35 research outputs found

    True gender ratios and stereotype rating norms

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    We present a study comparing, in English, perceived distributions of men and women in 422 named occupations with actual real world distributions. The first set of data was obtained from previous a large-scale norming study, whereas the second set was mostly drawn from UK governmental sources. In total, real world ratios for 290 occupations were obtained for our perceive vs. real world comparison, of which 205 were deemed to be unproblematic. The means for the two sources were similar and the correlation between them was high, suggesting that people are generally accurate at judging real gender ratios, though there were some notable exceptions. Beside this correlation, some interesting patterns emerged from the two sources, suggesting some response strategies when people complete norming studies. We discuss these patterns in terms of the way real world data might complement norming studies in determining gender stereotypicality

    Wireless technologies for the construction sector—Requirements, energy and cost efficiencies

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    The construction sector has been rather reluctant with respect to the implementation of ITC innovations that other industries have adopted for years. One of the reasons could be the lack of services by the proposed innovations especially the RFID solutions. This technology is well‐researched within the building sector and is therefore used to analyse requirements for alternative technologies. The motivationof the current work is to find upcoming technologies that bring improvements into the sector, for example improved life cycle costs and energy efficiencies, increasing quality, construction and operation efficiency and reducing faults and losses.The paper also lays out requirements expected by the sector. It will be shown that the wireless sensor network technology is a strong competitor that may meet the requirements. By analysing the application of such technologies throughout the building lifecycle, the utilization can be manifold, hereby minimising overall economic costs and maximising the added values for all involved stakeholders.Based on the expectations of the sector, the experiences with the introduction of the RFID technology and by estimating the applicability of the extra services that follow the wireless sensor network, the paper will line up the requirements that the new technology has to meet to be introduced successfully