11 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Sebaran Air Lindi (Leachate) Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Self-Potential (SP) Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Parit Enam Kota Pangkalpinang

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    Garbage is a common pollutant that causes various negative impacts such as lack of aesthetic value to the environment, brings various types of diseases and clogs waterways. The waste is then transported and disposed of at the TPA. The Parit Six TPA in Pangkalpinang City accommodates around 150 tons of garbage every day. This will cause contamination of water, soil and ground water by leachate seeping from the pile of garbage exposed to rain. The leachate can be identified using the Geoelectric Self Potential (SP) method using a fixed base technique with a space between the electrodes of 5 m. Then obtained the results of data acquisition from 6 paths as many as 92 points. Furthermore, the resulting data will be corrected and processed to produce isopotential contours and topography. Based on isopotential contours and topography, the distribution of fluid in the area around the Parit Enam TPA Pangkalpinang City is spread in the northeast, southwest to the north of the study area. The fluid quality around the study site is known from the results of density and pH of the sample well water. These results show the distribution of leachate in the area around the Parit Enam TPA Pangkalpinang City is spread from the northeast to the southwest in the northern part of the research area and from the southwest to the southern part of the research area towards the northern part of the research area

    Penggunaan Automated Phase Picking pada Estimasi Hiposenter Gempa Lokal: Studi Kasus Lengan Atas Sulawesi

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    Estimasi Hiposenter dilakukan pada beberapa kejadian gempa lokal di Lengan atas Pulau Sulawesi. Prosesnya dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan data waktu tiba gelombang P dan S yang didapatkan melalui automated phase picking. Diagram Wadati digunakan untuk menguji kelayakan data dan HYPOINVERSE digunakan untuk estimasi hiposenter. Rasio Vp/Vs menampilkan hasil yang bervariasi dan RMS menunjukkan data picking kurang baik. Hasil ini memberikan dampak pada nilai-nilai RMS yang cukup tinggi pada estimasi hiposenter. Terjadi perbandingan terbalik pada hasil jika dilihat melalui nilai RMS antara Wadati dan HYPOINVERSE. Perlu dilakukan perbaikan data picking supaya mendapatkan estimasi yang lebih baik.Hypocenter estimation was carried out in several local earthquake events in the upper arm of Sulawesi Island. The process is carried out by utilizing P and S wave arrival time data obtained through automated phase picking. The Wadati diagram was used to test the feasibility of the data and HYPOINVERSE was used to estimate the hypocenter. Vp/Vs ratio shows varied results and RMS shows poor data picking. These results have an impact on RMS values which are quite high in the estimation of the hypocenter. There was an inverse comparison of the results when viewed through the RMS value between Wadati and HYPOINVERSE. Picking data improvements need to be done in order to get a better estimate

    Deasetilasi Kitin Cangkang Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) Menjadi Kitosan Menggunakan Iradiasi Microwave

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    The crab shell (Portunus pelagis) is still an untapped waste, especially on Bangka Island. Actually, this shell has a high value because there is chitin and chitosan. Chitosan is a biopolymer which has recently been developed into adsorbents, membranes and edible films. The deacetylation process of chitin will be the key to the quality of chitosan produced. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to see the effect of the chitin deacetylation process into chitosan using a microwave. Microwave deacetylation process is carried out with various time variations at 1200 W and 100oC. Characterization and degree of deacetylation (DD) of chitosan crab were analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The results showed that deacetylation using conventional methods for 120 minutes at a temperature 100oC had DD 76.67% while deacetylation using microwave for 40 minutes at a temperature of 100oC had a DD  77.89%. Microwave deacetylation is three times faster than conventional methods


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    Panas bumi merupakan sumber energi terbarukan yang hingga saat ini masih banyak diperbincangkan, diteliti dan dikembangkan di seluruh dunia. Bangka, merupakan salah satu pulau di Indonesia yang memiliki sistem geothermal non-vulkanik. Karakterisasi reservoir dari sistem geothermal harus dilakukan untuk menentukan potensi dari sistem geothermal tersebut. Dalam sistem geothermal non-vulkanik, identifikasi maupun karakterisasi terhadap batuan pada sumber air panas dapat dilakukan melalui dua cara yaitu secara fisis dan kimia. Secara fisis yaitu dengan menentukan sifat batuan melalui parameter fisis yang didapatkan melalui pengukuran lapangan menggunakan metode-metode geofisika. Sedangkan secara kimia yaitu dengan menentukan unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam batuan pada sumber air panas melalui pengujian laboratorium. Pada rangkuman ini dijelaskan tentang struktur batuan bawah permukaan secara fisis dengan menggunakan metode geofisika resistivity. Sedangkan kandungan unsur batuan dijelaskan melalui hasil uji laboratorium menggunakan XRD dan p-XRF. Hasil yang diperoleh berdasarkan hasil analisa fisis dan kimia menunjukkan karakteristik utama dari batuan penyusun sumber air panas di desa Nyelanding kecamatan Air Gegas kabupaten Bangka Selatan yaitu batuan granit

    Self-Potential Method to Assess Embankment Stability: A Study related to the Sidoarjo Mud Flow

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    The stability of an embankment is generally influenced by a number of factors, such as deformation, fractures, overtopping, seepage, etc. Fractures and seepage are commonly found in the LUSI (Sidoarjo mud flow) embankment. In this study, analysis of self-potential (SP) data was applied to identify fractures and seepage in the LUSI embankment. Noise-Assisted Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition (NA-MEMD) and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) were applied to determine the location of seepage and fractures in the subsurface based on SP data. The results were correlated with the 2D direct current resistivity (DCR) method, which showed that both methods worked well and were compatible in detecting and localizing fracture and seepage in the LUSI embankment


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    Indonesia mempunyai potensi besar untuk menjadi produsen logam tanah jarang (LTJ) yang semakin dibutuhkan untuk industri dalam negeri ataupun global. Data pusat sumber daya geologi menyebutkan bahwa cadangan mineral LTJ saat ini di Indonesia diperkirakan sekitar 200.000 ton. Endapan LTJ yang berasosiasi dengan batuan granitik dijumpai pada jalur timah Indonesia, salah satunya Bangka Belitung. Mineral tanah jarang (monasit, xenotime dan zircon) diasosiasikan dengan deposit alluvial timah, uranium dan emas. Di kepulauan Bangka Belitung mineral tanah jarang ditemukan sebagai mineral ikutan dari proses penambangan dan ekstraksi mineral timah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat sebaran mineral ikutan timah jarang menggunakan metode self potential dan menganalisis indikasi keterdapatan mineral logam tanah jarang menggunakan metode XRF. Metode Self potential dilakukan dengan menerapkan desain akuisisi fixed based. Pengambilan sampel uji XRF dilakukan secara acak yang tersebar di beberapa titik di sepanjang area penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sebaran mineral di daerah Danau Ampar tidak tersebarsecara merata. Mineral Quartz Vein dan Pegmatite (+10 hingga + 70 mV) sebagai mineral pembawa bijih timah mendominasi bagian Timur ke arah Baratlaut dan Barat hingga Baratlaut. Berdasarkan metode XRF terdapat indikasi keterdapatan elemen unsur tanah jarang Y, Eu dan Nd dengan kemungkinan mineral LTJ berupa Monazite dan Xenotime

    Identification of Mineralization Zones Using Geoelectrical Methods Self-Potential (Sp) in Pemali Village Bangka Regency

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    Bangka Belitung sebagai daerah yang banyak memiliki potensi sumberdaya mineral alam terutama mineral timah, potensi mineral timah ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan industri maupun non-industri. Pemanfaatan mineral ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara eksplorasi, eksplorasi sebaran mineral dapat dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan dengan menggunakan metode geofisika. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan yaitu metode geolistrik self-potential (Sp) konfigurasi fixed base. Akusisi data dilakukan pada dua area sampel penelitian yaitu, wilayah 1 dan wilayah 2 dengan jarak antar elektroda porouspot sejauh 5 m. Pengambilan data pada rover dilakukan pada setiap titik lintasan dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali pengambilan data dengan selang waktu 30 sekon, sedangkan pengambilan pada base di wilayah 1 dilakukan setiap 3 menit sedangkan di wilayah 2 dilakukan setiap 1 menit. Penelitian difokuskan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran zona mineral yang terdapat di bawah permukaan. Hasil dari penelitian berupa peta kontur yang menggambarkan pola sebaran anomali beda potensial (Sp) dan peta anomali topografi pada lokasi penelitian, yang nantinya dilakukan interpretasi untuk mengetahui arah sebaran mineral di bawah permukaan lokasi penelitianBangka Belitung as an area that has a lot of potential natural mineral resources, especially tin minerals, this tin mineral potential can be utilized for industrial and non-industrial purposes. Utilization of these minerals can be done by way of exploration, exploration of mineral distribution can be done directly in the field using geophysical methods. In this study the method used is the geoelectric method of self-potential (Sp) fixed base configuration. Data acquisition was carried out in two research sample areas, namely, region 1 and region 2 with a distance between the porouspot electrodes as far as 5 m. Data retrieval on the rover was carried out at each point of the trajectory, three times the data was taken with an interval of 30 seconds, while the retrieval at the base in region 1 was carried out every 3 minutes while in region 2 it was carried out every 1 minute. The research is focused on identifying the distribution of mineral zones below the surface. The results of the study are in the form of a contour map that describes the distribution pattern of potential difference anomalies (Sp) and a topographical anomaly map at the research location, which will later be interpreted to determine the direction of the distribution of minerals below the surface of the study site