356 research outputs found

    Społeczna odpowiedzialność przedsiębiorstw a zarządzanie różnorodnością zespołów pracowniczych

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    The idea of corporate social responsibility has growing significance in facing the difficulties of the disadvantaged groups of people with entering the labour market and with keeping their jobs. The article indicates the significance of corporate social responsibility in overcoming multidimensional social problems such as unemployment. The author raises issues related to managing human resources with regard to the idea of corporate social responsibility.Idea społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstw nabiera szczególnego znaczenia wobec trudności grup defaworyzowanych z wejściem na rynek pracy oraz utrzymaniem zatrudnienia. Artykuł wskazuje na znaczenie społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu w przezwyciężaniu wielowymiarowych problemów społecznych, związanych z bezrobociem i biernością zawodową. Autorka podejmuje problematykę związaną z polityką personalną przedsiębiorstwa w odniesieniu do idei społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu

    Exploration and experience with new web data sources. A Case Study for innovative tourism statistics

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    [EN] The aim of the first part of presentation is to tap into the potential of new web data sources, which will have the potential to be integrated in the Web Intelligence Hub, developed by Eurostat. Parallel to the exploration of the data sources, we aspire to produce experimental statistics, using these new web data sources, given that they meet the quality criteria. The presentation will delve deeper into Work Package 3, part of the European Statistical System Collaborative Network (ESSnet) Web Intelligence Network (WIN) project, dedicated to the exploration of nontraditional data sources for official statistical production. Work package 3’s activities are divided into six use cases, each having distinct characteristics and specific goals: • Use Case 1 aims to explore new data sources and monitor the real estate market. • Use Case 2 aims to derive early estimates of construction activities, pertaining to both already built and planned buildings, based on real estate web portals. • Use Case 3 aims to collect data about online prices of household appliances and audio visual, photographic and information processing equipment by web scraping of online shops and at a later stage compare the data with scanner data for the shop’s sales. • Use Case 4 aims to develop new indices for tourism statistics, using the data from booking portals, air traffic portals, travel agencies portals and portals related to quality of life. • Use Case 5 is concentrated on mass web scraping, primarily for the enhancement of the quality of the business register via linking URLs of enterprises and predicting main economic activity codes (NACE) • Use Case 6 aims to explore the use of publicly available traffic camera data in order to produce new indicators. In this use case a peculiar data source is used – pictures from traffic cameras and induction loops. Use cases 1-4 share similar characteristics in terms of data sources and expected experimental indicators and adhere to pre-defined process steps in compliance with Big data life cycle, which include “New data sources exploration”, “Programming, production of software”, “Data acquisition and recording”, “Data processing”, “Modelling and interpretation” and “Dissemination of the experimental statistics and results”. Use cases 5 and 6 take a slightly different approach due to their extraordinary data sources and do not adhere to the aforementioned process steps. During the first project’s year, the Work package 3 achieved meaningful results, such as a Checklist used as a tool for assessment and justification of web data sources, defined a set of mandatory and optional variables to be extracted from the data sources, sets of minimal indicators, based on the mandatory variables, successfully set up and tested their working environment and software solutions for the upcoming data collection, literature review focused on URL finding methodology and tools and the use of business websites to predict economic activity of enterprises, preparation of training and tests sets and accompanying methodology for URL finding, preparation of the upcoming NACE prediction and classification, exploration of the available assessment of the model results, implementation of Machinelearning pipeline for publicly accessible traffic camera data. We are also scheduled to begin testing of Eurostat’s Web Intelligence Hub for specific use cases from our Work package, which volunteered in the endeavor. While we have successfully implemented our initial planned activities for the first project year we continue our work, constantly monitoring the available resources, arising issues and quality of the data, which is to be collected and processed during the second project year. The different use cases have already encountered potential and expected issues like the possible changes in the source of web data structure and web site changes, checks for legal and copyright constraints, non-standard variables, mechanisms blocking extraction of data (e.g. javascript, captchas, etc), viability of training and test sets for both URL finding and NACE prediction, difficulties when comparing results with other partners, since NACE code classification is knowledge-intensive and language-specific sources have to be used, regular update of the data source. Due to the peculiar data sources for some use cases we have also encountered unsolvable issues like weather variation (e.g. snow,rain, darkness). Some of the issues have been solved, while others still remain. A Case Study for innovative tourism statistics aims to show the achievements of two projects: ESSnet Big Data II and ESSnet WIN concerning the use of unstructured data sources in the field of tourism. The work in the Big Data II project started with an inventory of data sources related to tourism statistics, which can be used for research of tourist accommodation establishments as well as for estimating tourist traffic and related expenditures. The VisNet tool was developed to visualise the links between the identified sources. The gathering of data from digital sources required the preparation of a scalable solution for data retrieval using web scraping techniques. The developed author's method allowed for continuous and non-invasive extraction of data from selected accommodation booking portals. The process of integrating statistical databases with data derived from web scraping required the development of a fully automated innovative tool, which unified the structure of identification data and assigned them geographical coordinates. The preparation of appropriate structures allowed the implementation of methods of combining data from different sources. The project also developed a methodology for estimating the volume of tourist traffic and tourist expenditures using spatial-temporal disaggregation methods or the method of flash estimates of accommodation establishments. As a result of the work carried out, a prototype of the Tourism Integration and Monitoring System (TIMS) was prepared, together with dedicated micro services, which will support statistical production in the area of tourism statistics and assist in monitoring changes in the tourism sector. The continuation of the work initiated in ESSnet Big Data II is the ESSnet WIN project, in which new methods for assessing the quality of external data sources have been introduced and web scraping has been expanded to other types of portals related to tourism. The main objective of the project is to develop new indicators, which will be an integral part of the developed prototype.Stateva, G.; Cierpiał-Wolan, M. (2022). Exploration and experience with new web data sources. A Case Study for innovative tourism statistics. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 272-274. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18976327227

    Placówka opiekuńczo-wychowawcza typu resocjalizacyjnego jako organizacja ucząca się przez doświadczenie (syndrom zmiennych badawczych sprawności organizacyjnej)

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    Doświadczenie społeczne wskazuje, iż pedagogika resocjalizacyjna jako jedna z dyscyplin pedagogiki specjalnej uzyskuje coraz wyższą rangę. Zajmuje się ona defektami rozwojowymi, funkcjonowaniem, możliwościami i trudno­ściami w rozwoju jednostek niepełnosprawnych moralnie, o zachowaniach aspołecznych i antyspołecznych2. W toku historycznego rozwoju wypracowała twierdzenia o wysokim szczeblu ogólności, wskazujące, jak osiągać określone cele wychowania, wyjaśniające specyficzne zjawiska zachodzące w procesie wychowania osób społecznie niedostosowanych[...

    Uwarunkowania i tendencje do brutalizacji zachowań dzieci i młodzeży (w okresie transformacji ustrojowej w Polsce)

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    This study resulting from a threat to the feeling of safety subjectively felt by the citizens, constitutes an attempt to identify key trends of the phenomenon of aggressive behaviour of children and teenagers during a system transformation in Poland after the year 1989. They include among others: dynamics of an increase in brutal behaviours of the minors, decrease in the age of crime initiation, committing crimes with a special cruelty, increase in brutal behaviours towards adults, including teachers, exclusion of the adults partnership and influence on the children s and teenagers attitude, increase in aggression and violent tendencies among girls, popularization of the phenomenon of teenage and criminal prostitution, paying by the minors, the weakest social group, in a specific way the costs of necessary system transformations. The author of this publication (a former form master, pedagogue and a director of rehabilitation unit), on the basis of gained experience supported by an analysis of literature, presents motives of crimes committed by the minors, a new specification of modern criminality of the Polish teenagers, selected symptoms, forms and examples of reevaluation of the minors attitudes and behaviours. He draws attention to negative general-civilization and sociocultural sources of an increase in the brutalization of the minors behaviours as defectively adapted potential wards of corrective educational and reformatory-rehabilitation institution

    Znaczenie kompetencji społecznych w pracy pedagoga specjalnego

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    Developing interpersonal skill by taking part in various social skills trainings is the crucial factor in preparing for following a special educator’s profession. The aim of the working paper is to indicate key importance of social skills in job performed by the social educator.Istotnym aspektem przygotowania do wykonywania zawodu pedagoga specjalnego powinno być rozwijanie umiejętności interpersonalnych przez uczestnictwo w różnego rodzaju treningach umiejętności społecznych. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie na kluczowe znaczenie kompetencji społecznych w pracy pedagoga specjalnego

    Spatial inequalities of local development: patterns of well-being disparities (case of Podkarpackie and Mazowieckie voivodeship)

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    W ostatnich latach rośnie znaczenie badań i analiz obejmujących procesy rozwoju lokalnego. Jest to związane zarówno z nowymi nurtami w ramach ekonomii (tzw. nowa ekonomia geograficzna), jak i polityką rozwoju dotyczącą przede wszystkim alokacji zasobów publicznych przez regionalne programy operacyjne. Ujęcie teoretyczne i podejście pragmatyczne uzupełniają się wzajemnie, łącząc idee tradycyjnych teorii lokacji (umiejscowienia inwestycji, działalności gospodarczej itp.) oraz podkreślają potrzebę badań ewaluacyjnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zróżnicowań pomiędzy lokalnościami. W artykule tym przedstawiono odpowiednie techniki wielowymiarowego pomiaru rozmaitych aspektów rozwoju lokalnego, jak i analizę nierówności obiektywnych i subiektywnych wskaźników rozwoju. Zaprezentowano także skale subiektywnego dobrostanu lokalnego i nierówności jego rozkładu, jak również problem współzależności przestrzennej rozkładu miar obiektywnych i subiektywnych. Wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w województwie podkarpackim i mazowieckim (znacznie różniących się pod względem rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego) pozwoliły ukazać zalety tego podejścia do problemu zróżnicowań rozwoju lokalnego.Recent years have seen a growing importance of research and analysis related to local development processes. It is connected both with new trends within economics (the so-called new geographical economics) and development policies which primarily concern the allocation of public resources by regional operational programs. The theoretical and the pragmatic approaches complement each other by combining the ideas of the traditional theory of location (location of investment, economic activity, etc.), and emphasize the need for evaluation research, with particular attention to differences among localities. The paper presents appropriate techniques of multidimensional measurement of various aspects of local development, and an analysis of inequalities between objective and subjective indicators of development. Also discussed are scales of subjective local well-being and inequalities of its distribution, as well as the issue of spatial interdependence of distribution of objective and subjective measures. The results of the surveys carried out in Podkarpackie and Mazowieckie voivodeships, which differ significantly in terms of socio-economic development, reveal the advantages of the presented approach when applied to the disparity in local development.Włodzimierz Okrasa - [email protected] Cierpiał-Wolan - [email protected] hab. prof. Włodzimierz Okrasa – Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Społecznych, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie; Główny Urząd Statystyczny w Warszawiedr Marek Cierpiał-Wolan – Zakład Statystyki i Ekonometrii, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski; Urząd Statystyczny w Rzeszowi

    Double transition as a challenge process for the development of youth with disabilities

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    Young adults transition is a bridge between structured predictable system of education and unpredictable unstable labour market. Transition is a challenge for the youth during their growth into adulthood. The article displays specific difficulties of the youth with disabilities in the process of transition. The authors underline the role of parents and schools in preparing adolescent individuals with disabilities for building their autonomy in their adult lives.Tranzycja dla młodych dorosłych jest pomostem między przewidywalnym i uporządkowanym światem edukacji a światem pracy, który cechuje się nieprzewidywalnością oraz zmiennymi regułami. Tranzycja stanowi wyzwanie dla młodzieży, która przechodzi z etapu dorastania w etap dorosłości. Artykuł ukazuje specyficzne trudności młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością w procesie tranzycji. Podkreślono rolę rodziców oraz szkoły w przygotowaniu młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością do budowania autonomii i dorosłego życia

    Analysis of consistency between temporospatial gait parameters and gait assessment with the use of Wisconsin Gait Scale in post-stroke patients

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    Introduction Due to the increasing incidence and social effects of stroke there is a growing interest in finding methods enabling gait analysis in this group of patients. Observational techniques are predominantly applied in clinical practice; on the other hand advanced quantitative methods allow in-depth multidimensional gait assessment. The present study was designed to assess the consistency between temporospatial gait parameters acquired through 3-dimensional gait analysis and the results of gait assessment with the use of observational WGS in post stroke hemiparetic patients. Material and method The study was performed in a group of 30 post-stroke patients, over 6 months from the onset of ischaemic stroke, who were able to walk unassisted. Gait assessment based on WGS was performed by an experienced physiotherapist, with the use of video recordings. Assessment of temporospatial parameters was based on gait analysis performed with BTS Smart system. Results The findings show moderate correlation between WGS based gait assessment and gait velocity (r=−0.39; p=0.0316). Similar relationship was identified between gait cycle duration and score in WGS for both unaffected (r=−0.36; p=0.0477) and affected side (r=−0.37; p=0.0426). Higher correlation level was demonstrated for stance phase on the unaffected side and gait assessment based on WGS (r=0.58; p=0.0009). Conclusions Gait assessments with the use of temporospatial parameters and with observational WGS were found to produce moderate and good consistent results. WSG is a useful, simple tool for assessing gait in post stroke hemiparetic patients

    GaN resistive hydrogen gas sensors

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    GaN epilayers grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy have been used to fabricate resistivegas sensors with a pair of planar ohmic contacts. Detectible sensitivity to H2 gas for a wide range of gas mixtures in an Ar ambient has been realized; the lowest concentration tested is ∼0.1% H2 (in Ar), well below the lower combustion limit in air. No saturation of the signal is observed up to 100% H2 flow. Real-time response to H2 shows a clear and sharp response with no memory effects during the ramping cycles of H2 concentration. The change in current at a fixed voltage to hydrogen was found to change with sensor geometry. This appears to be consistent with a surface-adsorption-induced change of conductivity; a detailed picture of the gas sensing mechanism requires further systematic studies

    Evaluation of the quality of life after surgical removal of lung cancer

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    Introduction: Morbidity and mortality attributed to lung cancer remain at high levels, especially where men are concerned.The surgery for lung cancer involves removing neoplastic lesions in order to save the largest possible part of the healthy lung.Of importance is also pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation. The aim of this thesis is to gauge the quality of life of the patients whohave had their lung cancer surgically removed. Material and methods: The study was conducted on 72 patients (52 men and 20 women) after surgical removal of lung cancer.The subjects were examined prior to, a week after and six months following surgery. The investigation employed the standardisedquestionnaires to assess the quality of life, i.e. EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-LC13, as well as the visual analogue pain scale(VAS). Statistical analyses were performed using the Anova Friedman test and Dunna test, and p-value calculated in multiplecomparisons with significance level assumed at p < 0.05. Results: During six months after the operation, the quality of life deteriorated in relation to the one before operation as evidencedby the functioning scale at the level of p < 0.001. Overall symptom scale, as well as symptomatic scale and the VAS scale showedthat some symptoms increased significantly in the early period after surgery p < 0.001, then with the passage of time, thepatients felt improvement, however, some of them, e.g. pain sensations can persist till six months after surgery. Conclusions: Surgical removal of lung cancer is associated with a significant deterioration of the quality of life in the early periodafter surgery and can persist till six months later