20 research outputs found

    Analisis Metode Routing terhadap Hidrograf Banjir Sungai Way Sekampung di Way Kunyir Menggunakan HEC-HMS

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    Flood events often occur in Indonesia so that quite a lot of people researched about the movement of floods and flood monitoring in the Watershed. The location of the study was carried out by the Way Sekampung river in Way Kunyir located in the Pringsewu district, Lampung province and is located downstream of the Batutegi dam. Flood tracing is intended to analyze the chances of a flood in the form of a flood hydrograph with or without using the Routing method and find out the results of some Routing methods in the watershed. The Routing method used in this study is Lag, Lag and K and Muskingum. The HEC-HMS modeling results state that peak discharge data when without Routing is greater than entering the Routing parameter. This is because entering the Routing parameter in modeling is very influential at peak times so that it affects the peak discharge at the watershed outlet. As a result of Muskingum Routing, the peak discharge is lower than before entering the flow routing, this is due to the occurrence of reservoirs along the river so that the peak discharge becomes lower than without Routing. The results of Lag Routing and Lag and K Routing are peak discharge decreased compared to before entering the Routing parameter. what should have happened to the peak discharge with Routing and without Routing remains the same, however, only peak discharge tranlations occur and there is travel time. This happens because there is no debit data at the station being reviewed so it uses rain data instead of HEC-HMS modeling


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    Title : Study of Erosion Hazard on Upland in Samin Sub Watershed, Karanganyar Regency. Samin sub watershed at Karanganyar District, Central Java has been degraded by erosion. The shed needs to be managed seriously. This research was done at Samin sub watershed at 650 – 1800 above sea level from June to November 2006. The aim of the research is studying erosion hazard on each land unit in Samin sub watershed and land management have been done farmer. This research used phenomenology qualitative description method by interpretation of theme maps and Iconos image satellite, and survey. Soil and land management sampling method was done by purposive sampling. The result of this research are land in research area very sensitive to occur land degradation because erosion hazard in light until very heavy; intercropping system in land unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 is the best method to land conservation and diversification of agriculture yield; soil management method and intercropping system have been done by farmer are the best of land conservation Keywords: Erosion, Samin Sub Watershed, upland, intercropping, soil managementSamin sub watershed at Karanganyar District, Central Java has been degraded by erosion. The shed needs to be managed seriously. This research was done at Samin sub watershed at 650 – 1800 above sea level from June to November 2006. The aim of the research is studying erosion hazard on each land unit in Samin sub watershed and land management have been done farmer. This research used phenomenology qualitative description method by interpretation of theme maps and Iconos image satellite, and survey. Soil and land management sampling method was done by purposive sampling. The result of this research are land in research area very sensitive to occur land degradation because erosion hazard in light until very heavy; intercropping system in land unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 is the best method to land conservation and diversification of agriculture yield; soil management method and intercropping system have been done by farmer are the best of land conservation Keywords: Erosion, Samin Sub Watershed, upland, intercropping, soil managemen

    peningkatan kualitas air menggunakan filter mangan zeolit dan karbon aktif

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      Water is a chemical compound that is very important for human life and other living things. the quantity and quality of the well as a water source must meet the physical, chemical and bacteriological requirements. Therefore, proper groundwater treatment is needed to process it into clean water that meets the requirements in terms of quality and quantity so that it is suitable for use by humans. To improve water quality, you can use methods such as filtration. In this final project, water quality improvement is carried out using manganese zeolite and activated carbon filters. The result of this research is to know the efficiency of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and E.coli removal using this unit. The results of laboratory tests conducted by the Research and Industrial Standardization Institute of Bandar Lampung with water samples with most parameters such as Fe and Mn have met the standards of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32/MENKES/PER/II/2017 concerning Clean Water Quality Requirements, but the test results with E-coli bacteria parameter is 2863 per 100 ml sample which exceeds the maximum level of 0. From this study manganese zeolite and activated carbon filters are effective in reducing TDS levels by 133 and E-Coli bacteria with results of <300 Keywords: water cleaner, zeolite manganese filter and activated carbo


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    Cold storage dapat diilustrasikan sebagai sebuah bangunan yang fungsinya seperti lemari pendingin. Bangunan dengan temperatur rendah ini hanya dapat difungsikan dengan baik jika kita memastikan ruangan tertutup rapat dalam artian udara tidak dapat keluar masuk dan memakai alat pendingin (refrigeration) untuk menjaga temperatur tetap rendah. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan kajian tentang penerapan peltier TEC 12076 pada alat portable cold box. Perencanaan alat portable cold box menggunakan komponen utama thermoelektrik, heatsink, dan fan. Pengujian diawali dengan proses perencanaan alat, pengadaan peralatan, dan pembuatan alat. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengolahan data dan perhitungan untuk mendapatkan heat rate pada heatsink termoelektrik sisi panas dan dingin serta grafik distribusi temperatur pada alat portable cold storage. pada perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa, dalam kondisi maksimum heatsink pada sisi panas dapat melepas kalor sebesar 0.319 Watt, plat datar pada sisi dingin dapat menyerap kalor sebesar 4.676 Watt


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    Water resources in Western Lampung Regency particularly the sub-District Suoh has a lot of po- tential hydropower, which have not been able to optimally utilized as electrical energy. So that one of the optimal effort that can be done is by using microhydro energy. Location of the research is in the Way Sekanda river tributary of the Way Semaka river. Process analysis using primary data in the form of a cross section of the river cross-section of data and flow velocity of Way Sekanda, than secondary data from hourly discharge data from the watershed outlet Way Besai for 11 (eleven) years, the real-time of rainfall in Tugu Ratu village from Septem- ber 2012 to September 2014 and watershed area derived from Geographic Information System. Analysis starts from the formation of spatial data maps of Way Semaka watershed, Way Besai wa- tershed and Way Sekanda watershed using ArcGIS program. Research method includes regional- ization Way Semaka watershed and Way Besai watershed, estimation the dependable discharge (Q 80% ) using FDC method, measured discharge calculation of Way Sekanda river, correlation be- tween discharge FDC method and measured discharge and calculate the electric power which can be generated. The formation of the watersheds were done using spatial data analysis and were found that the area of Way Semaka watershed is 731,0783 km 2 , Way Besai watershed is 415,0393 km 2 , Way Sekanda watershed is 1,48 km 2 . Using measured discharge recorded in Way Besai watershed and the application of regionalization method, the discharge at Way Semaka and Way Sekanda can be estimated.This is evidenced by the amount of discharge calculated by the method of Flow Dur- ration Curve is not much different from the magnitude of the discharge measured in the field. Q80 % with FDC method (Flow Duration Curve) to Way Sekanda River is 0,0312 (m 3 /sec), while the measured discharge in location of Way Sekanda micro hydro power plants (MHP) 0,0314 (m 3 /sec). From the calculation of the electric power in Way Sekanda by using dependable of dis- charge 50% (Q 50% ) of 0,0592 m 3 /s it is obtained the electricity power with an efficiency of 60 % is 2,7479 kW, while the electric power with an efficiency of 90 % is 4,1219 kW. Therefore Way Sekanda River is potential for micro hydro power plants (MHP)

    Analisis Perbandingan Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik Gama I dan SCS (HEC-HMS) dengan Hidrograf Satuan Terukur di Sungai Way Besai

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    The Way Besai River is located in Sumber Jaya District, West Lampung Regency. River discharge is an indicator of watershed function in transforming rain into stream flow. River discharge is generally presented by hydrograph. There are two methods to derive unit hydrograph, i. e. Measured Unit Hydrograph method (HST) and Synthetic Unit Hydrograph method (HSS). Synthetic Unit Hydrograph is used if the watershed does not have sufficient hydrometry data for calculating flood discharge. The purpose of this study is to analyze Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Gama I, Synthetic Unit Hydrograph SCS (HEC-HMS), and measured unit hydrograph for Way Besai River. The method used in this study includes Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Gama I, Synthetic Unit Hydrograph SCS (HEC-HMS), and Measured Unit Hydrograph. The results of this study show that Unit Hydrograph derived from Synthetic Unit Hydrograph SCS (HEC-HMS) is better than the result derived from Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Gama I based on peak discharge, peak time, base time and base flow values. Keywords: Watershed, Discharge, Synthetic Unit Hydrograph, Measured Hydrograph Unit, SCS (HEC-HMS), Gama I

    Perbedaan bersiwak dan menyikat Gigi dlm membrshkn debris pd ank panti asuhan Tlogosari Smg.

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