60 research outputs found

    Historia organów w kościele Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa w Tarnowie

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    The purpose of this article is to enunciate the history of the organs in the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Tarnów – Grabówka. This church, which was being built from 1935 till 1939 and from 1945 till 1952, despite of its short history, had been a place for two instruments and now the third one is being built. The author of this article, basing on the available archives and oral reports, wrote the short history of all three instruments, showing their specification: disposition, technical information, etc.The purpose of this article is to enunciate the history of the organs in the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Tarnów – Grabówka. This church, which was being built from 1935 till 1939 and from 1945 till 1952, despite of its short history, had been a place for two instruments and now the third one is being built. The author of this article, basing on the available archives and oral reports, wrote the short history of all three instruments, showing their specification: disposition, technical information, etc

    Podwójne stworzenie a soteriologia Grzegorza z Nyssy

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    Gregory of Nyssa advocates the theory of a double creation, continuing, but also developing and modifying concepts sketched earlier by Philo of Alexandra and Origen. Similarly as the great Alexandrians, Nyssa finds grounds for his theory in Greek philosophy and the books of the Holy Scriptures, ascribing Gen 1,27a the first act of creatio, and the rest of the verse: „As man and woman he created them” referring to the second act of creatio, preparing human being for the coming fall. Whether Gregory resolves aporiae of his predecessors remains an open issue. However, only taking into consideration his theory of the double creation, at least as it is portrayed in the tract De hominis opifìcio, it is possible to define the place of human beings in the history of salvation both in the universal and individual sense. Soteriology in the universal sense appears in the thought of Nyssa as a general, arbitral re-creatio, and in the individual sense it takes a form of faith and hope in metanoia and return all the humans to God

    Alcohol and nicotine problem among medical university students in Lublin

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    Wstęp. Uzależnienie od nikotyny to zespół objawów dotyczących zachowania oraz zaburzenia w procesach poznawczych i fizjologicznych, które są wynikiem długotrwałego przyjmowania nikotyny. W zależności od przyjętej dawki alkoholu możemy zaobserwować różnice w działaniu na organizm człowieka. Cel pracy. Zbadanie stopnia uzależnienia przez ocenę częstości spożywania alkoholu i nikotyny przez studentów Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 540 studentów Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie. Badani odpowiadali na 20 pytań zawartych w anoni­mowym kwestionariuszu. Wyniki. Większość badanych stanowiły kobiety — 70%. W śród ankietowanych studenci farmacji stanowili 55%, studenci kierunku lekarskiego 39%, innych kierunków 6%. Palenie papierosów deklaruje 30% respondentów. Większość, co stanowi 78% ankietowanych, nie uważa się za osobę uzależnioną. Wśród badanych 54% nigdy nie doświadczyła utraty świadomości. Wnioski. Konieczne jest zwrócenie uwagi na problem uzależnienia od alkoholu i nikotyny wśród młodych ludzi. Środki zapobiegawcze powinny być wdrożone jak najwcześniej.Introduction. Nicotine addiction is a behavioral syndrome, cognitive disorders and physiological processes which is the result of long-term use of nicotine. Depending on the dose of the alcohol, we can see the differences in the work of the human body. Aim of the study. Investigate the dependence by evaluating the frequency of alcohol and nicotine use by students of the Medical University in Lublin. Material and methods. The study included 540 students of the Medical University of Lublin. The respondents answered 20 questions in an anony­mous questionnaire. Results. Most of the respondents were women 70%. Pharmacy students surveyed were 55%, medical students was 39%, 6% other faculty. Cigarette smoking declares 30% of respondents. Most, representing 78% of the respondents are not considered as the addict. The majority (54%) have never experienced a loss of consciousness. Conclusions. It is necessary to pay attention to the problem of addiction to alcohol and nicotine among young people. Preventive measures should be started as soon as possible

    How temperature determines formation of maghemite nanoparticles

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    a b s t r a c t We report on the formation of polymer-stabilized superparamagnetic single-core and multi-core maghemite nanoparticles. The particle formation was carried out by coprecipitation of Fe(II) and Fe(III) sulfate in a continuous aqueous process using a micromixer system. Aggregates containing 50 primary particles with sizes of 2 nm were formed at a reaction temperature of 30°C. These particles aggregated further with time and were not stable. In contrast, stable single-core particles with a diameter of 7 nm were formed at 80°C as revealed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) coupled in-line with the micromixer for particle characterization. X-ray diffraction and TEM confirmed the SAXS results. X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy (XANES) identified the iron oxide phase as maghemite

    Baltic provenance of top-Famennian siliciclastic material of the northern Rhenish Massif, Rhenohercynian zone of the Variscan orogen

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    The provenance of top-Famennian sedimentary rocks linked to the Hangenberg Crisis from the northern Rhenish Massif (Germany) was investigated by the means of detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology. Based on the obtained age spectra, three main tectonothermal domains are recognized as possible sources: Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic (~ 2000–1000 Ma) units of Baltica and Early Paleozoic Caledonian orogen (~ 500–400 Ma). Our interpretation of the detritus having been derived from northern source areas, i.e., Baltica and the Scandinavian Caledonides, with a minor input of German-Polish (Rügen-Pomeranian) Caledonides, contradicts the traditional view that, during the Upper Devonian, the northern Rhenish Massif was supplied by detritus from the south. Complementary mineralogical, textural and geochemical analyses point to a derivation of the detritus of Drewer and Hangenberg Sandstones mainly from felsic, recycled continental crust. The elevated concentrations of Pb and Zn in the studied sections are a feature attributed to hydrothermal alteration related to the terminal Devonian synsedimentary volcanism or post-depositional Variscan deformation

    Dipolar-coupled moment correlations in clusters of magnetic nanoparticles

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    Here, we investigate the nature of the moment coupling between 10-nm DMSA-coated magnetic nanoparticles, in both colloidal dispersion and in powder form. The individual iron oxide cores were composed of > 95% maghemite and agglomerated to clusters. At room temperature the ensemble behaved as a superparamagnet according to M\"ossbauer and magnetization measurements, however, with clear signs of dipolar interactions at low temperatures. Analysis of temperature-dependent AC susceptibility data in the superparamagnetic regime indicates a tendency for dipolar coupled anticorrelations of the core moments within the clusters. To resolve the directional correlations between the particle moments we performed polarized small-angle neutron scattering and determined the magnetic spin-flip cross-section of the powder in low magnetic field at 300 K. We extract the underlying pair distance distribution function of the magnetization vector field by an indirect Fourier transform of the cross-section, and which suggests positive as well as negative correlations between nearest neighbor moments, with anticorrelations clearly dominating for next-nearest moments. These tendencies are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations of such core-clusters.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Rzadkie przypadki bezoarów w drogach moczowych u pacjentów diabetologicznych — przegląd doniesień kazuistycznych

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    Bezoars are spherical conglomerates of foreign bodies or food debris, typically occurring in the gastrointestinal tract, primarily in the stomach. In exceptionally rare cases bezoars may also form within the urinary tract. In such cases, their formation is a result of an ongoing fungal infection in the urinary tract or a systemic infection, and the bezoar is most often composed primarily of hyphae, mostly of species Candida albicans, and fragments of necrotic tissue. Chronic hyperglycaemia impairs natural defence mechanisms of the immune system, both cellular as well as humoral, and thus predisposes towards fungal infections. This paper discusses selected examples of cases of fungal bezoars in the urinary tract in diabetic patients described to date, with an emphasis on risk factors for their formation and treatment methods.Bezoary to uformowane w kuliste twory konglomeraty ciał obcych bądź resztek pokarmowych, najczęściej występujące w przewodzie pokarmowym, zlokalizowane głównie w żołądku. W wyjątkowo rzadkich przypadkach bezoary mogą powstawać również w obrębie układu moczowego. Tworzą się wtedy wskutek trwającej w organizmie infekcji grzybiczej dróg moczowych lub zakażenia ogólnoustrojowego, a zasadnicza masa bezoaru zbudowana jest najczęściej ze strzępek grzybni, głównie gatunku Candida albicans, oraz obumarłych fragmentów tkankowych. Przewlekły stan hiperglikemii upośledza naturalne mechanizmy obronne układu odpornościowego — zarówno komórkowego, jak i humoralnego — predysponując do powstania zakażeń grzybiczych. W pracy omówiono wybrane przykłady dotychczas opisanych przypadków kazuistycznych bezoarów grzybiczych dróg moczowych u pacjentów diabetologicznych z podkreśleniem czynników ryzyka ich powstawania oraz metod leczenia

    Bezoars — is it the problem of only nephrologist?

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    Bezoary to uformowane w kuliste twory konglomeraty ciał obcych bądź resztek pokarmowych, najczęściej występujące w przewodzie pokarmowym, zlokalizowane głównie w żołądku. Czasem jednak w przebiegu powikłanego grzybiczego zakażenia układu moczowego może dochodzić do wytworzenia się podobnych sferycznych struktur również w drogach moczowych. Są one wynikiem odkładania się i zlepiania fragmentów grzybni grzybów bytujących w zainfekowanym układzie moczowym. Najczęściej powstają u chorych będących w stanie głębokiej immunosupresji, poddanych długotrwałej antybiotykoterapii bądź obciążonych przewlekłymi chorobami metabolicznymi upośledzającymi odporność organizmu. W pracy omówiono wybrane przykłady dotychczas opisanych przypadków kazuistycznych bezoarów grzybiczych dróg moczowych z podkreśleniem czynników ryzyka ich powstawania oraz metod leczenia.Bezoars are round balls created from conglomeration of extraneous bodies or even food rests. They occur mostly in alimentary track, in the stomach. Sometimes, in the course of fungal infection of urinary track, these round structures can be formed within urine system, as well. Bezoars are the result of associated fungal infection and in consequence hyphae deposition and clumping in urinary track. The most common is the occurrence of bezoars in patients, which are in strong immunosuppression, taking long-term antibiotic therapy or suffering on chronic metabolic diseases which worsen human immunity. In this paper authors present some clinical cases of presence of bezoars in urinary track. Moreover risk factors and treatment of this state have been also described