85 research outputs found

    Application of LANDSAT to the surveillance of lake eutrophication in the Great Lakes basin

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    The author has identified the following significant results. A step-by-step procedure for establishing and monitoring the trophic status of inland lakes with the use of LANDSAT data, surface sampling, laboratory analysis, and aerial observations were demonstrated. The biomass was related to chlorophyll-a concentrations, water clarity, and trophic state. A procedure was developed for using surface sampling, LANDSAT data, and linear regression equations to produce a color-coded image of large lakes showing the distribution and concentrations of water quality parameters, causing eutrophication as well as parameters which indicate its effects. Cover categories readily derived from LANDSAT were those for which loading rates were available and were known to have major effects on the quality and quantity of runoff and lake eutrophication. Urban, barren land, cropland, grassland, forest, wetlands, and water were included

    Non-geniculate coralline algae (Carallinales, Rhodophyta) on Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef (Australia)

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    This is the first modern, comprehensive account of non-geniculate coralline algae (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) occurring on the Great Barrier Reef (Heron Reef). Species were identified in a modern context, using reproductive and vegetative anatomy as diagnostic features. In a collection of 300 specimens, 11 different species were identified. Eight of the species were found exclusively on calcareous substrata, one was exclusively epiphytic, while the remaining two were both epiphytic and found growing on calcareous substrata. Although none of the species are new to science, one is newly recorded for Australia (Hydrolithon reinboldii) and 5 are newly recorded for the Great Barrier Reef region (Spongites fruticulosus, Lithophyllum frondosum, L. pustulatum, Mastophora pacifica and Mesophyllum erubescens). Collections made by A. B. Cribb in the 1960s on Heron Reef were also studied, once again using reproductive and vegetative anatomy as diagnostic features. Illustrations of each species and a tabular key are provided to facilitate non-geniculate coralline algal identification on Heron Reef. Information on their distribution and growth-forms are provided along with references to more detailed morphological accounts and published illustrations. The reported species are compared to findings from other tropical reef systems

    Abundance and species composition of non-geniculate coralline red algae epiphytic on the South African populations of the rocky shore seagrass Thalassodendron leptocaule M.C. Duarte, Bandeira & Romeiras

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    Seagrasses support a great diversity of epiphytic organisms and new research has shown that non-geniculate coralline red algae are important occupiers of space on the fronds of seagrasses. Except for a few scant records, there are no detailed published accounts of non-geniculate coralline algae epiphytic on seagrasses in South Africa. The seagrass Thalassodendron leptocaule (previously known as Thalassodendron ciliatum) is unique among southern African seagrasses in that it occurs on exposed rocky outcrops along the Mozambique and north eastern South African coast; most other seagrasses are restricted to sheltered bays and estuaries. Here we present descriptions of three species of non-geniculate coralline red algae which we have identified growing epiphytically on this seagrass in northern KwaZulu-Natal: Hydrolithon farinosum, Pneophyllum amplexifrons and Synarthrophyton patena. Two of the corallines (P. amplexifrons and S. patena) were restricted to the seagrass' stems while the third (H. farinosum) occurred only on the leaves. Of the three coralline epiphytes, P. amplexifrons contributed most to the biomass (average wet weight per plant 0.6±1.18 g); its wet weight, however, varied between habitats. Hydrolithon farinosum and other smaller turf algae amounted to no more than 0.1 g (wet weight) per leaf. Synarthrophyton patena was far more sparsely evident and contributed to less than 0.1 g (wet weight) per stem. Pneophyllum amplexifrons and H. farinosum appear to be pioneer epiphytes and form additional surfaces onto which other seaweed epiphytes attach and grow. Distribution of these epiphytes is explained by the longevity of the stems and leaves of the seagrass.Web of Scienc

    Rhodolith bed structure along a depth gradient on the northern coast of bahia state, brazil

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    The aim of this study was to determine the structure of a rhodolith bed along a depth gradient of 5 to 25 m in the shelf in front of Salvador City, a region of northeastern Brazil. The dimensions, morphology and coralline algae composition of the rhodoliths were analyzed, as well as the vitality, density, and associated flora of the bed at three depths: 5, 15 and 25 m. Samples were obtained by SCUBA divers in summer 2007. Five rhodolith-forming taxa were identified: Sporolithon episporum, Lithothamnion brasiliense, Lithothamnion superpositum, Mesophyllum erubescens, and Lithophyllum sp. The encrusting growth form and the spherical shape were predominant at all depths. Rhodolith dimensions and vitality decreased and the density increased from the shallow to the deepest zones. Fifty-six macroalgal species were found as rhodolith-associated flora. The shallower depth presented higher values for macroalgal biomass and number of species. These results associated with other recent rhodolith bed descriptions indicate that the pattern of Brazilian rhodolith bed structure along depth gradients may be related to a combination of the extent and slope of the continental shelf.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a estrutura de um banco de rodolitos ao longo de um gradiente de profundidade na plataforma em frente à cidade de Salvador, nordeste brasileiro. Foram analisadas as dimensões, a forma e composição das algas calcárias dos rodolitos, bem como a vitalidade, densidade e flora associada ao banco, em três profundidades: 5, 15 e 25 m. As amostras foram obtidas por meio de mergulho autônomo no verão de 2007. Cinco espécies de algas calcárias formadoras de rodolito foram identificadas: Sporolithon episporum, Lithothamnion brasiliense, Lithothamnion superpositum, Mesophyllum erubescens e Lithophyllum sp. A forma de crescimento incrustante e a forma esférica foram predominantes em todas as profundidades. Houve uma redução da dimensão e vitalidade dos rodolitos e um aumento da densidade com a profundidade. Cinqüenta e seis espécies de macroalgas foram encontradas como flora associada aos rodolitos. A profundidade mais rasa apresentou os maiores valores de biomassa e número de espécies de macroalgas. Esses resultados, associados com outras descrições recentes de bancos de rodolitos, indicam que o padrão estrutural desses bancos no Brasil, ao longo de gradientes de profundidade, pode estar relacionado a uma combinação da extensão e da inclinação da plataforma continental

    Are anti-fouling effects in coralline algae species specific?

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    The crustose coralline algae are susceptible to be covered by other algae, which in turn can be affected by anti-fouling effects. In this study the hypothesis tested was that these algae can inhibit the growth of epiphytes in a species specific way. In the laboratory, propagules of Sargassum furcatum and Ulva fasciata were liberated and cultivated on pieces of coralline algae and slide covers (controls) and their survival and growth were compared. Spongites and Hydrolithon significantly inhibited the growth of U. fasciata but not Sargassum. In the field, pieces of three species of live and dead coralline algae and their copies in epoxy putty discs were fixed on the rock. After one month epiphytic algae were identified and their dry mass quantified. Lithophyllum did not affect the epiphyte growth. In contrast Spongites and an unidentified coralline significantly inhibited the growth of Enteromorpha spp., Ulva fasciata and Hincksia mitchelliae. Colpomenia sinuosa was absent on all living crusts, but present on controls. Results show that the epiphyte-host relation depends on the species that are interacting. The sloughing of superficial cells of coralline crusts points to the possible action of physical anti-fouling effect, though a chemical one is not rejected.As algas calcárias crostosas são susceptíveis ao recobrimento por outras algas, entretanto, estas podem ser afetadas por efeitos anti-incrustantes. Neste estudo foi testada a hipótese de que estas algas possam inibir o crescimento somente de algumas espécies de epífitas. No laboratório, propágulos de Sargassum furcatum e Ulva fasciata foram liberados e cultivados sobre pedaços de algas calcárias e lamínulas de microscopia (controle) e as suas sobrevivência e crescimento comparadas. Spongites e Hydrolithon inibiram significativamente o crescimento de U. fasciata, mas não de Sargassum. No campo, pedaços de três espécies de algas calcárias vivas, mortas e cópias destas em discos de massa epóxi foram fíxos na rocha. Após um mês as algas epífitas foram identificadas e sua massa seca quantificada. Lithophyllum não inibiu o crescimento das epífitas, em contraste Spongites e outra coralinácea indeterminada inibiram o crescimento de Enteromorpha spp., Ulva fasciata e Hincksia mitchelliae. Colpomenia sinuosa esteve sempre ausente sobre as crostas vivas, porém presente nos controles. Resultados demonstram que a relação epífita-hospedeiro depende das espécies que estejam interagindo. O desprendimento de células superficiais das crostas coralináceas aponta para um possível efeito físico anti-incrustante, não se excluindo o químico


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    Volume: 74Start Page: 295End Page: 29


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    Volume: 77Start Page: 467End Page: 47


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    Volume: 77Start Page: 1End Page: 4

    Typification and reassessment of seventeen species of coralline red algae (Corallinales and Sporolithales, Rhodophyta) described by W. Ishijima during 1954–1978

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    The type specimens of 17 species of non-geniculate coralline red algae belonging to the Corallinales and Sporolithales (Corallinophycidae, Rhodophyta) and established from 1954–1978 by Wataru Ishijima have been re-examined, focusing on characters relevant to modern coralline taxonomy. The species are from the Early Cretaceous, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pleistocene rocks of southern and central Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Indian Ocean, Philippines, Pakistan and Galapagos and were attributed by Ishijima to Lithothamnion (as Lithothamnium), Mesophyllum, Lithophyllum and Archaeolithothamnion (as Archaeolithothamnium). With two exceptions, all species had to be reassigned to different genera or were of uncertain generic placement within particular subfamilies, families or orders. The type specimen of Lithophyllum oboraensis is retained in Lithophyllum and the type specimen of Mesophyllum izuensis is retained in Mesophyllum. The type specimens of Lithophyllum izuensis (Ishijima) comb nov. (= Lithothamnion izuensis), Phymatolithon tokumanensis (Ishijima) comb. nov. (= Mesophyllum tokumanensis), Sporolithon borneoensis (Ishijima) comb. nov. (= Archaeolithothamnium borneoense) and Sporolithon galapagosensis (Ishijima) comb. nov. (= Archaeolithothamnion galapagosensis) possess features justifying their assignment to various genera within a particular family and subfamily. A specimen ascribed by Ishijima to Archaeolithothamnion galapagosensis (as Archaeolithothamnium) in the protologue of that species is a misidentified specimen of Sporolithon ptychoides Heydrich. The type specimens of Lithophyllum minoensis and Mesophyllum indicum belong to the Corallinaceae, subfamily Mastophoroideae but are of uncertain generic placement. The type specimens of Lithothamnion makinogoensis, Lithothamnion nodai, Lithothamnion tenuicrustatum, Mesophyllum niinoi and Mesophyllum yuyashimaensis belong to the Hapalidiaceae (Melobesioideae) but are of uncertain generic placement. The type specimens of Lithophyllum hashimotoi, Lithophyllum minae, Lithothamnion huseinii and Lithothamnion tokiensis lacked sufficient data to allow for order, family, subfamily or genus placement within the Corallinophycidae. Lectotype specimens have been designated as necessary, and relevant historical, repository, geological, morphological and other data are presented in the taxonomic accounts and concluding remarks