122 research outputs found

    Hemispheric asymmetry in the efficiency of attentional networks

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    Advantage in conflict resolution was observed, which may indicate hemispheric asymmetry of the executive network. No VF effect for alerting was found. The results, consistent with the common notion of general right hemisphere dominance for attention, provide a more detailed account of hemispheric asymmetries of the attentional networks than previous studies using the LANT task

    Design, Analysis and Comparison of Si- and GaN-Based DC-DC Wide-Input-Voltage-Range Buck-Boost Converters

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    The purpose of the article is a comparison between DC/DC topologies with a wide input voltage range. The research also explains how the implementation of GaN E‑HEMT transistors influences the overall efficiency of the converter. The article presents a process of selection of the most efficient topology for stabilization of the battery storage voltage (9 V – 36 V) at the level of 24 V, which enables the usage of ultracapacitor energy storage in a wide range of applications, e.g., in automated electric vehicles. In order to choose the most suitable topology, simulation and laboratory research were conducted. The two most promising topologies were selected for verification in the experimental model. Each of the converters was constructed in two versions: with Si and with GaN E-HEMT transistors. The paper presents experimental research results that consist of precise power loss measurements and thermal analysis. The performance with an increased switching frequency of converters was also examined

    Digital video recording techniques and chemical experiment in modern media

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    W artykule przedstawiono wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii informatycznych do prezentacji eksperymentów chemicznych. Opisano zastosowanie technik cyfrowych do realizacji filmów edukacyjnych z chemii. Zaprezentowano zalety technologii internetowych oraz wykorzystanie urządzeń mobilnych w nauczaniu chemii. Omówiono zastosowanie naturalnego interfejsu użytkownika jakim jest Kinect do tworzenia wirtualnego laboratorium chemicznego. Zestawiono wyniki badań nad przydatnością edukacyjną opisanych środków dydaktycznych.This article presents the use of modern information technology to present chemistry experiments. It describes the way in which digital technologies can be used to facilitate the implementation of educational videos in chemistry and presents the advantages of Internet technology as well as the use of mobile devices in teaching chemistry. This article also discusses the use of a natural user interface, that is, Kinect in relation to creating a virtual chemical laboratory and summarizes the results of studies on the educational usefulness of these didactic measures.351031207Neodidagmat

    Asymetria mózgu i lateralizacja w jąkaniu

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    The diagnosis of developmental disorders – including those of speech fluency – have traditionally emphasized the meaning of atypical laterality. In the present paper we review briefly the literature showing that, even though stutter-ing, along with other language deficiencies, is indeed related to atypical brain asymmetry, the exact nature of this relation remains elusive, and the diagnostic utility of laterality measurement seems disputable.W diagnozie zaburzeń rozwojowych – w tym także zaburzeń płyn-ności mowy – tradycyjnie przywiązuje się dużą wagę do atypowej lateralizacji. Artykuł zawiera pobieżny przegląd literatury, pokazujący, że choć jąkanie, podob-nie jak inne zaburzenia sprawności językowej, faktycznie wiąże się z nietypową asymetrią mózgu, to natura tego związku pozostaje wciąż niejasna, a wartość diagnostyczna badania lateralizacji budzi wątpliwości.

    Chorionic thickness and PlGF concentrations as early predictors of small-for-gestational age birth weight in a low risk population

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    Objectives: SGA is associated with higher incidence of postnatal complications, including suboptimal neurodevelopment and increased cardiovascular risk. Screening for SGA, carried out at 11–13 (+ 6d) gestational weeks enables to reduce or completely eliminate the above mentioned complications. The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between chorionic thickness, concentration of PIGF protein and foetal birth weight in a single low-risk pregnancy. Material and methods: The study included 76 patients at 11–13 (+ 6d) gestational weeks, monitored throughout preg­nancy. Ultrasound examinations identified the location and thickness of the chorion by measuring it in its central part at its widest point in a sagittal section. Additionally, at each visit venous blood was collected to determine the level of PlGF, PAPP-A, and BhCG. Results: A significant positive correlation (r = 0.37) was found between the foetal weight and chorionic thickness. This correlation was affected by the location of the chorion and a significant negative correlation was observed between the level of PLGF, FHR, weight and length of the newborn. Maternal early-pregnancy BMI did not affect neonatal weight and body length, FHR, chorionic thickness, and the levels of PlGF, PAPP-A, and BhCG. Conclusions: The preliminary analysis indicates an association between chorionic thickness assessed during ultrasound at 11–13 (+ 6d) gestational weeks, PIGF levels assayed at the same time and birth weight. Increasing chorion thickness was accompanied by increasing foetal birth weight. PlGF level showed an inversely proportional effect on the foetal weight. This correlation was significant for the posterior location of the chorion

    Ocena wartości predykcyjnej stężenia TNF-alfa w surowicy krwi matki w prognozowaniu wrodzonego zakażenia noworodka oraz zakażenia matki

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    Introduction: The consequences of uncomplicated PPROM are serious, and the presence of overt intraamniotic infection (IAI) is associated with a significant increase in both, the maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality rate. TNF-alpha is a cytokine involved in systemic inflammation and plays an important role in modulating the acute phase reaction. Aim: the aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of tnf-alpha levels in maternal serum within 6 hours after pprom and in the period of up to 12 hours after delivery, in the prediction of neonatal and maternal infection. Material and methods: The investigation was conducted on a group of 56 women diagnosed with PPROM between 30+0 and 36+6 weeks gestational age. In the period of up to 6hrs from pprom first sample of 10ml of maternal venous blood for laboratory testing was taken and the level of tnf-alpha was measured. A second sample of venous blood was taken within 12hrs from delivery to reassess the tnf-alpha levels. All the participants were divided retrospectively into four groups depending on the occurrence of adverse neonatal and maternal outcome. Measuring the concentration of tnf-alpha in maternal serum was performed using the elisa method (enzymelinked immunosorbent assay). Results: A statistically significant difference in the second assay (up to 12 hours after delivery) between the patients with and without signs of maternal infection was observed concerning the tnf-alpha serum level. The concentration of this cytokine in maternal serum after delivery was 1.79 and 1.36 pg/ml (pWstęp: Konsekwencje niepowikłanego PPROM są poważne, a dodatkowo obecność jawnej klinicznie IAI związana jest ze znaczącym wzrostem zachorowalności i śmiertelności matki i noworodka. TNF-alfa jest cytokiną biorącą udział w reakcji zapalanej oraz odgrywa istotną rolę w modulacji reakcji ostrej fazy. Cel: Celem pracy była ocena wartości predykcyjnej oznaczenia stężenia TNF-alfa w surowicy krwi matki w czasie 6 godzin od PPROM oraz 12 godzin od porodu w prognozowaniu zakażenia matki i noworodka. Materiał i metodyka: Badanie przeprowadzono w grupie 56 kobiet z PPROM pomiędzy 30+0 a 36+6 tygodniem ciąży. W okresie do 6 godzin od PPROM wykonano podstawowe badania laboratoryjne oraz zmierzono stężenie TNF-alfa w surowicy krwi matki. Ponowne oznaczanie analizowanych parametrów laboratoryjnych oraz stężenia TNF-alfa przeprowadzono w czasie do 12 godzin od porodu. Wszystkie włączone do badania pacjentki podzielono retrospektywnie na cztery grupy, w zależności od wystąpienia niekorzystnego wyniku położniczego matki i noworodka. Pomiar stężenia TNF-alfa w surowicy krwi matki wykonano przy użyciu metody ELISA. Wyniki: W grupie pacjentek z cechami zakażenia, stężenie TNF-alfa w surowicy krwi w okresie do 12 godzin od porodu było statystycznie wyższe w porównaniu do grupy kobiet bez cech zakażenia (1,79 vs. 1,36 pg/ml –