202 research outputs found

    Flexion markers of 2-nd person singular from a synchronic and diachronic point of view. From the Germanic state to old-high-German

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    Flexion elements are a typical feature of the so-called flexion languages and are characterized by the fact that they change their form depending on (in-)flexion and they decode at least two functions. In the case of a Germanic verb inflexion elements stand for two categories: person and a singular/ plural form. In Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Germanic the inflection elements were relatively independent and it was easy to separate them from a verb stem which consisted of the so-called root and other components such as tense or mode markers. In old Germanic languages the processes of fusion and creating portmanteau word(s) (language contamination so to speak) were so advanced that it is difficult, yet not impossible, to separate primary flexion elements. The article presents the development of the 2-nd person singular marker from the Germanic state with regard to the Gothic language up to the old-high-German phase. The markers which were analysed belonged to the Present and Past Tense paradigm of all modes of the selected verb groups, that is both weak and strong ones and the rest not belonging to any of the groups mentioned above. The flexion elements were identified using a synchronic model of a morphological description worked out by Józef Darski (1987, 22004). Modification of the model concerning the character of diachronic studies ensures alsoa proper historical description.Flexion elements are a typical feature of the so-called flexion languages and are characterized by the fact that they change their form depending on (in-)flexion and they decode at least two functions. In the case of a Germanic verb inflexion elements stand for two categories: person and a singular/ plural form. In Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Germanic the inflection elements were relatively independent and it was easy to separate them from a verb stem which consisted of the so-called root and other components such as tense or mode markers. In old Germanic languages the processes of fusion and creating portmanteau word(s) (language contamination so to speak) were so advanced that it is difficult, yet not impossible, to separate primary flexion elements. The article presents the development of the 2-nd person singular marker from the Germanic state with regard to the Gothic language up to the old-high-German phase. The markers which were analysed belonged to the Present and Past Tense paradigm of all modes of the selected verb groups, that is both weak and strong ones and the rest not belonging to any of the groups mentioned above. The flexion elements were identified using a synchronic model of a morphological description worked out by Józef Darski (1987, 22004). Modification of the model concerning the character of diachronic studies ensures also a proper historical description

    Progress in the development of the semi-empirical calibration of neutron probes based on Monte Carlo modeling

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    The method of the semi-empirical calibration of a neutron well logging probe was developed by Jan Andrzej Czubek on the concept of the general neutron parameter (GNP) and tested positively at the neutron calibration station in Zielona Góra, Poland. The neutron probe responses in a wide range of neutron parameters (and thus lithology, porosity and saturation) were also computed using the Monte Carlo method. The obtained simulation results made it possible to determine the calibration curves using the Czubek concept in a wider range than by means of the original method. The very good compatibility of both methods confirms the applicability of the GNP as well as the Monte Carlo numerical experiments, which allow for a significant extension of the semi-empirical calibration in complex well geometries taking into account e.g., casing or invaded zones

    Cell wall biosynthesis impairment affects the budding lifespan of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast

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    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast is one of the most widely used model in studies of cellular and organismal biology, including as aging and proliferation. Although several constraints of aging and budding lifespan have been identified, these processes have not yet been fully understood. Previous studies of aging in yeast have focused mostly on the molecular basics of the underlying mechanisms, while physical aspects, particularly those related to the cell wall, were rather neglected. In this paper, we examine for the first time, to our knowledge, the impact of cell wall biosynthesis disturbances on the lifespan in the budding yeast. We have used a set of cell wall mutants, including knr4\Delta, cts1\Delta, chs3\Delta, fks1\Delta and mnn9\Delta, which affect biosynthesis of all major cell wall compounds. Our results indicated that impairment of chitin biosynthesis and cell wall protein mannosylation reduced the budding lifespan, while disruption in the 1,3-\beta-glucan synthase activity had no adverse effect on that parameter. The impact varied in the severity and the most notable effect was observed for the mnn9\Delta mutant. What was interesting, in the case of the dysfunction of the Knr4 protein playing the role of the transcriptional regulator of cell wall chitin and glucan synthesis, the lifespan increased significantly. We also report the phenotypic characteristics of cell wall-associated mutants as revealed by imaging of the cell wall using transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. In addition, our findings support the conviction that achievement of the state of hypertrophy may not be the only factor that determines the budding lifespan

    Synthesis and properties of telechelic polysiloxane and polyether homo- and co-polymers

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    The present work explores improved pathways for producing heterotelechelic homo polymers, and A-B or A-B-A type block copolymers. These contain as soft segment polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and a harder segment of poly(propylene glycol), or poly(ethylene glycol) (PPG, PEG). The products were obtained via ring-opening polymerization, hydrosilylation and metathesis reactions, all of high significance in industry. These methodologies open new ways for the preparation of materials with improved properties, fostering the various applications of polymers containing PDMS.Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht verbesserte Wege zur Herstellung von heterotelechelischen Homopolymeren und Blockcopolymeren vom A-B- oder A-B-A-Typ. Diese enthalten ein Weichsegment, Polydimethylsiloxan (PDMS) und ein härteres Segment von Polypropylenglykol oder Polyethylenglykol (PPG, PEG). Die Produkte wurden durch ringöffnende Polymerisation, Hydrosilylierung und Metathese-Reaktionen hergestellt. Diese Methoden eröffneten den Weg für die Herstellung von Materialien mit verbesserten Eigenschaften und fördern die verschiedenen Anwendungen von PDMS-haltigen Polymeren

    Kształcenie korespondencyjne jako metoda kształcenia – w okresie jej rozkwitu i upowszechniania

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    The assumption of this article is to present correspondence education as a method of self-education work, a specific feature of which is the indirect correspondence contact between the teacher and the student. There are several methodological variations, which are the subject of the following article, i.e. their common feature is the specific way of contact mentioned above. The article covers the period of the development of correspondence education in the 1950s–1970s, which was a time of intensive development of this form of adult education not only in Poland, but also abroad. At the same time, the text is an attempt to show the importance of distance learning in the development of today’s distance education. From the presentation of the methodological and teaching solutions of the first correspondence schools, it can be concluded that the foundations of the teaching methodology of distance education were formed in the first correspondence schools and are valid to this day.Założeniem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie kształcenia korespondencyjnego jako metody pracy samokształceniowej, której cechą specyficzną jest pośredni, korespondencyjny kontakt nauczyciela z uczniem. Istnieje kilka odmian metodycznych, które są przedmiotem poniższego artykułu: ich wspólną cechę stanowi wspomniany wyżej specyficzny sposób kontaktowania się. Artykuł dotyczy głównie lat 50.–70. XX w. Był to czas intensywnego rozwoju tej formy edukacji dorosłych nie tylko w Polsce, ale również za granicą. Jednocześnie tekst jest próbą ukazania znaczenia kształcenia korespondencyjnego w rozwoju dzisiejszej edukacji na odległość. Z prezentacji rozwiązań metodycznych i dydaktycznych pierwszych szkół korespondencyjnych można wywnioskować, że podstawy metodyki nauczania edukacji na odległość zostały ukształtowane właśnie w pierwszych szkołach korespondencyjnych i są aktualne po dzień dzisiejszy

    Przypisy tłumacza w polskim przekładzie zbioru esejów Terra incognita Draga Jančara

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    The author has analyzed the translator’s footnotes in the Polish translation of Terra Incognita. The footnotes are problematic, because some people consider them a discredit to the translator, while others think them a sign of erudition. There is also a group of people, who say they are a solution to untranslatability, which is a result of the differences between the languages and cultures. They help to deliver the meaning. The author of the article searches and analyses if the translator was consistent while creating footnotes and if the information important provided in the process is essential and helpful for the reader to understand Slovenian culture. In other words, if the footnotes are a solution to the problems with the untranslatability

    Nostalgia za komunizmem w polskiej wersji

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    Za komuny było lepiej… To określenie słyszał w Polsce chyba każdy bez względu na wiek. Wśród młodszego pokolenia można zauważyć nostalgię za komunizmem, która przybiera różne formy: restauracje, gadżety (kubki, poduszki itp.), imprezy. Wszystko to w stylu PRL-u. Głównym celem artykułu jest pokazanie, w jaki sposób ludzie młodzi, głównie studenci, którzy nie doświadczyli rzeczywistości komunistycznej Polski, sięgają po symbole okresu PRL-u. Autorka artykułu przeprowadziła również ankietę, której celem było zapytanie osób, które żyły w czasach komuny, co o niej myślą, a także jaki jest według nich powód tego, że młodzi ludzie tak chętnie otaczają się przedmiotami, przypominającymi czasy PRL-u

    Doświadczanie dorosłości osoby Głuchej w ujęciu jednostkowym i społecznym

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    The following article attempts to show the specifics of shaping the identity of Deaf people, as well as their entering into adulthood. The situation of Deaf people in Poland is changing, more and more people are taking up university courses, and access to the labour market for this group of people is increasing. They can also count on the support of sign language interpreters. Certainly, these amenities affect the sense of independence and autonomy when comes to the tasks arising from adulthood. However, can we talk about the full implementation of developmental tasks arising from adulthood in the subjective, individual understanding? What role does social and cultural identity play in the entering of Deaf people into adulthood?W artykule podjęto próbę ukazania specyfiki procesu kształtowania się tożsamości osób Głuchych*, a także wchodzenia w okres dorosłości. Sytuacja osób Głuchych w Polsce ulega zmianie, coraz więcej z nich podejmuje studia, zwiększa się dla tej grupy dostępność do rynku pracy, osoby Głuche mogą liczyć na wsparcie tłumaczy języka migowego. Te udogodnienia wpływają na poczucie niezależności i autonomii w podejmowaniu zadań związanych z okresem dorosłości. Jednak czy w rozumieniu subiektywnym, jednostkowym możemy mówić o pełnym realizowaniu przez te osoby zadań rozwojowych wynikających z okresu dorosłości? Jaką rolę w kontekście wchodzenia w dorosłość odgrywa tożsamość społeczno-kulturowa u osób Głuchych

    Translator’s Footnotes in the Polish Translation of Drago Jančar’s essays Terra Incognita

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    The main goal of the article is to analyse the translator’s footnotes in the Polish translation of the Drago Jančar’s essays. There are different opinions about footnotes. Some some people consider them a discredit to the translator, while others think tchem a sign of erudition. Footnotes should help the reader of the target culture to understand the original text culture. It is important to create footnotes cautiously

    Feasibility of Monte Carlo modelling for the neutron-neutron logging tool response in specific geological models

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    Neutron well logging is one of the basic methods for the determination of the characteristic parameters of rock samples. The neutron source and neutron detectors are elements of Neutron-Neutron Thermal-Epithermal logging tool (NNTE) of significant importance. A neutron source creates the neutron field in the nearest environment. Detectors placed at specified distances from the source register neutrons from this space. A signal of a Neutron-Neutron Thermal-Epithermal tool in specific geological conditions was numerically calculated by means of the Monte Carlo (MC) codes. The main aim of this paper is to show the potential for using the Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code (MCNP) software in nuclear well logging prospection methods. The results of this MC modelling are presented in this paper