185 research outputs found


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    penelitian ini adalah, untuk mengetahui pembuatan nugget ikan serta pengaruh perbandingan Pangasius hypohthalamus dan Litopenaeus vannamei serta penambahan jenis bahan pengisi yang berbeda-beda. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu penelitian utama. Penelitian utama terdiri dari, analisis respon kimia kadar air dengan metode gravimetri, kadar protein dengan metode kjedahl dan Free Fatty Acid (FFA) dengan metode titrasi dan analisis respon organoleptik dengan atribut tekstur, rasa dan aroma. kemudian dilakukan rancangan analisis variansi (ANAVA) menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan uji lanjut duncan. Berdasarkan hasil dari sifat organoleptik dari segi tekstur, rasa dan aroma panelis cenderung memilih sampel f1p2 yaitu perbandingan ikan patin dan udang vaname 1 : 1 dengan jenis bahan pengisi tepung maizena dimana, perlakuan tersebut memiliki kadar protein sebesar 12.16%, kadar air sebesar 21.71%, kadar ffa sebesar 0.11% yang telah memenuhi persyaratan SNI nugget Kata kunci : , Pangasius hypohthalamus, Litopenaeus vannamei, Bahan Pengisi, Nugget

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengukur Massa Tubuh dan Panjang Badan Elektronik Terintegrasi untuk Evaluasi Gizi Balita

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    ABSTRAKPada saat ini, monitoring gizi balita dievaluasi berdasarkan perkembangan massa tubuh dan panjang badan balita setiap bulan menggunakan 2 buah alat ukur dan memasukkan data pengukuran secara manual pada grafik Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS). Proses pengukuran ini relatif lama dilakukan. Untuk mempercepat proses monitoring, maka pada studi ini dilakukan rancang bangun sistem pengukur massa tubuh dan panjang badan elektronik terintegrasi berbasis Personal Computer (PC). Sistem ini memanfaatkan sensor strain gauge dan transducer ultrasonik untuk mengukur massa tubuh dan panjang badan balita. Kedua alat ukur tersebut diintegrasikan dalam sebuah box bayi kayu. Data hasil pengukuran diolah dengan Arduino Nano dan dikirimkan ke PC untuk proses evaluasi, penyimpanan dan penampilan kondisi gizi balita secara otomatis. Dari hasil pengujian, sistem telah berhasil mengukur massa tubuh dan panjang badan dengan nilai kepresisian secara berturut-turut adalah 150 gr dan 0,12 cm. Sistem juga telah dapat mengevaluasi dan menampilkan gizi balita di PC dalam bentuk digital KMS. Kata kunci: gizi balita, massa tubuh, panjang badan, strain gauge, terintegrasi, transducer ultrasonik. ABSTRACTRecently, the toddler’s nutrient is evaluated based on a monthly body weight and length progress which are measured by two different devices and analyzed manually from Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS), toddler’s health curve standard. These producers indeed take a time much longer. In order to speed up the monitoring procedures, we designed and implemented a Personal Computer (PC) based integrated body weight scale and body length measurement device system. The system utilized four strain gauge sensors and an ultrasonic transducer module to measure body weight and length, respectively. Both devices were integrated in a toddler wood box. The measurement data was processed using an Arduino Nano and subsequently transmitted to a PC for further automatic evaluating, recording and displaying the toddler’s nutrient condition. The experiment results showed that the system has been successful to measure the body weight and length with precision of 150 gr and 0,12 cm, respectively. The system has been able to evaluate and display the toddler nutrient condition on the PC in digital KMS format. Keywords: body length, body weight, integrated system, strain gauge, toddler’s nutrient, ultrasonic transducer


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    Abstract The use of composite materials has been developed in the railroad transportation industry sector in Indonesia. For example, PT INKA has used composite materials with fiber glass reinforcement. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of tensile strength and bending strength of the composite material so that it can be proposed to be further developed and utilized by the manufacturing industry, especially the railroad industry. In this study, 4 types of matrix variations were examined, namely epoxy, repoxy, polyester, and bhispenol using fiber glass reinforcement. Tensile strength and bending strength tests were performed in accordance with the ASTM D-638 and the ASTM D-790 standards, respectively. The results of this study indicate that the variation of the matrix is very influential on the tensile strength and bending strength of composite materials. Keywords: composite material, glass fiber, tensile strength, bending strength  Abstrak Penggunaan material komposit mulai banyak dikembangkan di sektor industri trasportasi kereta api di Indone-sia. Sebagai contoh, PT INKA sudah menggunakan material komposit dengan penguat serat gelas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik kekuatan tarik dan kekuatan bending material komposit agar dapat diusulkan untuk lebih dikembangkan dan dimanfaatkan oleh industri manufaktur, khususnya industri kereta api. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 4 jenis variasi matriks, yaitu epoxy, repoxy, polyester, dan bhispenol dengan menggunakan penguat serat gelas. Pengujian kekuatan tarik menggunakan standar ASTM D-638 dan pengujian bending menggunakan standar ASTM D-790. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa variasi matriks sangat berpengaruh pada kekuatan tarik maupun kekuatan bending material komposit. Kata-kata kunci: material komposit, serat gelas, kekuatan tarik, kekuatan bendin


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    Abstract The use of composite materials has been developed in the railroad transportation industry sector in Indonesia. For example, PT INKA has used composite materials with fiber glass reinforcement. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of tensile strength and bending strength of the composite material so that it can be proposed to be further developed and utilized by the manufacturing industry, especially the railroad industry. In this study, 4 types of matrix variations were examined, namely epoxy, repoxy, polyester, and bhispenol using fiber glass reinforcement. Tensile strength and bending strength tests were performed in accordance with the ASTM D-638 and the ASTM D-790 standards, respectively. The results of this study indicate that the variation of the matrix is very influential on the tensile strength and bending strength of composite materials. Keywords: composite material, glass fiber, tensile strength, bending strength  Abstrak Penggunaan material komposit mulai banyak dikembangkan di sektor industri trasportasi kereta api di Indone-sia. Sebagai contoh, PT INKA sudah menggunakan material komposit dengan penguat serat gelas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik kekuatan tarik dan kekuatan bending material komposit agar dapat diusulkan untuk lebih dikembangkan dan dimanfaatkan oleh industri manufaktur, khususnya industri kereta api. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 4 jenis variasi matriks, yaitu epoxy, repoxy, polyester, dan bhispenol dengan menggunakan penguat serat gelas. Pengujian kekuatan tarik menggunakan standar ASTM D-638 dan pengujian bending menggunakan standar ASTM D-790. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa variasi matriks sangat berpengaruh pada kekuatan tarik maupun kekuatan bending material komposit. Kata-kata kunci: material komposit, serat gelas, kekuatan tarik, kekuatan bendin

    Analisis Penambahan Coupling Agent terhadap Sifat Tarik Biokomposit Kulit Waru (Hibiscus Tiliaceus)-Polyester

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the effect addition of silane coupling agents of Waru bast-polyester composite on tensile strength. Biocomposite is an innovation in material engineering made from the environment-friendly and potentially-developed bast fibers of Waru tree. Waru bast fibers, as reinforcement, were prepared by alkali procces employing using 6% NaOH solution for 120 minutes and then were added coupling agent with variation of 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0%. The biocomposite was formed by continuous fiber arrangement using 60:40 fiber-matrix mass fractions with vacuum pressure resin infusion method. Tensile test specimens were formulated base ASTM D638-03 standard. Biocomposite investigation was performed by tensile test, while bond quality observation utilized use micro photo. The results of the study show that the highest strength of biocomposite was 401,368 Mpa on the silane coupling agent addition0.75

    The Challenges of Microfinance Institutions in Empowering Micro and Small Entrepreneur to Implementating Green Activity

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    This study aims to examine the challenges of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in empowering micro and small entrepreneur to concern and care not only for the business growth but also the environmental sustainability in their surroundings. Indonesia as developing countries also faces the environmental degradation that contributes by micro and small entrepreneurs. Moreover microfinance institutions (MFIs) have substantial relationships in term to preserve the environment because of the objectives are not only achieve the profit but also balancing with the social (people) and environment (planet) achievement and MFIs clients also micro and small entrepreneur who as the majority contributor of environment degradation in developing countries. The discussion of the paper is determined by three research questions (i) What's the role of MFIs in preserving the environment? (ii) How the role of corporate governance in MFIs? (iii) How the implementation of corporate governance in MFIs in empowering micro to implementing green activity (Indonesia Evidence)?. In addition, to ensure the commitment of MFIs should exist corporate governance, which supervise the compliance with Act No.1 2013 related to the sustainability concern from MFIs because until now the impact of the act has not given the significant impact yet because of the importance is not only the existence of regulation but also the consciousness all stakeholders related to comply and implementing of green activity. Keywords: Green Microfinance, Corporate Governance, Sustainability JEL Classifications: G2, G34, Q5


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi saat ini, salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan material dengan sifat lebih baik adalah mengkombinasikan dua bahan atau lebih sehingga diperoleh sifat mekanik yang tinggi dan berat yang lebih ringan. Penggunaan material ini (komposit) sering diaplikasikan pada struktur yang bersifat skunder (secondary structure), salah satunya digunakan sebagai material pada dinding interior kereta api eksekutif PT.INKA. Tujuan dari penelitian ini membahas kekuatan bending pada material interior kereta api dengan metode hand lay-up yang dibuat dengan beberapa matrik epoxy, polyester, bisphenol, dan repoxy dengan spesimen uji mengacu pada standard ASTM D790. Hasil uji bending menunjukkan matrik bisphenol memiliki kekuatan bending tertinggi sebesar 995,6 N, sedangakan hasil uji bending terendah ditunjukkan pada matrik polyester sebesar 474,5 N. Kata kunci: kekuatan bending, dinding kereta api, hand lay-u

    A Secure and Efficient Authentication Technique for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) have been emerging due to the recent technologies in wireless and network communications. The most fundamental part in VANETs is to enable message authentications between vehicles and roadside units. Message authentication using proxy vehicles has been proposed to reduce the computational overhead of roadside units significantly. In this type of message authentication schemes, proxy vehicles with verifying multiple messages at the same time improve computational efficiency of roadside units when there are a large number of vehicles in their coverage areas. In this paper, first we show that the only proxy-based authentication scheme (PBAS) presented for this goal by Liu et al. cannot achieve authenticity of messages, and also it is not resistant against impersonation and modification attacks and false acceptance of batching invalid signatures. Next, we propose a new identity based message authentication using proxy vehicles (ID-MAP). Then, to guarantee that it can satisfy message authentication requirement, existential unforgeability of underlying signature against adaptively chosen-message and identity attack is proved under Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem in the random oracle model. It should be highlighted that ID-MAP not only is more efficient than PBAS since it is pairing-free and does not use map-to-point hash functions, but also it satisfies security and privacy requirements of vehicular ad hoc networks. Furthermore, analysis shows that the required time to verify 3000 messages in ID-MAP is reduced by 76% compared to that of PBAS

    Concordance of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 and 18 in Cervical and Oral Specimen of Cervical Cancer Patients

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    Abstract Objective : To determine the conformity of HPV type 16 and 18 in cervical and oral/buccal specimens from cervical cancer patients. Methods :A cross-sectional study was conducted in March - September 2016 at several hospitals in Makassar. HPV 16 and 18 genotyping in cervical and oral fluid of 77 patients with cervical cancer performed with PCR method. Results : The prevalence of HPV type 18 infection both in the cervical and the oral fluid was higher than HPV type 16 [9(47.4%) vs 5(26.3%)]. The aggreement of HPV type 18 infection (r=0.328;p=0.000) in the cervical-oral sites was higher than HPV type 16 (r=0.194;p=0.042). Conclusion : HPV type 16 and 18 could infect both cervix and oral cavity although type-specific concordance is low. Keywords :Human papillomavirus,servix, oral cavity   Abstrak Tujuan: Mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian hasil pemeriksaan HPV tipe 16 dan 18 antara spesimen serviks dan oral/buccal pada penderita kanker serviks. Metode: Penelitian cross sectional ini dilakukan pada Maret – September 2016 pada beberapa rumah sakit di Makassar. Pemeriksaan HPV 16 dan 18 pada cairan serviks dan oral dari 77 orang penderita kanker serviks menggunakan teknik PCR. Hasil: Prevalensi infeksi bersama pada serviks dan oral HPV tipe 18 lebih tinggi dibandingkan HPV tipe 16 [9(47,4%) vs 5(26,3%)]. Tingkat kesesuaian antara HPV tipe 18 (r=0,328;p=0,000) pada serviks dan oral lebih tinggi dibandingkan tipe 16 (r=0,194;p=0,042). Kesimpulan: HPV tipe 16 dan 18 dapat menginfeksi serviks dan oral meskipun tingkat kesesuaian kedua tipe ini lemah. Kata kunci : Human papillomavirus, serviks, kavum ora
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