178 research outputs found

    Geo-Metric: {A} Perceptual Dataset of Distortions on Faces

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    Progenitor cells are responsible for formation of human prostate epithelium primary cultures

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    To analyze cell viability and morphology of primary cell cultures from CD133 immunolabeled and sorted cells from epithelium of patients suffering from benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). Methods: Cells obtained from 5 patients were divided in two fractions. First fraction (CD133+/CD133–) was cultivated in DMEM with 10% FBS. Second fraction was mixed with CD133 microbeads and immunomagnetically divided into CD133+ and CD133– fractions. These cells were cultivated and followed-up for 2 weeks. Cells were stained for Annexin V FITC/propidium iodide. Results: Seventy CD133+/CD133– cultures, thirty-one of CD133+ and thirty-one of CD133– cells were established. There were 5-fold and 3-fold increase of CD133+/CD133- and CD133+ cell number after 2 weeks, respectively. CD133+/CD133– and CD133+ monolayers displayed epithelial-like morphology and cytokeratine expression. CD133– cultures collapsed. Cell viability within CD133+ and CD133– populations was 90.1 ± 6.3% and 24.3 ± 6.2%, respectively. Apoptotic index was 9.0 ± 6.1% and 28.5 ± 23.8% within CD133+ and CD133– cultures, respectively. Conclusions: CD133 separated human primary epithelial cell cultures displayed differences in morphology, viability and apoptosis occurrence. Immunomagnetic sorting can be recommended in each in vitro experiments with primary cell cultures in order to provide more objective results.Цель: оценить жизнеспособность и морфологию клеток первичных клеточных культур, полученных из меченных по CD133 и полученных с помощью клеточной сортировки клеток эпителия пациентов с доброкачественной гиперплазией предстательной железы (BPH). Методы: клетки, полученные от 5 пациентов, были разделены на 2 фракции. Первую фракцию (CD133+/CD133–) выращивали в DMEM с 10% FBS али с CD133 магнитными гранулами и с помощью магнита разделили клетки на CD133+- и CD133–-фракции. Далее клетки культивировали в течении 2 нед. Клетки окрашивали аннексиномV FITC/пропидий йодидом. Результаты: получено 70 CD133+/CD133- -культур клеток, 31 CD133+ и 31 CD133–. Через 2 нед культивирования отмечали 5-кратное и 3-кратное увеличение количества CD133+/CD133– и CD133+ клеток соответственно. CD133+/CD133- -и CD133+-клетки росли в монослое и имели морфологию эпителиальных клеток, экспрессировали цитокератин. CD133–-клетки не выжили. Выживаемость клеток в популяциях CD133+ и CD133– была 90,1 ± 6,3% и 24,3 ± 6,2% соответственно. Показатель апоптического индекса для культур CD133+ и CD133– был 9,0 ± 6,1% и 28,5 ± 23,8% соответственно. Выводы: показаны различия в морфологии, выживаемости клеток и частоте апоптоза для эпителиальных клеток, разделенных в зависимости от экспрессии CD133. Сортировка клеток с помощью иммуномагнитного разделения рекомендована для каждого in vitro эксперимента с использованием первичных клеточных культур для получения более объективных результатов

    2D and 3D cubic monocrystalline and polycrystalline materials: their stability and mechanical properties

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    We consider 2- and 3-dimensional cubic monocrystalline and polycrystalline materials. Expressions for Young's and shear moduli and Poisson's ratio are expressed in terms of eigenvalues of the stiffness tensor. Such a form is well suited for studying properties of these mechanical characteristics on sides of the stability triangles. For crystalline high-symmetry directions lines of vanishing Poisson's ratio are found. These lines demarcate regions of the stability triangle into areas of various auxeticity properties. The simplest model of polycrystalline 2D and 3D cubic materials is considered. In polycrystalline phases the region of complete auxetics is larger than for monocrystalline materials.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, in proceedings of the Tenth International School on Theoretical Physics, Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter, Myczkowce 200

    Multilayered genetic and omics dissection of mitochondrial activity in a mouse reference population

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    The manner by which genotype and environment affect complex phenotypes is one of the fundamental questions in biology. In this study, we quantified the transcriptome--a subset of the metabolome--and, using targeted proteomics, quantified a subset of the liver proteome from 40 strains of the BXD mouse genetic reference population on two diverse diets. We discovered dozens of transcript, protein, and metabolite QTLs, several of which linked to metabolic phenotypes. Most prominently, Dhtkd1 was identified as a primary regulator of 2-aminoadipate, explaining variance in fasted glucose and diabetes status in both mice and humans. These integrated molecular profiles also allowed further characterization of complex pathways, particularly the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPR(mt)). UPR(mt) shows strikingly variant responses at the transcript and protein level that are remarkably conserved among C. elegans, mice, and humans. Overall, these examples demonstrate the value of an integrated multilayered omics approach to characterize complex metabolic phenotypes

    A finite model of two-dimensional ideal hydrodynamics

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    A finite-dimensional su(NN) Lie algebra equation is discussed that in the infinite NN limit (giving the area preserving diffeomorphism group) tends to the two-dimensional, inviscid vorticity equation on the torus. The equation is numerically integrated, for various values of NN, and the time evolution of an (interpolated) stream function is compared with that obtained from a simple mode truncation of the continuum equation. The time averaged vorticity moments and correlation functions are compared with canonical ensemble averages.Comment: (25 p., 7 figures, not included. MUTP/92/1

    Crossing the Dripline to 11N Using Elastic Resonance Scattering

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    The level structure of the unbound nucleus 11N has been studied by 10C+p elastic resonance scattering in inverse geometry with the LISE3 spectrometer at GANIL, using a 10C beam with an energy of 9.0 MeV/u. An additional measurement was done at the A1200 spectrometer at MSU. The excitation function above the 10C+p threshold has been determined up to 5 MeV. A potential-model analysis revealed three resonance states at energies 1.27 (+0.18-0.05) MeV (Gamma=1.44 +-0.2 MeV), 2.01(+0.15-0.05) MeV, (Gamma=0.84 +-$0.2 MeV) and 3.75(+-0.05) MeV, (Gamma=0.60 +-0.05 MeV) with the spin-parity assignments I(pi) =1/2+, 1/2- and 5/2+, respectively. Hence, 11N is shown to have a ground state parity inversion completely analogous to its mirror partner, 11Be. A narrow resonance in the excitation function at 4.33 (+-0.05) MeV was also observed and assigned spin-parity 3/2-.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, twocolumn Accepted for publication in PR

    Study of the unbound nucleus N-11 by elastic resonance scattering

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    4 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables.-- PACS nrs.: 21.10.Pc, 25.40.Ny, 27.20.+n.Resonances in the unbound nucleus N-11 have been studied, using the resonance scattering reaction C-10+p. The data give evidence for three states above the C-10+p threshold with energies 1.30, 2.04, and 3.72 MeV. These states can be interpreted, in a potential-model analysis, as the ground state and the first two excited states with spin-parity 1/2(+), 1/2(-), and 5/2(+) arising from the shell-model orbitals 1s(1/2), Op(1/2), and Od(5/2). A narrow state superposed on a broad structure found at higher energy could be interpreted as the mirror state of the 3/2(-) in Be-11 shifted down in energy. This shift would suggest a large radius of the potential.We acknowledge financial support from the European Community under Contract No. CHGE-CT94-0056 (Human Capital and Mobility, Access to the GANIL large scale facility) and from the Russian Foundation RFFI.Peer reviewe