17 research outputs found

    Pas de Deux of an NO Couple: Synchronous Photoswitching from a Double-Linear to a Double-Bent Ru(NO)(2) Core under Nitrosyl Charge Conservation

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    The {Ru(NO)(2)}(10) dinitrosylruthenium complex [Ru(NO)(2)(PPh3)(2)] (1) shows photo-induced linkage isomerism (PLI) of a special kind: the two NO ligands switch, on photo-excitation, synchronously from the ground state (GS) with two almost linear RuNO functions to a metastable state (MS) which persists up to 230 K and can be populated to approximate to 50 %. The MS was experimentally characterised by photo-crystallography, IR spectroscopy and DS-calorimetry as a double-bent variant of the double-linear GS. The experimental results are confirmed by computation which unravels the GS/MS transition as a disrotatory synchronous 50 degrees turn of the two nitrosyl ligands. Although 1 shows the usual redshift of the N-O stretch on bending the MNO unit, there is no increased charge transfer from Ru to NO along the GS-to-MS path. In terms of the effective-oxidation-state (EOS) method, both isomers of 1 and the transition state are Ru-II(NO+)(2) species

    The Shank/ProSAP N-Terminal (SPN) Domain of Shank3 Regulates Targeting to Postsynaptic Sites and Postsynaptic Signaling.

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    Members of the Shank family of postsynaptic scaffold proteins (Shank1-3) link neurotransmitter receptors to the actin cytoskeleton in dendritic spines through establishing numerous interactions within the postsynaptic density (PSD) of excitatory synapses. Large Shank isoforms carry at their N-termini a highly conserved domain termed the Shank/ProSAP N-terminal (SPN) domain, followed by a set of Ankyrin repeats. Both domains are involved in an intramolecular interaction which is believed to regulate accessibility for additional interaction partners, such as Ras family G-proteins, αCaMKII, and cytoskeletal proteins. Here, we analyze the functional relevance of the SPN-Ank module; we show that binding of active Ras or Rap1a to the SPN domain can differentially regulate the localization of Shank3 in dendrites. In Shank1 and Shank3, the linker between the SPN and Ank domains binds to inactive αCaMKII. Due to this interaction, both Shank1 and Shank3 exert a negative effect on αCaMKII activity at postsynaptic sites in mice in vivo. The relevance of the SPN-Ank intramolecular interaction was further analyzed in primary cultured neurons; here, we observed that in the context of full-length Shank3, a closed conformation of the SPN-Ank tandem is necessary for proper clustering of Shank3 on the head of dendritic spines. Shank3 variants carrying Ank repeats which are not associated with the SPN domain lead to the atypical formation of postsynaptic clusters on dendritic shafts, at the expense of clusters in spine-like protrusions. Our data show that the SPN-Ank tandem motif contributes to the regulation of postsynaptic signaling and is also necessary for proper targeting of Shank3 to postsynaptic sites. Our data also suggest how missense variants found in autistic patients which alter SPN and Ank domains affect the synaptic function of Shank3

    Creative destruction in science

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    Drawing on the concept of a gale of creative destruction in a capitalistic economy, we argue that initiatives to assess the robustness of findings in the organizational literature should aim to simultaneously test competing ideas operating in the same theoretical space. In other words, replication efforts should seek not just to support or question the original findings, but also to replace them with revised, stronger theories with greater explanatory power. Achieving this will typically require adding new measures, conditions, and subject populations to research designs, in order to carry out conceptual tests of multiple theories in addition to directly replicating the original findings. To illustrate the value of the creative destruction approach for theory pruning in organizational scholarship, we describe recent replication initiatives re-examining culture and work morality, working parents\u2019 reasoning about day care options, and gender discrimination in hiring decisions. Significance statement It is becoming increasingly clear that many, if not most, published research findings across scientific fields are not readily replicable when the same method is repeated. Although extremely valuable, failed replications risk leaving a theoretical void\u2014 reducing confidence the original theoretical prediction is true, but not replacing it with positive evidence in favor of an alternative theory. We introduce the creative destruction approach to replication, which combines theory pruning methods from the field of management with emerging best practices from the open science movement, with the aim of making replications as generative as possible. In effect, we advocate for a Replication 2.0 movement in which the goal shifts from checking on the reliability of past findings to actively engaging in competitive theory testing and theory building. Scientific transparency statement The materials, code, and data for this article are posted publicly on the Open Science Framework, with links provided in the article

    Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results

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    To what extent are research results influenced by subjective decisions that scientists make as they design studies? Fifteen research teams independently designed studies to answer fiveoriginal research questions related to moral judgments, negotiations, and implicit cognition. Participants from two separate large samples (total N > 15,000) were then randomly assigned to complete one version of each study. Effect sizes varied dramatically across different sets of materials designed to test the same hypothesis: materials from different teams renderedstatistically significant effects in opposite directions for four out of five hypotheses, with the narrowest range in estimates being d = -0.37 to +0.26. Meta-analysis and a Bayesian perspective on the results revealed overall support for two hypotheses, and a lack of support for three hypotheses. Overall, practically none of the variability in effect sizes was attributable to the skill of the research team in designing materials, while considerable variability was attributable to the hypothesis being tested. In a forecasting survey, predictions of other scientists were significantly correlated with study results, both across and within hypotheses. Crowdsourced testing of research hypotheses helps reveal the true consistency of empirical support for a scientific claim.</div

    Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data

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    This initiative examined systematically the extent to which a large set of archival research findings generalizes across contexts. We repeated the key analyses for 29 original strategic management effects in the same context (direct reproduction) as well as in 52 novel time periods and geographies; 45% of the reproductions returned results matching the original reports together with 55% of tests in different spans of years and 40% of tests in novel geographies. Some original findings were associated with multiple new tests. Reproducibility was the best predictor of generalizability—for the findings that proved directly reproducible, 84% emerged in other available time periods and 57% emerged in other geographies. Overall, only limited empirical evidence emerged for context sensitivity. In a forecasting survey, independent scientists were able to anticipate which effects would find support in tests in new samples