104 research outputs found

    How to design deliberative democratic assemblies in an inclusive way: a recommendation for policy-makers

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    When faced with political deadlock, many campaigners suggest employing democratic innovations like citizens’ assemblies, in which a group of citizens come together to deliberate and make direct policy recommendations. If the role of these new democratic institutions is to grow within the UK political system, it is crucial to make them more inclusive and sensitive to intersectionality, argues Marta Wojciechowska. The key is not to employ single or ‘one-off’ acts of inclusion but rather to promote the leadership of disempowered people and to diversify the contexts in which democratic innovations take place

    Detrital pyroxenes in the Eocene flysch of the Istrian Basin (Slovenia, Croatia)

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    For the first time, few detrital augite and pigeonite crystals have been found in the Eocene flysch basins of Istria (Trieste-Koper basin; Italy, Slovenia, Croatia) and Krk Island (Croatia). Their chemistry suggests that they are related to subalkaline rocks (within-plate tholeiites) crystallized at a pressure between 0 and 5 kbar. As a possible source, the nearby basaltic andesites of Ljubac have been taken into consideration. The argument for a ?Late Tertiary age of the Ljubac volcanics is that no detrital pyroxenes have been found in the Eocene flysch and Oligo- Miocene molasse deposits of the area (Lugovic et al., 1998). Radiometric data are not available until now. The detection of detrital pyroxene could be an indication of an older age of the Ljubac volcanics. The presence of similar pyroxenes in the Trieste-Koper and the Krk Island flysch and their absence in Brkini flysch suggest that the basin of Krk was linked with the Istrian basin rather than the Brkini basin

    Towards intersectional democratic innovations

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    While scholarship on intersectionality has emphasised the need to go beyond single categories of identity, like gender or race, intersectionality has not been considered to date within the literature on democratic innovations, even though enhancing inclusion is a key aim of such institutions. This article overcomes this gap. It analyses tools of inclusion within democratic innovations and argues they are not responsive to intersectionality claims. This article shows that current democratic innovations are explicitly exclusionary towards the groups which need the attention of the democratic scholars the most. To address this problem, this article argues for a move away from advocating for single or ‘one-off’ acts of inclusion and towards a more direct focus on facilitating leadership of the disempowered and diversification of the contexts of democratic innovations. Such changes can increase the sensitivity of democratic innovations but can also facilitate a wider social change

    Completely Theorized Agreements. A Different Reading of the Consensus Paradox Hypotheses

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    This article contributes to the debate on the consensus and deliberation. While the relevant literature claims that consensus undermines further deliberation, this article argues that it depends on the aim of the process. In particular, I argue that if the aim of deliberation is understood as reaching a certain epistemic level, reaching consensus does not need to decrease the rationality of the group. In short, such deliberation is a process of debate, reason-giving and listening which aims at establishing a result of certain epistemic value. In order to shed new light on the debates on the consequences of consensus for further deliberation, I introduce a detailed conceptualization of a full agreement. I call it Completely Theorized Agreements. In this article, I argue that reaching consensus in an epistemic setting does not need to have negative consequences. Further, I argue, that the truth-tracking quality of deliberation need not be worse in a group that reached a full consensus as opposed to a partial one

    Pokrzywkowe zapalenie naczyń z hipokomplementemią — opis przypadku

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    Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome (HUVS) is an uncommon small-vessel vasculitis presenting as a chronic urticaria with hypocomplementemia and the presence of anti-C1q autoantibodies. In most patients it is accompanied by a wide variety of extracutaneous manifestations such as arthritis, glomerulonephritis, ocular inflammation and pulmonary disease. We present a case of 49-year-old male with a 3-year history of recurrent urticaria accompanied by arthralgia, myalgia and gastrointestinal symptoms. The additional laboratory assessments revealed the presence of circulating anti-C1q autoantibodies in high titer. Histology of the lesional skin biopsy was consistent with leukocytoclastic vasculitis. The diagnosis of HUVS was confirmed in accordance to the currently adopted criteria. The described case emphasizes the necessity of high clinical suspicion when caring for patients with chronic urticaria and concomitant systemic symptoms.Pokrzywkowe zapalenie naczyń z hipokomplementemią (HUVS, hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome) to rzadko występujące zapalenie drobnych naczyń krwionośnych, którego objawami są przewlekła pokrzywka z hipokomplementemią oraz obecność przeciwciał anty-C1q. U większości chorych występuje również wiele objawów pozaskórnych, takich jak zapalenie stawów, kłębuszkowe zapalenie nerek, zmiany zapalne w obrębie oka i choroby płuc. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 49-letniego pacjenta, u którego od 3 lat występowały nawracające epizody pokrzywki, którym towarzyszyły bóle stawów i mięśni oraz objawy żołądkowo-jelitowe. W badaniach laboratoryjnychwykazano wysokie miano krążących przeciwciał anty-C1q. Obraz histologiczny bioptatu skóry pobranego w obrębie zmian odpowiadał leukocytoklastycznemu zapaleniu naczyń. Rozpoznanie HUVS potwierdzono na podstawie obowiązujących obecnie kryteriów. Opisany przypadek zwraca uwagę, że przewlekła pokrzywka z objawami ogólnoustrojowymi powinna się wiązać z istotnym podejrzeniem klinicznym

    Znaczenie doliny Bystrzycy w strukturze przestrzennej Lublina w aspekcie historycznym, przyrodniczym i funkcjonalnym oraz możliwości jej zagospodarowania

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    Many cites in the world are located by rivers, the reason it is that river valleys have extremely favorable conditions for the development of settlement and economic activities. At the same time, they are among of the most valuable and also sensitive types of natural habitats. The purpose of the study is to highlight the importance of issues related to aspects of fl owing water in urbanized areas as illustrated by city of Lublin and the Bystrzyca River. The input material for this study was a review of analytical materials: thematic literature, scientifi c studies, planning documents, maps, databases and the photographic documentation prepared during site visits. On those basis analysis of natural environment was made as well as analysis of legal, landscape, functional and spatial conditions. The summary of the work are indications for multifunctional development for the Bystrzyca Valley that take into consideration natural conditions.Doliny rzeczne posiadają wyjątkowo korzystne warunki dla rozwoju osadnictwa. Równocześnie są to jedne z najbardziej wartościowych i wrażliwych na antropopresję typów środowiska, w związku z tym zagospodarowanie tych terenów rodzi liczne konfl ikty. W pracy, na przykładzie doliny Bystrzycy w Lublinie, przeanalizowano zagadnienia związane z rzeką przepływającą przez miasto. Wykorzystując liczne materiały, między innymi kartografi czne i dokumentację fotografi czną, przeprowadzono analizy: stanu środowiska przyrodniczego, zagrożenia powodziowego oraz funkcjonalno-przestrzenne, w tym zmiany w czasie. Podsumowaniem jest ocena możliwości dla wielofunkcyjnego zagospodarowania z uwzględnieniem uwarunkowań przyrodniczych

    Strategie marketingowe stosowane przez Grupę Mokate Sp. z o.o.

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00