17 research outputs found

    Online chemical adsorption studies of Hg, Tl, and Pb on SiO2 and Au surfaces in preparation for chemical investigations on Cn, Nh, and Fl at TASCA

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    Online gas-solid adsorption studies with single-atom quantities of Hg, Tl, and Pb, the lighter homologs of the superheavy elements (SHE) copernicium (Cn, Z =112), nihonium (Nh, Z =113), and flerovium (Fl, Z =114), were carried out using short-lived radioisotopes. The interaction with Au and SiO 2 surfaces was studied and the overall chemical yield was determined. Suitable radioisotopes were produced in fusion-evaporation reactions, isolated in the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA, and flushed rapidly to an adjacent setup of two gas chromatography detector arrays covered with SiO 2 (first array) and Au (second array). While Tl and Pb adsorbed on the SiO 2 surface, Hg interacts only weakly and reached the Au-covered array. Our results contribute to elucidating the influence of relativistic effects on chemical properties of the heaviest elements by providing experimental data on these lighter homologs

    Elemental analysis of Morchella esculenta from Germany

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    A collaborative study to evaluate uptake of 137Csas well as trace-, minor-, and main elements in morels(Morchella esculenta) from various habitats in Germanywas undertaken by the help of active mushroom collectorsin Germany (http://www.pilzschule.de/). 137Cs determinedby gamma spectrometry was found in all specimen andfollowed the expected post-Chernobyl distribution. Elements,determined by prompt gamma and instrumentalNAA showed large variations without clear pattern distributedacross the country

    Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Gasphasentransport von Metallelementen

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    Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Erzeugen, Bereitstellen und Transportieren von Metallelementen in gasförmiger Phase, wobei das TrĂ€gergas Kohlenstoffmonoxid enthĂ€lt und das TrĂ€gergas und die Metallelemente in einem Reaktionsvolumen zusammengefĂŒhrt werden und die Metallelemente und Kohlenstoffmonoxid zu Metallelement-Carbonyl-Komplexen synthetisieren

    In-situ formation, thermal decomposition, and adsorption studies of transition metal carbonyl complexes with short-lived radioisotopes

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    Abstract We report on the in-situ synthesis of metal carbonyl complexes with short-lived isotopes of transition metals. Complexes of molybdenum, technetium, ruthenium and rhodium were synthesized by thermalisation of products of neutron-induced fission of 249Cf in a carbon monoxide-nitrogen mixture. Complexes of tungsten, rhenium, osmium, and iridium were synthesized by thermalizing short-lived isotopes produced in 24Mg-induced fusion evaporation reactions in a carbon monoxide containing atmosphere. The chemical reactions took place at ambient temperature and pressure conditions. The complexes were rapidly transported in a gas stream to collection setups or gas phase chromatography devices. The physisorption of the complexes on Au and SiO2 surfaces was studied. We also studied the stability of some of the complexes, showing that these start to decompose at temperatures above 300 ℃ in contact with a quartz surface. Our studies lay a basis for the investigation of such complexes with transactinides.</jats:p