687 research outputs found

    Mutual benefit, added value? Doing research in the National Health Service

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    The National Health Service (NHS) has recently been the focus of government efforts to retain pharmaceutical research in the UK. Efforts to foster new partnerships between health care providers and industry have been framed with suggestions that clinical trials can offer patient benefit within the NHS, cutting across ethical and sociological concerns with the possible tension between doing research and offering care. This paper draws on ethnographic research to explore the sometimes awkward juxtapositions between trial protocols and everyday care, individual health and commercial profit, and thus the distribution of value produced through trials. While researchers appear to find the distinction between research and care useful, at least some of the time, both formal and informal strategies for living with this distinction may have the unintended consequence of making research appear supplementary to rather than simply different from clinical care

    ‘And breathe…’? The sociology of health and illness in COVID-19 time

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    The drugs don't sell: DIY heart health and the over-the-counter statin experience

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    This paper draws on a study of over-the-counter statins to provide a critical account of the figure of the ‘pharmaceutical consumer’ as a key actor in the pharmaceuticalisation literature. A low dose statin, promising to reduce cardiovascular risk, was reclassified to allow sale in pharmacies in the UK in 2004. We analysed professional and policy debates about the new product, promotional and sales information, and interviews with consumers and potential consumers conducted between 2008 and 2011, to consider the different consumer identities invoked by these diverse actors. While policymakers constructed an image of ‘the citizen-consumer’ who would take responsibility for heart health through exercising the choice to purchase a drug that was effectively rationed on the NHS and medical professionals raised concerns about ‘a flawed consumer’ who was likely to misuse the product, both these groups assumed that there would be a market for the drug. By contrast, those who bought the product or potentially fell within its target market might appear as ‘health consumers’, seeking out and paying for different food and lifestyle products and services, including those targeting high cholesterol. However, they were reluctant ‘pharmaceutical consumers’ who either preferred to take medication on the advice of a doctor, or sought to minimize medicine use. In comparison to previous studies, our analysis builds understanding of individual consumers in a market, rather than collective action for access to drugs (or, less commonly, compensation for adverse effects). Where some theories of pharmaceuticalisation have presented consumers as creating pressure for expanding markets, our data suggests that sociologists should be cautious about assuming there will be demand for new pharmaceutical products, especially those aimed at prevention or asymptomatic conditions, even in burgeoning health markets

    On difference and doubt as tools for critical engagement with public health

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    This paper argues that critical public health should reengage with public health as practice by drawing on versions of Science and Technology Studies (STS) that ‘de-centre the human’ and by seeking alternative forms of critique to work inspired by Foucault. Based on close reading of work by Annemarie Mol, John Law, Vicky Singleton and others, I demonstrate that these authors pursue a conversation with Foucault but suggest new approaches to studying contemporary public health work in different settings. Proposing that we ‘doubt’ both the unity of public health and its effects, I argue that this version of STS opens up a space to recognise multiplicity; to avoid idealising what is being criticised; and to celebrate or care for public health practices as part of critique. Finally I oppose the view that considering technologies, materials and microbes leads to micro-level analysis or political neutrality, and suggest that it allows us to reframe studies of public health to account for inequalities and to draw attention to weak or retreating states, active markets and the entangled relations of humans and non-humans across the world

    Healthcare practitioner views and experiences of patients self-monitoring blood pressure: vignette study

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    Background Home self-monitoring of blood pressure is widely used in primary care to assist in the diagnosis of hypertension, as well as to improve clinical outcomes and support adherence to medication. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) care pathways for hypertension recommend specific guidelines, although they lack detail on supporting patients to self-monitor. Aim To elicit primary care practitioners’ experiences of managing patients’ home blood pressure self-monitoring, across surgeries located in different socioeconomic areas. Design & setting A qualitative focus group study was conducted with a total of 21 primary care professionals. Method Participants were GPs and practice nurses (PNs), purposively recruited from surgeries in areas of low and high deprivation, according to the English indices of multiple deprivation. Six vignettes were developed featuring data from interviews with people who self-monitor and these were used in five focus groups. Results were thematically analysed. Results Themes derived in the thematic analysis largely reflected topics covered by the vignettes. These included: advice on purchase of a device; supporting home monitoring; mitigating patient anxiety experienced as a result of home monitoring; valuing patients’ data; and effect of socioeconomic factors. Conclusion The work provides an account of methods used by primary care practitioners in the management of home blood pressure self-monitoring, where guidance may be lacking and primary care practitioners act on their own judgement. Findings complement recent policy documentation, which recognises the need to adopt new ways of working to empower patients (for example, additional support from healthcare assistants), but lacks detail on how this should be done

    Prevention is better than cure, but...: Preventive medication as a risk to ordinariness?

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    Preventive health remains at the forefront of public health concerns; recent initiatives, such as the NHS health check, may lead to recommendations for medication in response to the identification of 'at risk' individuals. Little is known about lay views of preventive medication. This paper uses the case of aspirin as a prophylactic against heart disease to explore views among people invited to screening for a trial investigating the efficacy of such an approach. Qualitative interviews (N=46) and focus groups (N=5, participants 31) revealed dilemmas about preventive medication in the form of clashes between norms: first, in general terms, assumptions about the benefit of prevention were complicated by dislike of medication; second, the individual duty to engage in prevention was complicated by the need not to be over involved with one's own health; third, the potential appeal of this alternative approach to health promotion was complicated by unease about the implications of encouraging irresponsible behaviour among others. Though respondents made different decisions about using the drug, they reported very similar ways of trying to resolve these conflicts, drawing upon concepts of necessity and legitimisation and the special ordinariness of the particular dru

    Adaptation and conservation insights from the koala genome

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    The koala, the only extant species of the marsupial family Phascolarctidae, is classified as ‘vulnerable’ due to habitat loss and widespread disease. We sequenced the koala genome, producing a complete and contiguous marsupial reference genome, including centromeres. We reveal that the koala’s ability to detoxify eucalypt foliage may be due to expansions within a cytochrome P450 gene family, and its ability to smell, taste and moderate ingestion of plant secondary metabolites may be due to expansions in the vomeronasal and taste receptors. We characterized novel lactation proteins that protect young in the pouch and annotated immune genes important for response to chlamydial disease. Historical demography showed a substantial population crash coincident with the decline of Australian megafauna, while contemporary populations had biogeographic boundaries and increased inbreeding in populations affected by historic translocations. We identified genetically diverse populations that require habitat corridors and instituting of translocation programs to aid the koala’s survival in the wild

    PRNP variation in UK sporadic and variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease highlights genetic risk factors and a novel non-synonymous polymorphism

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic analysis of the human prion protein gene (<it>PRNP</it>) in suspect cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is necessary for accurate diagnosis and case classification. Previous publications on the genetic variation at the <it>PRNP </it>locus have highlighted the presence of numerous polymorphisms, in addition to the well recognised one at codon 129, with significant variability between geographically distinct populations. It is therefore of interest to consider their influence on susceptibility or the clinico-pathological disease phenotype. This study aimed to characterise the frequency and effect of <it>PRNP </it>open reading frame polymorphisms other than codon 129 in both disease and control samples sourced from the United Kingdom population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>DNA was extracted from blood samples and genetic data obtained by full sequence analysis of the prion protein gene or by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis using restriction enzymes specific to the gene polymorphism under investigation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>147 of 166 confirmed cases of variant CJD (vCJD) in the UK have had <it>PRNP </it>codon 129 genotyping and all are methionine homozygous at codon 129; 118 have had full <it>PRNP </it>gene sequencing. Of the latter, 5 cases have shown other polymorphic loci: at codon 219 (2, 1.69%), at codon 202 (2, 1.69%), and a 24 bp deletion in the octapeptide repeat region (1, 0.85%). E219K and D202D were not found in sporadic CJD (sCJD) cases and therefore may represent genetic risk factors for vCJD.</p> <p>Genetic analysis of 309 confirmed UK sCJD patients showed codon 129 genotype frequencies of MM: 59.5% (n = 184), MV: 21.4% (n = 66), and VV: 19.1% (n = 59). Thirteen (4.2%) had the A117A polymorphism, one of which also had the P68P polymorphism, four (1.3%) had a 24 bp deletion, and a single patient had a novel missense variation at codon 167. As the phenotype of this latter case is similar to sCJD and in the absence of a family history of CJD, it is unknown whether this is a form of genetic CJD, or simply a neutral polymorphism.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This analysis of <it>PRNP </it>genetic variation in UK CJD patients is the first to show a comprehensive comparison with healthy individuals (n = 970) from the same population, who were genotyped for the three most common variations (codon 129, codon 117, and 24 bp deletion). These latter two genetic variations were equally frequent in UK sCJD or vCJD cases and a normal (healthy blood donor) UK population.</p