51 research outputs found

    Optimasi Pemanfaatan Lpg Sebagai Bahan Bakar Genset Untuk Mendukung Program Penghematan Energi

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    Penggunaan LPG sebagai bahan bakar genset perlu dioptimalkan. Untuk itu laju alir gas LPG yang tepat perlu dikaji agar menjadi Hemat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh variasi laju alir bahan bakar dan variasi choke valve terhadap unjuk kerja generator 4 tak. Gas masuk ke karburator dengan variasi laju alir gas 3 L/menit, 4 L/menit, 5 L/menit dan 6 L/menit. Selanjutnya genset diset hingga berjalan stabil pada variasi choke valve dibuka penuh, setengah dan tertutup. Dari variasi tersebut kemudian dicari kombinasi untuk menghasilkan laju alir LPG terkecil dengan daya optimum. Genset dapat beroperasi dengan baik pada laju aliran 4 L/menit dan 5 L/menit dengan posisi variasi choke valve terbuka penuh. Hal ini mengindikasikan perbandingan LPG dan udara mencapai keadaan ideal sehingga proses pembakaran menjadi sempurna. Optimalisasi konsumsi LPG di genset diatur pada debit aliran 4 L/menit dengan choke valve terbuka penuh. Dengan demikian penggunaan elpiji yang berlebihan dapat dihemat


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    PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja uses several cooling systems, one of which is the Cooling Tower Fan 6p - 4051 - GB cooling system. The cooling system is used for production machines especially in turbines. This practical work report will discuss the effectiveness of Cooling Tower Fan 6p - 4051-GB, by processing data on the temperature of incoming water, outlet water temperature, wet blub temperature and flow rate of water, then the calculation of actual data is then compared with ideal conditions, thus will be known how the performance of the Cooling Tower Fan 6p - 4051 - GB. From the analysis the ideal effectiveness value is 66.66% while for the actual effectiveness value is 64.5301%, the effectiveness decreases 2.136%. This is due to heat transfer from the system to the environment or vice versa. From the results of the analysis it can be seen in the data that the water temperature comes out at 10:00 always increases compared to the other hours. This is because at 10.00 the sunlight directly leads to the cooling tower water reservoir and on rainy days the effectiveness of the cooling tower will increas


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    Each refrigerant has different characteristic properties which affect the refrigeration effect and the resulting coefficient of performance (COP). A refrigeration machine that works by cooling water is called a refrigeration machine chillers. Chiller is an air conditioner with no cooling system direct. In this indirect cooling system, the refrigeration engine does not instantly cools the air in every room. Refrigeration machine cools water demin first, then this cold demin water is used for cool the air in the room. Cold demin water as cooling medium to reduce the temperature of a wide room at power house (PH) PLTA Musi. The method used in working on this practical work report is:by making observations or observations in the field, conducting interviews (interview) with supervisors and practical work supervisors regarding theoretical data (specification data). In this study, the Cooling Performance Coefficient (COP) was analyzed On Power House (PH) PT PLN (PERSERO) UL PLTA Musi The results of this study get the conclusion, namely: The coefficient of performance (COP) on the machine chiller unit 1 in Power House PLTA Musi by 4.22 is smaller than specification coefficient. This indicates that the cooling system is working properly optimal


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    Meningkatnya teknologi dibidang otomotif terutama pada sector kendaraan bermotor. Melihat perkembangan itu dipastikan kebutuhan bahan bakar dan kualitas bahan bakar bensin sangat dibutuhkan oleh pengguna kendaraaan. Zat aditif adalah suatu zat yang dapat berfungsi meningkatkan nilai oktan dan juga menjaga supaya proses pembakaran menjadi sempurna.Untuk membuktikan itu tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh pengunaan zat aditif terhadap ferporma mesin motor supra fit tahun 2004 mengunakan dinamometer. Dinamometer dipasang pada roda belakang motor yang mana diberikan beban. Hasil Pengujian tentang pengaruh penggunaan zat aditif terhadap ferporma mesin motor supra fit tahun 2004. Semakin tinggi putaran mesin maka nilai torsi dan daya yang dihasilkan semakin besar,karena campuran zat aditif memberikan kinerja pada mesin motor.Semakin tinggi putaran mesin maka nilai SFC yang dihasilkan semakin kecil hingga mencapai nilai SFC yang maksimum. Campuran zat aditif 0.1 ml memberikan kinerja yang baik terhadap performa motor bakar meningkat serta komsumsi bahan bakar pada motor bakar semakin menurun baik itu pada reduksi gigi 1 atau gigi 2


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    Welding process become a major part for small and large industries. Large industries using welding processes for cutting process plates, connecting plates, connecting pipelines and other components of the repair process. For small industries, welding process is used to maintenance and repair the automotive components industry that damaged, the manufacture of household appliances, office or public billboards. The demand for the product  of the welding process is increasing depend of area developing such as for home appliances, office or public billboard is very high demand due to the increase of residential property, real eastate, development and other areas of the city. The demand of the welding process product can not much utilized in Central Bengkulu district, where orders for the manufacture of a product housing, offices or billboards only mastered by a few workshops. High demand, the availability of garages or welding industries is few that make employment opportunities are very high. But this demand needs to be supported by human resources capable of using a welding machine. In this community service given basic training in welding techniques to help people in Central Bengkulu especially Talang Empat and Taba Terunjam in exploiting existing this opportunities. Training provided is use of the welding machine to make a trellis, fence or a seat with the type of welding machine capable of TIG or MIG welding. The results of welding training shows that people who can not follow the formal and informal education has a high desire for this training. This is to improve they skill, economy and living standards by utilizing the welding knowledge to create new jobs or working with existing workshops. Keywords: Fence, Trellis, Welding, Productive Age, Training 


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    Generator set memiliki fungsi sebagai pemberi suplai daya listrik alternatif. Pengopersian generator set kebanyakkan dilakukan di ruang terbuka yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi kebisingan dan terhirupnya gas buang pada saat operasi. Pengoperasian diruang terbuka seringkali tidak memperhatikan keadaan temperatur sekitar, dimana temperatur dapat mempengaruhi kedudukan suatu benda termasuk kinerja mesin generator .Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi temperatur bahan bakar (premium dan pertamax) terhadap unjuk kerja mesin generator set 4 langkah. Bahan bakar pada tangki dikondisikan sehingga didapatkan temperatur bahan bakar di dalam ruang pelampung karburator pada reng temperatur: 29.461°C -30.001°C, 31.4964°C-32.20256°C, dan 36.543°C-38.4331°C. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan mengukur tegangan dan arus listrik pada pembebanan 500, 1000, 1500, dan 2000 Watt sehingga didapat daya dan komsumsi bahan bakar spesifik. Dengan peningkatan temperatur bahan bakar dapat meningkatkan daya mesin dari 2.051516 Hp (premium dan pertamax) menjadi 2.15159 Hp (premium) dan 2.11334 Hp (pertamax) pada pembebanan 1500 watt begitu juga pada pembebanan lainnya. namun nilai konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik mengalami penurunan dari 0.31993 (premium) dan 0.273274 (pertamax) menjadi 0.255245 (premium) dan 0.249674 (pertamax) pada pembebanan 1500 watt, begitu juga pada pembebanan yang lain


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    Alignment is a process that aligns two shaft axes that are not straight to centric (between the driving shaft and the driven shaft axis). Correct alignment is needed so that the clutch run out check is correct, so that parallel misalignment and angular misalignment do not occur which caused the industry to lose billions of dollars. The purpose of this research is to analyze the alignment performance on the Benfield 1107 JB PT pump shaft. PUSRI to create the correct alignment. The method used in this study is a dial indicator with the face and rim method. The measuring instrument used is a Dial Indicator with a detailed accuracy of 0.01 mm with radial and axial measurements. The results show a different final value for each angle used. From the difference in values ​​obtained, namely in the radial direction the angle is 0o which is 0 mm, the 90o angle is 0.07 mm, the 180o angle is 0.14 mm, and the 270o angle is 0.07 mm, and the difference in value in the axial direction is the angle 0o is 0 mm, 90o angle of 0.01 mm, 180o angle of 0.01 mm, and 270o angle of 0 mm indicates that the 1107-JB Benfield Pump is ready to operate again on the P-IV Ammonia section.Alignment adalah suatu proses yang mensejajarkan dua sumbu poros yang tidak lurus hingga sentris (antara poros penggerak dengan sumbu poros yang digerakkan). Alignment yang benar diperlukan agar pengecekan run out pada kopling benar, sehingga tidak terjadi lagi parallel misalignment dan angular misalignment yang mengakibatkan industry kehilangan miliar dolar. Tujuan dari penilitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ferforma aligment pada poros pompa benfield 1107 JB PT. PUSRI untuk menciptakan aligment yang benar.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dial indikator dengan metode face and rim.  Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Dial Indikator dengan detail ketelitiannya sebesar 0.01 mm dengan pengukuran radial dan axial. Hasilnya menunjukkan nilai akhir yang berbeda untuk setiap sudut yang digunakan. Dari selisi nilai yang didapat yaitu pada arah radial sudut 0o yaitu 0 mm, sudut 90o sebesar 0,07 mm, sudut 180o sebesar 0,14 mm, dan sudut 270o sebesar 0,07 mm, dan selisih nilai pada arah axial sudut 0o sebesar 0 mm, sudut 90o sebesar 0,01mm, sudut 180o sebesar 0,01 mm, serta sudut 270o sebesar 0 mm menunjukkan bahwa Pompa benfield 1107-JB siap untuk operasikan kembali pada P-IV bagian Amonia

    Performance Analysis of Centrifugal Feed Pumps

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    To support the optimization of operations at a refinery, a tool is urgently needed that can help process crude oil into a product. The centrifugal feed pump P-100/4 is a pump that operates in a distillation unit where the distillation unit functions to process oil from crude oil into products such as residue, diesel ph, diesel, kerosene, naptha and petrasol. The centrifugal feed pump P-100/4 aims to pump crude oil from tanks 101 and 102 to provide feed to furnace 5, before entering the crude oil furnace which is preheated in heat exchangers 1,2,3 to 4. The P-100/4 feed centrifugal pump is driven by a motor. In this paper more focused on the operation and maintenance of centrifugal pump P-100/4 feed. This data collection method is carried out by conducting interviews with field supervisors, and observing the pump unit directly, and other supporting books. The results obtained are: With a good and correct pump operator system and with capable and skilled operators, the pump operation will always be in good condition, and the life of the pump will be longer. The NPSHa value of the P. 100/4 mash pump meets the operating specifications, which is greater than the NPSHr. So the P.100/4 pump does not experience cavitation so the pump work is very stable. The efficiency price of the P. 100/4 feed pump is 68.40


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    Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a production process that does not remove or remove some of the material in the production process but adds material. The added material is extruded by means of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technique. The way it works is to create a number of layers or layers one on top of the other. The software application used is Inventor to create 3D models in the form of STL files. Then the STL file is opened in the Ultimaker Cura (UC) application, to create a Numerical Code in G-Code which is used as a control on a 3D printing machine. The filler material used to produce molds is Polylatic Acid (PLA). PLA filament is very widely used in the manufacturing process, because this PLA can produce strong and very neat prints. The general print temperature of PLA is between 180oC to 220oC. The purpose of this test is to find out the steps for implementing the AM process and to analyze the mechanical properties of the AM product using the FDM technique. In this study, the printed material was based on ASTM D638 type IV. This research was conducted to determine the effect of variations in infill and printing speed on printed results, with a horizontal orientation of the printing angle of 0o. The infill variations are line infill and concentric infill with printing speeds of 50mm/s and 60mm/s. The research procedure is to make a 3D printing model, the manufacturing process, and the testing process. The results showed that the choice of infill and speed printing variations had an effect on the mechanical properties. The mechanical properties of printing products differ according to the mode and speed. The infill line mode provides greater mechanical strength than that produced in concentric infill. At a speed of 60 mm/s, the product strength of the infill line mode is 32.5 MPa greater than the 27 MPa strength of the printed product from the concentric infill mode


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    Gas turbine efficiency is an indicator to determine the performance of a generator. The greater the efficiency value of the gas turbine in a generator, the better the performance of the generator. One of the things that affect the value of the efficiency of a gas turbine is the air fuel ratio. Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) is the ratio of the amount of air and fuel in the combustion process in units of mass or volume. Air fuel ratio is a factor that affects the perfection of the combustion process in the combustion chamber. In the graphic image it can be seen that the lowest AFR values ​​are on July 3 and 4 2022, when the gas turbine produces a loading of 20900 kW and 20100 kW with an AFR value of 39.76 unitless each. Whereas the highest AFR value is on June 28 2022 when the gas turbine produces a loading of 20780 kW with an AFR value of 40.68 unitless. The highest gas turbine efficiency value is on June 30, 2022, at a loading of 20,650 kW with a gas turbine efficiency of 83.3%. The lowest efficiency value is on July 2, 2022, at a load of 20,800 kW with a gas turbine efficiency of 81.05%. From the results of existing data processing and graphs, it can be seen that the value of the air fuel ratio and the efficiency of the gas turbine are inversely proportional, which means that when the value of the air fuel ratio decreases, the value of the efficiency of the gas turbine tends to increase. However, there are some deviations when the value of the air fuel ratio decreases, the efficiency of the gas turbine also decreases. Therefore it can be concluded that the value of the air fuel ratio affects the value of the efficiency of the gas turbine, however, the value of the air fuel ratio is not the only factor that affects the value of the efficiency of the gas turbine.Efisiensi turbin gas merupakan salah satu indikator untuk mengetahui performa suatu pembangkit. Semakin besar nilai efisiensi turbin gas pada suatu pembangkit maka semakin baik juga performa dari pembangkit tersebut. Salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi nilai efisiensi dari suatu turbin gas adalah air fuel ratio. Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) merupakan perbandingan jumlah udara dan bahan bakar pada proses pembakaran dalam satuan massa atau volume. Air fuel ratio adalah faktor yang mempengaruhi kesempurnaan proses pembakaran di dalam ruang bakar. Pada gambar grafik dapat dilihat bahwa nilai AFR terendah ada pada tanggal  3 dan 4 Juli 2022, saat turbin gas menghasilkan pembebanan sebesar 20900 kW dan 20100 kW dengan nilai AFR masing - masing sebesar 39,76 unitless. Sedangkan untuk nilai AFR tertinggi ada pada tanggal 28 Juni 2022 saat turbin gas menghasilkan pembebanan sebesar 20780 kW dengan nilai AFR sebesar 40,68 unitless. Untuk Nilai efisiensi turbin gas tertinggi ada pada tanggal 30 Juni 2022, pada pembebanan 20650 kW dengan efisiensi turbin gas sebesar 83,3%. Nilai efisiensi terendah ada pada  tanggal 2 Juli 2022, pada pembebanan sebesar 20800 kW dengan efisiensi turbin gas sebesar 81,05%. Dari hasil pengolahan data yang ada dan grafik bisa dilihat bahwa nilai air fuel ratio dan efisiensi turbin gas berbanding terbalik yang berarti pada saat nilai air fuel ratio menurun, nilai efisiensi turbin gas cenderung meningkat. Akan tetapi, ada beberapa penyimpangan pada saat nilai air fuel ratio mengalami penurunan, efisiensi turbin gas juga mengalami penurunan. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai dari air fuel ratio mempengaruhi nilai dari efisiensi turbin gas, namun, nilai air fuel ratio bukan satu-satu nya faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai dari efisiensi turbin gas
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