4,121 research outputs found

    The role of Attachment Insecurity in the emergency of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescent with migraine: an empirical study

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    Background: It is widely recognised that there are associations between headache, psychiatric comorbidity and attachment insecurity in both adults and children. The aims of this study were: 1) to compare perceived attachment security and anxiety in children and adolescents with migraine without aura and a healthy control group; 2) to test whether the child’s perceived security of attachment to the mother and the father mediated the association between migraine and anxiety. Methods: One hundred children and adolescents with Migraine without Aura were compared with a control group of 100 children without headache. The Security Scale (measures perceived security of attachments) and the Self-Administered Psychiatric Scales for Children and Adolescents, a measure of anxiety symptoms, were administered to all participants. Results: The clinical group had lower attachment security than the control group and higher scores on all anxiety scales. Anxiety was negatively correlated with attachment. Children’s attachment to their mother mediated the increase in global anxiety in the clinical group. Insecure paternal attachment was associated with greater insecurity in maternal attachment, suggesting that there is a complex pathway from migraine to anxiety symptoms mediated by perceived insecurity of paternal attachment and hence also by perceived insecurity of maternal attachment. Conclusion: These results suggest that insecure parental attachment may exacerbate anxiety in children and adolescents with migraine and point to the importance of multimodal interventions, perhaps taking account of family relationships, for children and adolescents with migraine

    Reliability and clinical usefulness of the personality inventory for DSM-5 in clinically referred adolescents. A preliminary report in a sample of Italian inpatients

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    Background The DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorders (AMPD) provides the opportunity to integrate the needed developmental perspective in the assessment of personality pathology. Based on this model, Krueger and colleagues (2012) developed the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5), which operationalizes the proposed DSM-5 traits. Methods Eighty-five consecutively admitted Italian adolescent inpatients were administered the Italian translation of the PID-5, in order to obtain preliminary data on PID-5 reliability and clinical usefulness in clinically referred adolescents. Results With the possible exception of the PID-5 Suspiciousness scale, all other PID-5 scales evidenced adequate internal consistency reliability (i.e., Cronbach's α values of at least .70, most being greater than .80). Our data seemed to yield at least partial support for the construct validity of the PID-5 scales also in clinical adolescents, at least in terms of patterns of associations with dimensionally assessed DSM-5 Section II PDs that were also included in the DSM-5 AMPD (excluding Antisocial PD because of the participants' minor age). Finally, our data suggested that the clinical usefulness of the PID-5 in adolescent inpatients may extend beyond PDs to profiling adolescents at risk for life-threatening suicide attempts. In particular, PID-5 Depressivity, Anhedonia, and Submissiveness trait scales were significantly associated with adolescents' history of life-threatening suicide attempts, even after controlling for a number of other variables, including mood disorder diagnosis. Discussion As a whole, our study may provide interesting, albeit preliminary data as to the clinical usefulness of PID-5 in the assessment of adolescent inpatients

    Problemi metodologici nello studio del processo psicoterapico e nella valutazione dell’attaccamento e del rischio psicopatologico in adolescenza

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    Il gruppo di ricerca che attualmente opera presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia Dinamica e Clinica, ha orientato il proprio lavoro fondamentalmente attorno a due tematiche: lo studio multidimensionale del processo terapeutico (in una prospettiva tanto empirica quanto di ricerca concettuale); la rilevanza della teoria dell’attaccamento e dei sistemi motivazionali per la comprensione dello sviluppo della patologia di personalità e delle sue manifestazioni nel contesto clinico, con particolare riferimento all'adolescenza.Our research group, currently operating at the Department of Dynamic and Clinic Psychology, have mainly focused on two topics: the study on therapeutic process (in the perspectives of both empirical and conceptual research); the relevance of attachment theory for the understanding of abnormal personality development and its manifestations within the clinical context, with specific reference to adolescence

    Integrated pest and pollinator management - expanding the concept

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    The objective of integrated pest and pollinator management (IPPM) is to co-manage for pest control and pollination goals. Departing from the well-established concept of integrated pest management, we include pollinator management in a hierarchical decision support system of management actions. We depict this support system as an IPPM pyramid. Priority is given to proactive measures at the base of the pyramid, which are undertaken through landscape and crop field management of mobile organisms, primarily arthropods. Farther up the pyramid, practices in the form of reactive use of biotic and abiotic inputs should align with basal actions. The goal of IPPM is to minimize trade-offs, and to maximize co-benefits and synergies between pest and pollinator management. We contend that IPPM has the potential to contribute to sustainable pest control and crop pollination, as well as provide broader environmental benefits

    Spin structures on 3-manifolds via arbitrary triangulations

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    Let M be an oriented compact 3-manifold and let T be a (loose) triangulation of M, with ideal vertices at the components of the boundary of M and possibly internal vertices. We show that any spin structure s on M can be encoded by extra combinatorial structures on T. We then analyze how to change these extra structures on T, and T itself, without changing s, thereby getting a combinatorial realization, in the usual "objects/moves" sense, of the set of all pairs (M,s). Our moves have a local nature, except one, that has a global flavour but is explicitly described anyway. We also provide an alternative approach where the global move is replaced by simultaneous local ones.Comment: 49 pages, many figure

    The relationship between mood disorders, personality disorder and suicidality in adolescence: does general personality disturbance play a significant role in predicting suicidal behavior?

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    INTRODUCTION: Current research points to the importance personality pathology and Major Depression e as relevant psycopathological risk factors for understanding suicidal risk in adolescence. Literature has mainly focused on the role of BPD, however current orientations in personality pathological functioning suggest that BPD may be the representative of a general personality disturbance, a factor of vulnerability underlying diverse psychopathological variants and aspects of maladaptive functioning. However, recent studies seem to have neglected the contributions that other specific personality disorders and personality pathology as a general factor of vulnerability for suicidality; and only marginally investigated the interaction of personality disorder (PD) as an overall diagnosis and individual PDs and major depression (MDD). In this paper, the independent and cumulative effects of MDD and DSM-IV PDs on suicidal risk are investigated in a sample of adolescents observed in a longitudinal window of observation ranging from three months preceding the assessment to a six-month follow up period of clinical monitoring. METHODS: A sample of 118 adolescents (mean age = 15.48 ± 1.14) referred for assessment and treatment on account of suicidal ideation or behavior were administered the CSSRS, SCID II, Kiddie-SADS at admission at inpatient and outpatient Units. All subjects included in the study had reported suicidal ideation or suicide attempts at the C-SSRS; The CSSRS was applied again to all patients who reported further suicidal episodes during the six-months follow-up period of clinical monitoring. Dimensional diagnoses of PDs was obtained by summing the number of criteria met by each subject at SCID-%-PD 5, In order, to test the significance of the associations between the variables chosen as predictors (categorical and dimensional PDs and MD diagnosis), and the suicidal outcomes variables suicide attempts, number of suicide attempts and potential lethality of suicide attempt, non-parametric bivariate correlations, logistic regression models and mixed-effects Poisson regression were performed PD. RESULTS: The categorical and dimensional diagnosis of PD showed to be a significant risk factors for suicide attempt and their recurrence, independently of BPD, that anyway was confirmed to be a specific significant risk factor for suicidal behaviors. Furthermore, PD assessed at a categorical and dimensional level and Major Depression exert an influence on suicidal behaviors and their lethality both as independent and cumulative risk factors. LIMITATIONS: Besides incorporating dimensional thinking into our approach to assessing psychopathology, our study still relied on traditionally defined assessment of PD. Future studies should include AMPD-defined personality pathology in adolescence to truly represent dimensional thinking. CONCLUSION: These results point to the importance of early identification of the level of severity of personality pathology at large and its co-occurrence with Major Depression for the management of suicidal risk in adolescence

    Improved protection in guinea pigs after vaccination with a recombinant BCG expressing MPT64 on its surface

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    Abstract The lack of an efficient vaccine against tuberculosis is still one of the major problems threatening global human health. In previous work we showed that expression of the protective antigen MPT64 on the surface of Mycobacterium bovis BCG, the only approved vaccine against tuberculosis, strongly improved its immunogenicity and protective potential in mice. In this work we demonstrate that the same recombinant strain is able to induce better protection than wild type BCG also in guinea pigs preventing Mycobacterium tuberculosis dissemination and lung pathology, making this strain a strong candidate for further testing

    Survey on arterial hypertension management: a report from the ESC Council for Cardiology Practice and the ESC Council on Hypertension

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    Aims: To explore the management of hypertensive patients by general cardiologists a few months after the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)-European Society of Hypertension (ESH) Guidelines publication. Methods and results: A survey based on a 26-point questionnaire was sent to ∼69 000 worldwide ESC members, a few months after the ESC-ESH Guidelines publication. A total of 1458 responses were collected via a web-based form. Among them, 68% were men, 48% were below 45 years old, and 60% were from Europe. Current guidelines have been read, at least partially, by 92.8%. Measurement of blood pressure (BP) is mostly done using the auscultatory method (58.8%) while unattended BP is rarely performed. Different bladder cuffs are not available for different arm circumferences for 27% of responders. Routine workup in hypertensive patients includes more often 12 leads ECG (97.7%) and echocardiography (79.6%). Only 30.9% of responders systematically assess the cardiovascular risk by the SCORE system and orthostatic hypotension is systematically researched by only 39.1%. Respondents consider that BP target of 140/90 mmHg is achievable in 60-80% of patients and 130/80 mmHg in 40-60%. Guidelines are considered too tight to be achievable by 15.6%, while 77.4% consider they are exactly right. Low patient's compliance, awareness of hypertension (HT) risk, and, at a lower degree, physician inertia, represent the main treatment challenges in reaching BP goals to most respondents, while treatment effectiveness is not in question. The present survey demonstrates specific gaps in HT management that need attention in clinical practice

    Genome wide scan for somatic cell counts in holstein bulls

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    Mastitis is the most costly disease for dairy production, and control of the disease is often difficult, due to its multi-factorial nature. Susceptibility to mastitis is under partial genetic control and the industry uses indirect selection for decreased concentrations of somatic cells in milk to reduce mastitis. Background: Mastitis is the most costly disease for dairy production, and control of the disease is often difficult, due to its multi-factorial nature. Susceptibility to mastitis is under partial genetic control and the industry uses indirect selection for decreased concentrations of somatic cells in milk to reduce mastitis. Methods: A genome-wide scan was performed to identify genomic regions associated with deregressed estimated breeding values (EBVs) for somatic cell counts (SCC) in Holstein bulls. In total 1183 proven bulls of the Italian of Holstein population, were genotyped with the BovineSNP50 BeadChip (Illumina, San Diego, CA) and a whole genome association analysis was performed using the R package GenABEL. Results: Two chromosomal regions showed association with SCC, a region on chromosome 14 with high significance (P < 5x10-6) and a region on chromosome 6 with moderate significance (P < 5x10-5). Conclusions: Two regions with effects on SCC have been identified with good statistical support. A further study of these candidate regions will be performed to verify the results and identify the causal mutations

    Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Organic Solar Cells

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    In this article, we continue our mathematical study of organic solar cells (OSCs) and propose a two-scale (micro- and macro-scale) model of heterojunction OSCs with interface geometries characterized by an arbitrarily complex morphology. The microscale model consists of a system of partial and ordinary differential equations in an heterogeneous domain, that provides a full description of excitation/transport phenomena occurring in the bulk regions and dissociation/recombination processes occurring in a thin material slab across the interface. The macroscale model is obtained by a micro-to-macro scale transition that consists of averaging the mass balance equations in the normal direction across the interface thickness, giving rise to nonlinear transmission conditions that are parametrized by the interfacial width. These conditions account in a lumped manner for the volumetric dissociation/recombination phenomena occurring in the thin slab and depend locally on the electric field magnitude and orientation. Using the macroscale model in two spatial dimensions, device structures with complex interface morphologies, for which existing data are available, are numerically investigated showing that, if the electric field orientation relative to the interface is taken into due account, the device performance is determined not only by the total interface length but also by its shape