30 research outputs found


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    Isu-isu sosial menjadi ide dalam pembuatan karya film fiksi yang mengangkat tema tentang pesugihan. Ide cerita tentang pesugihan yang menjadi ide dasar dari pembuatan karya film fiksi yang berjudul Niskala. Penciptaan karya ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui teknik Low Key dan High Contrast sinematografi yang digunakan untuk memvisualkan cerita dalam film fiksi Niskala. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Penerapan teori sinemtografi menghasilkan sebuah konsep ketegangan pada film Niskala yang menggunakan teknik tata kamera angle eye level dan dutch angle dengan kamera objektif memberikan kesan kamera sebagai mata penonton dan subjektif yang bertujuan memberikan kesan penonton berada didalam film. menggunakan beberapa type of shot seperti long shot, wide shot, medium shot, clouse up, big clouse up, pov untuk mendukung setiap adegan pada film. Warna pada film Niskala berwarna natural dengan temperatur sedikit kuning pada dunia nyata dan biru pada dimensi lain. Pencahayaan low key dengan teknik three point lighthing, yaitu cahaya utama (key light), cahaya pengisi (fill light), cahaya belakang (backlight), dan menggunakan teknik high contrast untuk memberikan gelap terang shadow pada gambar. Pencahayaan High Key menggunakan pencahayaan rasio 2:1 yang dapat memberikan pencahayaan yang merata pada objek atau subjek dan memperkecil intensitas bayangan dan memberikan efek Low Contrast. Teknik pencahayaan Low Key 1:2, yaitu Key Light lebih tinggi intensitasnya dari Fill Light dan Back Light. Pencahayaan rasio 1:2 akan dapat memberikan High Contrast pada objek atau subjek pada gambar. Luaran karya berjenis film fiksi dengan genre drama misteri mistik. Sasarannya remaja 13+. Premis Keegoisan Nenek akan ilmu yang dijalankannya hingga mengorbangkan keluarganya. Pesan pada karya film Niskala adalah jangan mengorbankan kebahagiaan keluarga hanya karena sebuah keegoisan diri sendiri. Kata kunci : Low Key, High Contrast, Niskala, film fiks

    Publication trend of TMPRSS2 as SARS-CoV-2 receptor during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has not yet been fully under public health control, which is still currently impacting a large number of people worldwide in 2023. Since the pandemic emerged, the growing number of publications related to TMPRSS2 as a SARS-CoV-2 receptor worldwide has increased rapidly with various findings and qualities. It is important to determine the trend of TMPRSS2 publication as no such studies currently exist that represent the publication trend related to this critical field of study. Here, we employed a bibliometric-based approach to evaluate the research trends of TMPRSS2 mechanistically as the SARS-CoV-2 receptor. We identified 1012 research documents published between 2020 and 2022 for this study. The most common document category was "Research Article" (646 articles, 63.84%) followed by "Review Article" (261 articles, 25.79%), and letters to editors (57 articles, 5.63%). Germany was the most cited country with a total of citations (9400 citations), followed by the USA (6409 citations) and China (1788 citations), respectively. In conclusion, given the impact of COVID-19, this study indicated TMPRSS2 as a SARS-CoV-2 receptor as a timely and highly relevant research topic

    Mapping rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility through integrative bioinformatics and genomics

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that influences several organs and tissues, especially the synovial joints, and is associated with multiple genetic and environmental factors. Numerous databases provide information on the relationship between a specific gene and the disease pathogenesis. However, it is important to further prioritize biological risk genes for downstream development and validation.  This study aims to map RA-association genetic variation using genome-wide association study (GWAS) databases and prioritize influential genes in RA pathogenesis based on functional annotations. These functional annotations include missense/nonsense mutations, cis-expression quantitative trait locus (cis-eQTL), overlap knockout mouse phenotype (KMP), protein-protein interaction (PPI), molecular pathway analysis (MPA), and primary immunodeficiency (PID). 119 genetic variants mapped had a potential high risk for RA based on functional scoring. The top eight risk genes of RA are TYK2 and IFNGR2, followed by TNFRSF1A, IL12RB1 and CD40, C5, NCF2, and IL6R. These candidate genes are potential biomarkers for RA that can aid drug discovery and disease diagnosis

    Identifikasi Variasi Gen dan Ekspresi Gen Yang Berhubungan Dengan Anemia Aplastik Menggunakan Pendekatan Genomik dan Bioinformatika

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    Anemia aplastik merupakan anemia yang disertai oleh pansitopenia pada tepi darah yang disebabkan oleh kelainan primer pada sumsum tulang dalam bentuk aplasia atau hipoplasia tanpa adanya infiltrasi, supresi atau pendesakan sumsum tulang. Pada anemia aplastik terjadi penurunan produksi sel darah dari sumsum tulang sehingga menyebabkan retikulositopenia, anemia, granulositopenia, monositopenia dan trombositopenia. Anemia aplastika termasuk dalam penyakit yang rentan disebabkan oleh faktor genetik. Salah satu faktor genetik yang banyak diidentifikasi adalah variasi gen atau single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP). Hingga hari inimetodologi untuk bantuan variasi gen tersebut sudah tersedia dengan bentuk berbagai macam database dan bioinformatika. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi variasi gen yang berhubungan dengan Anemia aplastik dan memprioritaskan variasi gen tersebut berdasarkan tingkat kerentanannya melalui pemanfaatan katalog GWAS dan integrasi beberapa database bioinformatika. Hasil penelitian ini kami menemukan ada dua SNP rs1042151 dan rs28367832 yang rentan terhadap anemia aplastik berdasarkan ekpresi gen di jaringan darah . Variasi gen tesebut juga mengkode gen  HLA- DPB1 dan HLA-B dan menunjukkan ekspresi yang tinggi pada jaringan darah ( whole blood ) .Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa integrasi variasi gen dan bioinformatika potensial untuk memberikan informasi kepada si terkait kerentanan suatu variasi gen pada suatu penyakit termasuk pada anemia aplastik

    Stability of the Broiler Antibody Under Heat Stress Using Dry Rice

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    This study examines the impact of using dry rice, characterized by low calories and high resistant starch content, on broiler performance under heat stress conditions in Indonesia. Broilers face challenges related to stress, particularly heat stress, which can compromise their immunity. The research investigates the potential of resistant starch in dry rice to enhance broiler digestion performance and immunity. The experiment, conducted at Zakiyah Farm and the Laboratory of the Wates Veterinary Center, Yogyakarta, involved three treatments (T1, T2, and T3) with five replications each. Observed variables included water consumption, carcass weight, Packed Cell Volume (PCV), bursa fabricius weight, and Hi-Test Nd antibody levels. Results showed no significant impact on water consumption, carcass weight, and PCV across all treatments. However, a decrease in bursa weight in T1 and T3 indicated an increased level of stress. The lowest seropositive Hi-Test Nd values in T1 and T3 suggested that the use of dry rice through the sowing method might alleviate heat stress on broilers. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the potential of dry rice to maintain the stability of broiler antibodies under heat stress conditions, emphasizing the need for further exploration of alternative dietary components

    Transcriptomics-driven drug repositioning for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer

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    Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a common complication of diabetes and can lead to severe disability and even amputation. Despite advances in treatment, there is currently no cure for DFUs and available drugs for treatment are limited. This study aimed to identify new candidate drugs and repurpose existing drugs to treat DFUs based on transcriptomics analysis. A total of 31 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified and used to prioritize the biological risk genes for DFUs. Further investigation using the database DGIdb revealed 12 druggable target genes among 50 biological DFU risk genes, corresponding to 31 drugs. Interestingly, we highlighted that two drugs (urokinase and lidocaine) are under clinical investigation for DFU and 29 drugs are potential candidates to be repurposed for DFU therapy. The top 5 potential biomarkers for DFU from our findings are IL6ST, CXCL9, IL1R1, CXCR2, and IL10. This study highlights IL1R1 as a highly promising biomarker for DFU due to its high systemic score in functional annotations, that can be targeted with an existing drug, Anakinra. Our study proposed that the integration of transcriptomic and bioinformatic-based approaches has the potential to drive drug repurposing for DFUs. Further research will further examine the mechanisms by which targeting IL1R1 can be used to treat DFU

    Publication trend of TMPRSS2 as SARS-CoV-2 receptor during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has not yet been fully under public health control, which is still currently impacting a large number of people worldwide in 2023. Since the pandemic emerged, the growing number of publications related to TMPRSS2 as a SARS-CoV-2 receptor worldwide has increased rapidly with various findings and qualities. It is important to determine the trend of TMPRSS2 publication as no such studies currently exist that represent the publication trend related to this critical field of study. Here, we employed a bibliometric-based approach to evaluate the research trends of TMPRSS2 mechanistically as the SARS-CoV-2 receptor. We identified 1012 research documents published between 2020 and 2022 for this study. The most common document category was "Research Article" (646 articles, 63.84%) followed by "Review Article" (261 articles, 25.79%), and letters to editors (57 articles, 5.63%). Germany was the most cited country with a total of citations (9400 citations), followed by the USA (6409 citations) and China (1788 citations), respectively. In conclusion, given the impact of COVID-19, this study indicated TMPRSS2 as a SARS-CoV-2 receptor as a timely and highly relevant research topic