Theory and Practice: Selecting and Implementing Effective Framing to Present Climate Science to a Lay Audience


The purpose of this thesis is to explore the advantages and effectiveness of using storytelling in the form of narrative journalism to communicate the topic of climate science to a lay audience. The thesis combines personal experience with secondary research in order to support the claim that framing the issue in such a manner effectively communicates the severity and impact of climate change. Through my research I discovered that storytelling is not only a social tool for humans, but a means to safely and efficiently pass on vital information to those unfamiliar with certain knowledge. The use of narrative has been proven to increase the ability for humans to grasp concepts quicker and easier than through the presentation of hard data alone. Additionally, by implementing local framing, journalists are able to increase awareness and belief in concepts previously disputed by or unknown to the audience. Thus, the use of narrative journalism provides the best vessel for communicating the complex topic of climate change

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