502 research outputs found

    Involvement of ras p2I in Neurotrophin-induced Response of Sensory, but Not Sympathetic Neurons

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    Little is known about the signal transduction mechanisms involved in the response to neurotrophins and other neurotrophic factors in neurons, beyond the activation of the tyrosine kinase activity of the neurotrophin receptors belonging to the trk family. We have previously shown that the introduction of the oncogene product ras p21 into the cytoplasm of chick embryonic neurons can reproduce the survival and neurite-outgrowth promoting effects of the neurotrophins nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF). To assess the potential signal- transducing role of endogenous ras p21, we introduced function-blocking anti-ras antibodies or their Fab fragments into cultured chick embryonic neurons. The BDNF-induced neurite outgrowth in E12 nodose ganglion neurons was reduced to below control levels, and the NGF- induced survival of E9 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons was inhibited in a specific and dose-dependent fashion. Both effects could be reversed by saturating the epitope-binding sites with biologically inactive ras p21 before microinjection. Surprisingly, ras p21 did not promote the survival of NGF-dependent E12 chick sympathetic neurons, and the NGF-induced survival in these cells was not inhibited by the Fab-fragments. The survival effect of CNTF on ras-responsive ciliary neurons could not be blocked by anti-ras Fab fragments. These results indicate an involvement of ras p21 in the signal transduction of neurotrophic factors in sensory, but not sympathetic or ciliary neurons, pointing to the existence of different signaling pathways not only in CNTF-responsive, but also in neurotrophin-responsive neuronal populations

    Ras p21 protein promotes survival and fiber outgrowth of cultured embryonic neurons

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    Although evidence obtained with the PC12 cell line has suggested a role for the ras oncogene proteins in the signal transduction of nerve growth factor-mediated fiber outgrowth, little is known about the signal transduction mechanisms involved in the neuronal response to neurotrophic factors in nontransformed cells. We report here that the oncogene protein T24-ras, when introduced into the cytoplasm of freshly dissociated chick embryonic neurons, promotes the in vitro survival and neurite outgrowth of nerve growth factor-responsive dorsal root ganglion neurons, brain-derived neurotrophic factor-responsive nodose ganglion neurons, and ciliary neuronotrophic factor-responsive ciliary ganglion neurons. The proto-oncogene product c-Ha-ras also promotes neuronal survival, albeit less strongly. No effect could be observed with truncated counterparts of T24-ras and c-Ha-ras lacking the 23 C-terminal amino acids including the membrane-anchoring, palmityl-accepting cysteine. These results suggest a generalized involvement of ras or ras-like proteins in the intracellular signal transduction pathway for neurotrophic factors

    Ras-effector interactions, the problem of specificity

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    AbstractRas plays the role of a molecular switch in many cellular signalling pathways. The Raf-kinase has been identified as the direct target molecule of Ras in mammalian cells. However, in recent reports other proteins have been characterised as putative Ras effectors which have neither a functional nor a structural relationship to each other. In addition it has been shown that also other members of the Ras family like Rap and R-Ras can interact with some of these proteins. To address the problem of specificity and of biological relevance of the interactions, they have to be carefully quantified and the cellular localisation of the proteins involved taken into account

    Kinetic and Structural Analysis of the Mg2+ -binding Site of the Guanine Nucleotide-binding Protein p21 H-ras.

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    The coordination and binding of the Mg2+ ion in the nucleotide−binding site of p21 have been investigated using site−directed mutagenesis, kinetic methods, and phosphorous NMR. Mg2+ in the p21.nucleotide.Mg2+ complex appears to be in fast equilibrium with the solvent. The dissociation constant between Mg2+ and the p21.GDP complex was determined to be 2.8 microM. It decreases 30− or 16−fold on substituting Ser−17 or Asp−57 with alanine, respectively, whereas the T35A mutation has no effect. All three mutations influence the dissociation constants and the association and dissociation rate constants of the interaction between guanine nucleotides and p21, but to a different degree. We conclude that Thr−35 is only complexed to Mg2+ in the GTP conformation and both Asp−57 and Ser−17 appear to be critical for both GDP and GTP binding. 31P NMR spectra of the GDP and Gpp(NH)p (guanosine−5'−(beta,gamma−imido)triphosphate) complexes of mutated p21 show a remarkable perturbation of the guanine nucleotide− binding site compared to wild−type protein. The mutant proteins show reduced GTPase rates, which are not stimulated by the GTPase−activating protein GAP. p21(S17A) has been reported to function just as p21(S17N) as a dominant negative inhibitor of normal p21. We find that it inhibits oncogenic p21−induced survival of primary neuron

    How to name atoms in phosphates, polyphosphates, their derivatives and mimics, and transition state analogues for enzyme-catalysed phosphoryl transfer reactions (IUPAC Recommendations 2016)

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    Procedures are proposed for the naming of individual atoms, P, O, F, N, and S in phosphate esters, amidates, thiophosphates, polyphosphates, their mimics, and analogues of transition states for enzyme-catalyzed phosphoryl transfer reactions. Their purpose is to enable scientists in very different fields, e.g. biochemistry, biophysics, chemistry, computational chemistry, crystallography, and molecular biology, to share standard protocols for the labelling of individual atoms in complex molecules. This will facilitate clear and unambiguous descriptions of structural results, as well as scientific intercommunication concerning them. At the present time, perusal of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and other sources shows that there is a limited degree of commonality in nomenclature, but a large measure of irregularity in more complex structures. The recommendations described here adhere to established practice as closely as possible, in particular to IUPAC and IUBMB recommendations and to "best practice" in the PDB, especially to its atom labelling of amino acids, and particularly to Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules for stereochemical nomenclature. They are designed to work in complex enzyme sites for binding phosphates but also to have utility for non-enzymatic systems. Above all, the recommendations are designed to be easy to comprehend and user-friendly

    RasGEF1A and RasGEF1B are guanine nucleotide exchange factors that discriminate between Rap GTP-binding proteins and mediate Rap2-specific nucleotide exchange

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    The highly conserved RasGEF1 family of proteins contain a C-terminal CDC25-Ras exchange motif domain and an N-terminal RasGEF-N domain, and are of unknown function and specificity. Using purified RasGEF1A and RasGEF1B proteins, as well as Ras family proteins, we established that RasGEF1A and RasGEF1B function as very specific exchange factors for Rap2, a member of the Rap subfamily of Ras-like G-proteins. They do not act on Rap1 or other members of the Ras subfamily. Although Rap2 was implicated in the regulation of cell adhesion, the establishment of cell morphology, and the modulation of synapses in neurons, no specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rap2 was previously identified. Using reciprocal site-directed mutagenesis, we analyzed residues that allow RasGEF1 proteins to discriminate between Rap1 and Rap2, and we were able to identify Phe39 in the switch I region of Rap2 as a specificity residue. Mutation of the corresponding Ser39 in Rap1 changed the specificity and allowed the nucleotide exchange of Rap1(S39F) to be stimulated by RasGEF1B. © 2009 FEBS

    ¹H, ¹⁵N, ¹³C backbone resonance assignments of human phosphoglycerate kinase in a transition state analogue complex with ADP, 3-phosphoglycerate and magnesium trifluoride

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    Human phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) is an energy generating glycolytic enzyme that catalyses the transfer of a phosphoryl group from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) to ADP producing 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG) and ATP. PGK is composed of two α/β Rossmann-fold domains linked by a central α-helix and the active site is located in the cleft formed between the N-domain which binds BPG or 3PG, and the C-domain which binds the nucleotides ADP or ATP. Domain closure is required to bring the two substrates into close proximity for phosphoryl transfer to occur, however previous structural studies involving a range of native substrates and substrate analogues only yielded open or partly closed PGK complexes. X-ray crystallography using magnesium trifluoride (MgF3(-)) as a isoelectronic and near-isosteric mimic of the transferring phosphoryl group (PO3(-)), together with 3PG and ADP has been successful in trapping human PGK in a fully closed transition state analogue (TSA) complex. In this work we report the (1)H, (15)N and (13)C backbone resonance assignments of human PGK in the solution conformation of the fully closed PGK:3PG:MgF3:ADP TSA complex. Assignments were obtained by heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. In total, 97% of all backbone resonances were assigned in the complex, with 385 out of a possible 399 residues assigned in the (1)H-(15)N TROSY spectrum. Prediction of solution secondary structure from a chemical shift analysis using the TALOS-N webserver is in good agreement with the published X-ray crystal structure of this complex

    A Novel Role for the GTPase-Activating Protein Bud2 in the Spindle Position Checkpoint

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    The spindle position checkpoint (SPC) ensures correct mitotic spindle position before allowing mitotic exit in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In a candidate screen for checkpoint genes, we identified bud2Δ as deficient for the SPC. Bud2 is a GTPase activating protein (GAP), and the only known substrate of Bud2 was Rsr1/Bud1, a Ras-like GTPase and a central component of the bud-site-selection pathway. Mutants lacking Rsr1/Bud1 had no checkpoint defect, as did strains lacking and overexpressing Bud5, a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Rsr1/Bud1. Thus, the checkpoint function of Bud2 is distinct from its role in bud site selection. The catalytic activity of the Bud2 GAP domain was required for the checkpoint, based on the failure of the known catalytic point mutant Bud2R682A to function in the checkpoint. Based on assays of heterozygous diploids, bud2R682A, was dominant for loss of checkpoint but recessive for bud-site-selection failure, further indicating a separation of function. Tem1 is a Ras-like protein and is the critical regulator of mitotic exit, sitting atop the mitotic exit network (MEN). Tem1 is a likely target for Bud2, supported by genetic analyses that exclude other Ras-like proteins

    RASOnD - A comprehensive resource and search tool for RAS superfamily oncogenes from various species

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Ras superfamily plays an important role in the control of cell signalling and division. Mutations in the Ras genes convert them into active oncogenes. The Ras oncogenes form a major thrust of global cancer research as they are involved in the development and progression of tumors. This has resulted in the exponential growth of data on Ras superfamily across different public databases and in literature. However, no dedicated public resource is currently available for data mining and analysis on this family. The present database was developed to facilitate straightforward accession, retrieval and analysis of information available on Ras oncogenes from one particular site.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>We have developed the RAS Oncogene Database (RASOnD) as a comprehensive knowledgebase that provides integrated and curated information on a single platform for oncogenes of Ras superfamily. RASOnD encompasses exhaustive genomics and proteomics data existing across diverse publicly accessible databases. This resource presently includes overall 199,046 entries from 101 different species. It provides a search tool to generate information about their nucleotide and amino acid sequences, single nucleotide polymorphisms, chromosome positions, orthologies, motifs, structures, related pathways and associated diseases. We have implemented a number of user-friendly search interfaces and sequence analysis tools. At present the user can (i) browse the data (ii) search any field through a simple or advance search interface and (iii) perform a BLAST search and subsequently CLUSTALW multiple sequence alignment by selecting sequences of Ras oncogenes. The Generic gene browser, GBrowse, JMOL for structural visualization and TREEVIEW for phylograms have been integrated for clear perception of retrieved data. External links to related databases have been included in RASOnD.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This database is a resource and search tool dedicated to Ras oncogenes. It has utility to cancer biologists and cell molecular biologists as it is a ready source for research, identification and elucidation of the role of these oncogenes. The data generated can be used for understanding the relationship between the Ras oncogenes and their association with cancer. The database updated monthly is freely accessible online at <url></url> and <url>http://www.aiims.edu/RAS.html</url>.</p