281 research outputs found

    Heritage Engagement and Subjective Well-Being in the European Union

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    In this paper, we explore the relationship between different ways of getting engaged with cultural heritage and life satisfaction. Using data from a representative sample of the population of the 28 members of the European Union in 2017 collected in the Eurobarometer 88.1 (2017), we explore the relationship between use and non-use values and individual subjective well-being measured as life satisfaction. We present the results derived from the estimation of an ordered probit model where life satisfaction is a function of living near to heritage resources to represent non-use values, different ways of heritage participation (tangible, intangible, digital, and volunteering), and the usual explanatory variables that have been found to be predictors of life satisfaction. Our results indicate that the chances of being more satisfied with ones’ life increase with volunteering activities, with visits to heritage institutions, and with digital engagement. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the multifaceted values of heritage.This research was funded by the Basque Government (IT336-19), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-108718GB-I00) for Ateca-Amestoy, and by the Catalan Government (2017 SGR 422) for Villarroya

    Strukturelle und Biochemische Untersuchungen des Typ III Sekretion Exportapparates von Yersinia enterocolitica

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    The enteric pathogen Y. enterocolitica uses a injection machinery called type III secretion system (T3SS) to translocate effector proteins across eukaryotic cell membranes. The supramolecular structure of the T3SS is evolutionarily related to the bacterial flagellum. The protein export itself is managed by the export apparatus, which is assembled by five membrane proteins YscR/S/T/U/V. Two of the proteins, YscU and YscV, consist of large cytoplasmic domains that are necessary for the export process. YscU plays an important role during assembly of the outer components, as its cytoplasmic domain (YscUc) recognizes translocators as individual substrates. Activation of YscU entails autocleavage at the amino acid sequence NPTH. Modification of this motif changes the properties of YscU including termination of translocator export and production of longer injectisome needles. The crystal structures of two uncleaved variants are determined by X-ray crystallography. NMR analysis of cleaved and uncleaved YscUc indicates that the global structure of the protein is retained in cleaved YscUc. The structures of uncleaved YscUc reveal that YscUc is poised for cleavage due to an optimal reaction geometry. In vivo analysis of YscU variants showed a new phenotype that combines the absence of translocator secretion with normal needle-length control. Comparison of YscU to homologue proteins reveals a common fold for the autocleavage domain and new structural information for the linker region. It has been proposed that the cytoplasmic domain of YscV (YscVc) and YscUc together form a platform for docking the ATPase-substrate complex. A purification scheme is established yielding pure and sufficient amounts of protein. Limited proteolysis indicated that YscVc consists of a linker region and a globular cytoplasmic domain. Although YscVc crystallizes in various conditions, X-ray analysis is not successful due to poor crystal quality.Das intestinale Pathogen Y. enterocolitica verwendet für den Transport von Effektoren über die eukariotische Zellmembran eine Injektionsmaschine, das Typ III Sekretions System (T3SS). Die komplexe Struktur des T3SS ist evolutionär mit dem bakteriellen Flagellum verwandt. Der Proteintransport wird durch den Exportapparat, welcher aus den 5 Membranproteinen YscR/S/T/U/V besteht, gehandhabt. Zwei dieser Proteine, YscU und YscV, besitzen große cytoplasmatische Domänen, welche eine wichtige Rolle während des Proteinexports spielen. Für den Aufbau der äußeren Komponenten ist YscU entscheidend, da die cytoplasmatische Domäne (YscUc) Translokatoren spezifisch erkennt. Zur Aktivierung wird YscU in dem Aminosäuremotiv NPTH autokatalytisch gespalten. Modifikationen dieses Motivs verhindern dessen Spaltung, so dass die Translokatoren nicht mehr erkannt und exportiert werden können. Als Folge werden längere Nadeln gebildet. Die Strukturen von zwei nicht gespaltenen YscUc Varianten wurden durch Röntgenstreuung gelöst. NMR Analysen von gespaltenen und nicht gespaltenen YscUc zeigen, dass die globuläre Struktur nach der Spaltung erhalten bleibt. Die Strukturen erklären die Spaltung aufgrund der optimalen Reaktionsgeometrie. In vivo Analysen von YscU Varianten zeigen einen neuen Phänotyp, bei dem der Transport von Translokatoren verhindert wird, aber normal lange Nadeln produziert werden. Ein Vergleich der YscUc Struktur mit Homologen zeigt eine Übereinstimmung der autokatalytischen Domäne, sowie neue Bereiche des Linkers. Es wird angenommen, dass die cytosolische Domäne von YscV (YscVc) zusammen mit YscUc eine Plattform für den ATPase-Substrat Komplex bildet. Daher wurde ein Reinigungsschema für YscVc etabliert. Untersuchungen durch limitierte Proteolyse zeigen, dass YscVc aus einem Linker und einer globulären Domäne besteht. Obwohl YscVc unter einer Vielzahl von Bedingungen kristallisierte, war eine Strukturanalyse aufgrund der schlechten Kristallqualität nicht möglich

    Status and Plans for the Array Control and Data Acquisition System of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next-generation atmospheric Cherenkov gamma-ray observatory. CTA will consist of two installations, one in the northern, and the other in the southern hemisphere, containing tens of telescopes of different sizes. The CTA performance requirements and the inherent complexity associated with the operation, control and monitoring of such a large distributed multi-telescope array leads to new challenges in the field of the gamma-ray astronomy. The ACTL (array control and data acquisition) system will consist of the hardware and software that is necessary to control and monitor the CTA arrays, as well as to time-stamp, read-out, filter and store -at aggregated rates of few GB/s- the scientific data. The ACTL system must be flexible enough to permit the simultaneous automatic operation of multiple sub-arrays of telescopes with a minimum personnel effort on site. One of the challenges of the system is to provide a reliable integration of the control of a large and heterogeneous set of devices. Moreover, the system is required to be ready to adapt the observation schedule, on timescales of a few tens of seconds, to account for changing environmental conditions or to prioritize incoming scientific alerts from time-critical transient phenomena such as gamma ray bursts. This contribution provides a summary of the main design choices and plans for building the ACTL system.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    The readout and control system of the mid-size telescope prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is one of the major ground-based astronomy projects being pursued and will be the largest facility for ground-based y-ray observations ever built. CTA will consist of two arrays: one in the Northern hemisphere composed of about 20 telescopes, and the other one in the Southern hemisphere composed of about 100 telescopes, both arrays containing telescopes of different type and size. A prototype for the Mid-Size Telescope (MST) with a diameter of 12 m has been installed in Berlin and is currently being commissioned. This prototype is composed of a mechanical structure, a drive system and mirror facets mounted with powered actuators to enable active control. Five Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) cameras, and a wide set of sensors allow the evaluation of the performance of the instrument. The design of the control software is following concepts and tools under evaluation within the CTA consortium in order to provide a realistic test-bed for the middleware: 1) The readout and control system for the MST prototype is implemented with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Common Software (ACS) distributed control middleware; 2) the OPen Connectivity-Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is used for hardware access; 3) the document oriented MongoDB database is used for an efficient storage of CCD images, logging and alarm information: and 4) MySQL and MongoDB databases are used for archiving the slow control monitoring data and for storing the operation configuration parameters. In this contribution, the details of the implementation of the control system for the MST prototype telescope are described.Peer Reviewe

    HERIWELL – Cultural Heritage as a Source of Societal Well-being in European Regions

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    The importance of cultural heritage (CH) in fostering social and economic progress is increasingly acknowledged. However, how to measure the impacts of cultural heritage on individual and societal well being remains a challenge. There is still the need for structuring a comprehensive methodological framework for the assessment of the role of CH in society. The HERIWELL project aims to fill in this gap by providing a detailed picture of the contribution of cultural heritage to various aspects of our lives and societies, as well as a structured conceptual framework and a multimethod assessment design. There is also attention to contested and neglected heritage and the Covid-19 effects on delivering and accessing CH resources

    Il museo relazionale. Riflessioni ed esperienze europee

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    I contributi raccolti nel volume affrontano più aspetti della vita del museo, tutti però coinvolti dalle dimensioni della relazione: le filosofie e le tecniche di comunicazione culturale, i concetti di un appropriato marketing museale, le strategie di costruzione e di veicolazione dell'immagine, le logiche organizzative, i modelli educativi, l'utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie.- Indice #5- Una nuova edizione del Museo relazionale #9- Introduzione Perché il museo relazionale ?, Simona Bodo e Marco Demarie #11- Prefazione alla nuova edizione, Simona Bodo #25- Nuovi valori, nuove voci, nuove narrative: l’evoluzione dei modelli comunicativi nei musei d’arte, Eilean Hooper-Greenhill #29- Ripensare il museo d’arte come risorsa educativa: marketing e curatela rivisitati in risposta a pubblici complessi, Eric Moody #69- Costruzione e veicolazione dell’immagine nei musei d’arte: verso nuovi concetti di marketing museale, Fiona McLean #89- Leggibilità e accesso: le tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione al servizio del museo d’arte, Anne Fahy #109- Politiche del patrimonio e marketing museale in Germania. Prospettive dall’esperienza di Colonia, Andreas Johann Wiesand #129- Musei d’arte e politiche di sviluppo del turismo urbano nel caso francese, Jean Michel Tobelem #167- Per un’ “immagine sostenibile”. Modelli organizzativi, professionalità, efficacia comunicativa nel caso dei musei di Glasgow, Julian Spalding #195- I musei e la lotta alla disuguaglianza sociale: ruoli, responsabilità, resistenze, Richard Sandell #21

    Deep-Inelastic Inclusive ep Scattering at Low x and a Determination of alpha_s

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    A precise measurement of the inclusive deep-inelastic e^+p scattering cross section is reported in the kinematic range 1.5<= Q^2 <=150 GeV^2 and 3*10^(-5)<= x <=0.2. The data were recorded with the H1 detector at HERA in 1996 and 1997, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 20 pb^(-1). The double differential cross section, from which the proton structure function F_2(x,Q^2) and the longitudinal structure function F_L(x,Q^2) are extracted, is measured with typically 1% statistical and 3% systematic uncertainties. The measured partial derivative (dF_2(x,Q^2)/dln Q^2)_x is observed to rise continuously towards small x for fixed Q^2. The cross section data are combined with published H1 measurements at high Q^2 for a next-to-leading order DGLAP QCD analysis.The H1 data determine the gluon momentum distribution in the range 3*10^(-4)<= x <=0.1 to within an experimental accuracy of about 3% for Q^2 =20 GeV^2. A fit of the H1 measurements and the mu p data of the BCDMS collaboration allows the strong coupling constant alpha_s and the gluon distribution to be simultaneously determined. A value of alpha _s(M_Z^2)=0.1150+-0.0017 (exp) +0.0009-0.0005 (model) is obtained in NLO, with an additional theoretical uncertainty of about +-0.005, mainly due to the uncertainty of the renormalisation scale.Comment: 68 pages, 24 figures and 18 table

    Searches at HERA for Squarks in R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry

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    A search for squarks in R-parity violating supersymmetry is performed in e^+p collisions at HERA at a centre of mass energy of 300 GeV, using H1 data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 37 pb^(-1). The direct production of single squarks of any generation in positron-quark fusion via a Yukawa coupling lambda' is considered, taking into account R-parity violating and conserving decays of the squarks. No significant deviation from the Standard Model expectation is found. The results are interpreted in terms of constraints within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), the constrained MSSM and the minimal Supergravity model, and their sensitivity to the model parameters is studied in detail. For a Yukawa coupling of electromagnetic strength, squark masses below 260 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level in a large part of the parameter space. For a 100 times smaller coupling strength masses up to 182 GeV are excluded.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, 3 table

    Multi-Jet Event Rates in Deep Inelastic Scattering and Determination of the Strong Coupling Constant

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    Jet event rates in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA are investigated applying the modified JADE jet algorithm. The analysis uses data taken with the H1 detector in 1994 and 1995. The data are corrected for detector and hadronization effects and then compared with perturbative QCD predictions using next-to-leading order calculations. The strong coupling constant alpha_S(M_Z^2) is determined evaluating the jet event rates. Values of alpha_S(Q^2) are extracted in four different bins of the negative squared momentum transfer~\qq in the range from 40 GeV2 to 4000 GeV2. A combined fit of the renormalization group equation to these several alpha_S(Q^2) values results in alpha_S(M_Z^2) = 0.117+-0.003(stat)+0.009-0.013(syst)+0.006(jet algorithm).Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, this version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.; it replaces first posted hep-ex/9807019 which had incorrect figure 4