998 research outputs found

    Wide-field weak lensing by RXJ1347-1145

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    We present an analysis of weak lensing observations for RXJ1347-1145 over a 43' X 43' field taken in B and R filters on the Blanco 4m telescope at CTIO. RXJ1347-1145 is a massive cluster at redshift z=0.45. Using a population of galaxies with 20<R<26, we detect a weak lensing signal at the p<0.0005 level, finding best-fit parameters of \sigma_v=1400^{+130}_{-140} km s^{-1} for a singular isothermal sphere model and r_{200} = 3.5^{+0.8}_{-0.2} Mpc with c = 15^{+64}_{-10} for a NFW model in an \Omega_m = 0.3, \Omega_\Lambda = 0.7 cosmology. In addition, a mass to light ratio M/L_R =90 \pm 20 M_\odot / L_{R\odot} was determined. These values are consistent with the previous weak lensing study of RXJ1347--1145 by Fischer and Tyson, 1997, giving strong evidence that systemic bias was not introduced by the relatively small field of view in that study. Our best-fit parameter values are also consistent with recent X-ray studies by Allen et al, 2002 and Ettori et al, 2001, but are not consistent with recent optical velocity dispersion measurements by Cohen and Kneib, 2002.Comment: accepted to ApJ, tentative publication 10 May 2005, v624

    Tomographic Magnification of Lyman Break Galaxies in The Deep Lens Survey

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    Using about 450,000 galaxies in the Deep Lens Survey, we present a detection of the gravitational magnification of z > 4 Lyman Break Galaxies by massive foreground galaxies with 0.4 < z < 1.0, grouped by redshift. The magnification signal is detected at S/N greater than 20, and rigorous checks confirm that it is not contaminated by any galaxy sample overlap in redshift. The inferred galaxy mass profiles are consistent with earlier lensing analyses at lower redshift. We then explore the tomographic lens magnification signal by splitting our foreground galaxy sample into 7 redshift bins. Combining galaxy-magnification cross-correlations and galaxy angular auto-correlations, we develop a bias-independent estimator of the tomographic signal. As a diagnostic of magnification tomography, the measurement of this estimator rejects a flat dark matter dominated Universe at > 7.5{\sigma} with a fixed \sigma_8 and is found to be consistent with the expected redshift-dependence of the WMAP7 {\Lambda}CDM cosmology.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Accepted to MNRA

    Radiolysis Model Sensitivity Analysis for a Used Fuel Storage Canister

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    This report fulfills the M3 milestone (M3FT-13PN0810027) to report on a radiolysis computer model analysis that estimates the generation of radiolytic products for a storage canister. The analysis considers radiolysis outside storage canister walls and within the canister fill gas over a possible 300-year lifetime. Previous work relied on estimates based directly on a water radiolysis G-value. This work also includes that effect with the addition of coupled kinetics for 111 reactions for 40 gas species to account for radiolytic-induced chemistry, which includes water recombination and reactions with air

    Lower bounds on photometric redshift errors from Type Ia supernovae templates

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    Cosmology with Type Ia supernovae heretofore has required extensive spectroscopic follow-up to establish a redshift. Though tolerable at the present discovery rate, the next generation of ground-based all-sky survey instruments will render this approach unsustainable. Photometry-based redshift determination is a viable alternative, but introduces non-negligible errors that ultimately degrade the ability to discriminate between competing cosmologies. We present a strictly template-based photometric redshift estimator and compute redshift reconstruction errors in the presence of photometry and statistical errors. With reasonable assumptions for a cadence and supernovae distribution, these redshift errors are combined with systematic errors and propagated using the Fisher matrix formalism to derive lower bounds on the joint errors in Ωw\Omega_w and Ωw′\Omega_w' relevant to the next generation of ground-based all-sky survey.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Transport Test Problems for Radiation Detection Scenarios

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    This is the final report and deliverable for the project. It is a list of the details of the test cases for radiation detection scenarios

    Shear-Selected Clusters From the Deep Lens Survey III: Masses from Weak Lensing

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    We present weak lensing mass estimates of seven shear-selected galaxy cluster candidates from the Deep Lens Survey. The clusters were previously identified as mass peaks in convergence maps of 8.6 sq. deg of R band imaging, and followed up with X-ray and spectroscopic confirmation, spanning a redshift range 0.19 - 0.68. Most clusters contained multiple X-ray peaks, yielding 17 total mass concentrations. In this paper, we constrain the masses of these X-ray sources with weak lensing, using photometric redshifts from the full set of BVRz' imaging to properly weight background galaxies according to their lensing distance ratios. We fit both NFW and singular isothermal sphere profiles, and find that the results are insensitive to the assumed profile. We also show that the results do not depend significantly on the assumed prior on the position of the mass peak, but that this may become an issue in future larger samples. The inferred velocity dispersions for the extended X-ray sources range from 250-800 km/s, with the exception of one source for which no lensing signal was found. This work further establishes shear selection as a viable technique for finding clusters, but also highlights some unresolved issues such as determination of the mass profile center without biasing the mass estimate, and fully accounting for line-of-sight projections. A follow-up paper will examine the mass-X-ray scaling relations of these clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 27 pages, 4 figures. Some discussion and clarification added. Cluster centre offset added to Table

    Imaging the Cosmic Matter Distribution using Gravitational Lensing of Pregalactic HI

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    21-cm emission from neutral hydrogen during and before the epoch of cosmic reionisation is gravitationally lensed by material at all lower redshifts. Low-frequency radio observations of this emission can be used to reconstruct the projected mass distribution of foreground material, both light and dark. We compare the potential imaging capabilities of such 21-cm lensing with those of future galaxy lensing surveys. We use the Millennium Simulation to simulate large-area maps of the lensing convergence with the noise, resolution and redshift-weighting achievable with a variety of idealised observation programmes. We find that the signal-to-noise of 21-cm lens maps can far exceed that of any map made using galaxy lensing. If the irreducible noise limit can be reached with a sufficiently large radio telescope, the projected convergence map provides a high-fidelity image of the true matter distribution, allowing the dark matter halos of individual galaxies to be viewed directly, and giving a wealth of statistical and morphological information about the relative distributions of mass and light. For instrumental designs like that planned for the Square Kilometer Array (SKA), high-fidelity mass imaging may be possible near the resolution limit of the core array of the telescope.Comment: version accepted for publication in MNRAS (reduced-resolution figures

    Weak Lensing Detection of Cl 1604+4304 at z = 0.90

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    We present a weak lensing analysis of the high-redshift cluster Cl 1604+4304. At z=0.90, this is the highest-redshift cluster yet detected with weak lensing. It is also one of a sample of high-redshift, optically-selected clusters whose X-ray temperatures are lower than expected based on their velocity dispersions. Both the gas temperature and galaxy velocity dispersion are proxies for its mass, which can be determined more directly by a lensing analysis. Modeling the cluster as a singular isothermal sphere, we find that the mass contained within projected radius R is 3.69+-1.47 * (R/500 kpc) 10^14 M_odot. This corresponds to an inferred velocity dispersion of 1004+-199 km/s, which agrees well with the measured velocity dispersion of 989+98-76 km/s (Gal & Lubin 2004). These numbers are higher than the 575+110-85 km/s inferred from Cl 1604+4304 X-ray temperature, however all three velocity dispersion estimates are consistent within ~ 1.9 sigma.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in AJ (January 2005). 2 added figures (6 figures total

    GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey -- I. Anatomy of galaxy clusters in the background of NGC 300

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    The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey (GaBoDS) is a virtual 12 square degree cosmic shear and cluster lensing survey, conducted with the [email protected] MPG/ESO telescope at La Silla. It consists of shallow, medium and deep random fields taken in R-band in subarcsecond seeing conditions at high galactic latitude. A substantial amount of the data was taken from the ESO archive, by means of a dedicated ASTROVIRTEL program. In the present work we describe the main characteristics and scientific goals of GaBoDS. Our strategy for mining the ESO data archive is introduced, and we comment on the Wide Field Imager data reduction as well. In the second half of the paper we report on clusters of galaxies found in the background of NGC 300, a random archival field. We use weak gravitational lensing and the red cluster sequence method for the selection of these objects. Two of the clusters found were previously known and already confirmed by spectroscopy. Based on the available data we show that there is significant evidence for substructure in one of the clusters, and an increasing fraction of blue galaxies towards larger cluster radii. Two other mass peaks detected by our weak lensing technique coincide with red clumps of galaxies. We estimate their redshifts and masses.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, gzipped. An online postscript version with higher quality figures (3.3 MBytes) can be downloaded from http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~mischa/ngc300/ngc300.ps.gz . Submitted to A&
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