27,748 research outputs found

    High-temperature oxidation and erosion-resistant refractory coatings

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    Various refractory coating systems were evaluated for rocket nozzle applications by actual rocket test firings. A reference is noted which identifies failure mechanisms and gives results of the firing tests for 18 coating systems. Iridium, iridium-rhenium, and hafnium oxide-zirconium oxide coatings show most promising results

    Coorbital Satellites of Saturn: Congenital Formation

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    Saturn is the only known planet to have coorbital satellite systems. In the present work we studied the process of mass accretion as a possible mechanism for coorbital satellites formation. The system considered is composed of Saturn, a proto-satellite and a cloud of planetesimals distributed in the coorbital region around a triangular Lagrangian point. The adopted relative mass for the proto-satellite was 10^-6 of Saturn's mass and for each planetesimal of the cloud three cases of relative mass were considered, 10^-14, 10^-13 and 10^-12 masses of Saturn. In the simulations each cloud of planetesimal was composed of 10^3, 5 x 10^3 or 10^4 planetesimals. The results of the simulations show the formation of coorbital satellites with relative masses of the same order of those found in the saturnian system (10^-13 - 10^-9). Most of them present horseshoe type orbits, but a significant part is in tadpole orbit around L_4 or L_5. Therefore, the results indicate that this is a plausible mechanism for the formation of coorbital satellites.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Preliminary assessment of cognitive impairments in canine idiopathic epilepsy

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    In humans, epilepsy can induce or accelerate cognitive impairment (CI). There is emerging evidence of CI in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy (IE) from recent epidemiological studies. The aim of our study was to assess CI in dogs with IE using two tests of cognitive dysfunction designed for use in a clinical setting. Dogs with IE (n=17) were compared against controls (n=18) in their performance in two tasks; a spatial working memory task and a problem-solving task. In addition, owners completed the Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Rating (CCDR) scale for their dog. The groups did not differ statistically with respect to age and breed. Dogs with IE performed significantly worse than controls on the spatial working memory task (P=0.016), but not on the problem solving task (P=0.683). CCDR scores were significantly higher in the IE group (P=0.016); however, no dogs reach the recommended threshold score for CCD diagnosis. Our preliminary data suggest that dogs with IE exhibit impairments in a spatial working memory task. Further research is required to explore the effect of IE on other cognitive abilities in dogs with a larger sample, characterising the age of onset, nature and progression of any impairments and the impact of anti-epileptic drugs

    Quantum state cloning using Deutschian closed timelike curves

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    We show that it is possible to clone quantum states to arbitrary accuracy in the presence of a Deutschian closed timelike curve (D-CTC), with a fidelity converging to one in the limit as the dimension of the CTC system becomes large---thus resolving an open conjecture from [Brun et al., Physical Review Letters 102, 210402 (2009)]. This result follows from a D-CTC-assisted scheme for producing perfect clones of a quantum state prepared in a known eigenbasis, and the fact that one can reconstruct an approximation of a quantum state from empirical estimates of the probabilities of an informationally-complete measurement. Our results imply more generally that every continuous, but otherwise arbitrarily non-linear map from states to states can be implemented to arbitrary accuracy with D-CTCs. Furthermore, our results show that Deutsch's model for CTCs is in fact a classical model, in the sense that two arbitrary, distinct density operators are perfectly distinguishable (in the limit of a large CTC system); hence, in this model quantum mechanics becomes a classical theory in which each density operator is a distinct point in a classical phase space.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; v2: modifications to the interpretation of our results based on the insightful comments of the referees; v3: minor change, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Entanglement and coherence in quantum state merging

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    Understanding the resource consumption in distributed scenarios is one of the main goals of quantum information theory. A prominent example for such a scenario is the task of quantum state merging where two parties aim to merge their parts of a tripartite quantum state. In standard quantum state merging, entanglement is considered as an expensive resource, while local quantum operations can be performed at no additional cost. However, recent developments show that some local operations could be more expensive than others: it is reasonable to distinguish between local incoherent operations and local operations which can create coherence. This idea leads us to the task of incoherent quantum state merging, where one of the parties has free access to local incoherent operations only. In this case the resources of the process are quantified by pairs of entanglement and coherence. Here, we develop tools for studying this process, and apply them to several relevant scenarios. While quantum state merging can lead to a gain of entanglement, our results imply that no merging procedure can gain entanglement and coherence at the same time. We also provide a general lower bound on the entanglement-coherence sum, and show that the bound is tight for all pure states. Our results also lead to an incoherent version of Schumacher compression: in this case the compression rate is equal to the von Neumann entropy of the diagonal elements of the corresponding quantum state.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Lemma 5 in Appendix D of the previous version was not correct. This did not affect the results of the main tex

    Terrestrial Planet Formation in a protoplanetary disk with a local mass depletion: A successful scenario for the formation of Mars

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    Models of terrestrial planet formation for our solar system have been successful in producing planets with masses and orbits similar to those of Venus and Earth. However, these models have generally failed to produce Mars-sized objects around 1.5 AU. The body that is usually formed around Mars' semimajor axis is, in general, much more massive than Mars. Only when Jupiter and Saturn are assumed to have initially very eccentric orbits (e ∼\sim 0.1), which seems fairly unlikely for the solar system, or alternately, if the protoplanetary disk is truncated at 1.0 AU, simulations have been able to produce Mars-like bodies in the correct location. In this paper, we examine an alternative scenario for the formation of Mars in which a local depletion in the density of the protosolar nebula results in a non-uniform formation of planetary embryos and ultimately the formation of Mars-sized planets around 1.5 AU. We have carried out extensive numerical simulations of the formation of terrestrial planets in such a disk for different scales of the local density depletion, and for different orbital configurations of the giant planets. Our simulations point to the possibility of the formation of Mars-sized bodies around 1.5 AU, specifically when the scale of the disk local mass-depletion is moderately high (50-75%) and Jupiter and Saturn are initially in their current orbits. In these systems, Mars-analogs are formed from the protoplanetary materials that originate in the regions of disk interior or exterior to the local mass-depletion. Results also indicate that Earth-sized planets can form around 1 AU with a substantial amount of water accreted via primitive water-rich planetesimals and planetary embryos. We present the results of our study and discuss their implications for the formation of terrestrial planets in our solar system.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Stochastic Matrix Product States

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    The concept of stochastic matrix product states is introduced and a natural form for the states is derived. This allows to define the analogue of Schmidt coefficients for steady states of non-equilibrium stochastic processes. We discuss a new measure for correlations which is analogous to the entanglement entropy, the entropy cost SCS_C, and show that this measure quantifies the bond dimension needed to represent a steady state as a matrix product state. We illustrate these concepts on the hand of the asymmetric exclusion process

    Cycles of construing in radicalization and deradicalization: a study of Salafist Muslims.

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    © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.This article explores radicalization and deradicalization by considering the experiences of six young Tunisian people who had become Salafist Muslims. Their responses to narrative interviews and repertory grid technique are considered from a personal construct perspective, revealing processes of construing and reconstruing, as well as relevant aspects of the structure and content of their construct systems. In two cases, their journeys involved not only radicalization but self-deradicalization, and their experiences are drawn on to consider implications for deradicalization.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
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