466 research outputs found

    Modulation of Muscle Atrophy, Fatigue and MLC Phosphorylation by MuRF1 as Indicated by Hindlimb Suspension Studies on MuRF1-KO Mice

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    MuRF1 is a member of the TRIM/RBCC superfamily, a gene family that encompasses a large variety of proteins, all sharing the conserved TRIM (Tripartite Motive) sequential array of RING, B-box, and coiled-coil domains. Within this family, MuRF1(also named TRIM63) is a specialized member that contributes to the development of muscle atrophy and sarcopenia. Here we studied MuRF1's role in muscle atrophy during muscle unloading induced by hindlimb suspension. Consistent with previous studies, we found that MuRF1 inactivation leads to an attenuated muscle atrophy response. The amount of protection was higher as compared to the denervation model, and within the 10 day-suspension period the soleus muscle was spared from atrophy in MuRF1-KO mice. Contractility studies on hindlimb suspended muscle tissues suggested that MuRF1's functions extend beyond muscle trophicity and implicate MuRF1 in muscle fatigue and MLC phosphorylation control: soleus muscle from MuRF1-KO mice fatigued significantly faster and in addition showed a reduced posttetanic twitch potentiation. Thus the present work further established the role of MuRF1 in muscle atrophy and for the first time shows that MuRF1 plays a role in muscle fatigue and twitch potentiation

    Longitudinal transcriptome-wide gene expression analysis of sleep deprivation treatment shows involvement of circadian genes and immune pathways

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    Therapeutic sleep deprivation (SD) rapidly induces robust, transient antidepressant effects in a large proportion of major mood disorder patients suffering from a depressive episode, but underlying biological factors remain poorly understood. Research suggests that these patients may have altered circadian molecular genetic 'clocks' and that SD functions through 'resetting' dysregulated genes; additional factors may be involved, warranting further investigation. Leveraging advances in microarray technology enabling the transcriptome-wide assessment of gene expression, this study aimed to examine gene expression changes accompanying SD and recovery sleep in patients suffering from an episode of depression. Patients (N = 78) and controls (N = 15) underwent SD, with blood taken at the same time of day before SD, after one night of SD and after recovery sleep. A transcriptome-wide gene-by-gene approach was used, with a targeted look also taken at circadian genes. Furthermore, gene set enrichment, and longitudinal gene set analyses including the time point after recovery sleep, were conducted. Circadian genes were significantly affected by SD, with patterns suggesting that molecular clocks of responders and non-responders, as well as patients and controls respond differently to chronobiologic stimuli. Notably, gene set analyses revealed a strong widespread effect of SD on pathways involved in immune function and inflammatory response, such as those involved in cytokine and especially in interleukin signalling. Longitudinal gene set analyses showed that in responders these pathways were upregulated after SD; in non-responders, little response was observed. Our findings emphasize the close relationship between circadian, immune and sleep systems and their link to etiology of depression at the transcriptomic level

    Longitudinal transcriptome-wide gene expression analysis of sleep deprivation treatment shows involvement of circadian genes and immune pathways

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    Therapeutic sleep deprivation (SD) rapidly induces robust, transient antidepressant effects in a large proportion of major mood disorder patients suffering from a depressive episode, but underlying biological factors remain poorly understood. Research suggests that these patients may have altered circadian molecular genetic 'clocks' and that SD functions through 'resetting' dysregulated genes;additional factors may be involved, warranting further investigation. Leveraging advances in microarray technology enabling the transcriptome-wide assessment of gene expression, this study aimed to examine gene expression changes accompanying SD and recovery sleep in patients suffering from an episode of depression. Patients (N = 78) and controls (N = 15) underwent SD, with blood taken at the same time of day before SD, after one night of SD and after recovery sleep. A transcriptome-wide gene-by-gene approach was used, with a targeted look also taken at circadian genes. Furthermore, gene set enrichment, and longitudinal gene set analyses including the time point after recovery sleep, were conducted. Circadian genes were significantly affected by SD, with patterns suggesting that molecular clocks of responders and non-responders, as well as patients and controls respond differently to chronobiologic stimuli. Notably, gene set analyses revealed a strong widespread effect of SD on pathways involved in immune function and inflammatory response, such as those involved in cytokine and especially in interleukin signalling. Longitudinal gene set analyses showed that in responders these pathways were upregulated after SD;in non-responders, little response was observed. Our findings emphasize the close relationship between circadian, immune and sleep systems and their link to etiology of depression at the transcriptomic level

    Cooperative control of striated muscle mass and metabolism by MuRF1 and MuRF2

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    The muscle-specific RING finger proteins MuRF1 and MuRF2 have been proposed to regulate protein degradation and gene expression in muscle tissues. We have tested the in vivo roles of MuRF1 and MuRF2 for muscle metabolism by using knockout (KO) mouse models. Single MuRF1 and MuRF2 KO mice are healthy and have normal muscles. Double knockout (dKO) mice obtained by the inactivation of all four MuRF1 and MuRF2 alleles developed extreme cardiac and milder skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Muscle hypertrophy in dKO mice was maintained throughout the murine life span and was associated with chronically activated muscle protein synthesis. During ageing (months 4–18), skeletal muscle mass remained stable, whereas body fat content did not increase in dKO mice as compared with wild-type controls. Other catabolic factors such as MAFbox/atrogin1 were expressed at normal levels and did not respond to or prevent muscle hypertrophy in dKO mice. Thus, combined inhibition of MuRF1/MuRF2 could provide a potent strategy to stimulate striated muscles anabolically and to protect muscles from sarcopenia during ageing

    Phase I/II intra-patient dose escalation study of vorinostat in children with relapsed solid tumor, lymphoma, or leukemia

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    Background: Until today, adult and pediatric clinical trials investigating single-agent or combinatorial HDAC inhibitors including vorinostat in solid tumors have largely failed to demonstrate efficacy. These results may in part be explained by data from preclinical models showing significant activity only at higher concentrations compared to those achieved with current dosing regimens. In the current pediatric trial, we applied an intra-patient dose escalation design. The purpose of this trial was to determine a safe dose recommendation (SDR) of single-agent vorinostat for intra-patient dose escalation, pharmacokinetic analyses (PK), and activity evaluation in children (3-18 years) with relapsed or therapy-refractory malignancies. Results: A phase I intra-patient dose (de)escalation was performed until individual maximum tolerated dose (MTD). The starting dose was 180 mg/m(2)/day with weekly dose escalations of 50 mg/m(2) until DLT/maximum dose. After MTD determination, patients seamlessly continued in phase II with disease assessments every 3 months. PK and plasma cytokine profiles were determined. Fifty of 52 patients received treatment. n = 27/50 (54%) completed the intra-patient (de)escalation and entered phase II. An SDR of 130 mg/m(2)/day was determined (maximum, 580 mg/m(2)/day). n = 46/50 (92%) patients experienced treatment-related AEs which were mostly reversible and included thrombocytopenia, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, anemia, and vomiting. n = 6/50 (12%) had treatment-related SAEs. No treatment-related deaths occurred. Higher dose levels resulted in higher C-max. Five patients achieved prolonged disease control (> 12 months) and showed a higher C-max (> 270 ng/mL) and MTDs. Best overall response (combining PR and SD, no CR observed) rate in phase II was 6/27 (22%) with a median PFS and OS of 5.3 and 22.4 months. Low levels of baseline cytokine expression were significantly correlated with favorable outcome. Conclusion: An SDR of 130 mg/m(2)/day for individual dose escalation was determined. Higher drug exposure was associated with responses and long-term disease stabilization with manageable toxicity. Patients with low expression of plasma cytokine levels at baseline were able to tolerate higher doses of vorinostat and benefited from treatment. Baseline cytokine profile is a promising potential predictive biomarker

    Mobile Air Quality Studies (MAQS) - an international project

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    Due to an increasing awareness of the potential hazardousness of air pollutants, new laws, rules and guidelines have recently been implemented globally. In this respect, numerous studies have addressed traffic-related exposure to particulate matter using stationary technology so far. By contrast, only few studies used the advanced technology of mobile exposure analysis. The Mobile Air Quality Study (MAQS) addresses the issue of air pollutant exposure by combining advanced high-granularity spatial-temporal analysis with vehicle-mounted, person-mounted and roadside sensors. The MAQS-platform will be used by international collaborators in order 1) to assess air pollutant exposure in relation to road structure, 2) to assess air pollutant exposure in relation to traffic density, 3) to assess air pollutant exposure in relation to weather conditions, 4) to compare exposure within vehicles between front and back seat (children) positions, and 5) to evaluate "traffic zone"- exposure in relation to non-"traffic zone"-exposure. Primarily, the MAQS-platform will focus on particulate matter. With the establishment of advanced mobile analysis tools, it is planed to extend the analysis to other pollutants including including NO2, SO2, nanoparticles, and ozone

    Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 regulate cardiac MyBP-C levels via different mechanisms

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    Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) is frequently caused by cardiac myosin-binding protein C (cMyBP-C) gene mutations, which should result in C-terminal truncated mutants. However, truncated mutants were not detected in myocardial tissue of FHC patients and were rapidly degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) after gene transfer in cardiac myocytes. Since the diversity and specificity of UPS regulation lie in E3 ubiquitin ligases, we investigated whether the muscle-specific E3 ligases atrogin-1 or muscle ring finger protein-1 (MuRF1) mediate degradation of truncated cMyBP-C

    Comparative Analysis of Microfluidics Thrombus Formation in Multiple Genetically Modified Mice: Link to Thrombosis and Hemostasis

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    Genetically modified mice are indispensable for establishing the roles of platelets in arterial thrombosis and hemostasis. Microfluidics assays using anticoagulated whole blood are commonly used as integrative proxy tests for platelet function in mice. In the present study, we quantified the changes in collagen-dependent thrombus formation for 38 different strains of (genetically) modified mice, all measured with the same microfluidics chamber. The mice included were deficient in platelet receptors, protein kinases or phosphatases, small GTPases or other signaling or scaffold proteins. By standardized re-analysis of high-resolution microscopic images, detailed information was obtained on altered platelet adhesion, aggregation and/or activation. For a subset of 11 mouse strains, these platelet functions were further evaluated in rhodocytin- and laminin-dependent thrombus formation, thus allowing a comparison of glycoprotein VI (GPVI), C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC2) and integrin alpha(6)beta(1) pathways. High homogeneity was found between wild-type mice datasets concerning adhesion and aggregation parameters. Quantitative comparison for the 38 modified mouse strains resulted in a matrix visualizing the impact of the respective (genetic) deficiency on thrombus formation with detailed insight into the type and extent of altered thrombus signatures. Network analysis revealed strong clusters of genes involved in GPVI signaling and Ca2+ homeostasis. The majority of mice demonstrating an antithrombotic phenotype in vivo displayed with a larger or smaller reduction in multi-parameter analysis of collagen-dependent thrombus formation in vitro. Remarkably, in only approximately half of the mouse strains that displayed reduced arterial thrombosis in vivo, this was accompanied by impaired hemostasis. This was also reflected by comparing in vitro thrombus formation (by microfluidics) with alterations in in vivo bleeding time. In conclusion, the presently developed multi-parameter analysis of thrombus formation using microfluidics can be used to: (i) determine the severity of platelet abnormalities;(ii) distinguish between altered platelet adhesion, aggregation and activation;and (iii) elucidate both collagen and non-collagen dependent alterations of thrombus formation. This approach may thereby aid in the better understanding and better assessment of genetic variation that affect in vivo arterial thrombosis and hemostasis

    Treating a GAD65 Antibody-Associated Limbic Encephalitis with Basiliximab: A Case Study

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    Background: Antibodies (ABs) against the 65-kDa isoform of the intracellular enzymeglutamate decarboxylase (GAD65) have been found in limbic encephalitis (LE) andother neurological conditions. The direct significance of anti-GAD65-ABs for epilepsyis unclear. However, in histological preparations from biopsies of resective epilepsysurgeries, predominantly cytotoxic T-lymphocytes were detected making close contactsto neurons. Activated T-lymphocytes can, in turn, be selectively controlled by therapeuticinterleukin-2 receptor Abs, such as basiliximab.Case presentation: We report of a 25-year-old male patient with epilepsy since theage of 18 and displaying clinical signs of LE and a high titer of GAD65 ABs in cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) and serum. Monthly, repetitive, intravenous cortisone pulse therapiesthat were initially administered for 6 months failed to improve his condition. Subsequentflow-cytometry analysis of CSF showed especially an increased fraction of activatedHLA-DR+CD8+T-lymphocytes (fCD8+TL) when compared to controls. Thus, a second,intravenous cortisone pulse therapy with an additional basiliximab dose of 20 mg/monthwas started. After 3 months, the fCD8+TL in the CSF normalized; after 6 months, thepsychological impulse-control deficits normalized; and after 11 months the patientwas seizure free. However, 7 weeks later, seizures and, later on, psychological deficitsrecurred and fCD8+TL was once again present in the CSF. Flumazenil PET, magneticresonance imaging-volumetry, and neuropsychological changes during therapy aredescribed.Conclusion: The correlation of the fCD8+TL in the CSF with clinical and paraclinical measures of disease activity combined with the unambiguous response to basiliximabstrongly argues in favor of the putative pathogenic role fCD8+TL in anti-GAD65 LE. The clinical relapse at the end of the observation period might be due to the formation ofhuman anti-drug ABs, a well-known complication of therapy with chimeric ABs