90 research outputs found

    An introduction into optimal control for quantum technologies

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    In this series of lectures, we would like to introduce the audience to quantum optimal control. The first lecture will cover basic ideas and principles of optimal control with the goal of demystifying its jargon. The second lecture will describe computational tools (for computations both on paper and in a computer) for its implementation as well as their conceptual background. The third chapter will go through a series of popular examples from different applications of quantum technology.Comment: Lecture notes for the 51st IFF Spring Schoo

    Antagonistic Activities of Sox2 and Brachyury Control the Fate Choice of Neuro-Mesodermal Progenitors

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    The spinal cord and mesodermal tissues of the trunk such as the vertebral column and skeletal musculature derive from neuro-mesodermal progenitors (NMPs). Sox2, Brachyury (T), and Tbx6 have been correlated with NMP potency and lineage choice; however, their exact role and interaction in these processes have not yet been revealed. Here we present a global analysis of NMPs and their descending lineages performed on purified cells from embryonic day 8.5 wild-type and mutant embryos. We show that T, cooperatively with WNT signaling, controls the progenitor state and the switch toward the mesodermal fate. Sox2 acts antagonistically and promotes neural development. T is also involved in remodeling the chromatin for mesodermal development. Tbx6 reinforces the mesodermal fate choice, represses the progenitor state, and confers paraxial fate commitment. Our findings refine previous models and establish molecular principles underlying mammalian trunk development, comprising NMP maintenance, lineage choice, and mesoderm formation

    An integrated tool-set for Control, Calibration and Characterization of quantum devices applied to superconducting qubits

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    Efforts to scale-up quantum computation have reached a point where the principal limiting factor is not the number of qubits, but the entangling gate infidelity. However, a highly detailed system characterization required to understand the underlying errors is an arduous process and impractical with increasing chip size. Open-loop optimal control techniques allow for the improvement of gates but are limited by the models they are based on. To rectify the situation, we provide a new integrated open-source tool-set for Control, Calibration and Characterization (C3C^3), capable of open-loop pulse optimization, model-free calibration, model fitting and refinement. We present a methodology to combine these tools to find a quantitatively accurate system model, high-fidelity gates and an approximate error budget, all based on a high-performance, feature-rich simulator. We illustrate our methods using fixed-frequency superconducting qubits for which we learn model parameters to an accuracy of <1%<1\% and derive a coherence limited cross-resonance (CR) gate that achieves 99.6%99.6\% fidelity without need for calibration.Comment: Source code available at http://q-optimize.org; added reference

    Genome-wide expression profiling of urinary bladder implicates desmosomal and cytoskeletal dysregulation in the bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex

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    The bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex (BEEC) represents a spectrum of urological abnormalities where part, or all, of the distal urinary tract fails to close during development, becoming exposed on the outer abdominal wall. While the etiology of BEEC remains unknown, strong evidence exists that genetic factors are implicated. To understand the pathways regulating embryonic bladder development and to identify high-probability BEEC candidate genes, we conducted a genome-wide expression profiling (GWEP) study using normal and exstrophic human urinary bladders and human and mouse embryologic bladder-precursor tissues. We identified 162 genes differentially expressed in both embryonic and postnatal human samples. Pathway analysis of these genes revealed 11 biological networks with top functions related to skeletal and muscular system development, cellular assembly and development, organ morphology, or connective tissue disorders. The two most down-regulated genes desmin (DES, fold-change, -74.7) and desmuslin (DMN, fold-change, -53.0) are involved in desmosome mediated cell-cell adhesion and cytoskeletal architecture. Intriguingly, the sixth most overexpressed gene was desmoplakin (DSP, fold-change, +48.8), the most abundant desmosomal protein. We found 30% of the candidate genes to be directly associated with desmosome structure/function or cytoskeletal assembly, pointing to desmosomal and/or cytoskeletal deregulation as an etiologic factor for BEEC. Further findings indicate that p63, PERP, SYNPO2 and the Wnt pathway may also contribute to BEEC etiology. This study provides the first expression profile of urogenital genes during bladder development and points to the high-probability candidate genes for BEEC

    RETRATO SIN IDENTIFICAR [Material gráfico]

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Promoter repression and 3D-restructuring resolves divergent developmental gene expression in TADs

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    Cohesin loop extrusion facilitates precise gene expression by continuously driving promoters to sample all enhancers located within the same topologically-associated domain (TAD). However, many TADs contain multiple genes with divergent expression patterns, thereby indicating additional forces further refine how enhancer activities are utilised. Here, we unravel the mechanisms enabling a new gene, Rex1, to emerge with divergent expression within the ancient Fat1 TAD in placental mammals. We show that such divergent expression is not determined by a strict enhancer-promoter compatibility code, intra-TAD position or nuclear envelope-attachment. Instead, TAD-restructuring in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) separates Rex1 and Fat1 with distinct proximal enhancers that independently drive their expression. By contrast, in later embryonic tissues, DNA methylation renders the inactive Rex1 promoter profoundly unresponsive to Fat1 enhancers within the intact TAD. Combined, these features adapted an ancient regulatory landscape during evolution to support two entirely independent Rex1 and Fat1 expression programs. Thus, rather than operating only as rigid blocks of co-regulated genes, TAD-regulatory landscapes can orchestrate complex divergent expression patterns in evolution

    Reconstructing cancer genomes from paired-end sequencing data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A cancer genome is derived from the germline genome through a series of somatic mutations. Somatic structural variants - including duplications, deletions, inversions, translocations, and other rearrangements - result in a cancer genome that is a scrambling of intervals, or "blocks" of the germline genome sequence. We present an efficient algorithm for reconstructing the block organization of a cancer genome from paired-end DNA sequencing data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By aligning paired reads from a cancer genome - and a matched germline genome, if available - to the human reference genome, we derive: (i) a partition of the reference genome into intervals; (ii) adjacencies between these intervals in the cancer genome; (iii) an estimated copy number for each interval. We formulate the Copy Number and Adjacency Genome Reconstruction Problem of determining the cancer genome as a sequence of the derived intervals that is consistent with the measured adjacencies and copy numbers. We design an efficient algorithm, called Paired-end Reconstruction of Genome Organization (PREGO), to solve this problem by reducing it to an optimization problem on an interval-adjacency graph constructed from the data. The solution to the optimization problem results in an Eulerian graph, containing an alternating Eulerian tour that corresponds to a cancer genome that is consistent with the sequencing data. We apply our algorithm to five ovarian cancer genomes that were sequenced as part of The Cancer Genome Atlas. We identify numerous rearrangements, or structural variants, in these genomes, analyze reciprocal vs. non-reciprocal rearrangements, and identify rearrangements consistent with known mechanisms of duplication such as tandem duplications and breakage/fusion/bridge (B/F/B) cycles.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We demonstrate that PREGO efficiently identifies complex and biologically relevant rearrangements in cancer genome sequencing data. An implementation of the PREGO algorithm is available at <url>http://compbio.cs.brown.edu/software/</url>.</p

    Naïve-like pluripotency to pave the way for saving the northern white rhinoceros from extinction

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    The northern white rhinoceros (NWR) is probably the earth's most endangered mammal. To rescue the functionally extinct species, we aim to employ induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to generate gametes and subsequently embryos in vitro. To elucidate the regulation of pluripotency and differentiation of NWR PSCs, we generated iPSCs from a deceased NWR female using episomal reprogramming, and observed surprising similarities to human PSCs. NWR iPSCs exhibit a broad differentiation potency into the three germ layers and trophoblast, and acquire a naïve-like state of pluripotency, which is pivotal to differentiate PSCs into primordial germ cells (PGCs). Naïve culturing conditions induced a similar expression profile of pluripotency related genes in NWR iPSCs and human ESCs. Furthermore, naïve-like NWR iPSCs displayed increased expression of naïve and PGC marker genes, and a higher integration propensity into developing mouse embryos. As the conversion process was aided by ectopic BCL2 expression, and we observed integration of reprogramming factors, the NWR iPSCs presented here are unsuitable for gamete production. However, the gained insights into the developmental potential of both primed and naïve-like NWR iPSCs are fundamental for in future PGC-specification in order to rescue the species from extinction using cryopreserved somatic cells.Toxicolog

    A CRISPR-Cas9-engineered mouse model for GPI-anchor deficiency mirrors human phenotypes and exhibits hippocampal synaptic dysfunctions

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    Pathogenic germline mutations in PIGV lead to glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis deficiency (GPIBD). Individuals with pathogenic biallelic mutations in genes of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor pathway exhibit cognitive impairments, motor delay, and often epilepsy. Thus far, the pathophysiology underlying the disease remains unclear, and suitable rodent models that mirror all symptoms observed in human patients have not been available. Therefore, we used CRISPR-Cas9 to introduce the most prevalent hypomorphic missense mutation in European patients, Pigv:c.1022C > A (p.A341E), at a site that is conserved in mice. Mirroring the human pathology, mutant Pigv(341E) mice exhibited deficits in motor coordination, cognitive impairments, and alterations in sociability and sleep patterns, as well as increased seizure susceptibility. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry revealed reduced synaptophysin immunoreactivity in Pigv(341E) mice, and electrophysiology recordings showed decreased hippocampal synaptic transmission that could underlie impaired memory formation. In single-cell RNA sequencing, Pigv(341E)-hippocampal cells exhibited changes in gene expression, most prominently in a subtype of microglia and subicular neurons. A significant reduction in Abl1 transcript levels in several cell clusters suggested a link to the signaling pathway of GPI-anchored ephrins. We also observed elevated levels of Hdc transcripts, which might affect histamine metabolism with consequences for circadian rhythm. This mouse model will not only open the doors to further investigation into the pathophysiology of GPIBD, but will also deepen our understanding of the role of GPI-anchor–related pathways in brain development