420 research outputs found

    Judicial Review of Government Pandemic Responses: Emerging Basic Lines in the Federal Administrative Court\u27s First Judgments

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    This Article analyzes the first rulings of the highest administrative court in Germany regarding measures aimed at curbing the COVID-19 pandemic. It outlines the architecture of fighting the pandemic, its relevance for judicial protection, and the basic lines of the court’s rulings. It also critically evaluates key issues such as: dealing with pandemic situations as a challenge for the separation of powers and judicial review, proportionality, the significance of expert knowledge, and the need for fundamental rights protection via procedures

    Discriminative and Generative Learning with Style Information

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    Conventional machine learning approaches usually assume that the patterns follow the identical and independent distribution (i.i.d.). However, in many empirical cases, such condition might be violated when data are equipped with diverse and inconsistent style information. The effectiveness of those traditional predictors may be limited due to the violation of the i.i.d. assumption brought by the existence of the style inconsistency. In this thesis, we investigate how the style information can be appropriately utilized for further lifting up the performance of machine learning models. It is fulfilled by not only introducing the style information into some state-of-the-art models, some new architectures, frameworks are also designed and implemented with specific purposes to make proper use of the style information. The main work is listed as the following summaries: First, the idea of the style averaging is initially introduced by an example of an image process based sunglasses recovery algorithm to perform robust one-shot facial expression recognition task. It is named as Style Elimination Transformation (SET). By recovering the pixels corrupted by the dark colors of the sunglasses brought by the proposed algorithm, the classification performance is promoted on several state-of-the-art machine learning classifiers even in a one-shot training setting. Then the investigation of the style normalization and style neutralization is investigated with both discriminative and generative machine learning approaches respectively. In discriminative learning models with style information, the style normalization transformation (SNT) is integrated into the support vector machines (SVM) for both classification and regression, named as the field support vector classification (F-SVC) and field support vector regression (F-SVR) respectively. The SNT can be represented with the nonlinearity by mapping the sufficiently complicated style information to the high-dimensional reproducing kernel Hilbert space. The learned SNT would normalize the inconsistent style information, producing i.i.d. examples, on which the SVM will be applied. Furthermore, a self-training based transductive framework will be introduced to incorporate with the unseen styles during training. The transductive SNT (T-SNT) is learned by transferring the trained styles to the unknown ones. Besides, in generative learning with style information, the style neutralization generative adversarial classifier (SN-GAC) is investigated to incorporate with the style information when performing the classification. As a neural network based framework, the SN-GAC enables the nonlinear mapping due to the nature of the nonlinearity of the neural network transformation with the generative manner. As a generalized and novel classification framework, it is capable of synthesizing style-neutralized high-quality humanunderstandable patterns given any style-inconsistent ones. Being learned with the adversarial training strategy in the first step, the final classification performance will be further promoted by fine-tuning the classifier when those style-neutralized examples can be well generated. Finally, the reversed task of the upon-mentioned style neutralization in the SN-GAC model, namely, the generation of arbitrary-style patterns, is also investigated in this thesis. By introducing the W-Net, a deep architecture upgraded from the famous U-Net model for image-to-image translation tasks, the few-shot (even the one-shot) arbitrary-style Chinese character generation task will be fulfilled. Same as the SN-GAC model, the W-Net is also trained with the adversarial training strategy proposed by the generative adversarial network. Such W-Net architecture is capable of generating any Chinese characters with the similar style as those given a few, or even one single, stylized examples. For all the proposed algorithms, frameworks, and models mentioned above for both the prediction and generation tasks, the inconsistent style information is taken into appropriate consideration. Inconsistent sunglasses information is eliminated by an image processing based sunglasses recovery algorithm in the SET, producing style-consistent patterns. The facial expression recognition is performed based on those transformed i.i.d. examples. The SNT is integrated into the SVM model, normalizing the inconsistent style information nonlinearly with the kernelized mapping. The T-SNT further enables the field prediction on those unseen styles during training. In the SN-GAC model, the style neutralization is performed by the neural network based upgraded U-Net architecture. Trained with separated steps with the adversarial optimization strategy included, it produces the high-quality style-neutralized i.i.d. patterns. The following classification is learned to produce superior performance with no additional computation involved. The W-Net architecture enables the free manipulation of the style data generation task with only a few, or even one single, style reference(s) available. It makes the Few-shot, or even the One-shot, Chinese Character Generation with the Arbitrary-style information task to be realized. Such appealing property is hardly seen in the literature

    A Constituição no direito administrativo geral: perda de importùncia por causa da europeização e emancipação?

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    A constitucionalização constitui um fenomeno comum das ordens jurĂ­dicas administrativas europeias, e tambĂ©m o direito administrativo da UE Ă© cada vez mais influenciado pelo seu quadro constitucional, nomeadamente apĂłs a entrada em vigor da Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da EU, que garante explicitamente o direito a uma boa administração. Com referĂȘncia ao direito administrativo alemĂŁo, provavelmente o sistema de direito administrativo mais constitucionalizado, culminando no entendimento de Fritz Werner de "Verwaltungsrecht als konkretisiertes Verfassungsrecht" ("direito administrativo como direito constitucional concretizado"), o artigo, num primeiro passo, nĂŁo sĂł aprofunda o fenĂłmeno da constitucionalização, mas tambĂ©m qualifica a tese de constitucionalização generalizada. Esta Ășltima foi alĂ©m disso questionada por duas megatendĂȘncias com impacto em todas as ordens jurĂ­dicas administrativas europeias, nomeadamente a sua europeização e a sua alegada emancipação da Constituição. Se isto significa uma desconstitucionalização do direito administrativo e como estas tendĂȘncias podem ser conciliadas, serĂĄ discutido em outras partes do artigo. Os conhecimentos gerados pela utilização, nomeadamente, do exemplo do direito administrativo alemĂŁo sĂŁo de relevĂąncia pan-europeia e podem servir como instrumento de anĂĄlise numa perspectiva comparativa e tendo em vista o futuro desenvolvimento do direito administrativo da EU


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    Annotated translation is a study that provides annotations or notes on the chosen equivalents of a number of translated words as a form of translator’s accountability. Using a comparative model, this qualitative study aims to describe the problems that were encountered when translating the source text and finding the right translation strategy to be used for addressing the existing translation problems. In this research, the source text is a children literature (tale) titled Le Fils à la recherche de sa mùre by Senegalese author. The problems that were encountered when translating this tale were issues related to language and culture, such as idioms, metaphors, and cultural words. The translation problems were then addressed by using translation strategies (methods and procedures) according to Newmark (1988). In generating translations and annotations, this research referred to various dictionaries and websites. The findings of this research are expected to enrich the French children literature translations from African countries that are rarely found in Indonesia

    Meinungsfreiheit und die neue Datenschutz-Verordnung

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    MEINUNGSFREIHEIT UND DIE NEUE DATENSCHUTZ-VERORDNUNG LIBERDADE DE OPINIÃO E O NOVO REGULAMENTO EUROPEU DE PROTEÇÃO DE DADOSFREEDOM OF SPEECH AND THE NEW EUROPEAN DATA PROTECTION REGULATION Ana Clara Gonçalves Discacciati*Ferdinand WollenschlĂ€ger**RESUMO: A UniĂŁo Europeia promulgou um novo regulamento de proteção de dados, a fim de que o trĂąnsito de informaçÔes pessoais no contexto atual da Internet fosse melhor regulado. Todavia, um problema jurĂ­dico surge quando o indivĂ­duo quer publicar suas informaçÔes pessoais, mas que depois serĂŁo utilizadas ilicitamente. O presente artigo se propĂ”e a conjugar diferentes direitos de personalidade na perspectiva do Direito Europeu, especificadamente a liberdade de expressĂŁo e o direito Ă  proteção de dados. ApĂłs um breve resumo da teoria dos princĂ­pios de Robert Alexy, segundo a qual um princĂ­pio serĂĄ considerado preponderante em relação a outro a depender da situação, duas decisĂ”es paradigmĂĄticas sĂŁo analisadas, uma do Tribunal Federal de Justiça alemĂŁo e uma da Corte Europeia de Justiça. Em cada julgado um direito preponderou – direito Ă  liberdade de opiniĂŁo ou direito Ă  proteção de dados, e foi demonstrado como os dois princĂ­pios sĂŁo importantes para a sociedade moderna desde os seus primeiros reconhecimentos jurĂ­dicos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Proteção de Dados. Liberdade de OpiniĂŁo. InformaçÔes Pessoais. Direito europeu.  ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die EuropĂ€ische Union hat 2014 eine neue Datenschutzverordnung erlassen, um das Verkehr persönlicher Informationen in der heutigen Internetzeit besser zu regulieren. Jedoch kommt ein rechtliches Problem, wenn eine Person ihre Informationen veröffentlichen will, die aber danach missgehandelt werden. Dieser Artikel zielt, verschiedene persönliche Rechte in der Perspektive des europĂ€ischen Rechts zu vereinbaren, nĂ€hmlich die Meinungsfreiheit und das Datenschutzrecht. Nach einer kurzen Zusammenfassung der Robert Alexys Prinzipien-Schranken-Theorie, laut der gemĂ€ÎČ der Situation ein Prinzip als wichtiger als anderen erfindet wird, wurden zwei wichtigen Entscheidungen analysiert, eine von dem Bundesgerichtshof und eine von dem EuropĂ€ischen Gerichtshof. Jede Entscheidung hat ein Recht mehr bewertet – Meinungsfreiheit oder Datenschutzrecht, und es wird gezeigt, wie beide Prinzipien seit ihrer ersten juristischen Anerkennungen in unserer modernen Gesellschaft nötig sind. SCHLÜSSELWÖRTER: Datenschutz. Meinungsfreiheit Personbezogene Information. EuropĂ€isches Recht. ABSTRACT: The European Union issued in 2014 a new data protection regulation, so that the traffic of personal information in the current context of the Internet could be better regulated. However, a legal problem arises when the individual wants to publish his personal information, but it is then used unlawfully. This article aims to combine different personality rights in European law perspective, specifically freedom of expression and the right to data protection. After a short summary of the theory of the principles of Robert Alexy, according to which a principle is considered dominant over another depending on the situation, two paradigmatic decisions are analyzed, from the German Federal Court of Justice and the European Court of Justice. In each trial a right prevailed - the right to freedom of speech or right to data protection, and it has been shown how the two principles are important to modern society since its first legal recognition. KEYWORDS: Data Protection. Freedom of Expression. Person-related Information. European Law. Inhalt: Einleitung. 1. Neuer Kontext. 2. Datenschutz. 2.1. Definitionen. 2.2. Entwurf einer neuen Verordnung. 2.2.1. Die Richtlinie 95/46/CE. 2.2.2. Die Verordnung. 3. Meinungsfreiheit. 4. Schranken des Datenschutzrechts durch das Meinungsfreiheitsrecht. 4.1. Theorie der Grundrechte (Prinzipien) von Robert Alexy. 4.2. EuGH Entscheidung. 4.3. BGH Entscheidung. Fazit.  Literaturverzeichnis.* Graduada pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Aluna visitante da UniversitĂ€t Augsburg, Alemanha. EstagiĂĄria do Max Planck Institut fĂŒr auslĂ€ndisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht.** Professor da UniversitĂ€t Augsburg, Alemanha. Coautor de Einheimischenmodelle: StĂ€dtebauliche Zielverwirklichung an der Schnittstelle von europĂ€ischem und nationalem, öffentlichem und privatem Recht e autor de Verteilungsverfahren: Die staatliche Verteilung knapper GĂŒter. Verfassungs- und unionsrechtlicher Rahmen, Verfahren im Fachrecht, bereichsspezifische verwaltungsrechtliche Typen-und Systembildung

    Legitimacy in the Multilevel European Polity

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    In order to be simultaneously effective and liberal, governments must normally be able to count on voluntary compliance – which, in turn, depends on the support of socially shared legitimacy beliefs. In Western constitutional democracies, such beliefs are derived from the distinct but coexistent traditions of “republican” and “liberal” political philosophy. When judged by these criteria, the European Union – if considered by itself – appears as a thoroughly liberal polity which, however, lacks all republican credentials. But this view (which seems to structure the debates about the “European democratic deficit”) ignores the multilevel nature of the European polity, where the compliance of citizens is requested, and needs to be legitimated by member states – whereas the Union appears as a “government of governments” which is entirely dependent on the voluntary compliance of its member states. What matters primarily, therefore, is the compliance-legitimacy relationship between the Union and its member states – which, however, is normatively constrained by the basic compliance-legitimacy relationship between member governments and their constituents. Given the high consensus requirements of European legislation, member governments could and should be able to assume political responsibility for European policies in which they had a voice, and to justify them in “communicative discourses” in the national public space. This is not necessarily true of “non-political” policy choices imposed by the European Court of Justice. By enforcing its “liberal” program of liberalization and deregulation, the ECJ may presently be undermining the “republican” bases of member-state legitimacy. Where this is the case, open non-compliance is a present danger, and political controls of judicial legislation may be called for.Um gleichzeitig effektiv und liberal sein zu können, ist staatliche Herrschaft auf freiwillige Folgebereitschaft angewiesen – die ihrerseits der UnterstĂŒtzung durch sozial geteilte LegitimitĂ€tsĂŒberzeugungen bedarf. In den demokratischen Verfassungsstaaten des Westens werden solche Überzeugungen aus den unterschiedlichen, aber komplementĂ€r zusammenwirkenden Traditionen der „republikanischen“ und der „liberalen“ politischen Philosophie hergeleitet. An diesen Kriterien gemessen erscheint die EuropĂ€ische Union – wenn man sie fĂŒr sich betrachtet – als eine „liberale“ politische Ordnung, der jedoch alle „republikanischen“ LegitimitĂ€tsmerkmale fehlen. Aber eine solche Sichtweise, die auch die derzeitige Diskussion ĂŒber ein „europĂ€isches Demokratiedefizit“ bestimmt, verkennt den Mehrebenencharakter des europĂ€ischen Gemeinwesens. In ihm sind es die Mitgliedstaaten, die Entscheidungen der Union gegenĂŒber den eigenen BĂŒrgern durchsetzen und auch legitimieren mĂŒssen, wĂ€hrend es fĂŒr die Union ihrerseits auf die freiwillige Folgebereitschaft ihrer Mitgliedstaaten ankommt. Dabei werden diese jedoch durch die normativen Grundlagen ihrer eigenen LegitimitĂ€t begrenzt. Politische Entscheidungen auf europĂ€ischer Ebene setzen breiten Konsens voraus, und die Regierungen sollten sie deshalb auch gegenĂŒber den eigenen BĂŒrgern in „kommunikativen Diskursen“ vertreten und dafĂŒr die politische Verantwortung ĂŒbernehmen können. Dies gilt jedoch nicht notwendigerweise auch fĂŒr Entscheidungen der europĂ€ischen Politik, die im nichtpolitischen Modus ohne Beteiligung des Rates und des Parlaments vom EuropĂ€ischen Gerichtshof bestimmt werden. Mit der gegenwĂ€rtigen Radikalisierung seines „liberalen“ Programms der Liberalisierung und Deregulierung des nationalen Rechts könnte der Gerichtshof in der Tat die „republikanischen“ Grundlagen der mitgliedstaatlichen LegitimitĂ€t unterminieren. In diesem Falle könnte die Union sich nicht lĂ€nger auf die Folgebereitschaft ihrer Mitgliedstaaten verlassen. Um diese Gefahr fĂŒr die europĂ€ische Integration zu vermeiden, sollte eine stĂ€rkere politische Kontrolle der richterlichen Rechtsetzung erwogen werden.1 Legitimacy Republican and liberal legitimating discourses Constitutional democracies – and the EU? 2 Legitimacy in multilevel polities 3 Legitimating member state compliance Political modes of policy making Non-political policy making 4 The need for justification 5 The Court is pushing against the limits of justifiability 6 The liberal undermining of republican legitimacy 7 Needed: A political balance of community and autonomy Reference

    Legitimacy intermediation in the multilevel European polity and its collapse in the euro crisis

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    This essay re-examines the dual – republican and liberal – foundations of democratic legitimacy in the Western traditions of normative political theory. Considered in isolation, the European Union conforms to liberal standards but cannot satisfy republican criteria. Given these conflicting standards, debates on the alleged European democratic deficit have remained inconclusive. Moreover, they have failed to pay sufficient attention to the multilevel character of the European polity and to the normative potential of legitimacy intermediation in its two-step compliance and legitimating relationships. I argue, however, that the capacity of democratic member states to legitimate the exercise of European governing functions is being destroyed in the present euro crisis, and I briefly discuss the implications of this new constellation.In der westlichen Tradition der normativen politischen Theorie beruht demokratische LegitimitĂ€t auf der doppelten Grundlage republikanischer und liberaler Prinzipien. FĂŒr sich betrachtet entspricht die EuropĂ€ische Union zwar liberalen Kriterien, aber eben nicht den republikanischen Anforderungen. Angesichts so unterschiedlicher Kriterien konnte es auch im Streit ĂŒber das angebliche europĂ€ische Demokratiedefizit keine Einigung geben. Überdies ignorierte diese Diskussion den Mehrebenen-Charakter der europĂ€ischen Politik und das normative Potenzial der Legitimationsvermittlung zwischen Union und BĂŒrgern durch die demokratisch verfassten Mitgliedstaaten. Die gegenwĂ€rtige Eurokrise allerdings zerstört die FĂ€higkeit demokratischer Mitgliedstaaten, die AusĂŒbung europĂ€ischer Herrschaftsfunktionen zu legitimieren. Der Aufsatz erörtert die Implikationen dieser neuen Konstellation.1 Introduction 2 Legitimacy discourses The republican discourse The liberal discourse Differences 3 Constitutional democracies – and the European Union? 4 Legitimacy intermediation in the multilevel European polity 5 The end of legitimacy intermediation in the euro crisis Monetary Union and the failure of output legitimacy Rescuing the euro through supranational intervention 6 Legitimate supranational government? Input-oriented European legitimacy? 7 Reducing the burden on European legitimacy Reference
