437 research outputs found

    Vibronic excitations of large molecules in solution studied by two-color pump–probe experiments on the 20 fs time scale

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    The ultrafast vibronic response of organic dye molecules in solution is studied in pump–probe experiments with 30 fs excitation pulses resonant to S0–Sn transitions. The molecular dynamics is probed either by pulses at the same spectral position or by 20 fs pulses overlapping with both the S0–S1 absorption and emission bands. Three contributions on distinctly different time scales are observed in the temporally and spectrally resolved two-color measurements. In the regime below 50 fs, a strong coherent coupling of the S0–Sn and the S0–S1 transitions occurs that is due to coherent vibrational motions in the electronic ground state. This signal is superimposed on the fast bleaching of the electronic ground state, resulting in a steplike increase of transmission. In the range of the S0–S1 emission band, one finds a subsequent picosecond rise of transmission that is due to stimulated emission from vibronic S1 states. The data demonstrate that the relaxation of Sn states directly populated by the pump pulses is much faster than the buildup of stimulated emission. This gives insight into different steps of intramolecular vibronic redistribution and is compared to the Sn–S1 relaxation in other molecules

    Ultrafast spatio-temporal dynamics of terahertz generation by ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses in gases

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    We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of spatio-temporal propagation effects in terahertz (THz) generation in gases using two-color ionizing laser pulses. The observed strong broadening of the THz spectra with increasing gas pressure reveals the prominent role of spatio-temporal reshaping and of a plasma-induced blue-shift of the pump pulses in the generation process. Results obtained from (3+1)-dimensional simulations are in good agreement with experimental findings and clarify the mechanisms responsible for THz emission

    A spectroscopic method of temperature measurement which does not require transition probabilities

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    Spectroscopic method of temperature and pressure measurement in a plasma by comparing intensity ratios of spectral line

    Ultrafast modulation of electronic structure by coherent phonon excitations

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    Femtosecond x-ray absorption spectroscopy with a laser-driven high-harmonic source is used to map ultrafast changes of x-ray absorption by femtometer- scale coherent phonon displacements. In LiBH4, displacements along an Ag phonon mode at 10 THz are induced by impulsive Raman excitation and give rise to oscillatory changes of x-ray absorption at the Li K edge. Electron density maps from femtosecond x-ray diffraction data show that the electric field of the pump pulse induces a charge transfer from the BH4− to neighboring Li+ ions, resulting in a differential Coulomb force that drives lattice vibrations in this virtual transition state

    Simultaneous ultrafast probing of intramolecular vibrations and photoinduced charge carriers in rubrene using broadband time-domain THz spectroscopy

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    The ultrafast frequency- and time-resolved complex dielec. responses of photoexcited, single-crystal rubrene at n = 10-30 THz were detd. using ultrafast broadband far-IR spectra. In this frequency range, the responses of both photogenerated mobile charges and intramol. vibrational modes were obsd. simultaneously, both of which vary with time after excitation. The data in conjunction with a theor. model indicate a dynamic blueshift of the 15.5 THz phonon. [on SciFinder (R)

    Field-Induced Tunneling Ionization and Terahertz-Driven Electron Dynamics in Liquid Water

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    Liquid water at ambient temperature displays ultrafast molecular motions and concomitant fluctuations of very strong electric fields originating from the dipolar H2O molecules. We show that such random intermolecular fields induce tunnel ionization of water molecules, which becomes irreversible if an external terahertz (THz) pulse imposes an additional directed electric field on the liquid. Time-resolved nonlinear THz spectroscopy maps charge separation, transport and localization of the released electrons on a few-picosecond time scale. The highly polarizable localized electrons modify the THz absorption spectrum and refractive index of water, a manifestation of a highly nonlinear response. Our results demonstrate how the interplay of local electric field fluctuations and external electric fields allows for steering charge dynamics and dielectric properties in aqueous systems

    Extreme selective sweeps independently targeted the X chromosomes of the great apes

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    The unique inheritance pattern of the X chromosome exposes it to natural selection in a way that is different from that of the autosomes, potentially resulting in accelerated evolution. We perform a comparative analysis of X chromosome polymorphism in 10 great ape species, including humans. In most species, we identify striking megabase-wide regions, where nucleotide diversity is less than 20% of the chromosomal average. Such regions are found exclusively on the X chromosome. The regions overlap partially among species, suggesting that the underlying targets are partly shared among species. The regions have higher proportions of singleton SNPs, higher levels of population differentiation, and a higher nonsynonymous-to-synonymous substitution ratio than the rest of the X chromosome. We show that the extent to which diversity is reduced is incompatible with direct selection or the action of background selection and soft selective sweeps alone, and therefore, we suggest that very strong selective sweeps have independently targeted these specific regions in several species. The only genomic feature that we can identify as strongly associated with loss of diversity is the location of testis-expressed ampliconic genes, which also have reduced diversity around them. We hypothesize that these genes may be responsible for selective sweeps in the form of meiotic drive caused by an intragenomic conflict in male meiosis
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