16,542 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies: Disks or Spheroids?

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    Luminous compact blue galaxies (LCBGs) are a diverse class of galaxies characterized by high luminosities, blue colors, and high surface brightnesses. Residing at the high luminosity, high mass end of the blue sequence, LCBGs sit at the critical juncture of galaxies that are evolving from the blue to the red sequence. Yet we do not understand what drives the evolution of LCBGs, nor how they will evolve. Based on single-dish HI observations, we know that they have a diverse range of properties. LCBGs are HI-rich with M(HI)=10^{9-10.5} M(sun), have moderate M(dyn)=10^{10-12} M(sun), and 80% have gas depletion timescales less than 3 Gyr. These properties are consistent with LCBGs evolving into low-mass spirals or high mass dwarf ellipticals or dwarf irregulars. However, LCBGs do not follow the Tully-Fisher relation, nor can most evolve onto it, implying that many LCBGs are not smoothly rotating, virialized systems. GMRT and VLA HI maps confirm this conclusion revealing signatures of recent interactions and dynamically hot components in some local LCBGs, consistent with the formation of a thick disk or spheroid. Such signatures and the high incidence of close companions around LCBGs suggest that star formation in local LCBGs is likely triggered by interactions. The dynamical masses and apparent spheroid formation in LCBGs combined with previous results from optical spectroscopy are consistent with virial heating being the primary mechanism for quenching star formation in these galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, eds. V.P. Debattista & C.C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Se

    Search for cold gas in z>2 damped Lyman-alpha systems: 21-cm and H_2 absorption

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    (Abridged) We present the results of a systematic GBT and GMRT survey for 21-cm absorption in a sample of 10 DLAs at 2<z_abs<3.4. Analysis of L-band VLBA images of the background QSOs are also presented. We detect 21-cm absorption in only one DLA (at z_abs = 3.1745 towards J1337+3152). Combining our data with the data from the literature (a sample of 28 DLAs) and assuming the measured core fraction at milliarcsecond scale to represent the gas covering factor, we find that the HI gas in DLAs at z> 2 is predominantly constituted by WNM. The detection rate of 21-cm absorption seems to be higher for systems with higher N(HI) or metallicity. However, no clear correlation is found between the integrated 21-cm optical depth (or spin temperature) and either N(HI), metallicity or velocity spread of the low ionization species. There are 13 DLAs in our sample for which high resolution optical spectra covering the expected wavelength range of H_2 absorption are available. We report the detection of H_2 molecules in the z_abs = 3.3871 21-cm absorber towards J0203+1134 (PKS 0201+113). In 8 cases, neither H_2 nor 21-cm absorption are detected. The lack of 21-cm and H_2 absorption in these systems can be explained if most of the HI in these DLAs originate from low density high temperature gas. In one case we have a DLA with 21-cm absorption not showing H_2 absorption. In two cases, both species are detected but do not originate from the same velocity component. In the remaining 2 cases 21-cm absorption is not detected despite the presence of H_2 with evidence for the presence of cold gas. All this is consistent with the idea that the H_2 components seen in DLAs are compact (with sizes of < 15 pc) and contain only a small fraction (i.e typically <10%) of the total N(HI) measured in the DLAs.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation. Appendix A: ROBSIM user's guide

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    The purpose of the Robotics Simulation Program is to provide a broad range of computer capabilities to assist in the design, verification, simulation, and study of robotics systems. ROBSIM is program in FORTRAN 77 for use on a VAX 11/750 computer under the VMS operating system. This user's guide describes the capabilities of the ROBSIM programs, including the system definition function, the analysis tools function and the postprocessor function. The options a user may encounter with each of these executables are explained in detail and the different program prompts appearing to the user are included. Some useful suggestions concerning the appropriate answers to be given by the user are provided. An example user interactive run in enclosed for each of the main program services, and some of the capabilities are illustrated

    Phase separation and rotor self-assembly in active particle suspensions

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    Adding a non-adsorbing polymer to passive colloids induces an attraction between the particles via the `depletion' mechanism. High enough polymer concentrations lead to phase separation. We combine experiments, theory and simulations to demonstrate that using active colloids (such as motile bacteria) dramatically changes the physics of such mixtures. First, significantly stronger inter-particle attraction is needed to cause phase separation. Secondly, the finite size aggregates formed at lower inter-particle attraction show unidirectional rotation. These micro-rotors demonstrate the self assembly of functional structures using active particles. The angular speed of the rotating clusters scales approximately as the inverse of their size, which may be understood theoretically by assuming that the torques exerted by the outermost bacteria in a cluster add up randomly. Our simulations suggest that both the suppression of phase separation and the self assembly of rotors are generic features of aggregating swimmers, and should therefore occur in a variety of biological and synthetic active particle systems.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary information: 5 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary movies available from httP://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1116334109/-/DCSupplementa

    Evaluation of automated decision making methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation: Study results

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    The implementation of a generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) is described. The program is written in FORTRAN, and allows the user to: (1) Interactively define a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, targets, and an environment; (2) Request graphic display or replay of manipulator motion; (3) Investigate and simulate various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliance control; and (4) Perform kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulamotion. Previous reports have described the algorithms and procedures for using ROBSIM. These reports are superseded and additional features which were added are described. They are: (1) The ability to define motion profiles and compute loads on a common base to which manipulator arms are attached; (2) Capability to accept data describing manipulator geometry from a Computer Aided Design data base using the Initial Graphics exchange Specification format; (3) A manipulator control algorithm derived from processing the TV image of known reference points on a target; and (4) A vocabulary of simple high level task commands which can be used to define task scenarios

    A note on the lattice Boltzmann method beyond the Chapman Enskog limits

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    A non-perturbative analysis of the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) model kinetic equation for finite values of the Knudsen number is presented. This analysis indicates why discrete kinetic versions of the BGK equation, and notably the Lattice Boltzmann method, can provide semi-quantitative results also in the non-hydrodynamic, finite-Knudsen regime, up to Kn∼O(1)Kn\sim {\cal O}(1). This may help the interpretation of recent Lattice Boltzmann simulations of microflows, which show satisfactory agreement with continuum kinetic theory in the moderate-Knudsen regime.Comment: 7 PAGES, 1 FIGUR

    The benefits of organic farming for biodiversity

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    Previous studies suggest widespread positive responses of biodiversity to organic farming. Many of these studies, however, have been small-scale. This project tested the generality of habitat and biodiversity differences between matched pairs of organic and non-organic farms containing cereal crops in lowland England on a large-scale across a range of taxa including plants, insects, birds and bats. The extent of both cropped and un-cropped habitats together with their composition and management on a range of scales were also compared. Organic farms was likely to favour higher levels of biodiversity and indeed organic farms tended to support higher numbers of species and overall abundance across most taxa. However, the magnitude of the response differed strikingly; plants showed stronger and more consistent responses than other taxa. Some, but not all, differences in biodiversity between systems appear to be a consequence of differences in habitat quantity
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