11 research outputs found

    3D-printed facet-attached optical elements for beam shaping in optical phased arrays

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    We demonstrate an optical phased-array equipped with a 3D-printed facet-attached element for shaping and deflection of the emitted beam. The beam shaper combines freeform refractive surfaces with total-internal-reflection mirrors and is in-situ printed to edge-emitting waveguide facets using high-resolution multi-photon lithography, thereby ensuring precise alignment with respect to on-chip waveguide structures. In a proof-of-concept experiment, we achieve a grating-lobe free steering range of ±\pm30^{\circ} and a full-width-half-maximum beam divergence of approximately 2^{\circ}. The concept opens an attractive alternative to currently used grating structures and is applicable to a wide range of integration platforms

    Procurement procedures - open competition problems of organization of public procurement

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    Darbā apskatīts šī brīža Publisko iepirkumu likuma regulējums attiecībā uz atklāta konkursa, kā viena no iepirkuma procedūras veidiem, piemērošanu un organizēšanu, kā arī izstrādātais jaunais publisko iepirkumu likumprojekts, kurā plānots iestrādāt Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes 2014.gada 26.februāra Direktīvā 2014/24/ES par publisko iepirkumu un ar ko atceļ Direktīvu 2004/18/EK (turpmāk tekstā – Direktīva 2014/24/ES) noteikto. Tiek pētīts tiesiskais regulējums, kā arī raksturotas praksē pastāvošās problēmas, piedāvājot risinājumus šo problēmu novēršanai. Darbs sastāv no trīs nodaļām, kuras ir strukturētas apakšnodaļās. Vispirms autore apskatījusi atklāta konkursa nošķiršanu no citām iepirkuma procedūrām, piemērošanas tiesiskais regulējums un tā plānošanas nepieciešamību. Secīgi autore apskatījusi iepirkuma komisijas izveides kārtību un darbību, organizējot atklātu konkursu. Darba noslēgumā autore izpētījusi atklāta konkursa organizēšanas procesu. Darba izstrādes mērķis ir vērst uzmanību uz problēmām, kas saistās ar atklāta konkursa organizēšanu, kas kavē kvalitatīva un pasūtītāja vajadzībām atbilstoša atklāta konkursa organizēšanu iepirkuma līguma noslēgšanai un kvalitatīva pakalpojuma saņemšanai, piedāvājot priekšlikumus šo problēmu mazināšanai vai risināšanai. Darba pamatā ir izmantoti publisko iepirkumu regulējošie normatīvie akti, tiesu prakse, Iepirkumu uzraudzības biroja lēmumi, publikācijas, kā arī interneta resursi. Darba izstrādes gaitā autore ir nonākusi pie vairākiem problēmjautājumiem un no tiem izrietošiem secinājumiem. Darba noslēgumā ir norādīti secinājumi, kā arī priekšlikumi atklātu konkursu organizēšanas problēmu novēršanai vai mazināšanai.In this work is viewed current Public Procurement Law framework for the open competition, as one of the types of procurement procedure, its application and organization, as well as the new public procurement bill, which is planned to incorporate in the European Parliament Council of 26 February 2014 Directive 2014/24/EU public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC (hereinafter - Directive 2014/24 /EU). Will be also studied legislation, as well as the described existing problems in practice, offering solutions to these problems. The work consists of three chapters, which are structured in sections. First of all, the author looked at the open competition separation from other procurement procedures, application of legislation and the need for its planning. Sequentially, the author examined the procurement commission procedures establishment and functioning, while organizing an open competition. In the final phase, the author studied the open tendering process. The aim is to draw attention to the problems associated with the organization of an open competition, hindering qualitative and customer-needed proper conclusion of an open competition procurement agreement and receiving of qualitative service, offering proposals to solve or alleviate these problems. This work is based on the use of Public Procurement Law, practice of jurisprudence, decisions of the Procurement Monitoring Bureau (IUB), publications, as well as internet resources. During the process of developing this work, the author has come to a number of issues and resulting conclusions. Final section presents conclusions, as well as proposals for preventing or reducing the problems in the organization of an open competition