8 research outputs found

    Uji Antipiretik Patch Ekstrak Etanol Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) dengan Matriks Chitosan dan Enhancer Tween-80

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    Onion is a traditional medicine that has a lot of pharmacological potential. Flavanoid compounds found in onions have an antipyretic effect that acts as an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes that play a role in the formation of prostaglandins. In this study red onion is formulated into a patch because of its practical use and can avoid the first metabolic pathway. This study aims to analyze the effect of onion ethanol extract patch (Allium ascalonicum L.) on the decrease of body temperature and the number of monocytes in white rats induced by DPT vaccine. This study used 4 treatment groups: positive controls administered paracetamol syrup, negative controls given placebo patch, treatment group 1 treated with red onion ethanol extract without enhancers and treatment group 2 treated with an red onion ethanol extract with enhancers. Rats adapted for 7 days before temperature being measured and the blood being collected from the rat tail in order to calculate the number of monocytes. The animal temperature was measured after injected with vaccine DPT at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 150, 180 minutes meanwhile number of monocyte were calculated every 15 minutes for 120 minutes. The results showed that there was no significant difference in monocyte count of treatment group with positive control but there were significant differences in temperature. The use of onion ethanol extract patch may decrease the temperature and number of monocytes in white mice induced by DPT vaccine

    Sustainable product development of biomass briquette from Samanea saman leaf waste with rejected papaya as the binding agent in Indonesia

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    The depletion of solid fuels in the world triggers the requirement for the existence of an alternative fuel product as a substitute. In several studies, briquettes have become one of the alternatives used to deal with this problem. However, the selection of briquette material that considers its impact on economic, social, and environmental aspects has not been widely carried out. To solve this problem, the selection of raw materials for briquettes must be determined using the concept of sustainable product development (SPD). SPD is a concept that can be used to determine a new product by considering various aspects, including economic, environmental, and social aspects. Briquette fuel that is derived from leaf waste and rejected fruit as a binding agent can be an alternative to renewable solid fuels since the raw materials come from wastes that have no selling value. The methodology used in this research is by conducting a survey at five markets in Surabaya and proceeding with interviews with the local government official. Pugh Matrix Concept Selection (PMCS) method is used to determine the suitable raw materials and to analyze the sustainability of the product development. Through PMCS, the results show that the best material for briquette production based on economic, social, and environmental aspects is a mixture of Samanea saman leaf waste with a 12.83 rating value and rejected papaya as the binding agent with a 10.44 rating value. Briquette with a mixture of 95% Samanea saman leaf waste and 5% rejected papaya is produced with a mesh size of 60 or 250 μm and a compression pressure of 2 MPa and is identified to have a heating value of 4025.87 Kcal/Kg

    Determinants of vaccination coverage and consequences for rabies control in Bali, Indonesia

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    Maintaining high vaccination coverage is key to successful rabies control, but mass dog vaccination can be challenging and population turnover erodes coverage. Declines in rabies incidence following successive island-wide vaccination campaigns in Bali suggest that prospects for controlling and ultimately eliminating rabies are good. Rabies, however, has continued to circulate at low levels. In the push to eliminate rabies from Bali, high coverage needs to be maintained across all areas of the island. We carried out door-to-door (DTD) questionnaire surveys (n = 10,352 dog-owning households) and photographic mark–recapture surveys (536 line transects, 2,597 observations of free-roaming dogs) in 2011–2012 to estimate dog population sizes and assess rabies vaccination coverage and dog demographic characteristics in Bali, Indonesia. The median number of dogs per subvillage unit (banjar) was 43 (range 0–307) for owned dogs estimated from the DTD survey and 17 (range 0–83) for unconfined dogs (including both owned and unowned) from transects. Vaccination coverage of owned dogs was significantly higher in adults (91.4%) compared to juveniles (<1 year, 43.9%), likely due to insufficient targeting of pups and from puppies born subsequent to vaccination campaigns. Juveniles had a 10–70 times greater risk of not being vaccinated in urban, suburban, and rural areas [combined odds ratios (ORs): 9.9–71.1, 95% CI: 8.6–96.0]. Free-roaming owned dogs were also 2–3 times more likely to be not vaccinated compared to those confined (combined Ors: 1.9–3.6, 95% CI: 1.4–5.4), with more dogs being confined in urban (71.2%) than in suburban (16.1%) and rural areas (8.0%). Vaccination coverage estimates from transects were also much lower (30.9%) than household surveys (83.6%), possibly due to loss of collars used to identify the vaccination status of free-roaming dogs, but these unconfined dogs may also include dogs that were unowned or more difficult to vaccinate. Overall, coverage levels were high in the owned dog population, but for future campaigns in Bali to have the highest chance of eliminating rabies, concerted effort should be made to vaccinate free-roaming dogs particularly in suburban and rural areas, with advertising to ensure that owners vaccinate pups. Long-lasting, cheap, and quick methods are needed to mark vaccinated animals and reassure communities of the reach of vaccination campaigns

    Alignment of poultry sector actors with avian influenza control in Indonesia

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) was first officially reported in Indonesia in 2004; the disease is now endemic, particularly in the Java, Sumatra, Bali and South Sulawesi Islands. During the early stages of the epidemic, emergency interventions were mainly implemented by the government with assistance from local and international partners. With the establishment of the disease, emergency control measures were replaced by routine interventions that require stronger involvement of all the actors, particularly in the poultry sector. The main challenge with this approach, however, is whether poultry value chain actors can comply with the requirements for effective implementation of HPAI control measures. To begin addressing this issue, the present study attempted to (i) characterize control measures in terms of expected degree of compliance by both actors in the poultry value chain and the agents responsible for their implementation, and in this manner (ii) identify actors that may be expected to act as compliance fail-points to successful implementation of control measures. The approach posits that actors’ willingness to comply depends fundamentally on the alignment of control measures with the actors’ capacity to comply, their current practices and incentives they face.Non-PRIFPRI2; GRP40MTI

    Hubungan Antara Kejadian Hipokalsemia Pada Waktu Partus Dengan Kelainan-Kelainan Paripartus Yang Lain Pada Sapi Perah

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    Hipokalsemia adalah salah satu penyakit penting pada sapi perah. Hipokalsemia atau paresis pueuralis biasanya terjadi karena sapi tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan kalsium yang mendadak pada awal masa laktasinya. Kasus hipokalsemia di negara yang telah maju teknik peternakannya, sekitar 3-10 persen, bahkan dapat mencapai 90 persen dan populasi sapi di kelompoknya. Gambaran epidemiologi dan keterkaitannya dengan penyakit lain di sekitar waktu kelahiran yang ingin dilihat pada penelitian ini di Indonesia, khususnya di KUD Karang Ploso. Berapa besar tingkat kejadian hipokalsemia pada waktu partus pada sapi-sapi perah di koperasi sus Karangploso Malang ? Adakah hubungan antara kejadian hipokalsemia pada waktu partus dengan penyakit-penyakit peripartus yang lain, seperti distokia, retensi plasenta, metritis, ma titis dun kelainan pada alat gerak (kepincangktnikelumpuhan) ? Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang sebenarnya tentang tingkat kejadian Penyakit hipokalsemia pada waktu partus, dan hubungan antara hipoklasemia pada waktu partus dengan penyakit peripartus yang lain, seperti distokia, metritis, mastitis dan kelainan alat gerak (kebincangan/kelumpuhan), pada sapi perah rakyat yang dipelihara secara tradisional

    Penjadwalan Produksi dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Simulated Annealing

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    X company is a company which produces incense as their main goal. They are using pre–ordering system to do their production process from semi-finished goods to finished goods. By the reason of the same steps of process in all goods production, this process can be categorized as a flowshop. X company still using the FIFO method, so many bottleneck still occured. In the end, it will affect the increase in makespan. Therefore scheduling application with Simulated Annealing Alogorithm is needed to minimize the bottleneck, so the makespan will automatically decrease. Simulated Annealing Algorithm is one of the heuristic method in search of the optimal solution. Optimal solution was obtained by doing job switching with some unique rule called pairwise exchange. Before doing it, we must look for an initial solution with Shortest Processing Time (SPT), Longest Processing Time (LPT), dan First Job Smallest First (FJSF) methods. Initial solution will also be found by FIFO and Brute Force. Experimental result shows that Simulated Annealing Scheduling with 15 jobs (average value of X company’s job order in 1 week) able to save more than 300 minutes compared to FIFO

    Upaya Peningkatan Pemahaman Materi Perkuliahan dengan Menggunakan Perangkat Multimedia Interaktif

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    Mata kuliah Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Veteriner II yang diberikan pada Semester VII, merupakan mata kuliah lanjut yang sangat diperlukan untuk memasuki tingkat Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Hewan. Sebagai mata kuliah lanjut yang tergolong dalam bidang Klinik Veteriner, untuk mempelajari Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Veteriner II diperlukan pengetahuan yang yang cukup dari ilmu-ilmu lain, seperti fisiologi, biokimia, farmakologi, penyakit parasiter, bakterial, viral, dan sebagainya. Dengan demikian, untuk memahami materi mata perkuliahannya diperlukan bukan hanya kemampuan untuk menghafal materinya saja, tetapi juga kemampuan untuk mengintegrasikan dan menerapkan materi-materi perkuliahan lain yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya. Perubahan pola pikir semacam inilah yang seringkali menyulitkan mahasiswa untuk memahami dan menguasai Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Veteriner II, sehingga menimbulkan rasa putus asa dan sebagai akibatnya pencapaian nilainya pun tidak optimal. Perkuliahan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Veteriner II selama ini menggunakan metode tradisional, dimana dosen hanya memberi ceramah di depan kelas sedangkan para mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan ini secara pasif Singkatnya waktu tatap muka pada sistem pengajaran semacam ini ditambah lagi dengan semakin besarnya jumlah mahasiswa yang hams diajar menyebabkan mahasiswa kurang dapat menyerap semua materi perkuliahan dengan sempurna. Beberapa usaha perbaikan sistem belajar-mengajar telah dilakukan selama ini dengan menyediakan bahan ajar dan bahan bacaan tambahan berupa buku¬buku teks dan mewajibkan mahasiswa untuk menggunakannya secara aktif. Namun, karena kebanyakan dalam bahasa Inggris dan jumlahnya sangat terbatas, mahasiswa pada umumnya hanya mengandalkan pada materi perkuliahan berupa fotokopi tranparansi yang diberikan oleh para staf pengajar. Sebenamya, bahan ajar untuk mata kuliah ini sudah diberikan dan dianjurkan untuk dipelajari sebelum perkuliahan dimulai, namun materi yang berbentuk teks tersebut seringkali sulit untuk dipahami dan kurang menarik untuk dibaca oleh mahasiswa. Melalui cara belajar mandiri dengan bantuan perangkat multimedia, yang memuat rangkuman materi perkuliahan dalam bentuk media audiovisual serta kasus-kasus penyakit yang berkaitan dengan tiap sistem tubuh hewan, yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber, misalnya: rekaman wawancara dengan pemilik hewan, hasil koleksi foto-foto kasus di Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, FKH, UNAIR dan gambar-gambar yang dikumpulkan dari buku teks maupun dari sumber internet, terbukti bahwa minat belajar mahasiswa dapat ditingkatkan dan mahasiswa dapat lebih memahami materi perkuliahan. Hal ini terlihat dari semakin tingginya tingkat kehadiran mahasiswa pada waktu kuliah dan praktikum, semakin baiknya proses komunikasi aktif antara dosen dan mahasiswa serta adanya peningkatan rata-rata nilai ujian mahasiswa secara keseluruhan

    Uji Antipiretik Patch Ekstrak Etanol Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) dengan Matriks Chitosan dan Enhancer Tween-80

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    Onion is a traditional medicine that has a lot of pharmacological potential. Flavanoid compounds found in onions have an antipyretic effect that acts as an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes that play a role in the formation of prostaglandins. In this study red onion is formulated into a patch because of its practical use and can avoid the first metabolic pathway. This study aims to analyze the effect of onion ethanol extract patch (Allium ascalonicum L.) on the decrease of body temperature and the number of monocytes in white rats induced by DPT vaccine. This study used 4 treatment groups: positive controls administered paracetamol syrup, negative controls given placebo patch, treatment group 1 treated with red onion ethanol extract without enhancers and treatment group 2 treated with an red onion ethanol extract with enhancers. Rats adapted for 7 days before temperature being measured and the blood being collected from the rat tail in order to calculate the number of monocytes. The animal temperature was measured after injected with vaccine DPT at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 150, 180 minutes meanwhile number of monocyte were calculated every 15 minutes for 120 minutes. The results showed that there was no significant difference in monocyte count of treatment group with positive control but there were significant differences in temperature. The use of onion ethanol extract patch may decrease the temperature and number of monocytes in white mice induced by DPT vaccine