8 research outputs found

    Ludność dawnego Torunia w świetle badań antropologicznych

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    The paper presents a general anthropological characterization of early Post-medieval inhabitants of Toruń, carried out based on the anthropological examination of skeletons coming from the cemetery discovered at Wały gen. Sikorskiego Street in Toruń (site 114). Craniological measurements were used for the preliminary comparison of skulls from Toruń and skulls from selected, historical populations diversified both in chronological and geographical terms. There was also reconstructed the height of body of former Toruń inhabitants, which is presented against the background of other historical communities of Poland. It was also carried out a review of some of more interesting pathological changes, amongst others of inflammatory, infectious and metabolic nature, as well as traces of bone injuries and degenerative changes of joints. The population in question, living in the 14th–18th century in the city suburbs, in terms of size and proportions of skulls’ construction have some similarities to craniological series obtained from not too distant Słaboszewo, as well as from Wrocław and central Germany. Skull of men and women from Toruń in light of length-width indicator are short (brachycephalic). Body height of the analysed population is in the range of medium and low values. In this respect the inhabitants of Toruń suburb resemble even the early medieval population. The qualitative image of pathological changes recorded on the remains most likely does not differ from other skeletal populations from Pomerania and wider from Poland. Nevertheless, the population in question is characterized by a particularly high percentage of skulls showing cribra orbitalia. It can be also assumed that population of Toruń suburbs was not particularly exposed to the risk of skeleton injury. New skeletal materials, as well as modern research techniques, which we plan to apply in subsequent stages of research will enable, perhaps, even more detailed and indepth recognition of life history and circumstances of death of former Toruń inhabitants.Wiedza na temat stanu biologicznego średniowiecznej i nowożytnej ludności Torunia jest wysoce niewystarczająca. Niniejszy artykuł stara się tę lukę nieco wypełnić. Badania oparto głównie o materiały osteologiczne pochodzące ze stanowiska 114 przy ul. Wały gen. Sikorskiego w Toruniu. Przedstawiono ogólną strukturę płci i wieku zmarłych, charakterystyki kraniologiczne oraz zrekonstruowaną wysokość ciała. Podano wartości częstości niektórych markerów stresu oraz zmian patologicznych

    Ludność dawnego Torunia w świetle badań antropologicznych

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    Wiedza na temat stanu biologicznego średniowiecznej i nowożytnej ludności Torunia jest wysoce niewystarczająca. Niniejszy artykuł stara się tę lukę nieco wypełnić. Badania oparto głównie o materiały osteologiczne pochodzące ze stanowiska 114 przy ul. Wały gen. Sikorskiego w Toruniu. Przedstawiono ogólną strukturę płci i wieku zmarłych, charakterystyki kraniologiczne oraz zrekonstruowaną wysokość ciała. Podano wartości częstości niektórych markerów stresu oraz zmian patologicznych.The paper presents a general anthropological characterization of early Post-medieval inhabitants of Toruń, carried out based on the anthropological examination of skeletons coming from the cemetery discovered at Wały gen. Sikorskiego Street in Toruń (site 114). Craniological measurements were used for the preliminary comparison of skulls from Toruń and skulls from selected, historical populations diversified both in chronological and geographical terms. There was also reconstructed the height of body of former Toruń inhabitants, which is presented against the background of other historical communities of Poland. It was also carried out a review of some of more interesting pathological changes, amongst others of inflammatory, infectious and metabolic nature, as well as traces of bone injuries and degenerative changes of joints. The population in question, living in the 14th–18th century in the city suburbs, in terms of size and proportions of skulls’ construction have some similarities to craniological series obtained from not too distant Słaboszewo, as well as from Wrocław and central Germany. Skull of men and women from Toruń in light of length-width indicator are short (brachycephalic). Body height of the analysed population is in the range of medium and low values. In this respect the inhabitants of Toruń suburb resemble even the early medieval population. The qualitative image of pathological changes recorded on the remains most likely does not differ from other skeletal populations from Pomerania and wider from Poland. Nevertheless, the population in question is characterized by a particularly high percentage of skulls showing cribra orbitalia. It can be also assumed that population of Toruń suburbs was not particularly exposed to the risk of skeleton injury. New skeletal materials, as well as modern research techniques, which we plan to apply in subsequent stages of research will enable, perhaps, even more detailed and indepth recognition of life history and circumstances of death of former Toruń inhabitants

    Tajemnice szczuczyńskich krypt t. I

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    Pierwszy tom Tajemnice szczuczyńskich krypt, T. I zawiera opracowanie architektoniczne krypt, kobiece nakrycia głowy, wstążki, szkaplerze, drewniane trumny, odzież grobowa i sposoby mumifikacji ciał osób pochowanych w kryptach.Jest to zbiór artykułów na temat pochówków w kryptach kościoła p.w. Imienia NMP w Szczuczynie. Dzięki odpowiednim warunkom panującym w kryptach ciała zmarłych zostały poddane procesom mumifikacyjnym. Miało to istotny wpływ na zachowanie odzieży, w którą zostali ubrani zmarli z rodziny Stanisława Antoniego Szczuki i okolicznej szlachty. Dzięki badaniom archeologicznym zespołu archeologów z UMK można było odtworzyć pełen ubiór wykonany nie tylko z jedwabiu ale także z lnu i wełny

    Advancing the contributions of European stakeholders in farming systems to transitions to agroecology

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    The concept of a ‘just transition’ is gaining traction in international policy discourses. It has particular significance in relation to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions and the need for ensuring rights and responsibilities of all actors in transitions to agroecological farming systems. Research plays an important role in accompanying this transformation. It explores pathways for more sustainable and fair food systems, barriers to them being achieved, and where and what risks arise for communities of interest and of place. Researchers and practitioners across levels and sectors were brought together in H2020 projects LIFT and UNISECO using processes of stakeholder engagement. Both projects analysed the perceptions of actors towards agroecological farming, and their active involvement in the transitions required. This article summarises lessons learnt regarding multi‐actor engagement in different participatory settings in both projects, including a Multi‐Actor Platform approach, Q method, DELPHI and Hybrid forum workshops. The interactions involved several hundred actors from 18 countries across Europe. The article reflects on implications of the Covid‐19 pandemic on the processes and effectiveness of multi‐actor engagement, and assessments of the impacts on the empowerment of the actors. The findings are contextualised by contemporary European Union and national policy objectives of tackling climate change, the loss of biodiversity, and inequalities

    Patient care after surgery due to mechanical obstruction of the small intestine

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    Wstęp: Niedrożność jelita cienkiego jest zaliczana do stanów ostrych, bezpośrednio zagrażających życiu pacjenta. Choroba cechuje się patologicznym zatrzymaniem lub osłabieniem pasażu jelitowego. Głównymi objawami są: ból i wzdęcia brzucha, zatrzymanie gazów i stolca, nudności i wymioty. Najczęstszą przyczyną zachorowalności są zrosty otrzewnowe i przepukliny. Niedrożność jelita cienkiego charakteryzuje szybki przebieg oraz wpływ na zaburzenie funkcjonowania całego organizmu, dlatego też często wymagana jest niezwłoczna interwencja chirurgiczna, oraz odpowiednia opieka po zabiegu operacyjnym.Cel: Celem pracy jest rozpoznanie diagnoz pielęgniarskich, przedstawienie interwencji i końcowej oceny działań pielęgnacyjnych.Materiały i metody: Wykorzystano metodę studium przypadku pacjenta po zabiegu operacyjnym z powodu niedrożności mechanicznej jelita cienkiego. Wyniki i wnioski: Wykonano zabieg operacyjny metodą laparotomii po wcześniejszym rozpoznaniu niedrożności zrostowej jelita cienkiego. Głównymi problemami po zabiegu były: ryzyko krwotoku, duszność, ból rany pooperacyjnej. Zrealizowano zaplanowane działania pielęgnacyjne. Pacjentka odzyskała sprawność fizyczną, została przygotowana do samoopieki.Introduction: Obstruction of the small intestine is known to be acute conditions directly threatening the life of the patient. The disease is characterized by a pathological stopping or weakening of intestinal transit . The main symptoms are pain and bloating , gas and stool retention , nausea and vomiting. The most common cause of morbidity are peritoneal adhesions and hernias . Small bowel obstruction is characterized by rapid progress and the impact on the functioning of the whole body disorder , and therefore is often required promptly re surgical intervention and appropriate care after surgery.Objective: The aim of this study was to identify nursing diagnoses , interventions and presentation of the final evaluation of nursing actions .Materials and methods: a case study method used after the surgery the patient due to mechanical obstruction of the small intestine .Results and Conclusions : Taken surgery by laparotomy after an earlier diagnosis of small bowel obstruction adhesions . The main problems after surgery were : the risk of bleeding , shortness of breath , sore wound . Planned activities were implemented treatments. The patient regained fitness , has been prepared for self-care

    An Economic Assessment of the Impact on Agriculture of the Proposed Changes in EU Biofuel Policy Mechanisms

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    In Poland, rapeseed production has been the fastest growing branch of plant production since 2000. Rapeseed yields have increased 2.5 times in the last 20 years. The main reason for this trend was the implementation of obligations resulting from legal acts by Member States relating to increasing the share of RES in the structure of primary energy production, and in particular relating to the share of biofuels in fuels used in transport. In Poland in the years 2010–2020, about 1.0–1.6 million tonnes of rape seeds were used for this purpose annually. Due to the fact that biofuel production competes for raw materials with the food economy, at the end of the first decade of the 21st century, many representatives of various circles intensified their voices, calling for withdrawal from the policy supporting the biofuel sector, which may have resulted in a decrease in oilseed plant cultivation areas. As a result of the research conducted here, it was determined that the place of oilseed rape in the sowing structure will be taken by rye, triticale and, on good soils, by wheat. Compared to rape, their production is characterised by lower income per 1 ha; in the years 2013–2019, these differences amounted to: wheat—8 EUR, triticale—102.3 EUR, and rye—168 EUR. This situation will deteriorate the value cereal cultivation sites and will result in a decrease in their yields. On the basis of the conducted research, the estimated value of rape as a forecrop for wheat, triticale, and rye was, respectively: 103.7; 64.6 and 46.7 EUR. An additional advantage of oilseed rape is that it is an excellent bee resource and is classified as a commodity crop, i.e., one from which significant amounts of honey can be obtained, with a net value of EUR 55 per hectare. In addition, in many agricultural holdings, as a result of forecasted changes in plant production, there will be an accumulation of field work during the harvest period, which will also affect the worse use of machinery and storage areas. The consequence of increasing the area under which cereal crops and their supply can grow may be the decline in production profitability and thus the income situation of farms, but this will be assessed at the next stage of research

    Inclisiran—A Revolutionary Addition to a Cholesterol-Lowering Therapy

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    Hypercholesterolemia plays a crucial role in the development of atherosclerosis, but it remains an undertreated and underdiagnosed disease. Taking into consideration the high prevalence of lipid disorders, long duration of the asymptomatic course of the disease, life-threatening complications resulting from inaccurate therapy, and stringent treatment goals concerning LDL cholesterol level in the prevention of cardiovascular events, novel lipid-lowering therapies have been introduced in the last few years. In this article, a drug belonging to the group of small interfering RNA (siRNA) called inclisiran is described. It is a novel molecule that increases the number of LDL receptors (LDLRs) on the surface of hepatic cells by preventing the formation of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) responsible for the degradation of LDLRs. With great potential for lowering plasma LDL cholesterol level, high liver specificity, comfortable dosing regimen, and good tolerance without significant adverse effects, it could play an important part in future hypolipemic therapies