134 research outputs found


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    Over the next half-century, scientists anticipate that nearly one third of the currently recognized 7,450 amphibian species will become extinct. Many organizations have responded to the challenge of conserving amphibian biodiversity, some indirectly. Under the auspices of the Iowa Great Lakes Management Plan, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Natural Resources, and their partners have been implementing habitat restoration efforts designed to protect water quality, provide recreational opportunities, and benefit wildlife at the regional level. With this program, over 130 wetlands have been created in the past 30 years on recently purchased public lands—one of the largest wetland restoration projects conducted in the Prairie Pothole Region of the Great Plains. While amphibians were not the main target of these restorations, we show that in response, 121 new breeding populations of native Northern Leopard Frogs (Lithobates pipiens; n = 80) and Eastern Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum; n = 41) have been established; in addition, we found 19 populations of non-native American Bullfrogs (L. catesbeianus). Using the program PRESENCE, we show that leopard frog occupancy was greatest in newer (<18 years old), intermediate-sized wetlands, and that tiger salamander occupancy was greatest in small wetlands without fish and larval bullfrogs. These data imply that because native amphibians responded positively to these newly established wetlands, habitat availability has likely been a factor in limiting population numbers. Further, these data suggest the presence of fishes and introduced bullfrogs interferes with the ability of tiger salamanders to colonize restored wetlands

    Therapeutic collaboration and resistance: describing the nature and quality of the therapeutic relationship within ambivalence events using the therapeutic collaboration coding system

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    We understand ambivalence as a cyclical movement between two opposing parts of the self. The emergence of a novel part produces an innovative moment, challenging the current maladaptive self-narrative. However, the novel part is subsequently attenuated by a return to the maladaptive self-narrative. This study focused on the analysis of the therapeutic collaboration in episodes in which a relatively poor-outcome client in narrative therapy expressed ambivalence. Method: For our analysis we used the Therapeutic Collaboration Coding System, developed to assess whether and how the therapeutic dyad is working within the therapeutic zone of proximal development (TZPD). Results: Results showed that when the therapist challenged the client after the emergence of ambivalence, the client tended to invalidate (reject or ignore) the therapist’s intervention. Conclusions: This suggests that in such ambivalence episodes the therapist did not match the client’s developmental level, and by working outside the TZPD unintentionally contributed to the maintaining the client’s ambivalence

    Validating an Operational Flood Forecast Model Using Citizen Science in Hampton Roads, VA, USA

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    Changes in the eustatic sea level have enhanced the impact of inundation events in the coastal zone, ranging in significance from tropical storm surges to pervasive nuisance flooding events. The increased frequency of these inundation events has stimulated the production of interactive web-map tracking tools to cope with changes in our changing coastal environment. Tidewatch Maps, developed by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), is an effective example of an emerging street-level inundation mapping tool. Leveraging the Semi-implicit Cross-scale Hydro-science Integrated System Model (SCHISM) as the engine, Tidewatch operationally disseminates 36-h inundation forecast maps with a 12-h update frequency. SCHISM’s storm tide forecasts provide surge guidance for the legacy VIMS Tidewatch Charts sensor-based tidal prediction platform, while simultaneously providing an interactive and operationally functional forecast mapping tool with hourly temporal resolution and a 5 m spatial resolution throughout the coastal plain of Virginia, USA. This manuscript delves into the hydrodynamic modeling and geospatial methods used at VIMS to automate the 36-h street-level flood forecasts currently available via Tidewatch Maps, and the paradigm-altering efforts involved in validating the spatial, vertical, and temporal accuracy of the model. Supplementary material: Catch the King Tide GPS data points were collected by volunteers to effectively breadcrumb their path tracing the tidal high water contour lines by pressing the \u27Save Data\u27 button in the free Sea Level Rise Mobile App every few steps along the water\u27s edge during the high tide on the morning of November 5th, 2017. https://doi.org/10.25773/276h-2b4

    Primeros registros para Colombia de cuatro taxones de la familia tyrannidae (aves: passeriformes)

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    En esta comunicación presentamos datos sobre cuatro taxones de la familia Tyrannidae que representan registros nuevos para el territorio colombiano, todos respaldados con especímenes en la colección del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN). La mayoría de los registros son del campo petrolero de Caño Limón, a unos 55 km al occidente de la ciudad de Arauca, en la parte septentrional del Departamento de Arauca. Las características de este sitio y datos generales de su avifauna fueron presentados por McN ish and amp; Stiles (1992), Yun anålisis detallado de la ecología y afinidades biogeogråficas de esta avifauna fue realizado por Rojas and amp; Piragua (1992)

    Looking both ways

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    On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the journal, Psychotherapy Research, three former editors first look back at: (i) the controversial persistence of the Dodo verdict (i.e., the observation that all bona fide therapies seem equally effective); (ii) the connection between process and outcome; (iii) the move toward methodological pluralism; and (iv) the politicization of the field around evidence-based practice and treatment guidelines. We then look forward to the next 25 years, suggesting that it would be promising to focus on three areas: (i) systematic theory-building research; (ii) renewed attention to fine-grained study of therapist techniques; and (iii) politically expedient research on the outcomes of marginalized or emerging therapies

    Using microalgae in the circular economy to valorise anaerobic digestate::Challenges and Opportunities

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    Managing organic waste streams is a major challenge for the agricultural industry. Anaerobic digestion (AD) of organicwastes is a preferred option in the waste management hierarchy, as this processcangenerate renewableenergy, reduce emissions from wastestorage, andproduce fertiliser material.However, Nitrate Vulnerable Zone legislation and seasonal restrictions can limit the use of digestate on agricultural land. In this paper we demonstrate the potential of cultivating microalgae on digestate as a feedstock, either directlyafter dilution, or indirectlyfromeffluent remaining after biofertiliser extraction. Resultant microalgal biomass can then be used to produce livestock feed, biofuel or for higher value bio-products. The approach could mitigate for possible regional excesses, and substitute conventional high-impactproducts with bio-resources, enhancing sustainability withinacircular economy. Recycling nutrients from digestate with algal technology is at an early stage. We present and discuss challenges and opportunities associated with developing this new technology

    Application of a Mechanistic Model to Evaluate Putative Mechanisms of Tolvaptan Drug-Induced Liver Injury and Identify Patient Susceptibility Factors

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    Tolvaptan is a selective vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist, approved in several countries for the treatment of hyponatremia and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). No liver injury has been observed with tolvaptan treatment in healthy subjects and in non-ADPKD indications, but ADPKD clinical trials showed evidence of drug-induced liver injury (DILI). Although all DILI events resolved, additional monitoring in tolvaptan-treated ADPKD patients is required. In vitro assays identified alterations in bile acid disposition and inhibition of mitochondrial respiration as potential mechanisms underlying tolvaptan hepatotoxicity. This report details the application of DILIsym software to determine whether these mechanisms could account for the liver safety profile of tolvaptan observed in ADPKD clinical trials. DILIsym simulations included physiologically based pharmacokinetic estimates of hepatic exposure for tolvaptan and2 metabolites, and their effects on hepatocyte bile acid transporters and mitochondrial respiration. The frequency of predicted alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevations, following simulated 90/30 mg split daily dosing, was 7.9% compared with clinical observations of 4.4% in ADPKD trials. Toxicity was multifactorial as inhibition of bile acid transporters and mitochondrial respiration contributed to the simulated DILI. Furthermore, simulation analysis identified both pre-treatment risk factors and on-treatment biomarkers predictive of simulated DILI. The simulations demonstrated that in vivo hepatic exposure to tolvaptan and the DM-4103 metabolite, combined with these 2 mechanisms of toxicity, were sufficient to account for the initiation of tolvaptan-mediated DILI. Identification of putative risk-factors and potential novel biomarkers provided insight for the development of mechanism-based tolvaptan risk-mitigation strategies

    Cassini RADAR Sequence Planning and Instrument Performance

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    The Cassini RADAR is a multimode instrument used to map the surface of Titan, the atmosphere of Saturn, the Saturn ring system, and to explore the properties of the icy satellites. Four different active mode bandwidths and a passive radiometer mode provide a wide range of flexibility in taking measurements. The scatterometer mode is used for real aperture imaging of Titan, high-altitude (around 20 000 km) synthetic aperture imaging of Titan and Iapetus, and long range (up to 700 000 km) detection of disk integrated albedos for satellites in the Saturn system. Two SAR modes are used for high- and medium-resolution (300-1000 m) imaging of Titan's surface during close flybys. A high-bandwidth altimeter mode is used for topographic profiling in selected areas with a range resolution of about 35 m. The passive radiometer mode is used to map emission from Titan, from Saturn's atmosphere, from the rings, and from the icy satellites. Repeated scans with differing polarizations using both active and passive data provide data that can usefully constrain models of surface composition and structure. The radar and radiometer receivers show very good stability, and calibration observations have provided an absolute calibration good to about 1.3 dB. Relative uncertainties within a pass and between passes can be even smaller. Data are currently being processed and delivered to the planetary data system at quarterly intervals one year after being acquired

    'Ain't it a Ripping Night': Alcoholism and the Legacies of Empire in Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children.

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    In the era of decolonisation that followed the Second World War, various authors sought to engage with India and the Empire’s past anew throughout their novels, identifying medicine and illness as key parts of Imperial authority and colonial experience. Salman Rushdie’s approach to the Raj in Midnight’s Children (1981) focused on the broad sweep of colonial life, juxtaposing the political and the personal. This article argues that Rushdie explores the history of colonial India by employing alcohol and alcoholism as lenses through which to explore the cultural, political and medical legacies of Empire. Through analysis of Midnight’s Children as well as a range of medical sources related to alcohol and inebriation, it will illustrate how drinking is central to Rushdie’s approach to secular and religious identities in newly independent India, as well as a means of satirising and undermining the supposed benefit that Empire presented to India and Indians

    Profiling Critical Cancer Gene Mutations in Clinical Tumor Samples

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    Background: Detection of critical cancer gene mutations in clinical tumor specimens may predict patient outcomes and inform treatment options; however, high-throughput mutation profiling remains underdeveloped as a diagnostic approach. We report the implementation of a genotyping and validation algorithm that enables robust tumor mutation profiling in the clinical setting. Methodology: We developed and implemented an optimized mutation profiling platform (“OncoMap”) to interrogate ∌400 mutations in 33 known oncogenes and tumor suppressors, many of which are known to predict response or resistance to targeted therapies. The performance of OncoMap was analyzed using DNA derived from both frozen and FFPE clinical material in a diverse set of cancer types. A subsequent in-depth analysis was conducted on histologically and clinically annotated pediatric gliomas. The sensitivity and specificity of OncoMap were 93.8% and 100% in fresh frozen tissue; and 89.3% and 99.4% in FFPE-derived DNA. We detected known mutations at the expected frequencies in common cancers, as well as novel mutations in adult and pediatric cancers that are likely to predict heightened response or resistance to existing or developmental cancer therapies. OncoMap profiles also support a new molecular stratification of pediatric low-grade gliomas based on BRAF mutations that may have immediate clinical impact. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate the clinical feasibility of high-throughput mutation profiling to query a large panel of “actionable” cancer gene mutations. In the future, this type of approach may be incorporated into both cancer epidemiologic studies and clinical decision making to specify the use of many targeted anticancer agents
