129 research outputs found

    Processing of residual gold (III) solutions via ion exchange

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    The processing of gold (III)-hydrochloric acid solutions by the anionic ion exchange Lewatit MP-64_resin has been investigated. The influence of several variables such as the temperature, the hydrochloric acid and metal concentrations in the aqueous solution and the variation of the amount of resin added has been studied. Moreover, a kinetic study performed in the uptake of gold (III) by Lewatit MP-64_shows that either the film-diffusion and the particle-diffusion models fit the adsorption process on the resin. Results obtained from batch experiments were applied to a continuous system using a vertical column. The loaded resin could be eluted by an acidic thiourea solution at 20°C. Various systems were investigated to precipitate gold from eluants, only the use of sodium borohydride allowed to accomplish the recovery of the metal from the pregnant solutions. Gold was recovered as fine particles, which were characterised by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy.The authors thank Mr. Bascones and Mr. López for technical assistance. Also to the CSIC (Spain) for support.Peer reviewe

    Разработка системы управления вентиляторной установки

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    Объектом исследования является: система управления вентиляторной установки. Цель работы - исследование методов реализации алгоритмов управления вентиляционной системы на программируемом логическом контроллере. В процессе исследования проводились исследования методов реализации алгоритмов управления вентиляционной системы на программируемом логическом контроллере. Разрабатывались алгоритмы управления и методы подключения и настройки исполнительного и измерительного оборудования, а также панель управления и настройки системы вентиляции.The object of the study is: the control system of the fan system. The purpose of work is research of methods of realization of control algorithms of the ventilation system on a programmable logic controller. In the research process the research was conducted the methods of realization of control algorithms of the ventilation system on a programmable logic controller. Developed control algorithms and connectivity methods and configuration Executive and instrumentation and control panel and settings of the ventilation system

    Исследование поля тормозного рентгеновского излучения конвертора импульсного электронного ускорителя

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    Мощные импульсы короткой длительности (80 нс) тормозного рентгеновского излучения являются современным инструментом для проведении исследований по тематикам "материалы для экстремальных состояний", при моделировании космических условий, для разработки технологий радиационной обработки биологических материалов. Необходимым условием применения данного инструмента является информация о геометрических и дозовых характеристиках поля тормозного рентгеновского излучения в области генерации. Кроме того, полученные данные позволят оптимизировать настройки ускорителя и конструкцию конвертора для достижения максимальной эффективности генерации.Powerful pulses of short duration (80 NS) braking x-ray radiation are the modern tool for conducting research on the topics "materials for extreme conditions", in the simulation of space conditions for the development of radiation processing of biological materials. A precondition for the application of this tool is the information on the geometrical characteristics of the dose and the field of the braking x-ray radiation to generate. In addition, the data obtained will allow to optimize the settings of the accelerator and the design of the Converter to achieve maximum lasing efficiency

    Supportive Care Needs in Glioma Patients and Their Caregivers in Clinical Practice: Results of a Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: Supportive care needs in glioma patients often remain unrecognized, and optimization in assessment is required. First, we aimed at assessing the support needed using a simple structured questionnaire. Second, we investigated the psychosocial burden and support requested from caregivers.Methods: Patients were assessed at three centers during their outpatient visits. They completed the Distress Thermometer (DT; score ≥ 6 indicated significant burden in brain tumor patients), the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ)-C30+BN20, and the Patients' Perspective Questionnaire (PPQ) that assessed psychosocial distress as well as support requested and received by patients for specific domains (e.g., family, doctor, and mobile care). In each subgroup, patients' caregivers were assessed simultaneously by a questionnaire developed for the study. Multivariate backward logistic regressions were performed for investigating predictors of patients' request for support.Results: Assessments were conducted for 232 patients. Most patients (82%) had a high-grade glioma and a mean age of 52 years (range 20–87). The male to female ratio was 1.25:1. According to the PPQ results, 38% (87) of the patients felt depressed; 44% (103), anxious; and 39% (91), tense/nervous. Desired support was highest from doctors (59%) and psychologists (19%). A general request for support was associated with lower global health status (p = 0.03, odds ratio (OR) = 0.96, 95% CI: 0.92–0.99) according to EORTC QLQ-C30. Most of the assessed caregivers (n = 96) were life partners (64%; n = 61) who experienced higher distress than the corresponding patients (caregivers: 6.5 ± 2.5 vs. patients: 5.3 ± 2.4). When patients were on chemotherapy, caregivers indicated DT ≥ 6 significantly more frequently than patients themselves (p = 0.02).Conclusion: Our data showed that glioma patients and their caregivers were both highly burdened. The PPQ allowed us to evaluate the psychosocial support requested and perceived by patients, detect supportive care needs, and provide information at a glance. Patients in poorer clinical condition are at risk of having unmet needs. The caregivers' burden and unmet needs are not congruent with the patients' need for support. In particular, caregivers of patients on chemotherapy were more highly burdened than patients themselves

    Обоснование составления отчета GRI (General reporting initiative) на предприятиях, реализующих корпоративную социальную ответственность

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    Объектом исследования является: Система отчетности GRI ПАО "Сибур Холдинг" Цель работы – Обоснование составления отчета GRI (General reporting initiative) на предприятиях, реализующих корпоративную социальную ответственность. В результате исследования: предложены рекомендации по совершенствованию корпоративной социальной ответственности ПАО "Сибур Холдинг". Экономическая эффективность состоит в том, что совершенствование системы корпоративной социальной ответственности позволит повысить все показатели ПАО "Сибур Холдинг" и создать ему положительный имидж в отрасли.The object of research is: GRI reporting system of PJSC Sibur Holding Purpose of work - Justification of the compilation of the GRI report (General reporting initiative) at enterprises implementing corporate social responsibility. As a result of the study: recommendations are proposed for improving corporate social responsibility of Sibur Holding PJSC. Economic efficiency consists in the fact that improving the corporate social responsibility system will increase all the performance of Sibur Holding PJSC and create a positive image for it in the industry

    Numerical simulation of heat transfer in a large room with a working gas infrared emitter

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    The article presents a new approach to determining the main characteristics of the thermal regime in the buildings and structures heated by the gas infrared emitters, based on the analysis of convective heat transfer in the air and thermal conductivity in the enclosing structures. The authors have considered a mathematical model of turbulent heat transfer in the framework of the standard k-e model under radiant heating conditions. The simulation was carried out for a large room with an approximation to the real operating conditions of an industrial facility. The options for heating an empty room and the room with an object were considered

    EDA-EMERGE: an FP7 initial training network to equip the next generation of young scientists with the skills to address the complexity of environmental contamination with emerging pollutants

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    The initial training network consortium novel tools in effect-directed analysis to support the identification and monitoring of emerging toxicants on a European scale (EDA-EMERGE) was formed in response to the seventh EU framework program call to train a new generation of young scientists (13 PhD fellows and 1 postdoctoral fellow) in the interdisciplinary techniques required to meet the major challenges in the monitoring, assessment, and management of toxic pollution in European river basins. This 4-year project is of particular relevance considering the multidisciplinary analytical chemistry and biology skills required to investigate the enormous complexity of contamination, effects, and cause-effect relationships. By integrating innovative mode-of-action-based biodiagnostic tools including in vitro and in vivo tests, transgenic organisms, and ‘omics’ techniques with powerful fractionation and cutting edge, analytical, and computational structure elucidation tools, powerful new EDA approaches are being developed for the identification of toxicants in European surface and drinking waters. Innovative method development by young researchers at major European universities, research centers, and private companies has been closely interlinked with a joint European demonstration program, higher-tier EDA, and specialized training courses and secondments. Using a simplified protocol based on existing EDA tools, EDA-EMERGE fellows are also being trained to organize and run international and interdisciplinary sampling and monitoring campaigns within selected European river basin sites. Strong networking between academia, the private sector, and leading regulators in the field of river basin management and pollution management ensures the relevance of the research for practice and excellent employment opportunities for the fellows. Additionally, an internationally composed advisory board has been tasked to introduce new perspectives on monitoring, assessment, and management of emerging pollutants within and outside of Europe. The combination of cutting edge science with specialized training in complimentary soft skills is being offered with a strong emphasis on commercial exploitation and media competence which further enhances the employability of the fellows in research, academia, and beyond.publishedVersio

    Методические указания к выполнению индивидуальных заданий практикума по дисциплине «Энергетический потенциал природных возобновляемых энергоресурсов и эффективность его преобразования в электроэнергию»

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    В методических указаниях рассмотрены вопросы оценки энергетического потенциала природных возобновляемых энергоресурсов: ветра, солнечного излучения и потоков воды и эффективности их преобразования в электроэнергию. Пособие предназначено для студентов дневного обучения по направлению13.04.02 «Электроэнергетика и электротехника» по профилям магистерской подготовки «Возобновляемые источники энергии» и «Оптимизация развивающихся систем электроснабжения»

    Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 hospitalisation in adults (≥ 20 years) during Alpha- and Delta-dominant circulation: I-MOVE-COVID-19 and VEBIS SARI VE networks, Europe, 2021

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    Members of the I-MOVE-COVID-19 and VEBIS hospital study teams (in addition to the named authors): Svjetlana Karabuva, Petra Tomaš Petrić, Marija Marković, Sandra Ljubičić, Bojana Mahmutović, Irena Tabain, Petra Smoljo, Iva Pem Novosel, Tanya Melillo, John Paul Cauchi, Benédicte Lissoir, Xavier Holemans, Marc Hainaut, Nicolas Dauby, Benedicte Delaere, Marc Bourgeois, Evelyn Petit, Marijke Reynders, Door Jouck, Koen Magerman, Marieke Bleyen, Melissa Vermeulen, Sébastien Fierens, François Dufrasne, Siel Daelemans, Ala’a Al Kerwi, Francoise Berthet, Guy Fagherazzi, Myriam Alexandre, Charlene Bennett, Jim Christle, Jeff Connell, Peter Doran, Laura Feeney, Binita Maharjan, Sinead McDermott, Rosa McNamara, Nadra Nurdin, Salif Mamadou Cissé, Anne-Sophie L'Honneur, Xavier Duval, Yolande Costa, Fidouh Nadhira, Florence Galtier, Laura Crantelle, Vincent Foulongne, Phillipe Vanhems, Sélilah Amour, Bruno Lina, Fabrice Lainé, Laetitia Gallais, Gisèle Lagathu, Anna Maisa, Yacine Saidi, Christine Durier, Rebecca Bauer, Ana Paula Rodrigues, Adriana Silva, Raquel Guiomar, Margarida Tavares, Débora Pereira, Maria José Manata, Heidi Gruner, André Almeida, Paula Pinto, Cristina Bárbara, Itziar Casado, Ana Miqueleiz, Ana Navascués, Camino Trobajo-Sanmartín, Miguel Fernández-Huerta, María Eugenia Portillo, Carmen Ezpeleta, Nerea Egüés, Manuel García Cenoz, Eva Ardanaz, Marcela Guevara, Conchi Moreno-Iribas, Hana Orlíková, Carmen Mihaela Dorobat, Carmen Manciuc, Simin Aysel Florescu, Alexandru Marin, Sorin Dinu, Catalina Pascu, Alina Ivanciuc, Iulia Bistriceanu, Mihaela Oprea, Maria Elena Mihai, Silke Buda, Ute Preuss, Marianne Wedde, Auksė Mickienė, Giedrė Gefenaitė, Alain Moren, Anthony NardoneIntroduction: Two large multicentre European hospital networks have estimated vaccine effectiveness (VE) against COVID-19 since 2021. Aim: We aimed to measure VE against PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 in hospitalised severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) patients ≥ 20 years, combining data from these networks during Alpha (March–June)- and Delta (June–December)-dominant periods, 2021. Methods: Forty-six participating hospitals across 14 countries follow a similar generic protocol using the test-negative case–control design. We defined complete primary series vaccination (PSV) as two doses of a two-dose or one of a single-dose vaccine ≥ 14 days before onset. Results: We included 1,087 cases (538 controls) and 1,669 cases (1,442 controls) in the Alpha- and Delta-dominant periods, respectively. During the Alpha period, VE against hospitalisation with SARS-CoV2 for complete Comirnaty PSV was 85% (95% CI: 69–92) overall and 75% (95% CI: 42–90) in those aged ≥ 80 years. During the Delta period, among SARI patients ≥ 20 years with symptom onset ≥ 150 days from last PSV dose, VE for complete Comirnaty PSV was 54% (95% CI: 18–74). Among those receiving Comirnaty PSV and mRNA booster (any product) ≥ 150 days after last PSV dose, VE was 91% (95% CI: 57–98). In time-since-vaccination analysis, complete all-product PSV VE was > 90% in those with their last dose < 90 days before onset; ≥ 70% in those 90–179 days before onset. Conclusions: Our results from this EU multi-country hospital setting showed that VE for complete PSV alone was higher in the Alpha- than the Delta-dominant period, and addition of a first booster dose during the latter period increased VE to over 90%.Key public health message: - What did you want to address in this study? To understand how well the COVID-19 vaccine was performing in Europe against hospitalisation during SARS-CoV-2 Alpha and Delta variant periods, we present vaccine effectiveness results from a multi-country study of complete and booster dose COVID-19 vaccination among adults (aged 20 years and over). - What have we learnt from this study? Between March and June 2021 (Alpha period), vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 was 43% for partial vaccination and 86% for complete vaccination. For June to December 2021 (Delta period), vaccine effectiveness for complete vaccination was lower (52%) but with addition of an mRNA booster dose, effectiveness reached 91%, and remained > 90% up to 119 days after the booster dose. - What are the implications of your findings for public health? In Europe in 2021, COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness results for the Alpha period indicated an excellent benefit for preventing hospitalisation after complete vaccination. During Delta variant circulation, however, a booster dose was required to achieve this level of effectiveness, and this was maintained for up to 4 months post booster.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio