89 research outputs found

    Resonance-like Goss-Haenchen Shift induced by nano-metal films

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    The influence of nano-metal films on the Goos-Haenchen shift (GHS) is investigated. The films deposited at the total reflecting surface of a perspex prism/air have a sheet resistance varying between Z = 25 and 3 000 Ohm. A resonance-like enhancement of the shift and of the absorption is found for TE polarized waves, when the sheet resistance approaches the value of the vacuum impedance. For TM waves the influence of the metal films on the GHS is comparatively weak. The experiments are carried out with microwaves. Keywords: Goos-Haenchen shift; nano-metallic films, microwaves PACS: 42.25.Bs, 42.25.Gy, 42.50.-p, 73.40.GkComment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    „Wandel, Persistenz, Paradoxie“: Normalisierung und Prekarisierung von SexualitĂ€t und Geschlecht im Neoliberalismus

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    This essay discusses current analyses that observe a paradoxical simultaneity of both the flexibilisation and the persistence of traditional forms of gender and family, focussing on the work of Andrea Maihofer, who amply investigated in this field. The author argues that, although heteronormative forms of gender, kinship and labour are increasingly becoming precarious, they haven’t lost their normative power as a “regulatory ideal” (Butler), thus producing a dialectics of diversification and co-opted normalisation, which includes the state-aided reproduction of class and race privilege. The paradoxical coexistence of the fracturing and the intensification of patriarchal power is therefore best understood as a regime that promotes the neoliberal privatisation and subjectivation of a nowadays pluralized institution of marriage and family

    Desiring Just Economies:Just Economies of Desire

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    Sexuality is implicit in economic processes: ways of organizing sexuality influence economic processes; conversely, current global economic processes constitute specific sexual identities and practices that collaborate in relations of exploitation, domination, and subjectivation. The conference &#8216;Desiring Just Economies / Just Economies of Desire&#8217; proposes to focus on the notion of desire as a tool to explore economy’s sexual dimension as much as the economic dimension of sexuality. It recognizes that desire sustains current economies, but also carries the potential for inciting new forms of understanding and doing economy. Drawing on Queer Theory, which maintains that desire can be envisioned beyond heteronormative restrictions, it will address the question of justice. In particular, it will ask whether the pursuit of economic and sexual justice can be made to coincide when economy is queered by desire.Desiring Just Economies: Just Economies of Desire, conference, ICI Berlin, 24–26 June 2010 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e100624

    Sexual Ghosts and the Whole of History:Queer Historiography, Post-Slavery Subjectivities, and Sadomasochism in Isaac Julien’s The Attendant

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    There is a complex historical dimension to desire. Desire can never be isolated from history, nor can history be isolated from desire. Yet for Fredric Jameson, who urges us to ‘always historicize’, desire is of little help when we want to historicize. A historiography that draws on the fascination with history is therefore always suspect of giving a false account of history in its totality. Could an entanglement of pleasure and pain be a way to come to terms with desire in historiography

    Sexual Ghosts and the Whole of History:Queer Historiography, Post-Slavery Subjectivities, and Sadomasochism in Isaac Julien’s The Attendant

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    There is a complex historical dimension to desire. Desire can never be isolated from history, nor can history be isolated from desire. Yet for Fredric Jameson, who urges us to ‘always historicize’, desire is of little help when we want to historicize. A historiography that draws on the fascination with history is therefore always suspect of giving a false account of history in its totality. Could an entanglement of pleasure and pain be a way to come to terms with desire in historiography

    „Sie ham mir ein GefĂŒhl geklaut...“: Queer-feministische Perspektiven auf Bewegungen zwischen Sex und GefĂŒhl

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    This article sketches a genealogy of how the opposition between sex and feeling has been mobilized by sexual emancipatory politics. The authors aim at better understanding the debate around the ‘affective turn’ within Queer Studies and the controversy on the distinction of emotion and affect. We argue that these efforts work through the mind/body dichotomy, assuming different positions in each case. The gay liberation movement of the 1970s claimed to free bodily needs and condemned the idealization of same sex love, by which the post-war homophile movement distanced itself from sex. In the 1980s sex positive feminists and parts of the lesbian movement accused their forerunners of having demonized and repressed sex as a male domain. Since the turn of the millennium the debates on the recognition of homosexual civil unions and parenthood, on the one hand, and the insistence on the subversive power of the sexual, on the other hand, have introduced further variants of this dualism. We advocate historicizing and relativizing these theoretical and political oppositions, yet without abandoning the moving force of radical alterity

    Thermal radiation and near-field energy density of thin metallic films

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    We study the properties of thermal radiation emitted by a thin dielectric slab, employing the framework of macroscopic fluctuational electrodynamics. Particular emphasis is given to the analytical construction of the required dyadic Green's functions. Based on these, general expressions are derived for both the system's Poynting vector, describing the intensity of propagating radiation, and its energy density, containing contributions from non-propagating modes which dominate the near-field regime. An extensive discussion is then given for thin metal films. It is shown that the radiative intensity is maximized for a certain film thickness, due to Fabry-Perot-like multiple reflections inside the film. The dependence of the near-field energy density on the distance from the film's surface is governed by an interplay of several length scales, and characterized by different exponents in different regimes. In particular, this energy density remains finite even for arbitrarily thin films. This unexpected feature is associated with the film's low-frequency surface plasmon polariton. Our results also serve as reference for current near-field experiments which search for deviations from the macroscopic approach

    Ultrathin 2 nm gold as ideal impedance-matched absorber for infrared light

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    Thermal detectors are a cornerstone of infrared (IR) and terahertz (THz) technology due to their broad spectral range. These detectors call for suitable broad spectral absorbers with minimalthermal mass. Often this is realized by plasmonic absorbers, which ensure a high absorptivity butonly for a narrow spectral band. Alternativly, a common approach is based on impedance-matching the sheet resistance of a thin metallic film to half the free-space impedance. Thereby, it is possible to achieve a wavelength-independent absorptivity of up to 50 %, depending on the dielectric properties of the underlying substrate. However, existing absorber films typicallyrequire a thickness of the order of tens of nanometers, such as titanium nitride (14 nm), whichcan significantly deteriorate the response of a thermal transducers. Here, we present the application of ultrathin gold (2 nm) on top of a 1.2 nm copper oxide seed layer as an effective IR absorber. An almost wavelength-independent and long-time stable absorptivity of 47(3) %, ranging from 2 Ό\mum to 20 Ό\mum, could be obtained and is further discussed. The presented gold thin-film represents analmost ideal impedance-matched IR absorber that allows a significant improvement of state-of-the-art thermal detector technology
