159 research outputs found

    Lika insatser till alla våldsutsatta kvinnor skapar ojämlikhet : En intervjustudie med socialsekreterare

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    Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett omfattande globalt och nationellt jämställdhets- och jämlikhetsproblem. Ett syfte med denna studie var att öka kunskapen om våldsutsatta kvinnors levnadsvillkor utifrån social position i form av socioekonomiska faktorer, etnicitet, funktionsnedsättning samt könsidentitet och sexuell läggning. Ett ytterligare syfte var att öka kunskapen om hur socialtjänstens insatser påverkar våldsutsatta kvinnors levnadsvillkor utifrån ett jämlikhetsperspektiv. Deltagarna i intervjustudien är sju socialsekreterare. I studien tillämpades kvalitativ metod i form av induktiv innehållsanalys. Följande fyra underteman framkom i studien: 1. En särskild bundenhet och utsatthet. 2. Strukturell diskriminering ett svagare samhällsskydd 3.Normativa föreställningar och begränsningar 4. En hemlighet att bära och stigma. Huvudtemat som framkom var: Lika insatser till alla våldsutsatta kvinnor skapar ojämlikhet. Denna studie visade att socialtjänsten brister i att anpassa insatser efter behov vilket leder till reproducering av ojämlika levnadsvillkor. Socialsekreterarna som deltog i studien efterfrågade en ökad möjlighet till individanpassade och kompensatoriska insatser. Studiens resultat synliggör behovet av politiska satsningar och prioriteringar för att kompensera för det bristande stödet och skyddet våldsutsatta kvinnor, som tillhör en svagare position i samhället, riskerar utsättas för.Betyg i Ladok 210602.</p

    Heritage digitization. Are there common practices and common reasons?

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    The article will examine the digitization of heritage and use of digital heritage within the civil society in Sweden. Three parties: Swedish local heritage communities, Swedish handicraft societies and the Sami community will be in focus. Are there intersections and gaps in linked, shared and networked cultural heritage between these parties and the public museums? Who have the preferential rights of interpretation? What are selected for digitization and why

    Size Characterisation of Water-Soluble Polymers Using Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation

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    Size, as expressed by molar mass, radius of gyration or hydrodynamic radius, for example, is a fundamental parameter of polymers in solution. Thus, there is a strong need for the characterisation of both the size and shape of polymers, particularly of those utilised in various industrial applications. In this thesis, a relatively novel technique, asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (flow FFF), was employed for the size charaterisation of water-soluble polymers of varying origin. The applicability of flow FFF for the size characterisation of a charged amphiphilic graft copolymer was tested first. The micellisation and aggregation behaviour of this copolymer was studied measuring hydrodynamic size in different salts at differing salt concentrations and pH by means of flow FFF. Hydrodynamic size was shown to increase dramatically when ionic strength was increased, due to the formation of large micelles and aggregates. Flow FFF was able here to rapidly characterise both single polymer molecules, of small hydrodynamic diameter (approximately 5 nm), and large aggregates, more than 100 nm in diameter. Combined with a multi-angle light scattering (MALS) detector, it could also be used for determining molar mass and radius of gyration. This possibility was first demonstrated for two model polysaccharides, dextrans and pullulans, of known molar mass and polydispersity. Flow FFF - MALS provided here measurements of molar mass in good agreement with the manufacturer's data. Flow FFF - MALS was then used for the characterisation of modified celluloses and carrageenans. For these polymers, displaying a complex solution behaviour and thus very diffucult to characterise, distributions of molar mass and radius of gyration were readily obtained. The importance of choosing appropriate experimental conditions so as to avoid artifacts was clearly demonstrated. For the carrageenans, very large structures, with a molar mass of several million, were found to be eluted in a reverse elution order in flow FFF

    Unwanted transfers of value in mergers and divisions : The protection of shareholders de lege lata and how the value transfer rules can cover mergers and divisions de lege ferenda

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    The thesis examines the protection of shareholders against undesired value transfers as a result of misvaluations in mergers and divisions of private companies. The situation that there has been an undesired transfer of value is tested both against specific and general protection rules in the Swedish Companies Act and against general protection rules in the Swedish Contracts Act and the Swedish Tort liability Act. The conclusion in that shareholders in the company who suffers an economic loss as a result of a misvaluation of the counterparty company do not enjoy protection from several general protection rules. The thesis also examines how mergers and divisions can be implemented in the scope of the value transfer rules in chapter 17 of the Swedish Companies Act. The result is a number of amendments to the definition of a value transfer in Chaper 17 Section 1 and to the refund liability in Chapter 17, Section 6 of the Swedish Companies Act. The proposed amendments are also tested against applicable EU legislation to ensure conformity with EU law

    Att tala och inte tala om sexuellt våld : En kritisk narrativ studie av unga kvinnors berättelser

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    Sexuellt våld är ett ämne som sällan lämnar någon oberörd. Hur vi talar om sexuellt våld förändras över tid. Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie vill genom dialogisk och tematisk narrativ analys lyfta rösterna från kvinnor som utsatts för sexuellt våld. Utifrån en teoriram bestående av socialkonstruktionistiska teorier och feministiska teorier analyseras kvinnornas berättelser om det våld de utsatts för och dess konsekvenser. Studien belyser hur kvinnorna genom berättelser konstruerar sin identitet, men också vilka konsekvenser de beskriver att våldet fått för hur de upplever sina livsvillkor. Att berätta om våldet och att hantera konsekvenserna av våldet beskrivs och skildras av intervjupersonerna som en fortgående process. De beskriver att de fortfarande, flera år efter våldet, påverkas av det våld de utsatts för, men att sätt som våldet påverkar dem på förändras med tiden. Kvinnorna beskriver även att vilka berättelser som blir möjliga att berätta varierar beroende på kontext. Genom att betona sammanvävningar av maktordningar som rör ålder och kön vill denna studie bidra till forskningen om sexuellt våld genom ett intersektionellt perspektiv på utsatthet. Resultatet av studien visar att även år 2015 är sexuellt våld ett tabubelagt ämne, och att intervjupersonerna konstruerar både kollektiv och individuell identitet på olika sätt i relation till våldet. Sexual violence is a subject that rarely leave anyone unaffected. How we talk about sexual violence does however change over time. The purpose of this qualitative interview study is to address the question of sexual violence, and to this by giving voice to women that have been victims of sexual violence. By applying a dialogic and thematic narrative analysis, the aim of this thesis is to highlight the subject of sexual violence from the women’s own perspective. The interviewees narratives about how and if they talk about the violence with others, and how they perceive the consequences of the violence is analyzed within a framework of social constructionist and feminist theory. The study highlights how women through stories construct their identity, but also what consequences they describe that the violence has had on how they perceive their living conditions. To tell about the violence and to address the consequences of the violence is by the interviewees described as an ongoing process. They describe that, several years after the violence occurred, they are still affected by the sexual violence they have been subjected to. The way the violence affect them is however also depicted as changing over time. The women also disclose that they perceive their possibilities of sharing narratives of sexual violence with others as something that depends on context. By emphasizing how power structures regarding not only gender but also age this study also contribute to research on sexual violence by applying an intersectional perspective on vulnerability. The result of the study shows that even in the year of 2015, sexual violence is a taboo subject, and that the interviewees construct both collective and individual identity in different ways in relation to the violence.

    Catalogues – a Mode of Knowledge Display? : Knowledge Management and Knowledge Culture inMuseums

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    In the 1990s, the MLA sector – archives, libraries, museums – was defined as a comprehensive sector. One of the reasons for this was the belief that the digitizing of institutional collections and catalogues would provide a seamless access to the cultural heritage for the general public. No one would any longer need to know in which institution a certain object was kept; everything would be available on the Internet. The questions in this dissertation depart from the expectations in the late 1900s aimed at the available systems in the MLA sector for the management and storage of information and at knowledge maintained in such systems. My point of departure is the idea that access to collections in the MLA sector – real or digital – is made possible through the catalogues. It is in the catalogues that the sector orders data and preserves knowledge collected about the objects. My most important conclusions deal with the management and production of knowledge in the sector. The data systems generally used in the MLA sector lack the indulgence needed to accommodate inherent variability of information. Systems must be based on exact sorting, uniform terminology and classification without deviations in spelling or interpretation. Furthermore, international projects and systems presuppose distinct translations between national terminologies and international classification systems to work for information retrievals. This is not the case with the museum systems here investigated, in opposition to, primarily, the libraries. The museum systems are characterised as distinctive instead of following uniformity principles and national or international taxonomies. An important conclusion about knowledge processing and knowledge production in the MLA sector is that the value of compiling digitalised data from many museums is limited. It is not possible to realize the political goal other than at a superficial level. The conclusions in a comparison between the three professional groups are that in the beginning of the 21th century an extensive part of the antiquarians confirm a thought style, according to Ludwik Fleck, which has another direction than that of archivists and librarians. Throughout the 20th century or in the last decades of the 20th century the two latter groups professionalised their roles both through changes in education and through new professional requirements which led to positions and attitudes in their work other than what happened in the museum sector. Museums are mainly research institutions with members of staff who in many respects lack a focus on increased accessibility of collections. Challenges formulated for museums of cultural history by the cultural politics of the 1970s have not been answered with great flexibility. The investigation in this dissertation demonstrates that archives, libraries and museums in many respects continue to pursue activities according to a thought style which was formed during the first half of the 20th century. Their positions in society, their administrational practice and expectations from the general public constitute stabilising and preserving factors. The MLA sector is not as comprehensive as the policy makers want to believe

    Valbara kurser : En enkätstudie om valbara kurser för sjöingenjörsstudenter vid Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar

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    På ingenjörsutbildningar får studenter fördjupa sina kunskaper i programmets senare del i form av specialinriktningar eller valbara kurser. Detta är något som inte är tillgängligt för studenter som läser till sjöingenjör vid Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar men något som infördes på sjöingenjörsutbildningen vid Chalmers Tekniska Högskola 2009. Studiens syfte är att undersöka intresset för valbara kurser på 7,5 högskolepoäng (hp) vardera för sjöingenjörsstudenter vid Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar. En enkätstudie svarade på frågorna om vilka ämnesområden som var av intresse, hur många kurser eleven ville läsa, när under utbildningen önskas kursen läsas, om intresset för valbara kurser saknas och i så fall varför. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att de ämnesområden som är av störst intresse för studenterna på grundnivå är offshore/oljerigg och landkurser. På fördjupningsnivå är el- och reglerteknik samt maskinteknik önskvärda. Studien visade att studenterna vill läsa två valbara kurser under utbildningens sista termin. Det går inte att få ett svar på varför studenterna inte vill införa valbara kurser p.g.a. stor spridning av svaren.In engineering courses, students deepen their knowledge in the later part of the program in form of specializations or elective courses. This is something that is not available to students who study for marine engineer at Kalmar Maritime Academy, a situation that has been present at Chalmers University of Technology since 2009. The purpose of the study is to explore the interest in elective courses of 7.5 credits apiece for marine engineer students at Kalmar Maritime Academy. A questionnaire study was carried out to ascertain as to wheather which topics were of interest, how many courses the student wanted to read, the durability of the course, if interest in the elective course was missing, and if so why. The survey results showed that the subjects of most interest to students at the bachelor level were offshore/oil rig and ashore courses. At the advanced level, electric and control engineering together with mechanical engineering were desirable. The study showed that students want to read two elective courses during the last term. A result cannot be obtained as to why students do not wish to introduce elective courses, this can be attributed to the large spread of responses