72 research outputs found

    Optogenetics and deep brain stimulation neurotechnologies

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    Brain neural network is composed of densely packed, intricately wired neurons whose activity patterns ultimately give rise to every behavior, thought, or emotion that we experience. Over the past decade, a novel neurotechnique, optogenetics that combines light and genetic methods to control or monitor neural activity patterns, has proven to be revolutionary in understanding the functional role of specific neural circuits. We here briefly describe recent advance in optogenetics and compare optogenetics with deep brain stimulation technology that holds the promise for treating many neurological and psychiatric disorders

    The Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) Tir Effector Inhibits NF-κB Activity by Targeting TNFα Receptor-Associated Factors

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    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) disease depends on the transfer of effector proteins into epithelia lining the human small intestine. EPEC E2348/69 has at least 20 effector genes of which six are located with the effector-delivery system genes on the Locus of Enterocyte Effacement (LEE) Pathogenicity Island. Our previous work implied that non-LEE-encoded (Nle) effectors possess functions that inhibit epithelial anti-microbial and inflammation-inducing responses by blocking NF-κB transcription factor activity. Indeed, screens by us and others have identified novel inhibitory mechanisms for NleC and NleH, with key co-operative functions for NleB1 and NleE1. Here, we demonstrate that the LEE-encoded Translocated-intimin receptor (Tir) effector has a potent and specific ability to inhibit NF-κB activation. Indeed, biochemical, imaging and immunoprecipitation studies reveal a novel inhibitory mechanism whereby Tir interaction with cytoplasm-located TNFα receptor-associated factor (TRAF) adaptor proteins induces their proteasomal-independent degradation. Infection studies support this Tir-TRAF relationship but reveal that Tir, like NleC and NleH, has a non-essential contribution in EPEC's NF-κB inhibitory capacity linked to Tir's activity being suppressed by undefined EPEC factors. Infections in a disease-relevant intestinal model confirm key NF-κB inhibitory roles for the NleB1/NleE1 effectors, with other studies providing insights on host targets. The work not only reveals a second Intimin-independent property for Tir and a novel EPEC effector-mediated NF-κB inhibitory mechanism but also lends itself to speculations on the evolution of EPEC's capacity to inhibit NF-κB function

    NetKet: A machine learning toolkit for many-body quantum systems

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    We introduce NetKet, a comprehensive open source framework for the study of many-body quantum systems using machine learning techniques. The framework is built around a general and flexible implementation of neural-network quantum states, which are used as a variational ansatz for quantum wavefunctions. NetKet provides algorithms for several key tasks in quantum many-body physics and quantum technology, namely quantum state tomography, supervised learning from wavefunction data, and ground state searches for a wide range of customizable lattice models. Our aim is to provide a common platform for open research and to stimulate the collaborative development of computational methods at the interface of machine learning and many-body physics

    fMRI-brain mapping of pneumatic rectal stimulation

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    Modelling Multidimensional Data in a Dataflow-Based Visual Data Analysis Environment

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    . Multidimensional data analysis is currently being discussed in terms like OLAP, data warehousing, or decision support, mainly concentrating on business applications. Numerous OLAP-tools providing flexible query facilities for datacubes are being designed and distributed. Typical analysis sessions with these kind of systems comprise long and branching sequences of exploratory analysis steps which base upon each other. While concentrating on single functions and processing steps, management of this analysis process as a whole is scarcely supported. This paper proposes a dataflow-based visual programming environment for multidimensional data analysis (VIOLA) as an approach to deal with this problem. Providing a foundation of basic operations, data processing, navigation, and user interaction, an appropriate data model (MADEIRA) is developed. Epidemiological studies, i. e. investigations of aggregate data on populations, their state of health, and potential risk factors, will serve as a ..

    Segregation of visceral and somatosensory afferents. An fMRI and cytoarchitectonic mapping study

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    Ano-rectal stimulation provides an important model for the processing of somatosensory and visceral sensations in the human nervous system. In spite of their anatomical proximity, the anal canal is innervated by somatosensory afferents whereas the rectum is innervated by the visceral nervous system. In a functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) experiment, we examined the cerebral responses to pneumatic balloon distension of these two structures to test whether somatosensory and visceral stimulation elicited distinct brain activations in spite of their spinal convergence. The specificity of the identified activations was analyzed by Bayesian mixed effects modeling. Activations in the parietal operculum were also compared to the location of cytoarchitectonically defined areas OP 1-4, which are part of the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII), to analyze whether the SII region was activated by anal and/or rectal stimulation. The lowest segregation between visceral and somatosensory stimuli was in the insular cortex, which supports the interpretation of the insula as an integrative region, receiving input from different sensory modalities. The most distinct segregation was found in the fronto-parietal operculum. Here the activations following anal and rectal stimulation were not only functionally but also anatomically distinct. Anal sensations were processed similar to other somatosensory stimuli in the SII cortex (area OP 4). Rectal afferents on the other hand were not processed in SII. Rather, they evoked activation at a more anterior location on the precentral operculum. These results demonstrate a functionally and anatomically distinct processing of somatosensory and visceral afferents in the human cerebral cortex

    Thermodynamic properties of the Shastry-Sutherland model throughout the dimer-product phase

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    The thermodynamic properties of the Shastry-Sutherland model have posed one of the longest-lasting conundrums in frustrated quantum magnetism. Over a wide range on both sides of the quantum phase transition (QPT) from the dimer-product state to the plaquette-based ground state, neither analytical nor any available numerical methods have come close to reproducing the physics of the excited states and thermal response. We solve this problem in the dimer-product phase by introducing two qualitative advances in computational physics. One is the use of thermal pure quantum (TPQ) states to augment dramatically the size of clusters amenable to exact diagonalization. The second is the use of tensor-network methods, in the form of infinite projected entangled-pair states (iPEPS), for the calculation of finite-temperature quantities. We demonstrate convergence as a function of system size in TPQ calculations and of bond dimension in our iPEPS results, with complete mutual agreement even extremely close to the QPT. Our methods reveal a remarkably sharp and low-lying feature in the magnetic specific heat, whose origin appears to lie in a proliferation of excitations composed of two-triplon bound states. The surprisingly low energy scale and apparently extended spatial nature of these states explain the failure of less refined numerical approaches to capture their physics. Both of our methods will have broad and immediate application in addressing the thermodynamic response of a wide range of highly frustrated magnetic models and materials

    Cerebral Activation during Anal and Rectal Stimulation

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    While the rectum is innervated by visceral afferents, the anal canal is innervated by the somatosensory pudendal nerve. The representation of these two central domains of intestinal sensations in the human brain is largely unknown. Nonpainful pneumatic stimulation of the anal canal and the distal rectum using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was performed in eight healthy subjects. Subjective scaling of sensations revealed no differences in unpleasantness and pain during both stimuli. Both types of stimuli revealed fMRI activation in secondary somatosensory, insula, cingular gyrus, left inferior parietal, and right orbitofrontal cortex. Anal stimulation resulted in additional activation of primary sensory and motor cortex, supplementary motor area, and left cerebellum. We concluded that viscerorectal and somatosensory anal stimulation predominantly differ in their primary sensory activation and additional activation in motor areas. This motor response following aversive somatosensory stimuli may be caused by a reflexive avoidance reaction which is not observed after the more diffuse experienced visceral stimulation
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