1,342 research outputs found

    Differences in the expression of telomerase and prostate-specific membrane antigen in non-advanced prostatic cancer

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    Early recognition of prostate cancer (PC) based on biological markers could be helpful in identification of differences in benign and malignant lesions and facilitate further precise indication for more aggressive treatment. Therefore, the aim of our study was to assess expression of hTERT (human telomerase reverse transcriptase, a catalytic subunit of telomerase) and prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA), both considered to be markers of tumor aggressiveness. 140 low advanced PC specimens from patients who underwent radical prostatectomy were studied. Protein expression was assessed immunohistochemically on tumor sections and expressed as labeling index (LI), i.e. the percentage of positively stained cells. In case of telomerase, only nuclear staining and in case of PSMA, membrane and cytoplasmic staining, were considered as positive. The mean age of the patients was 62.9 ± 6.2 years. There were 75 (53.6%) well differentiated tumors (Gleason score ≤ 6), 52 (37.1%) moderately differentiated tumors (Gleason score of 7) and 13 (9.3%) poorly differentiated tumors (Gleason score 8-10). The mean pre-operative serum PSA was 9.9 ± SE 5.5 ng/mL, and the mean LI were 18.0 ± 1.5% and 44.1 ± 1.9%, for hTERT and PSMA, respectively. With increase of pathological tumor stage and tumor grade statistically significant increase of PSA serum concentration (P < 0.011) and PSMA (P < 0.004) expression was noticed, however, for expression of telomerase the relation was opposite one. The observed in higher pTNM stages and tumor grades decrease in nuclear expression of hTERT was caused by translocation of the subunit to the cytoplasm, what may indicate extranuclear telomerase activity independent of telomere lengthening, hence, it cannot be considered as a marker of malignancy. Higher PSMA expression in higher pTNM stages and tumor grades suggest that PSMA may be a good marker of biological aggressiveness suitable for patients’ selection for more aggressive treatment. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1, 66–72

    Wykorzystanie dziedzictwa kulturowego Łemkowszczyzny w ofertach wyjazdowych polskich organizatorów turystyki

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    The article is an attempt to answer the question of the extent to which the cultural heritage of the Lemko ethnic group is used in the content of offers of tours to the Lemko region organized by Polish travel agencies. As a result of the internet query, tourist offers existing in 2022 were selected for research, the program of which was based on the cultural legacy of the Lemkos. In particular, the research took into account the selection of cultural values in the construction of the offer. The analysis of the offers showed that the sites most frequently used in tour offers were churches inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Moreover, reference to material heritage dominated the content of the offers. The research showed that in the modest offer of tours to the Lemko region, only part of the cultural heritage potential of this historical region was used.Artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o zakres wykorzystania dziedzictwa kulturowego łemkowskiej grupy etnicznej w treści ofert wycieczek na Łemkowszczyznę organizowanych przez polskie biura podróży. W wyniku kwerendy internetowej do badań wytypowano istniejące w 2022 r. oferty turystyczne, których program bazował na spuściźnie kulturowej Łemków. W badaniach uwzględniono szczególnie wybór walorów kulturowych w konstrukcji oferty. Analiza ofert wykazała, że obiekty najczęściej wykorzystywane w ofertach wycieczek to cerkwie wpisane na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO. Ponadto w treści ofert dominowało odwołanie do dziedzictwa materialnego. Badania wykazały, że w skromnej ofercie wycieczek na teren Łemkowszczyzny wykorzystano jedynie część potencjału dziedzictwa kulturowego tego regionu historycznego

    About the politicization of the Antigone myth by Rolf Hochhuth

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    The Antigone myth is one of the most famous myths in the history of literature. History of sisterly love is as old as the human civilization, although it still inspires literary scholars to look for new interpretations. Rolf Hochhuth converts mythical theme into Second World War story. Die Berliner Antigone looks at the National Socialism and asks about conditio humana. Likewise Hochhuth’s  Antigone rejects human laws and buries her dead brother – nameless officer sentenced to death for his “shameless” remark: It was Hitler, not Russians, who destroyed the 6th Army at the Stalingrad. Interestingly Anne, alias Antigone, is not motivated by politics or religion but nevertheless she’s still dragged into political machinations and extermination system. Heiner Müller wrote in his biography: ‘myths are clotted collective experiences, or esperanto – an international language, that is understood not only in Europe’. Basing on Hochhuth’s story one can analyze transformations of a myth and functions attributed to it only to notice that models human behavior are basically the same. In his novel German writer is only referencing ancient myth showing readers, through modernization, how timeless the theme is

    Zmiany w rozmieszczeniu i strukturze ludności łemkowskiej na terenie powiatu nowosądeckiego w latach 1900–1947

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    The article constitutes an analysis of the changes in the social structure of the Lemko population which took place in the period between 1900 and the displacements of the years 1945–1947 in the territory of Nowy Sącz County, whose south-eastern areas formed part of the so-called Lemkivshchyna ethnographic region. The author of the paper also uses existing historical research to determine the factors which influenced the changes in the structure of the above defined ethnic group in terms of population size, identity, and religion, as well as discusses the characteristic features of Lemko settlements and their transformations

    Ochrona własności nieruchomości przed immisjami w prawie polskim

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    Publikacja stanowi kompleksowe opracowanie problematyki ochrony własności nieruchomości przed immisjami w prawie polskim. Przedmiotem analizy są m.in.: konstytucyjne i aksjologiczne podstawy tej ochrony, pojęcie sąsiedztwa nieruchomości i prawa sąsiedzkiego, pojęcie i rodzaje immisji, a także kryteria uznania poszczególnych oddziaływań na nieruchomości za immisje. Omówieniu podlegają również środki ochrony przed immisjami, wynikające zarówno z przepisów kodeksu cywilnego (jak np. roszczenia: negatoryjne, odszkodowawcze, o zapobieżenie szkodzie czy wstrzymanie budowy), ale także z przepisów szczególnych, takich jak ustawa o własności lokali, Prawo ochrony środowiska czy Prawo budowlane. W oparciu o dorobek doktryny i judykatury, Autorka podejmuje próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o skuteczność ochrony własności nieruchomości przed immisjami w aktualnym stanie prawnym, a także formułuje wnioski de lege ferenda, mogące tę ochronę zwiększyć

    Konferencja naukowa Przestrzenie przekładu w Sosnowcu

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    W dniach 15–16 października 2015 roku na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu Śląskiego odbyła się konferencja naukowa Przestrzenie przekładu zorganizowana przez Instytut Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. W skład komitetu naukowego weszły dr hab. Jolanta Lubocha- Kruglik oraz dr hab. Oksana Małysa, w skład komitetu organizacyjnego — dr G abriela Wilk, mgr Anna Paszkowska-Wilk, mgr Anna Podstawska oraz mgr Sławomir Smugowski[...

    "Kierunek - wschód! Tam musi być jakaś cywilizacja!" : czyli o przekładzie filmu "Seksmisja" na język rosyjski

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    The article analyzes a fragment of a voice-over translation into Russian of a Polish cult movie Sexmission by Jan Machulski. The voice-over technique enables the viewer to simultaneously listen to the translated text read by a pair of readers and to the original lines spoken by the actors themselves. Sexmission is a comedy in which the linguistic qualities such as the individual speaking style of particular protagonists are of great importance. Accordingly, one of the crucial tasks in the translation process is to convey the linguistic humor. The choices made by the translator in terms of linguistic equivalents influence the reception and assesment of the film by the Russian-speaking audience. The article analyzes a choice of replicas illustrating the technique applied by the translator

    Cenzura a przekład

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    The article is devoted to the phenomenon of political censorship in the Polish cinematography from the perspective of a film translator. The conclusions presented in the article have been drawn on the basis of an analysis of translations of Polish films into Russian done by means of subtitles, dubbing and the voice over technique. In order to evade limitations imposed by the ruling political party translators used various techniques which significantly influenced a final version of the translator’s work (i.e. film). Understanding implicitly presented threads of the plot allows for correct interpretation of the work in which a part of the meaning is hidden or indirectly presented through e.g. metaphors, symbols or music. The author also emphasises that the film is an art form in which information included in its each layer plays an important role in understanding meaning of the whole work

    Biomarkers of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in localized, surgically treated clear-cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Introduction. It has been suggested that the metastatic potential of neoplastic cells can be predicted on the basis of their biological features, including expression of proteins involved in the epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Therefore, the purpose of this work was to (1) evaluate the expression of EMT markers: ZEB2, vimentin, N-cadherin, TWIST, PTEN, survivin, E-cadherin, Ki-67 and GLUT-1, (2) assess mutation status of two genes: PIK3CA and KRAS, and (3) investigate the potential relationships between the studied biomarkers and clinicopathological factors in clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC).Material and methods. Tumor tissue samples (embedded in paraffin blocks) from 159 patients undergoing radical nephrectomy were analyzed. Proteins expression was evaluated immunohistochemically. DNA mutations were analyzed on DNA isolated from tumor tissue and amplified by real-time PCR detection using suitable fluorescent labeled TaqMan assays.Results. One hundred and seven men and 52 women of mean age of 63.1years were enrolled. Fifty four cancers at pTNM stage I–II and 98 at pTNM III–IV stage were diagnosed. There were 30 Fuhrman grade G1, 61 Fuhrman G2, 49 Fuhrman G3 and 19 Fuhrman G4 tumors. A negative correlation between ZEB2 (p = 0.047, r = –0.172) or E-cadherin expression (p = 0.027, r = –0.191) and TNM was observed. Positive association between grade and Ki-67 (p < 0.001), survivin (p < 0.001), vimentin (p < 0.001) immunoreactivity and negative association between TWIST expression (p = 0.029) or PTEN expression (p = 0.013) were found. Ki-67 expression was positively correlated with survivin (p < 0.001, r = 0.617), vimentin (p = 0.001, r = 0.251) and N-cadherin (p = 0,009, r = 0.207) immunoreactivity which can suggest tumor aggressiveness. TWIST was negatively correlated with E-cadherin (p < 0.001, r = –0.284), vimentin (p < 0.001, r = –0.297) and N-cadherin (p < 0.002, r = –0.241). ZEB2 was not associated with ccRCC grade but was negatively correlated with E-cadherin (p = 0.055, r= –0.153) and PTEN (p = 0.006). GLUT-1 expression was inversely linked to E-cadherin expression (p = 0.022, r= –0.182). Mutations in PIK3CA and KRAS genes were not found in any of the studied ccRCC tumors.Conclusions. Low-grade tumors showed higher expression of ZEB2 and TWIST proteins than high-grade tumors, which can suggest that EMT in ccRCC begins at early stages of tumor development and, therefore, evaluation of these proteins, together with other biomarkers, may be useful for assessment of the tumor metastatic potential

    „W cieniu madame się zrazu chował, a potem ją monsieur zluzował”. Rosyjskie wychowanie szlacheckich dzieci w I połowie XIX wieku

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    In the first half of 19th century in Russia, being a child of parents from upper class, was not enough to earn the name of true nobleman. It was only a beginning of the arduous process. From the cradle the offspring was taught that the aristocrat should excel in courage, Western manners and languages, general education, artistic talents and athletics. A true Russian nobleman could not differ in any way from his Western European counterpart. In this paper we analyze the childhood reminiscences of Alexander Pushkin as well as his works understood as an example of the influence of the Western model  of upbringing on the personality and development of a Russian noble’s child.In the first half of 19th century in Russia, being a child of parents from upper class, was not enough to earn the name of true nobleman. It was only a beginning of the arduous process. From the cradle the offspring was taught that the aristocrat should excel in courage, Western manners and languages, general education, artistic talents and athletics. A true Russian nobleman could not differ in any way from his Western European counterpart. In this paper we analyze the childhood reminiscences of Alexander Pushkin as well as his works understood as an example of the influence of the Western model  of upbringing on the personality and development of a Russian noble’s child