57 research outputs found

    Boldness in Zebrafish Larvae-Development and Differences between a Domesticated Lab Strain and Offspring of Wild-Caught Fish

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    Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are becoming one of the most important model organisms in behavioural neuroscience. It has been shown repeatedly that different zebrafish strains show large behavioural differences. These divergent behavioural profiles may have a genetic basis, but environmental factors and previous experience are also known to greatly affect the behavioural phenotype of zebrafish. It could be expected that behavioural differences at the larval stage should be less affected by environmental factors and experience. In the present study, we screened larvae of zebrafish of the AB strain and offspring of wild-caught zebrafish for boldness, using an open field test. In order to follow the behavioural development, we studied larvae at the age of 5-, 7-, 12- and 30-days post fertilization (dpf). Behaviour, as well as behavioural development, clearly differed between the larvae of the different strains. Wild larvae showed larger total distance moved than AB larvae, both at light and dark conditions. These differences were already present at 12 dpf but became more pronounced with age. Wild larvae had a greater variance compared to AB larvae for most of the variables. We have previously shown that bold and shy adult zebrafish differ in the brain expression of dopamine and opioid receptors. The results of the current study show that wild larvae display significantly higher brain expression of drd2b than AB larvae at 30 dpf, a difference that could be related to differences in activity. We did not detect any differences in the expression of opioid receptors

    Feeling controlled or being in control? Apps for self-management among older people with neurological disability

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper was to describe how people living with a neurological disability such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and stroke reason regarding using apps to facilitate self-management in everyday life.Material and methods: A qualitative research approach with a focus group methodology was used. The sample comprised 16 participants, 11 men and 5 women, with an average age of 64 years (ranging from 51–80 years). Six participants were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, six with Parkinson’s disease and four with stroke. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, which is a method for identifying, analyzing and reporting patterns.Results: The results formed two themes. The first theme “using apps to have control of my health” comprises two subthemes; “monitor and take responsibility for a healthy lifestyle” and “compensate to facilitate everyday life”. The second theme “using the app as a tool and means for communication” also comprised two subthemes; “dare to trust the app” and “feeling safe when sharing information with health care professionals”.Conclusions: The use of apps put increased responsibility on the person and had the possibility to make them more involved in their own care. The use of an app can facilitate a healthy lifestyle and help to monitor disease-specific symptoms. In order to be able to use apps for communication with the health care sector legislation and safety issues need to be considered. Implications for rehabilitation Apps can be used for self-management if they are safe and can be trusted. People with neurological disabilities want to be involved in their healthcare and needs to be addressed by health care professionals. The use of apps grasp over a wide variety of areas this is something that may be considered in health care and something that can be addressed by interdisciplinary approaches. Ordinary health-oriented apps and disease-specific apps were used differently and for different purposes

    Downregulation of TFPI in breast cancer cells induces tyrosine phosphorylation signaling and increases metastatic growth by stimulating cell motility

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increased hemostatic activity is common in many cancer types and often causes additional complications and even death. Circumstantial evidence suggests that tissue factor pathway inhibitor-1 (TFPI) plays a role in cancer development. We recently reported that downregulation of TFPI inhibited apoptosis in a breast cancer cell line. In this study, we investigated the effects of TFPI on self-sustained growth and motility of these cells, and of another invasive breast cancer cell type (MDA-MB-231).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Stable cell lines with TFPI (both α and ÎČ) and only TFPIÎČ downregulated were created using RNA interference technology. We investigated the ability of the transduced cells to grow, when seeded at low densities, and to form colonies, along with metastatic characteristics such as adhesion, migration and invasion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Downregulation of TFPI was associated with increased self-sustained cell growth. An increase in cell attachment and spreading was observed to collagen type I, together with elevated levels of integrin α2. Downregulation of TFPI also stimulated migration and invasion of cells, and elevated MMP activity was involved in the increased invasion observed. Surprisingly, equivalent results were observed when TFPIÎČ was downregulated, revealing a novel function of this isoform in cancer metastasis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest an anti-metastatic effect of TFPI and may provide a novel therapeutic approach in cancer.</p

    Learning and knowledge sharing in a networking environment

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    This thesis addresses knowledge sharing and learning among mobile knowledge workers. The main focus is to study how mobile knowledge workers use knowledge sharing in their work and how these different knowledge-sharing situations could be supported by IT. This is further underlined by two research questions: How do mobile knowledge workers use knowledge sharing in their daily work? How can knowledge sharing among mobile knowledge workers be supported? The study was conducted at a large R&D company in Sweden, using qualitative, ethnographic observations of five mobile knowledge workers. The findings established that a large part of the workers days are concentrated around knowledge sharing in different situations, where the personal and work-related network is an important part. The extensive communication between people, both face-to-face and through different mediums, make it important to locate people and to know if they are available for communication. The extensive mobility among the people studied makes these issues uncertain, since the mobile knowledge workers constantly move between the home office and other parts in the building, or travel to other locations in the world. The findings are divided into four different situations of knowledge sharing: Knowing your nodes, Knowledge sharing about meetings, Locating for unscheduled meetings and Communication of availability. Design implications concerning these different situations are presented, where indications about how knowledge sharing and learning in these situations could be supported with IT. These implications contain both guidelines and more concrete examples of possible IT support for specific situations

    Harmonized Revenue Recognition : a Mapping of the Convergence Project

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    IntÀktsredovisning Àr ett svÄrt och komplicerat omrÄde som inte har fÄtt den uppmÀrksamhet det förtjÀnar. I dagslÀget finns mÄnga olika benÀmningar pÄ intÀkter men ingen klar och övergripande definition. För att lösa problemet startade IASB och FASB 2002 ett harmoniseringsprojekt, dÀr intÀktsredovisning ingÄr. Uppsatsen behandlar nedanstÄende frÄgor.Vad gör intÀktsredovisning svÄrt i praktiken?Varför Àr harmoniseringsarbetet komplicerat?Kommer en eventuell slutprodukt av konvergensprojektet att kunna tillÀmpas i praktiken?Uppsatsens syfte Àr att skapa en ökad förstÄelse kring svÄrigheter med intÀkter och komplexiteten kring harmoniseringsprojekt med inriktning pÄ intÀktsredovisning. Vidare Àr syftet att resonera kring vad projektet kan mynna ut i och hur detta kan implementeras i redovisningspraktiken.Uppsatsen har skrivits utifrÄn ett hermeneutiskt förhÄllningssÀtt. Litteratur, artiklar, lagar och rekommendationer har lÀsts och tolkats för att skapa ökad förstÄelse. Vidare Àr uppsatsen skriven utifrÄn en kvalitativ ansats. För att öka kunskaperna pÄ omrÄdet har intervjuer med tvÄ redovisningsspecialister genomförts.IntÀktsredovisningen har varit ett oprioriterat omrÄde dÀr normgivningen inte har följt med i utvecklingen, vilket har gjort regleringen gammalmodig och svÄr att tillÀmpa idag. Unbundling Àr ett omrÄde dÀr företagen gör lite som de vill, dÄ klar och övergripande reglering saknas pÄ omrÄdet. Oklarheter finns Àven gÀllande grÀnsdragningen mellan varuförsÀljning och entreprenadavtal. Ytterligare en komplicerande faktor Àr de olika konflikterna inom normgivarnas respektive reglering.Det finns skillnader som grundar sig i respektive redovisningstradition. StandardsÀttarna skiljer sig Àven Ät gÀllande huvudsakligt angreppssÀtt inom redovisningen, dÀr IASB lÀmnar riktlinjer med utrymme för egna tolkningar medan FASB anvÀnder sig av en mycket mer detaljstyrd reglering. Det vore rimligt med en standard per intÀktstyp. Harmoniseringsarbetet försvÄras av de grundlÀggande skillnader som finns mellan normgivarna och deras olika prioritering pÄ intÀktsomrÄdet. En nyckelfrÄga för harmoniseringsarbetet blir viljan att kompromissa.Avgörande för att nÄ en förbÀttrad intÀktsredovisning blir att övertyga praktikerna som skall anvÀnda sig av den nya regleringen. Klarar normgivarna av att marknadsföra lösningen pÄ ett framgÄngsrikt sÀtt kan resultatet av konvergensprojektet innebÀra en förbÀttring i framtiden.UppsatsnivÄ:

    Harmonized Revenue Recognition : a Mapping of the Convergence Project

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    IntÀktsredovisning Àr ett svÄrt och komplicerat omrÄde som inte har fÄtt den uppmÀrksamhet det förtjÀnar. I dagslÀget finns mÄnga olika benÀmningar pÄ intÀkter men ingen klar och övergripande definition. För att lösa problemet startade IASB och FASB 2002 ett harmoniseringsprojekt, dÀr intÀktsredovisning ingÄr. Uppsatsen behandlar nedanstÄende frÄgor.Vad gör intÀktsredovisning svÄrt i praktiken?Varför Àr harmoniseringsarbetet komplicerat?Kommer en eventuell slutprodukt av konvergensprojektet att kunna tillÀmpas i praktiken?Uppsatsens syfte Àr att skapa en ökad förstÄelse kring svÄrigheter med intÀkter och komplexiteten kring harmoniseringsprojekt med inriktning pÄ intÀktsredovisning. Vidare Àr syftet att resonera kring vad projektet kan mynna ut i och hur detta kan implementeras i redovisningspraktiken.Uppsatsen har skrivits utifrÄn ett hermeneutiskt förhÄllningssÀtt. Litteratur, artiklar, lagar och rekommendationer har lÀsts och tolkats för att skapa ökad förstÄelse. Vidare Àr uppsatsen skriven utifrÄn en kvalitativ ansats. För att öka kunskaperna pÄ omrÄdet har intervjuer med tvÄ redovisningsspecialister genomförts.IntÀktsredovisningen har varit ett oprioriterat omrÄde dÀr normgivningen inte har följt med i utvecklingen, vilket har gjort regleringen gammalmodig och svÄr att tillÀmpa idag. Unbundling Àr ett omrÄde dÀr företagen gör lite som de vill, dÄ klar och övergripande reglering saknas pÄ omrÄdet. Oklarheter finns Àven gÀllande grÀnsdragningen mellan varuförsÀljning och entreprenadavtal. Ytterligare en komplicerande faktor Àr de olika konflikterna inom normgivarnas respektive reglering.Det finns skillnader som grundar sig i respektive redovisningstradition. StandardsÀttarna skiljer sig Àven Ät gÀllande huvudsakligt angreppssÀtt inom redovisningen, dÀr IASB lÀmnar riktlinjer med utrymme för egna tolkningar medan FASB anvÀnder sig av en mycket mer detaljstyrd reglering. Det vore rimligt med en standard per intÀktstyp. Harmoniseringsarbetet försvÄras av de grundlÀggande skillnader som finns mellan normgivarna och deras olika prioritering pÄ intÀktsomrÄdet. En nyckelfrÄga för harmoniseringsarbetet blir viljan att kompromissa.Avgörande för att nÄ en förbÀttrad intÀktsredovisning blir att övertyga praktikerna som skall anvÀnda sig av den nya regleringen. Klarar normgivarna av att marknadsföra lösningen pÄ ett framgÄngsrikt sÀtt kan resultatet av konvergensprojektet innebÀra en förbÀttring i framtiden.UppsatsnivÄ:

    Role of brain serotonin in modulating fish behavior

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    The organization of the brain serotonergic system appears to have been highly conserved across the vertebrate subphylum. In fish as well as in other vertebrates, brain serotonin (5-HT), mainly acts as a neuromodulator with complex effects on multiple functions. It is becoming increasingly clear that acute and chronic increase in brain 5-HT neurotransmission have very different effects. An acute 5-HT activation, which is seen in both winners and losers of agonistic interactions, could be related to a general arousal effect, whereas the chronic activation observed in subordinate fish is clearly linked to the behavioral inhibition displayed by these individuals. Fish displaying divergent stress coping styles (proactive vs. reactive) differ in 5-HT functions. In teleost fish, brain monoaminergic function is also related to life history traits
