3,955 research outputs found

    Simulations of Contrail Optical Properties and Radiative Forcing for Various Crystal Shapes

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the sensitivity of radiative-forcing computations to various contrail crystal shape models. Contrail optical properties in the shortwave and longwave ranges are derived using a ray-tracing geometric method and the discrete dipole approximation method, respectively. Both methods present good correspondence of the single-scattering albedo and the asymmetry parameter in a transition range (3–8 µm). There are substantial differences in single-scattering properties among 10 crystal models investigated here (e.g., hexagonal columns and plates with different aspect ratios, and spherical particles). The single-scattering albedo and the asymmetry parameter both vary by up to 0.1 among various crystal shapes. The computed single-scattering properties are incorporated in the moderate-resolution atmospheric radiance and transmittance model(MODTRAN) radiative transfer code to simulate solar and infrared fluxes at the top of the atmosphere. Particle shapes have a strong impact on the contrail radiative forcing in both the shortwave and longwave ranges. The differences in the net radiative forcing among optical models reach 50% with respect to the mean model value. The hexagonal-column and hexagonal-plate particles show the smallest net radiative forcing, and the largest forcing is obtained for the spheres. The balance between the shortwave forcing and longwave forcing is highly sensitive with respect to the assumed crystal shape and may even change the sign of the net forcing. The optical depth at which the mean diurnal radiative forcing changes sign from positive to negative varies from 4.5 to 10 for a surface albedo of 0.2 and from 2 to 6.5 for a surface albedo of 0.05. Contrails are probably never that optically thick (except for some aged contrail cirrus), however, and so will not have a cooling effect on climate

    Surfaces of Нigh-Tс Superconductors Studied by Means of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope

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    Observations of the natural surface of BiSrCaCu₂Oₓ sintered ceramics applying the scanning tunneling microscope are reported. Measurements were performed in air at room temperature. It can be deduced from the surface images, on which the growth steps are visible with heights corresponding to the dimension of the unit cell along the c-axis or its multiples, that the bulk orthorhombic structure extends to the surface. The surface investigated is rather clean, inert and metallic in nature. It can be identified as the Bi-O layer.Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Measurement of g-factor tensor in a quantum dot and disentanglement of exciton spins

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    We perform polarization-resolved magneto-optical measurements on single InAsP quantum dots embedded in an InP nanowire. In order to determine all elements of the electron and hole gg-factor tensors, we measure in magnetic field with different orientations. The results of these measurements are in good agreement with a model based on exchange terms and Zeeman interaction. In our experiment, polarization analysis delivers a powerful tool that not only significantly increases the precision of the measurements, but also enables us to probe the exciton spin state evolution in magnetic fields. We propose a disentangling scheme of heavy-hole exciton spins enabling a measurement of the electron spin T2T_2 time

    Numerical relativity in higher dimensions

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    We give a status report on our project targeted at performing numerical simulations of a head-on collision of non-spinning black holes in higher dimensional non-compact space-times. These simulations should help us understand black objects in higher dimensions and their stability properties. They are also relevant for the problem of black hole formation and evaporation in particle accelerators and cosmic rays. We use the symmetries of the system to reduce the problem to an effective 3+1 problem, allowing the use of existing numerical codes. As a simple application of the formalism, we present the results for the evolution of a five dimensional single black hole space-time. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Elevating crop disease resistance with cloned genes

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    Essentially all plant species exhibit heritable genetic variation for resistance to a variety of plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, oomycetes or viruses. Disease losses in crop monocultures are already significant, and would be greater but for applications of disease-controlling agrichemicals. For sustainable intensification of crop production, we argue that disease control should as far as possible be achieved using genetics rather than using costly recurrent chemical sprays. The latter imply CO2 emissions from diesel fuel and potential soil compaction from tractor journeys. Great progress has been made in the past 25 years in our understanding of the molecular basis of plant disease resistance mechanisms, and of how pathogens circumvent them. These insights can inform more sophisticated approaches to elevating disease resistance in crops that help us tip the evolutionary balance in favour of the crop and away from the pathogen. We illustrate this theme with an account of a genetically modified (GM) blight-resistant potato trial in Norwich, using the Rpi-vnt1.1 gene isolated from a wild relative of potato, Solanum venturii, and introduced by GM methods into the potato variety Desiree

    Oxytocin improves synchronisation in leader-follower interaction

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    Modal Analysis of the Turbine Blade at Complex Thermomechanical Loads

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    The results of modal analysis of the turbine blade were presented. The turbine blade during the operation of the engine is subjected to complex thermomechanical loads induced by centrifugal forces of the rotating blade and a nonuniform thermal field. These loads have a great influence on the natural frequencies of the blade. In the first section of the study, modal analysis of the blade was performed using the vibration system. As a result, the resonant frequencies of the real blade were obtained. In order to check the effect of the rotational engine speed and the thermal field on the natural frequencies of the blade, the finite element method was employed. At the first stage of computations static analysis was conducted for the blade subjected to mechanical and thermal loads. Then modal analysis was used to isolate the natural frequencies and vibration modes of the blade. In modal analysis the stress state from the first stage was considered as preliminary conditions. Several results of numerical calculations and experimental analysis were compared to detect the relative error of natural frequency estimate

    Static fracture and modal analysis simulation of a gas turbine compressor blade and bladed disk system

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    This paper presents a methodology for conducting a 3-D static fracture analysis with applications to a gas turbine compressor blade. An open crack model is considered in the study and crack-tip driving parameters are estimated by using 3-D singular crack-tip elements in ANSYS. The static fracture analysis is verified with a special purpose fracture code (FRANC3D). Once the crack front is perfectly defined and validated, a free vibration study is conducted by analyzing the natural frequencies and modeshapes for both a single blade and bladed disk system. Taking advantage of high performance computing resources, a high fidelity finite element model is considered in the parametric investigation. In the fracture simulation, the influence of the size of a single edged crack as well as the rotational velocity on fracture parameters (stress intensity factors and J-Integral) are evaluated. Results demonstrate that for the applied loading condition, a mixed mode crack propagation is expected. In the modal analysis study, increasing the depth of the crack leads to a decrease in the natural frequencies of both the single blade and bladed disk system, while increasing the rotational velocity increases the natural frequencies. The presence of a crack also leads to mode localization for all mode families, a phenomenon that cannot be captured by a single blade analysis.The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Qatar National Research Fund through Grant number NPRP 7-1153-2-432. The authors also thank Texas A&M at Qatar?s Advanced Scientific Computing (TASC) for access to the RAAD Supercomputer.Scopu