 8M:4F) participated. Children with paediatric autoimmune encephalitis did not differ from controls in working memory ( t(21) = 1.449; P = 0.162; d = 0.605) but had significantly lower processing speed ( t(21) = 2.463; P = 0.023; Cohen's d = 1.028). Groups did not differ in theta network topology measures. The paediatric autoimmune encephalitis group had a significantly lower delta local efficiency across all thresholds tested ( d = -1.60 at network threshold 14%). Theta modularity was associated with lower working memory ( β = -0.781; t(8) = -2.588, P = 0.032); this effect did not survive correction for multiple comparisons ( P(corr) = 0.224). Magnetoencephalography was able to capture specific network alterations in paediatric autoimmune encephalitis patients. This preliminary study demonstrates that magnetoencephalography is an appropriate tool for assessing children with paediatric autoimmune encephalitis and could be associated with cognitive outcomes

    Child and Parent Physical Activity, Sleep, and Screen Time During COVID-19 and Associations With Mental Health:Implications for Future Psycho-Cardiological Disease?

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has afforded the opportunity for some to improve lifestyle behaviours, while for others it has presented key challenges. Adverse changes in global lifestyle behaviours, including physical activity, sleep, and screen time can affect proximal mental health and in turn distal cardiovascular outcomes. We investigated differences in physical activity, sleep, and screen time in parents and children during early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia compared to pre-COVID-19 national data; and estimated associations between these movement behaviours with parent and child mental health. Cross-sectional baseline data from the COVID-19 Pandemic Adjustment Study (CPAS; N = 2,365) were compared to nationally representative pre-pandemic data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC; N = 9,438). Participants were parents of children aged ≤ 18 years, residing in Australia. Parents provided self-report measures of mental health, physical activity and sleep quality, and reported on child mental health, physical activity and screen time. Children in CPAS had significantly more sleep problems and more weekend screen time. Their parents had significantly poorer sleep quality, despite increased weekly physical activity. Children's sleep problems were significantly associated with increased mental health problems, after accounting for socioeconomic status, physical activity, and screen time. Poorer parent sleep quality and lower levels of physical activity were significantly associated with poorer mental health. Monitoring this cohort over time will be important to examine whether changes in movement behaviour are enduring or naturally improve with the easing of restrictions; and whether these changes have lasting effects on either parent or child mental health, and in turn, future risk for CVD
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