273 research outputs found

    Control of unsteady separated flow associated with the dynamic stall of airfoils

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    The two principal objectives of this research were to achieve an improved understanding of the mechanisms involved in the onset and development of dynamic stall under compressible flow conditions, and to investigate the feasibility of employing adaptive airfoil geometry as an active flow control device in the dynamic stall engine. Presented here are the results of a quantitative (PDI) study of the compressibility effects on dynamic stall over the transiently pitching airfoil, as well as a discussion of a preliminary technique developed to measure the deformation produced by the adaptive geometry control device, and bench test results obtained using an airfoil equipped with the device

    Afterbody Heat Flux Measurements in the NASA Ames HFFAF Ballistic Range

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    In order to measure afterbody heat fluxes over a model in the ballistic range, the required modifications to a proven technique for measuring forebody heat fluxes are described. This involves the use of an extended helium gas plume to remove the glowing wake and the use of special high conductivity, high temperature capable graphite-filled plastic for the afterbody. The models and test conditions are described. Data in the form of plots of the surface temperature of the models are presented. Finally, experimental and computational fluid dynamic (CFD) heat flux data for forebody and afterbody heat fluxes are presented and compared. Data are presented for a 45 degree sphere-cone (with a projecting rear stud) at 2.70 km/s and for a sphere at 4.76 km/s. Both models were launched into 76 Torr of CO2 gas. The experimental forebody heat fluxes were within 1.5% of the CFD values. The experimental afterbody heat fluxes were within 1% of the CFD values for the sphere, but only 51% of the CFD values for the sphere-cone

    Rough-Wall Turbulent Heat Transfer Experiments in Hypersonic Free Flight

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    Experiments are being conducted in the NASA Ames Hypervelocity Free Flight Aerodynamic Facility to quantify the effects on turbulent convective heat transfer of surface roughness representative of a new class of 3D woven thermal protection system mRough-wall turbulent heat transfer measurements were obtained on ballistic-range models in hypersonic flight in the NASA Ames Hypervelocity Free Flight Aerodynamic Facility. Each model had three different surface textures on segments of the conic frustum: smooth wall, sand roughness, and a pattern roughness, thus providing smooth-wall and sand-roughness reference data for each test. The pattern roughness was representative of a woven thermal protection system material developed by NASA's Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology project. The tests were conducted at launch speeds of 3.2 km/s in air at 0.15 atm. Roughness Reynolds numbers, k+, ranged for 12 to 70 for the sand roughness, and as high as 200 for the pattern roughness. Boundary-layer parameters required for calculating k+ were evaluated using computational fluid dynamics simulations. The effects of pattern roughness are generally characterized by an equivalent sand roughness determined with a correlation developed from experimental data obtained on specifically-designed roughness patterns that do not necessarily resemble real TPS materials. Two sand roughness correlations were examined: Dirling and van Rij, et al. Both gave good agreement with the measured heat-flux augmentation for the two larger pattern roughness heights tested, but not for the smallest height tested. It has yet to be determined whether this difference is due to limitations in the experimental approach, or due to limits in the correlations used. Future experiments are planned that will include roughness patterns more like those used in developing the equivalent sand roughness correlations.aterials being developed by NASA's Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology (HEEET) project. Data were simultaneously obtained on sand-grain roughened surfaces and smooth surfaces, which can be compared with previously obtained data. Results are presented in this extended abstract for one roughness pattern. The full paper will include results from three roughness patterns representing virgin HEEET, nominal turbulent ablated HEEET, and twice the roughness of nominal turbulent ablated HEEET. Results will be used to compare with commonly used equivalent sand grain roughness correlations

    Sabots, Obturator and Gas-In-Launch Tube Techniques for Heat Flux Models in Ballistic Ranges

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    For thermal protection system (heat shield) design for space vehicle entry into earth and other planetary atmospheres, it is essential to know the augmentation of the heat flux due to vehicle surface roughness. At the NASA Ames Hypervelocity Free Flight Aerodynamic Facility (HFFAF) ballistic range, a campaign of heat flux studies on rough models, using infrared camera techniques, has been initiated. Several phenomena can interfere with obtaining good heat flux data when using this measuring technique. These include leakage of the hot drive gas in the gun barrel through joints in the sabot (model carrier) to create spurious thermal imprints on the model forebody, deposition of sabot material on the model forebody, thereby changing the thermal properties of the model surface and unknown in-barrel heating of the model. This report presents developments in launch techniques to greatly reduce or eliminate these problems. The techniques include the use of obturator cups behind the launch package, enclosed versus open front sabot designs and the use of hydrogen gas in the launch tube. Attention also had to be paid to the problem of the obturator drafting behind the model and impacting the model. Of the techniques presented, the obturator cups and hydrogen in the launch tube were successful when properly implemente

    Transition Experiments on Blunt Bodies with Isolated Roughness Elements in Hypersonic Free Flight

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    Smooth titanium hemispheres with isolated three-dimensional (3D) surface roughness elements were flown in the NASA Ames hypersonic ballistic range through quiescent CO2 and air environments. Global surface intensity (temperature) distributions were optically measured and thermal wakes behind individual roughness elements were analyzed to define tripping effectiveness. Real-gas Navier-Stokes calculations of model flowfields, including laminar boundary layer development in these flowfields, were conducted predict key dimensionless parameters used to correlate transition on blunt bodies in hypersonic flow. For isolated roughness elements totally immersed within the laminar boundary layer, critical roughness Reynolds numbers for flights in air were found to be higher than those measured for flights in CO2, i.e., it was easier to trip the CO2 boundary layer to turbulence. Tripping effectiveness was found to be dependent on trip location within the subsonic region of the blunt body flowfield, with effective tripping being most difficult to achieve for elements positioned closest to the stagnation point. Direct comparisons of critical roughness Reynolds numbers for 3D isolated versus 3D distributed roughness elements for flights in air showed that distributed roughness patterns were significantly more effective at tripping the blunt body laminar boundary layer to turbulence

    Predicting Temporal Patterns In The Environment: Toward Primitive Mechanisms Of Learning, Memory, And Generalization

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    Across a wide range of cognitive tasks, recent experience influences subsequent behavior. For example, when individuals repeatedly perform a speeded two-alternative choice task, response latencies vary dramatically based on the immediately preceding sequence. These sequential dependencies (SDs) have been interpreted as adaptation to the statistical structure of an uncertain, changing environment (e.g., Jones & Sieck, 2003; Mozer, Kinoshita, & Shettel, 2007; Yu & Cohen, 2009), and can shed light on how individuals learn and represent structure in binary stimulus sequences. Heretofore, theories have posited that SDs arise from rapidly (exponentially) decaying memory traces of various environmental statistics (e.g., Cho et al., 2002; Yu & Cohen, 2009).

We present a series of experiments and a model that place SDs on a fundamentally different foundation. We show that: (1) decay of recent experience can follow a power function curve, not an exponential, linking the SD literature
to a rich literature on human declarative memory; (2) the simple trace-based mechanism underlying existing accounts is inadequate, but incremental memory adjustments may be explained via error correction, linking the SD literature to the rich literature on human associative learning; and (3) distinct but interacting subsystems are found in the brain that jointly predict upcoming environmental events. 

We conducted three behavioral studies with EEG recordings of individuals performing discrimination of spatial location and motion coherence. Identifying the onset of the lateralized readiness potential (LRP) in an event-related EEG analysis, we are able to decompose the total response latency into two intervals—pre and post LRP onset—and to examine SDs in stimulus and response processing separately. We find evidence for two distinct mechanisms, one reflecting incremental learning of stimulus repetition rate (i.e., the probability that successive
stimuli will match), and the other reflecting incremental learning of response baserates. The data cannot be explained by a model that assumes these rates are based on independent traces, and calls for an account in which the two rates jointly predict future stimuli via error-correction learning. 

By manipulating the autocorrelation structure of the sequences (from a positive to a negative autocorrelation, indicated on the graphs by blue and red lines, respectively), we obtained evidence for incremental learning occurring over hundreds of trials, which is parsimoniously explained by a memory with power function decay. Together, the results highlight a tension between the two broad and well established classes of trace-based memory models and learning models based on error correction. Two attempts at reconciling these approaches via modeling are discussed

    Transition Experiments on Blunt Bodies with Distributed Roughness in Hypersonic Free Flight in Carbon Dioxide

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    Blunt-body geometries were flown through carbon dioxide in the NASA Ames Hypervelocity Free Flight Aerodynamic Facility to investigate the influence of distributed surface roughness on transition to turbulence in CO2-dominated atmospheres, such as those of Mars and Venus. Tests were also performed in air for direct comparison with archival results. Models of hemispherical and spherically-blunted large-angle conical geometries were flown at speeds between 2.8 km/s and 5.1 km/s and freestream pressures between 50 Torr and 228 Torr. Transition fronts were determined from global surface heat flux distributions measured using thermal imaging techniques. Distributed surface roughness was produced by grit-blasting the model surfaces. Real-gas Navier-Stokes solutions were used to calculate non-dimensional correlating parameters at the measured transition onset locations. Transition-onset locations correlated well with a constant roughness Reynolds number based on the mean roughness element height. The critical roughness Reynolds number for transition onset determined for flight in CO2 was 223 +/- 25%. This mean value is lower than the critical value of 250 +/- 20% previously-established from tests conducted in air, but within the bounds of the expected measurement uncertainty

    Advanced Spectroscopic and Thermal Imaging Instrumentation for Shock Tube and Ballistic Range Facilities

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    The Electric Arc Shock Tube (EAST) facility and Hypervelocity Free Flight Aerodynamic Facility (HFFAF, an aeroballistic range) at NASA Ames support basic research in aerothermodynamic phenomena of atmospheric entry, specifically shock layer radiation spectroscopy, convective and radiative heat transfer, and transition to turbulence. Innovative optical instrumentation has been developed and implemented to meet the challenges posed from obtaining such data in these impulse facilities. Spatially and spectrally resolved measurements of absolute radiance of a travelling shock wave in EAST are acquired using multiplexed, time-gated imaging spectrographs. Nearly complete spectral coverage from the vacuum ultraviolet to the near infrared is possible in a single experiment. Time-gated thermal imaging of ballistic range models in flight enables quantitative, global measurements of surface temperature. These images can be interpreted to determine convective heat transfer rates and reveal transition to turbulence due to isolated and distributed surface roughness at hypersonic velocities. The focus of this paper is a detailed description of the optical instrumentation currently in use in the EAST and HFFAF

    Upgrades and Modifications of the NASA Ames HFFAF Ballistic Range

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    The NASA Ames Hypervelocity Free Flight Aerodynamics Facility ballistic range is described. The various configurations of the shadowgraph stations are presented. This includes the original stations with film and configurations with two different types of digital cameras. Resolution tests for the 3 shadowgraph station configurations are described. The advantages of the digital cameras are discussed, including the immediate availability of the shadowgraphs. The final shadowgraph station configuration is a mix of 26 Nikon cameras and 6 PI-MAX2 cameras. Two types of trigger light sheet stations are described visible and IR. The two gunpowders used for the NASA Ames 6.251.50 light gas guns are presented. These are the Hercules HC-33-FS powder (no longer available) and the St. Marks Powder WC 886 powder. The results from eight proof shots for the two powders are presented. Both muzzle velocities and piston velocities are 5 9 lower for the new St. Marks WC 886 powder than for the old Hercules HC-33-FS powder (no longer available). The experimental and CFD (computational) piston and muzzle velocities are in good agreement. Shadowgraph-reading software that employs template-matching pattern recognition to locate the ballistic-range model is described. Templates are generated from a 3D solid model of the ballistic-range model. The accuracy of the approach is assessed using a set of computer-generated test images

    Convective Fingering of an Autocatalytic Reaction Front

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    We report experimental observations of the convection-driven fingering instability of an iodate-arsenous acid chemical reaction front. The front propagated upward in a vertical slab; the thickness of the slab was varied to control the degree of instability. We observed the onset and subsequent nonlinear evolution of the fingers, which were made visible by a {\it p}H indicator. We measured the spacing of the fingers during their initial stages and compared this to the wavelength of the fastest growing linear mode predicted by the stability analysis of Huang {\it et. al.} [{\it Phys. Rev. E}, {\bf 48}, 4378 (1993), and unpublished]. We find agreement with the thickness dependence predicted by the theory.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex with 3 eps figures. To be published in Phys Rev E, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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