63 research outputs found

    Improving Students’ Writing Ability in Procedure Text Using YouTube Video “Gia Academy”

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    This research aims to identify the writing skills of students who completed the course without the use of YouTube Video "GIA Academy," the writing skills of students who were provided teaching with the use of YouTube Video "GIA Academy," and the significant differences in writing skills between those students who were provided teaching with YouTube Video "GIA Academy" and those who did not. In this study, quantitative methodology was employed. In a quasi-experiment, two classes were compared as the experimental and control classes consisted of two groups of samples. The findings of this investigation revealed that the experimental class had an average post-test score of 79.72 whereas the control class had an average post-test score of 64.69. The experimental class had a post-test average score of 48.47, while the control class received a score of 16.53, demonstrating a clear distinction between the two classes. The two classes that were taught in different ways have a big difference, although the approach that used YouTube videos from "GIA Academy" to improve students' writing skills worked well enough. The data provided a rather accurate comparison of the test results between the experimental and control groups. In addition to improving students' writing abilities, YouTube video “GIA Academy” to study also changes the learning environment and is regarded as an enjoyable learning approach


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    This paper tries to evaluate the exisence of reading test format used in national exam which has been applied for many many years in our schools.As we know that under the reasons of practicality and and limited budget from the government, a multiple choice type is used to assess the students’ language competence. Logically, language competence is not only assessed through recognition test, but also production test.In that way then it is regarded important to provide  test types other than traditional test in the hope that the test does not only function as a way to measure the product of learning, but also the proses of learning.Some alternative assessments will be discussed and offered to the language practitioners


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    This final project studied the grammatical errors made by the students of 10th MIPA 2 SMA N 1 Cepiring. The objectives of the study were (1) To describe 4 types of grammatical errors in writing descriptive text made by the students of X MIPA 2 SMA N 1 Cepiring based on Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982) theory, (2) To find out what grammatical errors are dominantly made by the students, (3) To describe how teachers minimize the students’ grammatical errors. The design of the research was descriptive qualitative research. The subject of the research were 10th MIPA 2 SMA N 1 Cepiring. The instrument of the study were test and interview. To identify the data of errors, the writer used the theory of Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982), for the interview the writer used Miles and Huberman (1994) theory which consists of 3 steps: Data Reduction, Data Display, and Conclusion Drawing. The result of this research showed that: (1) the number of each errors are: errors of omission found 8 errors with 20,5% grammatical errors percentage, errors of addition found 9 errors with 23,1% grammatical errors percentage, errors of misformation found 15 errors with 38,5% grammatical errors percentage, and the last one errors of misordering found 7 errors with 17,9% grammatical errors percentage; (2) the dominant types of errors was the errors of misformation with 38,5% percentage; (3) The results of the interviews show that to minimize students' errors is by giving more practice in making sentences which focus on grammar or tense and emphasizing to the students that is normal for having some mistakes so that the students become confident of their works

    Washback of the performance-based test of reading for EFL learners

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    The effect of tests on the teaching and learning, generally known as washback, has been recognized by scholars for a long time. However, studies on washback are usually addressed for high-stakes testing. This study investigates the washback effect of low-stakes test namely performance-based test used in measuring reading skills. Such a test is low stakes because it does not bring about serious consequence on the part of the students. The subjects of the research were 10 English teachers and 50 students of junior high schools in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Data were collected through semi-structured interview and a questionnaire for both the teachers and students. The results showed that performance-based test gives positive effect in reading for the EFL learners in the areas of: students’ enthusiasm in reading, reducing boredom in reading, students’ curiosity on reading text content, and students’ improvement on higher-order thinking skills. To the teachers it affects the areas of teaching methods, teaching materials, and time allotment

    The Practice of Classroom Assessments during Curriculum Change: A Study of Inservice Teachers

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    The education ministry has refreshed the past school curriculum to the Freedom Curriculum or Kurikulum Merdeka. Ideally, the change of curriculum is alignment with the methods of assessment. In terms of assessments, there are three types highlighted in the new curriculum: diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments. The question arises whether the teachers can really cope with the current issues in assessment. This research aimed to survey the teachers’ perceived skills in assessment and to examine the practices of classroom assessments dealing with the latest issues, including the assessment they used most. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. The respondents were 276 teachers from various backgrounds. They were in-service teachers who joined the Teacher Certification Program managed by Universitas PGRI Semarang in the year 2022. Descriptive statistics was used to calculate the data. The results revealed that teachers reported being fairly skilled in doing assessments. However, several subskills in assessment need improvement. Among the three types of assessment, summative was mostly practised by teachers while teachers least frequently conducted the diagnostic. Based on the function, assessment of learning was mostly practised by teachers, while assessment as learning was the least frequently used. The in-service teacher training program curriculum must cover course materials in assessment to better equip teachers with the ability to execute various assessments. Keywords: Kurikulum Merdeka; classroom assessment; diagnostic; formative; summativ

    Improving Student's Vocabulary Mastery Through Hello English Application at Tenth-Grade Students of High School

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    This study aims to determine 1) the effect of using the Hello English application in English teaching on improving students' ability in vocabulary mastery and 2) determine students' perceptions of the application of Hello English application in teaching English subjects at SMAN 1 Mayong, Jepara. This study used a type of quantitative research with a pseudo-experimental research design. This study used test data collection techniques and questionnaires to measure students' vocabulary mastery. The population of this study was grade X students of SMAN 1 Mayong, with a total of 72 students consisting of grades X 7 and X 9. The test result data in this study was calculated and analyzed automatically using SPSS. Based on the data analysis using the t-test, the test data shows that the result of t count (df = 70) = 9.881 and p-value or significant level of 0.000, which is smaller than 0.05. Researchers use α = 0.05 (5%) as a significant standard, so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted because the p or sig (2-tailed) value of 0.000 is lower than α = 0.05 (5%). This means a significant difference exists between the results of using the Hello English Application in teaching vocabulary to grade X students of SMA Negeri 1 Mayong for the 2022/2023 school year. The results showed that the Hello English application significantly increased students' vocabulary mastery after treatment. The average score of experimental class students increased from 73 on the pre-test to 91 on the post-test.Moreover, the control class's average score was 74 on the pre-test to 79 on the post-test. This means that the average score of the students in the experimental class is higher than the average score in the control class. Researchers concluded that the Hello English Application is effective through mastery of student vocabulary, especially for tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Mayong for the 2022/2023 academic year. Based on the questionnaire, the results showed that using the Hello English application in teaching English has many positive impacts on students, including students being more motivated in learning and making it easier for students to understand the material


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    The insertion of technology in English language teaching has been massively implemented by the English teachers during the pandemic Covid-19. This massive use of technology is also found during the assessment process. On the other hand, students still find difficulties in composing English texts. To fill this gap, this current study is investigating the current use of Quizizz as a technology-based assessment to improve the students’ writing skill during the English teaching and learning in the pandemic Covid-19. By deploying a pre-experimental research design, this study involved sixteen eighth grade students in SMP Negeri 13 Semarang as the subjects. To obtain the data, a writing test was employed in term of pre-test and post-test. The result shows that students’ writing skill was improved well after Quizizz was implemented regularly during the English teaching and learning. This result implies that Quizizz as a technology-based assessment helps the students to enhance their writing skill.

    Pre-service English teachers’ motivation to pursue a career in teaching viewed from speaking self-efficacy

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    Previous research on pre-service teachers’ motivation to pursue a career in teaching found different results. Some research found altruistic motivation dominant in determining career decisions, while others suggest extrinsic or intrinsic motivation. The current study extended the topic by relating pre-service English teachers’ motivation to teach to English-speaking self-efficacy. There were 94 pre-service English teachers of different semesters participated in this study. Data were collected with a Likert-type questionnaire. Pre-service English teachers have a high motivation to pursue a career in teaching, and extrinsic motivation was the most dominant motive. The nobility of the profession, sustainability of job demand, inspiration from the teachers, and flexible working hours are among the extrinsic motives. The pre-service teachers also have a high level of English-speaking self-efficacy. However, they still have problems with anxiety, the use of idioms, the use of accurate grammar and vocabulary, and fluency. Between motivation to teach and their speaking self-efficacy lies a significant positive correlation at a moderate level. This moderate level of the relationship suggests that English-speaking self-efficacy is not a determining factor in motivating pre-service English teachers to have a career in teaching. Consequently, some English teachers may have inadequate proficiency in the language they teach

    Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)-based Formative Assessment: A Proposed Model for Language Learning Assessment

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    The integration of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in language learning assessments has become a crucial issue in 21st-century learning. However, not many teachers are aware of the need to incorporate HOTS in assessments due to their insufficient knowledge and the absence of good examples. Further, there is not much research and literature on HOTS-based formative assessment that can be used as references. This research aims to fill the existing gap by providing a model of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS)-based formative assessments for English learning, especially in junior high schools. By employing research and development design, this research describes the validation of the assessment model. The proposed model of assessment may be used as a prototype for assessing language learning.
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