294 research outputs found

    Descritpion of Exotic Nuclei Using Continuum Shell Model

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    In weakly bound exotic nuclei, number of excited bound states or narrow resonances is small and, moreover, they couple strongly to the particle continuum. Hence, these systems should be described in the quantum open system formalism which does not artificially separate the subspaces of (quasi-) bound and scattering states. The Shell Model Embedded in the Continuum provides a novel approach which solves this problem. Examples of application in sd-shell nuclei will be presented.Comment: Presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop Brijuni, Pula, Croatia, June 2-5, 200

    Results from Shell Model Monte Carlo Studies

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    We review results obtained using Shell Model Monte Carlo (SMMC) techniques. These methods reduce the imaginary-time many-body evolution operator to a coherent superposition of one-body evolutions in fluctuating one-body fields; the resultant path integral is evaluated stochastically. After a brief review of the methods, we discuss a variety of nuclear physics applications. These include studies of the ground-state properties of pf-shell nuclei, Gamow-Teller strength distributions, thermal and rotational pairing properties of nuclei near N=Z, Îł\gamma-soft nuclei, and ÎČÎČ\beta\beta-decay in ^{76}Ge. Several other illustrative calculations are also reviewed. Finally, we discuss prospects for further progress in SMMC and related calculations

    Time-odd triaxial relativistic mean field approach for nuclear magnetic moments

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    The time-odd triaxial relativistic mean field approach is developed and applied to the investigation of the ground-state properties of light odd-mass nuclei near the double-closed shells. The nuclear magnetic moments including the isoscalar and isovector ones are calculated and good agreement with Schmidt values is obtained. Taking 17^{17}F as an example, the splitting of the single particle levels (around  0.7~0.7 MeV near the Fermi level), the nuclear current, the core polarizations, and the nuclear magnetic potential, i.e., the spatial part of the vector potential, due to the violation of the time reversal invariance are investigated in detail.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures. PHYSICAL REVIEW C (accepted

    Beta-decay properties of 25^{25}Si and 26^{26}P

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    The ÎČ\beta-decay properties of the neutron-deficient nuclei 25^{25}Si and 26^{26}P have been investigated at the GANIL/LISE3 facility by means of charged-particle and Îł\gamma-ray spectroscopy. The decay schemes obtained and the Gamow-Teller strength distributions are compared to shell-model calculations based on the USD interaction. B(GT) values derived from the absolute measurement of the ÎČ\beta-decay branching ratios give rise to a quenching factor of the Gamow-Teller strength of 0.6. A precise half-life of 43.7 (6) ms was determined for 26^{26}P, the ÎČ\beta- (2)p decay mode of which is described

    On the Strength of Spin-Isospin Transitions in A=28 Nuclei

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    The relations between the strengths of spin-isospin transition operators extracted from direct nuclear reactions, magnetic scattering of electrons and processes of semi-leptonic weak interactions are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, 1Postscript with figur

    Muon capture on nuclei with N > Z, random phase approximation, and in-medium renormalization of the axial-vector coupling constant

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    We use the random phase approximation to describe the muon capture rate on 44{}^{44}Ca,48{}^{48}Ca, 56{}^{56}Fe, 90{}^{90}Zr, and 208{}^{208}Pb. With 40{}^{40}Ca as a test case, we show that the Continuum Random Phase Approximation (CRPA) and the standard RPA give essentially equivalent descriptions of the muon capture process. Using the standard RPA with the free nucleon weak form factors we reproduce the experimental total capture rates on these nuclei quite well. Confirming our previous CRPA result for the N=ZN = Z nuclei, we find that the calculated rates would be significantly lower than the data if the in-medium quenching of the axial-vector coupling constant were employed.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    RPA vs. exact shell-model correlation energies

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    The random phase approximation (RPA) builds in correlations left out by mean-field theory. In full 0-hbar-omega shell-model spaces we calculate the Hartree-Fock + RPA binding energy, and compare it to exact diagonalization. We find that in general HF+RPA gives a very good approximation to the ``exact'' ground state energy. In those cases where RPA is less satisfactory, however, there is no obvious correlation with properties of the HF state, such as deformation or overlap with the exact ground state wavefunction.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Mass Dependence of M3Y-Type Interactions and the Effects of Tensor Correlations

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    The mass dependence of the M3Y-type effective interactions and the effects of tensor correlations are examined. Two-body nuclear matrix elements are obtained by the lowest order constrained variational (LOCV) technique with and without tensor correlations. We have found that the tensor correlations are important especially in the triplet-even (TE) and tensor-even (TNE) channels in order to reproduce the G-matrix elements obtained previously. Then M3Y-type potentials for inelastic scattering are obtained by fitting our two-body matrix elements to those of a sum of Yukawa functions for the mass numbers A=24, A=40 and A=90.Comment: 13 pages, 6 table

    Quadrupole Moments of Neutron-Deficient 20,21^{20, 21}Na

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    The electric-quadrupole coupling constant of the ground states of the proton drip line nucleus 20^{20}Na(IπI^{\pi} = 2+^{+}, T1/2T_{1/2} = 447.9 ms) and the neutron-deficient nucleus 21^{21}Na(IπI^{\pi} = 3/2+^{+}, T1/2T_{1/2} = 22.49 s) in a hexagonal ZnO single crystal were precisely measured to be ∣eqQ/h∣=690±12|eqQ/h| = 690 \pm 12 kHz and 939 ±\pm 14 kHz, respectively, using the multi-frequency ÎČ\beta-ray detecting nuclear magnetic resonance technique under presence of an electric-quadrupole interaction. A electric-quadrupole coupling constant of 27^{27}Na in the ZnO crystal was also measured to be ∣eqQ/h∣=48.4±3.8|eqQ/h| = 48.4 \pm 3.8 kHz. The electric-quadrupole moments were extracted as ∣Q(20|Q(^{20}Na)∣| = 10.3 ±\pm 0.8 ee fm2^2 and ∣Q(21|Q(^{21}Na)∣| = 14.0 ±\pm 1.1 ee fm2^2, using the electric-coupling constant of 27^{27}Na and the known quadrupole moment of this nucleus as references. The present results are well explained by shell-model calculations in the full sdsd-shell model space.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physics Letters
