3,099 research outputs found

    Impact of Spaceflight on Fungal Antibiotic Susceptibility and Virulence

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    Fungi are the most diverse organisms of the world and many different species form part of the normal human commensal microflora. The yeast Candida parapsilosis and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa are present in the human epidermis and can be opportunistic when immunocompromised scenarios are present. The tendency of yeast isolates to respond and adapt to environmental stress is associated with increased virulence such as resistance to antifungals, increased filamentation and increased fungal biofilm formation. The present research was designed to test the virulence related phenotypes of Candida parapsilosis and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa isolated from the International Space Station. Fungal commensals and fungal pathogens require a better understanding of the response to space conditions (such as radiation, microgravity, and depleted oxygen) for spaceflight crew safety. Viable cells were isolated and retrieved from the International Space Station, and they were compared to terrestrial controls. Isolates were observed for the virulence phenotypes: antifungal resistance, filamentation, and capsule formation. ISS isolates demonstrated an increased resistance to the antifungals Fluconazol, Amphotericin B, and Caspofungin, moreover, they demonstrated increased biofilm formation, filamentation and capsule formation

    European Migration and the Far-right: 2011-2017

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    This study investigates the relationship between the current migration crisis in Europe and the escalation of far-right voting which has been witnessed since it\u27s beginning. In order to do so this study utilized correlation experiments and detailed case studies to explore the relationship between legislative vote shares and asylum applications for the years 2009-2017 in the EU member states of Hungary, Germany, France, Greece and the UK. Control variables of GDP, unemployment and terrorist attacks have also been utilized to measure alternative causes of far-right voting. Results of these experiments vary quite a bit from state to state - finding differing potential causal factors in each case study. Germany, France and the UK show results which indicate that an increase in asylum applications potentially influence far-right voting habits. Greece does not show this type of result, but does show correlation with control variables. Hungarian experiments however do not produce correlation with any variables tested, but has the strongest presence of far-right activity which may indicate that Hungarian far-right success is attributed to their long history of far-right activity

    Modes of listening in the interpretation of electroacoustic music

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    A cursory look through the literature on modes of listening reveals a wealth of different ways to attend to oneʼs sonic environment. Authors in the literature describe various, nuanced modes to frame oneʼs listening, and yet the terms also have central commonalities. In this essay, I explain that bringing these authors into dialogue with one another in a way that emphasizes these commonalities provides a rich interpretive tool, particularly for electroacoustic music. These different listenings ultimately compose my analysis, and I suggest that consciously engaging with modes of listening can shape listener experiences of electroacoustic music in analytically fruitful ways. Natasha Barrettʼs Deconstructing Dowland for guitar and electronics provides an aural realm in which to consider how one might usefully employ modes of listening as an analytical tool. The music possesses more potential listening experiences than a soundʼs single pass through the auditory system can perceive. When I consciously think about my approach to listening, however, the soundscape becomes a laboratory in which to explore the music from any perceptible angle. After gaining the intimate familiarity with the piece that analysis requires, I can begin the familiar analytical process of examining plausible interpretations to construct a coherent reading. Here, active engagement with modes of listening directs analytical decisions as the music and I construct my reading of the piece by drawing upon the four modes I propose. Overall, the typology I propose allows us access to meaningful analytical engagement with a repertoire whose vocabulary and notational particularities can hinder other methodologies

    Theory and Practice: Selecting and Implementing Effective Framing to Present Climate Science to a Lay Audience

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    The purpose of this thesis is to explore the advantages and effectiveness of using storytelling in the form of narrative journalism to communicate the topic of climate science to a lay audience. The thesis combines personal experience with secondary research in order to support the claim that framing the issue in such a manner effectively communicates the severity and impact of climate change. Through my research I discovered that storytelling is not only a social tool for humans, but a means to safely and efficiently pass on vital information to those unfamiliar with certain knowledge. The use of narrative has been proven to increase the ability for humans to grasp concepts quicker and easier than through the presentation of hard data alone. Additionally, by implementing local framing, journalists are able to increase awareness and belief in concepts previously disputed by or unknown to the audience. Thus, the use of narrative journalism provides the best vessel for communicating the complex topic of climate change

    Characterization of Human Muscle Extracellular Matrix

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    The performance of extracellular matrix (ECM) biological scaffolds for the treatment of volumetric muscle loss (VML) has shown promising results with regenerating native muscle in animal models and human patients. However, the limitations of these scaffolds include non-specific characteristics based on the original parameters of the muscle that is lost and this is why our group chose to characterize human skeletal ECM. By understanding the characteristics of the native human skeletal ECM, more desired queues for the biological scaffolds being used to treat VML can be provided. Upper limb and lower limb skeletal muscles were commercially obtained, decellularized using common techniques, and underwent biochemical and physical assessment. The presence of collagen and glycosaminoglycans were identified within the human skeletal ECM. The mechanical strength and overall alignment of the human skeletal ECM was also evaluated. The human skeletal ECM supported an in-vivo degradation assessment and showed signs of tolerance within the in-vivo model. The results of the current study suggest that the location and gender of the original muscle indeed plays a significant role between the two ECM muscle types within some of the characterization tests. We believe we are the first group to characterize human skeletal muscle ECM with the intent to mimic these parameters. A future direction for this project would be to incorporate these parameters found within this study into our engineered ECM being produced within our lab

    Charge. Point

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    The goal of this thesis is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, lower the carbon emission footprint, and ignite a paradigm shift towards clean energy usage. Architecture can play a role in increasing the accessibility of sustainable modes of transit by changing the way energy is produced and distributed throughout the city. Accepting both the reliance and privatization of the automobile as givens, this idea caters to a transitional stage of travel, shifting from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric powered vehicles. Current technological limitations are stunting the momentum of a sustainable transit phenomenon, i.e. EV battery charge time and storage capacity, proximity of EVSE charging points to desired destinations and the capacity of the city grid to supply and distribute adequate amounts of energy. However by embracing these limitations as design objectives one can begin to develop ubiquitous charging points that not only provide reassurance against range anxiety but also brand an idea of clean energy. The typology will be self-sustaining in terms of energy through manipulation of its facade/exterior treatment. The nodes will create a positive urban experience, and common language through, signage, lighting, coloration, and surface treatment, that showcase a cultural commitment to the new technology. As 80%-90% of charging takes place at 1 home, these charging stations will focus on the other 10%-20% of charging that might occur in downtown lots, parking garages, on-street parking or highway stops. The nodes will feed energy to modes of public and private transit as well as acting as one of several pods within the city setting the stage for a self-organizing and adaptive networked phenomenon. Charge points will be connected to a media network interface closest vacant parking space. “A fundamental prerequisite for the major transport revolution we anticipate will be Challenging the conventional centralized single-sourced production and distribution of energy will allow for an interesting dynamic between production and consumer. As oppose to transporting energy from a power plant, energy will be locally produced directly from the architectural façade and into the vehicle creating a direct intersection between energies of the cities and the physical energy being consumed. The nodes will act as energy umbilici and when charging is not taking place, energy will be distributed back into the grid. In expanding and branding this typology of infrastructure as accessible, consistent and simple to use, EV’s will emerge as a viable option for drivers

    Predator-based Selection and the Impact of Edge Sympatry on Components of Coralsnake Mimicry

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    Studying warning coloration and mimicry is an effective way to understand predator-driven selection and phenotypic diversity. The presence (sympatry) or absence (allopatry) of a toxic model plays a role in shaping mimetic phenotypes. However, the impact of edge sympatry and allopatry on predation of mimetic phenotypes is not well understood. We studied coralsnake mimicry to test how edge sympatry and allopatry affect predation on mimetic phenotypes. Specifically, we tested 1) if overall attack rates varied with edge sympatry of coralsnakes 2) which color patterns conferred a fitness advantage 3) which specific mimetic signal components are important in driving predatory attacks and 4) whether selection patterns varied temporally. We deployed clay replicas that utilized a cryptic pattern, two different signal components (red and white), and a tricolor pattern that included both signal components. We found that overall attacks did differ between edge sympatry and allopatry, with higher attack rates in allopatry. All mimetic phenotypes in 2019 had higher attack rates than cryptic phenotypes in edge sympatry, with a similar but nonspecific pattern in allopatry. Replicas with red and bands received more predatory attacks in edge sympatry than those without, once again with a similar pattern in allopatry. There was also a difference in attack rates and patterns between years, indicating temporally variable selection such as frequency-dependent selection. These results suggest that mimetic phenotypes may not have a fitness advantage in areas of edge sympatry or allopatry. This suggests the role of sympatry and allopatry may be more complex than previously thought, particularly in how sympatry may interact with extraneous factors such as behavior and frequency of phenotypes

    Development of a transition readiness scale for young adults with cystic fibrosis: face and content validity

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    Background: The process of moving from a paediatric to adult health care setting is known as health care transition (HCT). The current lack of transition planning to determine and ensure readiness means patients with chronic conditions experience less than ideal outcomes. There is a lack of a widely used, validated instrument to assess readiness to transition in adolescents with cystic fibrosis (CF). Objective: To develop the Cystic Fibrosis Health Care Transition Readiness Scale and assess this instrument for face and content validity
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